File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 12:38:08

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Andreas Pakulat <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "vcsdiff.h"
0009 #include "debug.h"
0011 #include <QString>
0012 #include <QUrl>
0013 #include <QSharedData>
0014 #include <QRegularExpression>
0015 #include <QtGlobal>
0017 #include <vector>
0019 namespace KDevelop
0020 {
0021 namespace
0022 {
0023     /* A class representing a diff hunk (a collection of localized changes) */
0024     class DiffHunk
0025     {
0026     public:
0027         /* Metadata for the hunk */
0028         uint srcStart /**< the 1-based (!) start line number of the range in the source file where the hunk applies */
0029             ,
0030             srcCount /**< the size of the range (in # of lines) in the source where the hunk applies  (i.e. ctx lines +
0031                         deleted lines)*/
0032             ,
0033             tgtStart /**< the 1-based (!) start line number of the range in the target file where the hunk applies */
0034             ,
0035             tgtCount /**< the size of the range (in # of lines) in the target where the hunk applies  (i.e. ctx lines +
0036                         deleted lines)*/
0037             ,
0038             headingLineIdx /**< The 0-based line number (in the whole diff) of the hunk header line (the one starting
0039                               with `@@`) */
0040             ;
0041         QString srcFile /**< The source filename */
0042             ,
0043             tgtFile /**< The target filename */
0044             ,
0045             heading /**< The heading of the hunk (the stuff in the header line after the position spec, i.e. after the
0046                        second `@@`) */
0047             ;
0048         QStringList lines; /**< The lines comprising the hunk (excluding the header) */
0050         /**
0051          * @returns the 0-based line number (in the whole diff) of the last line contained in the hunk.
0052          */
0053         uint lastLineIdx() const { return headingLineIdx + lines.size(); }
0055         /**
0056          * @param lineIdx the 0-based line number of the tested line in the whole diff
0057          * @returns true if the line is part of the diff and false otherwise
0058          * @note: Returns true also for the header line (the one starting with `@@`)
0059          */
0060         bool containsDiffLine(uint lineIdx) const { return headingLineIdx <= lineIdx && lineIdx <= lastLineIdx(); }
0062         /**
0063          * Returns the index of the line within the hunk
0064          *
0065          * @param diffLineIdx the 0-based index of the line in the diff
0066          *
0067          * @note assumes that the line is contained within the hunk
0068          * @note if the line is a header line, -1 is returned; otherwise the returned
0069          * number is the index of the line in the `lines` list
0070          */
0071         int diffLineToHunkLine(uint diffLineIdx) const { return diffLineIdx - (headingLineIdx + 1); }
0073         /**
0074          * A helper method to construct a hunk header from the provided info
0075          *
0076          * A hunk header has the following form:
0077          *
0078          *      @@ oldStart,oldCount newStart,newCount @@ heading
0079          * e.g.
0080          *      @@ -36,14 +36,28 @@ public:
0081          *
0082          * @returns the hunk header
0083          */
0084         static QString formatHeader(uint oldStart, uint oldCount, uint newStart, uint newCount, QString head);
0086         /**
0087          * The following operators define a PARTIAL order on the hunks list.
0088          * A hunk H is strictly below a hunk K iff the endline of H is strictly below
0089          * the start line of K. In particular, the only non-overlapping hunks are
0090          * ordered.
