Warning, /kdevelop/kdevelop/plugins/git/tests/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Running the test only makes sense if the git command line client
0002 # is present. So check for it before adding the test...
0003 find_program(GIT_FOUND NAMES git)
0005 if (GIT_FOUND)
0006     include_directories(
0007         ..
0008         ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/..
0009     )
0011     remove_definitions(
0012         -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII
0013         -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII
0015     )
0017     set(gittest_SRCS
0018         test_git.cpp
0019         ../repostatusmodel.cpp
0020         ../committoolview.cpp
0021         ../diffviewsctrl.cpp
0022         ../simplecommitform.cpp
0023         ../gitplugin.cpp
0024         ../gitclonejob.cpp
0025         ../stashmanagerdialog.cpp
0026         ../stashpatchsource.cpp
0027         ../rebasedialog.cpp
0028         ../gitjob.cpp
0029         ../gitmessagehighlighter.cpp
0030         ../gitplugincheckinrepositoryjob.cpp
0031         ../gitnameemaildialog.cpp
0032         ${kdevgit_LOG_PART_SRCS}
0033     )
0034     ki18n_wrap_ui(gittest_SRCS ../stashmanagerdialog.ui)
0035     ki18n_wrap_ui(gittest_SRCS ../gitnameemaildialog.ui)
0036     ki18n_wrap_ui(gittest_SRCS ../rebasedialog.ui)
0037     ecm_add_test(${gittest_SRCS}
0038         TEST_NAME test_kdevgit
0039         LINK_LIBRARIES Qt5::Test KDev::Vcs KDev::Util KDev::Tests
0040         GUI)
0041 endif ()