Warning, /kdevelop/kdevelop/plugins/clang/tests/files/cuda.cu is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Thread block size
0002 #define BLOCK_SIZE 16
0004 // Matrices are stored in row-major order:
0005 // M(row, col) = *(M.elements + row * M.stride + col)
0006 typedef struct {
0007     int width;
0008     int height;
0009     int stride; 
0010     float* elements;
0011 } Matrix;
0013 // Get a matrix element
0014 __device__ float GetElement(const Matrix A, int row, int col)
0015 {
0016     return A.elements[row * A.stride + col];
0017 }
0019 // Set a matrix element
0020 __device__ void SetElement(Matrix A, int row, int col,
0021                            float value)
0022 {
0023     A.elements[row * A.stride + col] = value;
0024 }
0026 // Get the BLOCK_SIZExBLOCK_SIZE sub-matrix Asub of A that is
0027 // located col sub-matrices to the right and row sub-matrices down
0028 // from the upper-left corner of A
0029 __device__ Matrix GetSubMatrix(Matrix A, int row, int col) 
0030 {
0031     Matrix Asub;
0032     Asub.width    = BLOCK_SIZE;
0033     Asub.height   = BLOCK_SIZE;
0034     Asub.stride   = A.stride;
0035     Asub.elements = &A.elements[A.stride * BLOCK_SIZE * row
0036     + BLOCK_SIZE * col];
0037     return Asub;
0038 }
0041 __global__ void MatMulKernel(Matrix A, Matrix B, Matrix C)
0042 {
0043     // Block row and column
0044     int blockRow = blockIdx.y;
0045     int blockCol = blockIdx.x;
0047     // Each thread block computes one sub-matrix Csub of C
0048     Matrix Csub = GetSubMatrix(C, blockRow, blockCol);
0050     // Each thread computes one element of Csub
0051     // by accumulating results into Cvalue
0052     float Cvalue = 0;
0054     // Thread row and column within Csub
0055     int row = threadIdx.y;
0056     int col = threadIdx.x;
0058     // Loop over all the sub-matrices of A and B that are
0059     // required to compute Csub
0060     // Multiply each pair of sub-matrices together
0061     // and accumulate the results
0062     for (int m = 0; m < (A.width / BLOCK_SIZE); ++m) {
0064         // Get sub-matrix Asub of A
0065         Matrix Asub = GetSubMatrix(A, blockRow, m);
0067         // Get sub-matrix Bsub of B
0068         Matrix Bsub = GetSubMatrix(B, m, blockCol);
0070         // Shared memory used to store Asub and Bsub respectively
0071         __shared__ float As[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
0072         __shared__ float Bs[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
0074         // Load Asub and Bsub from device memory to shared memory
0075         // Each thread loads one element of each sub-matrix
0076         As[row][col] = GetElement(Asub, row, col);
0077         Bs[row][col] = GetElement(Bsub, row, col);
0079         // Synchronize to make sure the sub-matrices are loaded
0080         // before starting the computation
0081         __syncthreads();
0083         // Multiply Asub and Bsub together
0084         for (int e = 0; e < BLOCK_SIZE; ++e)
0085             Cvalue += As[row][e] * Bs[e][col];
0087         // Synchronize to make sure that the preceding
0088         // computation is done before loading two new
0089         // sub-matrices of A and B in the next iteration
0090         __syncthreads();
0091     }
0093     // Write Csub to device memory
0094     // Each thread writes one element
0095     SetElement(Csub, row, col, Cvalue);
0096 }
0098 // Matrix multiplication - Host code
0099 // Matrix dimensions are assumed to be multiples of BLOCK_SIZE
0100 void MatMul(const Matrix A, const Matrix B, Matrix C)
0101 {
0102     // Load A and B to device memory
0103     Matrix d_A;
0104     d_A.width = d_A.stride = A.width; d_A.height = A.height;
0105     size_t size = A.width * A.height * sizeof(float);
0106     cudaMalloc(&d_A.elements, size);
0107     cudaMemcpy(d_A.elements, A.elements, size,
0108                cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
0109     Matrix d_B;
0110     d_B.width = d_B.stride = B.width; d_B.height = B.height;
0111     size = B.width * B.height * sizeof(float);
0113     cudaMalloc(&d_B.elements, size);
0114     cudaMemcpy(d_B.elements, B.elements, size,
0115                cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
0117     // Allocate C in device memory
0118     Matrix d_C;
0119     d_C.width = d_C.stride = C.width; d_C.height = C.height;
0120     size = C.width * C.height * sizeof(float);
0121     cudaMalloc(&d_C.elements, size);
0123     // Invoke kernel
0124     dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
0125     dim3 dimGrid(B.width / dimBlock.x, A.height / dimBlock.y);
0126     MatMulKernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(d_A, d_B, d_C);
0128     // Read C from device memory
0129     cudaMemcpy(C.elements, d_C.elements, size,
0130                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
0132     // Free device memory
0133     cudaFree(d_A.elements);
0134     cudaFree(d_B.elements);
0135     cudaFree(d_C.elements);
0136 }
0138 // Matrix multiplication kernel called by MatMul()
0140 int main()
0141 {
0142     Matrix a, b, c;
0143     MatMul(a, b, c);
0144 }