0091          */
0092         bool operator<(const DiffHunk& b) const { return lastLineIdx() < b.headingLineIdx; }
0093         bool operator<(uint line) const { return lastLineIdx() < line; }
0094         bool operator<=(const KDevelop::DiffHunk& b) const { return lastLineIdx() <= b.headingLineIdx; }
0095         bool operator<=(uint line) const { return lastLineIdx() <= line; }
0096         bool operator>(const KDevelop::DiffHunk& b) const { return headingLineIdx > b.lastLineIdx(); }
0097         bool operator>(uint line) const { return headingLineIdx > line; }
0098         bool operator>=(const KDevelop::DiffHunk& b) { return headingLineIdx >= b.lastLineIdx(); }
0099         bool operator>=(uint line) const { return headingLineIdx >= line; }
0100     };
0102     /* RegExp matching a hunk header line */
0103     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, HUNK_HEADER_RE,
0104                               (QLatin1String("^@@ -([0-9,]+) \\+([0-9,]+) @@(.*)")))
0105     // static const auto HUNK_HEADER_RE = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^@@ -([0-9,]+) \\+([0-9,]+) @@(.*)"));
0107     /* RegExp matching a meta line containing a source of target filename */
0108     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, DIFF_FILENAME_RE, (QLatin1String("^[-+]{3} [ab]/(.*)")))
0110     /* RegExp matching a meta line (hunk header, filename, other info) */
0111     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, META_LINE_RE, (QLatin1String("(^[-+]{3} )|^[^-+ ]")))
0113     /* RegExps matching conflict delimiting lines */
0114     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, CONFLICT_START_RE, (QLatin1String("^<<<<<<<")))
0115     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, CONFLICT_MID_RE, (QLatin1String("^=======")))
0116     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, CONFLICT_END_RE, (QLatin1String("^>>>>>>>")))
0117     Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QRegularExpression, CONFLICT_RE,
0118                               (QLatin1String("(^>>>>>>>)|(^=======)|(^<<<<<<<)")))
0120     QString formatRange(uint start, uint count)
0121     {
0122         if (count == 1)
0123             return QString().setNum(start);
0124         return QString().setNum(start) + QLatin1Char(',') + QString().setNum(count);
0125     }
0126     std::pair<uint, uint> parseRange(const QString& range)
0127     {
0128         int commaPos = range.indexOf(QLatin1Char(','));
0129         if (commaPos > -1) {
0130             return { range.midRef(0, commaPos).toInt(), range.midRef(commaPos + 1).toInt() };
0131         }
0132         return { range.toInt(), 1 };
0133     }
0135     /* Creates a hunk header line (starting with @@)
0136      *
0137      * Note: The line will not end with a newline */
0138     QString DiffHunk::formatHeader(uint oldStart, uint oldCount, uint newStart, uint newCount, QString head)
0139     {
0140         return QLatin1String("@@ -") + formatRange(oldStart, oldCount) + QLatin1String(" +")
0141             + formatRange(newStart, newCount) + QLatin1String(" @@") + head;
0142     }
0144     /**
0145      * Parses a unified diff into a list of "diff hunks" (each hunk starts with a
0146      * line starting with @@ and represents a collection of localized changes).
0147      *
0148      * @param diff a diff in git's unified diff format
0149      * @returns a list of hunk structures
0150      *
0151      * The diff is assumed to be a collection of hunks, where each hunk has the
0152      * following structure:
0153      *
0154      *   METADATA
0155      *   --- a/SOURCE_PATH
0156      *   +++ b/TARGET_PATH
0157      *   HUNK HEADER
0158      *   HUNK CONTENT
0159      *
0160      * All metadata lines match the @ref:META_LINE_RE regexp (starts with anything
0161      * except for a '+', '-' and ' ') and these are discarded except for the hunk
0162      * header and source/target path specifications. The path specifications
0163      * are assumed to apply to all following hunks until a new path specification
0164      * is found and are stored in the srcFileName and tgtFileName attributes of
0165      * the hunk structure.
0166      *
0167      *
0168      * Hunk Header
0169      * -----------
0170      *
0171      * The hunk header has the following form
0172      *
0174      *
0175      * where the SRC_OFFSET is a 1-based line index pointing to the source file where
0176      * the hunk applies and TGT_OFFSET is a 1-based line index pointing to the target
0177      * file where the hunk applies. These are parsed into the srcStart and tgtStart
0178      * attributes of the hunk structure.
