File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 04:39:28

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Aleix Pol <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "cmakecachedelegate.h"
0008 #include <debug.h>
0010 #include <QLineEdit>
0011 #include <QCheckBox>
0012 #include <QComboBox>
0013 #include <KUrlRequester>
0014 #include <QUrl>
0016 CMakeCacheDelegate::CMakeCacheDelegate(QObject * parent)
0017     : QItemDelegate(parent)
0018 {
0019     m_sample=new KUrlRequester();
0020 }
0022 CMakeCacheDelegate::~CMakeCacheDelegate()
0023 {
0024     delete m_sample;
0025 }
0027 QWidget * CMakeCacheDelegate::createEditor(QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const
0028 {
0029     QWidget *ret=nullptr;
0030     if(index.column()==2)
0031     {
0032         QModelIndex typeIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 1);
0033         QString type=typeIdx.model()->data(typeIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0034         if(type==QLatin1String("BOOL"))
0035         {
0036             auto* box=new QCheckBox(parent);
0037             connect(box, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CMakeCacheDelegate::checkboxToggled);
0038             ret = box;
0039         }
0040         else if(type==QLatin1String("STRING"))
0041         {
0042             QModelIndex stringsIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 5);
0043             QString strings=typeIdx.model()->data(stringsIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0044             if (!strings.isEmpty()) {
0045                 auto* comboBox = new QComboBox(parent);
0046                 comboBox->setEditable(true);
0047                 comboBox->addItems(strings.split(QLatin1Char(';')));
0048                 ret = comboBox;
0049             } else {
0050                 ret=QItemDelegate::createEditor(parent, option, index);
0051             }
0052         }
0053         else if(type==QLatin1String("PATH") || type==QLatin1String("FILEPATH"))
0054         {
0055             auto *r=new KUrlRequester(parent);
0056             if(type==QLatin1String("FILEPATH"))
0057                 r->setMode(KFile::File);
0058             else
0059                 r->setMode(KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly);
0060             emit const_cast<CMakeCacheDelegate*>(this)->sizeHintChanged ( index );
0061             qCDebug(CMAKE) << "EMITINT!" << index;
0062             ret=r;
0063         }
0064         else
0065         {
0066             ret=QItemDelegate::createEditor(parent, option, index);
0067         }
0069         if(!ret) qCDebug(CMAKE) << "Did not recognize type " << type;
0070     }
0071     return ret;
0072 }
0074 void CMakeCacheDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget * editor, const QModelIndex & index) const
0075 {
0076     if(index.column()==2)
0077     {
0078         QModelIndex typeIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 1);
0079         QString type=index.model()->data(typeIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0080         QString value=index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0081         if(type==QLatin1String("BOOL"))
0082         {
0083             auto *boolean=qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>(editor);
0084             boolean->setCheckState(value==QLatin1String("ON") ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
0085         }
0086         else if(type==QLatin1String("PATH") || type==QLatin1String("FILEPATH"))
0087         {
0088             auto *url=qobject_cast<KUrlRequester*>(editor);
0089             url->setUrl(QUrl(value));
0090         }
0091         else
0092         {
0093             QItemDelegate::setEditorData(editor, index);
0094         }
0095     }
0096     else
0097         qCDebug(CMAKE) << "Error. trying to edit a read-only field";
0098 }
0100 void CMakeCacheDelegate::setModelData(QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QModelIndex & index) const
0101 {
0102     if(index.column()==2)
0103     {
0104         QModelIndex typeIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 1);
0105         QString type=model->data(typeIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0106         QString value;
0107         if(type==QLatin1String("BOOL"))
0108         {
0109             auto *boolean=qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>(editor);
0110             value = boolean->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral("ON") : QStringLiteral("OFF");
0111         }
0112         else if(type==QLatin1String("PATH") || type==QLatin1String("FILEPATH"))
0113         {
0114             auto *urlreq=qobject_cast<KUrlRequester*>(editor);
0115             value = urlreq->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash | QUrl::PreferLocalFile); //CMake usually don't put it
0116         }
0117         else
0118         {
0119             QItemDelegate::setModelData(editor, model, index);
0120             return;
0121         }
0122         model->setData(index, value, Qt::DisplayRole);
0123     }
0124     else
0125         qCDebug(CMAKE) << "Error. trying to edit a read-only field";
0126 }
0128 void CMakeCacheDelegate::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const
0129 {
0130     if(index.column()==2)
0131     {
0132         QModelIndex typeIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 1);
0133         QString type=index.model()->data(typeIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0134         if(type==QLatin1String("BOOL"))
0135             return;
0136     }
0137     QItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);
0138 }
0140 QSize CMakeCacheDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const
0141 {
0142 //     qCDebug(CMAKE) << "calculant" << index << bool(option.state & QStyle::State_Editing);
0143     QSize ret=QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
0144     if(index.column()==2 && option.state & QStyle::State_Editing)
0145     {
0146         QModelIndex typeIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 1);
0147         QString type=index.model()->data(typeIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0148         if(type==QLatin1String("PATH"))
0149         {
0150             ret.setHeight(m_sample->sizeHint().height());
0151         }
0152     }
0153     return ret;
0154 }
0156 void CMakeCacheDelegate::checkboxToggled()
0157 {
0158     // whenever the check box gets toggled, we directly want to set the
0159     // model data which is done by closing the editor which in turn
0160     // calls setModelData. otherwise, the behavior is quite confusing, see e.g.
0161     //
0162     auto* editor = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>(sender());
0163     Q_ASSERT(editor);
0164     emit closeEditor(editor);
0165 }
0167 void CMakeCacheDelegate::closingEditor(QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint hint)
0168 {
0169     Q_UNUSED(editor);
0170     Q_UNUSED(hint);
0171     qCDebug(CMAKE) << "closing...";
0172 }
0174 // void CMakeCacheDelegate::updateEditorGeometry ( QWidget * editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
0175 //                     const QModelIndex & index ) const
0176 // {
0177 //     if(index.column()==2)
0178 //     {
0179 //         QModelIndex typeIdx=index.sibling(index.row(), 1);
0180 //         QString type=index.model()->data(typeIdx, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
0181 //         if(type=="PATH")
0182 //         {
0183 //             KUrlRequester* urlreq=qobject_cast<KUrlRequester*>(editor);
0184 //             urlreq->setGeometry(QRect(option.rect.topLeft(), urlreq->sizeHint()));
0185 //             return;
0186 //         }
0187 //     }
0188 //     QItemDelegate::updateEditorGeometry( editor, option, index );
0189 // }
0191 #include "moc_cmakecachedelegate.cpp"