0179      *
0180      * The optional SRC_CHANGES_COUNTS (assumed to be 1 if not present) specifies the
0181      * number of context lines (starting with ' ') plus the number of deleted lines
0182      * (starting with '-'). Similarly, the optional TGT_CHANGES_COUNT specifies the
0183      * number of context lines plus the number of added lines (starting with '+').
0184      * These are parsed and stored in the srcCount and tgtCount attributes of the hunk
0185      * structure, but not checked (!). I.e. if the diff hunk has more/less changes then
0186      * specified, the returned hunk structure will have invalid src & tgt counts.
0187      *
0188      * Finally the Heading, used as a visual aid for users, is supposed to show the line
0189      * where the nearest enclosing function scope of the hunk starts. It is parsed and
0190      * stored in the heading attribute.
0191      *
0192      * Hunk Content
0193      * ------------
0194      *
0195      * The hunk content is a collection of lines which
0196      *
0197      *   1) start with '+' (additions); or
0198      *   2) start with '-' (deletions); or
0199      *   3) start with ' ' (context lines); or
0200      *   4) are empty (context lines); or
0201      *   5) are within conflict markers
0202      *
0203      * These lines are parsed and stored in the lines attribute of the hunk structure.
0204      * The parsing of the hunk stops when a METADATA line (outside of conflict markers)
0205      * is encountered or the end of the file is reached.
0206      *
0207      * Conflict Markers
0208      * ----------------
0209      *
0210      * Conflict markers are collections of lines of the form:
0211      *
0212      *   >>>>>>> our ref
0213      *   our content
0214      *   ...
0215      *   =======
0216      *   their content
0217      *   ...
0218      *   <<<<<<< their ref
0219      *
0220      * And show content which a merge was not able to merge automatically.
0221      * Strictly speaking, these should not appear in diffs, but git diff
0222      * generates them anyway for files with unresolved conflicts.
0223      */
0224     std::vector<DiffHunk> parseHunks(VcsDiff& diff)
0225     {
0226         std::vector<DiffHunk> ret;
0227         int lineNo = -1;
0228         QString curSrcFileName, curTgtFileName;
0229         QStringListIterator lines(diff.diff().split(QLatin1Char('\n')));
0230         while (lines.hasNext()) {
0231             lineNo++;
0232             auto curln =;
0233             auto m = DIFF_FILENAME_RE->match(curln);
0234             if (m.hasMatch()) {
0235                 if (curln.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-')))
0236                     curSrcFileName = m.captured(1);
0237                 else if (curln.startsWith(QLatin1Char('+')))
0238                     curTgtFileName = m.captured(1);
0239                 continue;
0240             }
0241             m = HUNK_HEADER_RE->match(curln);
0242             if (!m.hasMatch())
0243                 continue;
0244             auto [oldStart, oldCount] = parseRange(m.captured(1));
0245             auto [newStart, newCount] = parseRange(m.captured(2));
0246             auto heading = m.captured(3);
0247             uint firstLineIdx = lineNo;
0248             QStringList hunkLines;
0249             while (lines.hasNext()
0250                    && (CONFLICT_START_RE->match(lines.peekNext()).hasMatch()
0251                        || !META_LINE_RE->match(lines.peekNext()).hasMatch())) {
0252                 // Consume the conflict
0253                 if (CONFLICT_START_RE->match(lines.peekNext()).hasMatch()) {
0254                     lineNo++;
0255                     hunkLines <<;
0256                     while (lines.hasNext() && !CONFLICT_END_RE->match(lines.peekNext()).hasMatch()) {
0257                         lineNo++;
0258                         hunkLines <<;
0259                     }
0260                     if (!CONFLICT_END_RE->match(lines.peekNext()).hasMatch()) {
0261                         qCWarning(VCS) << "Invalid diff format, end of file reached before conflict finished";
0262                         qCDebug(VCS) << diff.diff();
0263                         break;
0264                     }
0265                 }
0266                 lineNo++;
0267                 hunkLines <<;
0268             }
0270             // The number of filenames present in the diff should match the number
0271             // of hunks
0272             ret.push_back({ oldStart, oldCount, newStart, newCount, firstLineIdx, curSrcFileName, curTgtFileName,
0273                             heading, hunkLines });
0274         }
0276         // If the diff ends with a newline, for the last hunk, when splitting into lines above
0277         // we will always get an empty string at the end, which we now remove
0278         if (diff.diff().endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) {
0279             if (ret.size() > 0 && ret.back().lines.size() > 0) {
0280                 ret.back().lines.pop_back();
0281             } else {
0282                 qCWarning(VCS) << "Failed to parse a diff, produced no hunks";
0283                 qCDebug(VCS) << "Failed diff:" << diff.diff();
0284             }
0285         }
0287         return ret;
0288     }
0289 }
0291 class VcsDiffPrivate : public QSharedData
0292 {
0293 public:
0294     QUrl baseDiff;
0295     QString diff;
0296     uint depth = 0;
0297     std::vector<DiffHunk> hunks;
0299     enum Dest {
0300         SRC = '-',
0301         TGT = '+',
0302     };
0304     /**
0305      * Maps a line position in the diff to a corresponding line position in the destination file.
0306      *
0307      * @param line a 0-based line position in the diff
0308      * @param dest specifies the destination file to map to:
0309      *             either SRC (the source file, '-') or TGT (the target file, '+')
0310      * @returns a @ref VcsDiff::SourceLocation whose path is the (relative to diff root)
0311      *          destination file path and line the 0-based line position in the
0312      *          destination file or {"", -1} if no such position exists.
0313      */
0314     VcsDiff::SourceLocation mapDiffLine ( const uint line, const Dest dest ) const
0315     {
0316         const QLatin1Char skipChar = (dest == SRC) ? QLatin1Char(TGT) : QLatin1Char(SRC);
0317         for (const auto& h : hunks) {
0318             if (h.containsDiffLine(line)) {
0319                 int hunkPos = h.diffLineToHunkLine(line);
0321                 // The line refers to the heading line
0322                 if (hunkPos < 0)
0323                     return {};
0325                 // Any lines in the diff hunk which come before line and come from the opposite
0326                 // of dest should not be counted (they are not present in the dest)
0327                 int skipCount = 0;
0328                 for(int i=0; i<hunkPos; i++) {
0329                     if (
0330                         skipCount++;
0331                 }
0333                 // Any lines in the diff hunk which come from the second part (src)/ first part (tgt)
0334                 // of a conflict should not be counted either
0335                 bool inConflict = false; // This is set so that a line inside a conflict is recognized as a valid line
0336                 for(int i=0; i<hunkPos; i++) {
0337                     if (CONFLICT_START_RE->match( {
0338                         skipCount++; // skip the conflict marker line
0339                         if (dest == TGT) {
0340                             while ((++i) < hunkPos && !CONFLICT_MID_RE->match( {
0341                                 skipCount++;
0342                             }
0343                         } else {
0344                             inConflict = true;
0345                         }
0346                     }
0347                     if (CONFLICT_MID_RE->match( {
0348                         skipCount++; // skip the conflict marker line
0349                         if (dest == SRC) {
0350                             while ((++i) < hunkPos && !CONFLICT_END_RE->match(
0351                                 skipCount++;
0352                         } else {
0353                             inConflict = true;
0354                         }
0355                     }
0356                     if (CONFLICT_END_RE->match( {
0357                         skipCount++; // skip the conflict marker line
0358                         inConflict = false;
0359                     }
0360                 }
0362                 auto ln = h.lines[hunkPos];
0364                 // This works around the fact that inConflict is set even if hunkPos
0365                 // ends up hitting a conflict marker
0366                 if (CONFLICT_RE->match(ln).hasMatch())
0367                     return {};
0369                 if (ln.startsWith(dest) || ln.startsWith(QLatin1Char(' ')) || ln.isEmpty() || inConflict) {
0370                     if (dest == SRC)
0371                         // The -1 accounts for the fact that srcStart is 1-based
0372                         // but we need to return 0-based line numbers
0373                         return { h.srcFile, static_cast<int>(h.srcStart - 1 + hunkPos - skipCount) };
0374                     else
0375                         // The -1 accounts for the fact that srcStart is 1-based
0376                         // but we need to return 0-based line numbers
0377                         return { h.tgtFile, static_cast<int>(h.tgtStart - 1 + hunkPos - skipCount) };
0378                 } else return {};
0379             }
0380         }
0381         return {};
0382     }
0383 };
0385 KDevelop::VcsDiff VcsDiff::subDiffHunk(const uint line, DiffDirection dir) const
0386 {
0387     auto hunks = d->hunks;
0388     for (const auto& hunk : hunks) {
0389         if (hunk.containsDiffLine(line)) {
0390             return subDiff(hunk.headingLineIdx, hunk.lastLineIdx(), dir);
0391         }
0392     }
0394     VcsDiff emptyDiff;
0395     emptyDiff.setBaseDiff(d->baseDiff);
0396     emptyDiff.setDepth(d->depth);
0397     emptyDiff.setDiff(d->diff.mid(0,d->diff.indexOf(QStringLiteral("@@"))));
0398     return emptyDiff;
0399 }
0401 KDevelop::VcsDiff VcsDiff::subDiff(const uint startLine, const uint endLine, DiffDirection dir) const
0402 {
0403     // Code adapted from cola/
0404     enum LineType {
0405         ADD = '+',
0406         DEL = '-',
0407         CTX = ' ',
0408         NO_NEWLINE = '\\'
0409     };
0411     VcsDiff ret;
0412     ret.setBaseDiff(baseDiff());
0413     ret.setDepth(depth());
0416     auto hunks = d->hunks;
0417     QStringList lines;
0418     for (const auto& hunk : hunks) {
0419         // Skip hunks before the first line
0420         if (hunk < startLine)
0421             continue;
0423         // Skip hunks after the last line
0424         if (hunk > endLine)
0425             break;
0427         std::map<LineType, int> counts = {
0428             {ADD, 0},
0429             {DEL, 0},
0430             {CTX, 0},
0431             {NO_NEWLINE, 0}
0432         };
0433         QStringList filteredLines;
0435         // Will be set if the previous line in a hunk was
0436         // skipped because it was not in the selected range
0437         bool prevSkipped = false;
0439         uint lnIdx = hunk.headingLineIdx;
0441         // Store the number of skipped lines which start the hunk
0442         // (i.e. lines before a first deletion (addition in case of reverse)
0443         // so that we can adjust the start appropriately
0444         int startOffset = 0;
0445         const auto _lines = QStringList(hunk.lines.constBegin(), hunk.lines.constEnd());
0446         for(const auto& line: _lines) {
0447             lnIdx++;
0448             LineType tp = line.length() > 0 ? (LineType) line[0].toLatin1() : (LineType) 0;
0449             QString content = line.mid(1);
0451             if (dir == Reverse) {
0452                 if (tp == ADD) tp = DEL;
0453                 else if (tp == DEL) tp = ADD;
0454             }
0456             if (lnIdx < startLine || endLine < lnIdx) {
0457                 // skip additions (or deletions if reverse) that are not in range
0458                 if (tp == ADD) {
0459                     prevSkipped=true;
0460                     // If we are before the range and
0461                     // so far we only encountered ADD (or DEL, in case of reverse) lines
0462                     // these will not be included in the subdiff hunk so we increase the startOffset
0463                     if (lnIdx < startLine && counts[CTX] == 0) startOffset++;
0464                     continue;
0465                 }
0466                 // change deletions (or additions if reverse) that are not in range into context
0467                 if (tp == DEL) tp=CTX;
0468             }
0470             // If the line immediately before a "No newline" line was
0471             // skipped (because it was an unselected addition) skip
0472             // the "No newline" line as well.
0473             if (tp == NO_NEWLINE && prevSkipped ) {
0474                 if (lnIdx <= endLine ) startOffset++;
0475                 continue;
0476             }
0478             // Empty lines are context lines and we
0479             // preserve them
0480             if ((int)tp == 0) {
0481                 filteredLines << content;
0482                 tp = CTX;
0483             } else {
0484                 filteredLines << QLatin1Char(tp)+content;
0485             }
0486             counts[tp]++;
0487             prevSkipped = false;
0488         }
0490         // Skip hunks which have only context lines
0491         if (counts[ADD] + counts[DEL] == 0)
0492             continue;
0495         // Compute the start & counts of the hunks
0496         uint subSrcStart, subTgtStart;
0497         if (dir == Reverse) {
0498             subSrcStart = hunk.tgtStart + startOffset;
0499             subTgtStart = hunk.srcStart + startOffset;
0500         } else {
0501             subSrcStart = hunk.srcStart + startOffset;
0502             subTgtStart = hunk.tgtStart + startOffset;
0503         }
0504         uint subSrcCount = counts[CTX] + counts[DEL];
0505         uint subTgtCount = counts[CTX] + counts[ADD];
0507         // Prepend lines identifying the source files
0508         lines << QStringLiteral("--- a/") + ((dir == Reverse) ? hunk.tgtFile : hunk.srcFile);
0509         lines << QStringLiteral("+++ b/") + ((dir == Reverse) ? hunk.srcFile : hunk.tgtFile);
0511         lines << DiffHunk::formatHeader(subSrcStart, subSrcCount, subTgtStart, subTgtCount, hunk.heading);
0512         lines += filteredLines;
0513     }
0514     if (lines.size() > 2)
0515         ret.setDiff(lines.join(QLatin1Char('\n'))+QLatin1Char('\n'));
0516     return ret;
0517 }
0520 const QVector<VcsDiff::FilePair> VcsDiff::fileNames() const
0521 {
0522     QVector<VcsDiff::FilePair> ret;
0523     VcsDiff::FilePair current;
0524     for (const auto& h : d->hunks) {
0525         // List each pair only once
0526         if (h.srcFile == current.source && h.tgtFile ==
0527             continue;
0528         current = { h.srcFile, h.tgtFile };
0529         ret.push_back(current);
0530     }
0531     return ret;
0532 }
0535 VcsDiff::SourceLocation VcsDiff::diffLineToSource ( const uint line ) const
0536 {
0537     return d->mapDiffLine(line, VcsDiffPrivate::SRC);
0538 }
0540 VcsDiff::SourceLocation VcsDiff::diffLineToTarget ( const uint line ) const
0541 {
0542     return d->mapDiffLine(line, VcsDiffPrivate::TGT);
0543 }
0545 VcsDiff::VcsDiff()
0546     : d(new VcsDiffPrivate)
0547 {
0548 }
0550 VcsDiff::~VcsDiff() = default;
0552 VcsDiff::VcsDiff( const VcsDiff& rhs )
0553     : d(rhs.d)
0554 {
0555 }
0557 bool VcsDiff::isEmpty() const
0558 {
0559     return d->diff.isEmpty();
0560 }
0562 QString VcsDiff::diff() const
0563 {
0564     return d->diff;
0565 }
0568 void VcsDiff::setDiff( const QString& s )
0569 {
0570     d->diff = s;
0571     d->hunks = parseHunks(*this);
0572 }
0574 VcsDiff& VcsDiff::operator=( const VcsDiff& rhs)
0575 {
0576     d = rhs.d;
0577     return *this;
0578 }
0580 QUrl VcsDiff::baseDiff() const
0581 {
0582     return d->baseDiff;
0583 }
0585 uint VcsDiff::depth() const
0586 {
0587     return d->depth;
0588 }
0590 void VcsDiff::setBaseDiff(const QUrl& url)
0591 {
0592     d->baseDiff=url;
0593 }
0595 void VcsDiff::setDepth(const uint depth)
0596 {
0597     d->depth = depth;
0598 }
0601 }