File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 08:38:14

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Alexander Dymo <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0010 #include <QObject>
0012 #include "sublimeexport.h"
0014 #include "areaindex.h"
0015 #include "sublimedefs.h"
0017 #include <KConfigGroup>
0019 class QAction;
0020 namespace Sublime {
0022 class AreaIndex;
0023 class RootAreaIndex;
0024 class Controller;
0025 class View;
0026 class AreaPrivate;
0028 /**
0029 @short Area - the universal view container
0031 Area contains views and tool views, knows about their positions
0032 and provides functionality to add new (tool)views and remove existing.
0034 Area takes care of all placement/configuration details so that
0035 in order for @ref MainWindow to show the area it just needs to
0036 reconstruct itself according to the area's rules.
0038 Usual way of creating an area is:
0039 @code
0040 Controller *controller = new Controller();
0041 ... //document creation code here
0042 Area *area = new Area(controller, "My Area");
0043 area->addView(document->createView());
0044 MainWindow *mw = new MainWindow(controller);
0045 controller->show(area, mw);
0046 @endcode
0047 */
0048 class KDEVPLATFORMSUBLIME_EXPORT Area: public QObject {
0049     Q_OBJECT
0050 public:
0051     /**Creates and area with given @p name and adds it to the @p controller.
0052     @param controller is the controller in which this area will be available.
0053     @param name should identify this area and be unique for all areas in the controller.
0054         @ref QObject::objectName shall be used to get this name after area creation.
0055     @param title is the user-visible (translatable) title for the area.
0056         Use @ref title and @ref setTitle to operate on the title.
0057         This parameter can be omitted and then name will be used as title.*/
0058     Area(Controller *controller, const QString &name, const QString &title = {});
0059     Area(const Area &area);
0060     ~Area() override;
0062     QString title() const;
0063     void setTitle(const QString &title);
0065     QString iconName() const;
0066     void setIconName(const QString &iconName);
0069     /**Adds the @p view to the list of views at the given area index,
0070     after the given view @p after.
0072     If @p after == 0  &&  controller()->openAfterCurrent():
0073         @p view is inserted after current view
0074     If @p after == 0  &&  !controller()->openAfterCurrent():
0075         @p view is inserted at the last position.
0076     */
0077     void addView(View *view, AreaIndex *index, View *after = nullptr);
0079     /**Adds the @p view to the list of views at the current area index.*/
0080     void addView(View *view, View *after = nullptr);
0081     /**Adds the @p view to the area splitting the @p viewToSplit using
0082     given @p orientation.
0083     @p view Will be in the second child index of the area-index containing the view.
0084     */
0085     void addView(View *view, View *viewToSplit, Qt::Orientation orientation);
0086     /**Adds the @p view to the area splitting the area index @p indexToSplit using
0087     given @p orientation.
0088     @p view Will be in the <b>second</b> child index of the area-index containing the view.
0089     */
0090     void addView(View *view, AreaIndex *indexToSplit, Qt::Orientation orientation);
0091     /**Removes the @p view from the area. Does not delete it. */
0092     View* removeView(View *view);
0093     /**@return the list of all views in this area in no particular order. To
0094     process the views in ordered manner (tree walk) use @ref walkViews method.
0095     This method is added only for convenience.*/
0096     QList<View*> views();
0098     /** Removes all views from this area and deletes them.
0099       * If an open document has changes, and it is the last view of that document,
0100       * the user may push 'Cancel', and the view will stay active.
0101       * @param silent If this is true, the user is never asked for feedback. */
0102     void clearViews(bool silent = false);
0104     /**
0105      * Returns the view that was last stored through setActiveView(view), or zero
0106      * if the view was deleted or it was never set.
0107      */
0108     View* activeView() const;
0110     /**
0111      * Allows marking a view as active that can later be retrieved through activeView()
0112      */
0113     void setActiveView(View* view);
0115     /** Closes and deletes the view, asking the user for feedback if needed.
0116       * Closes the document if it is the last view.
0117       * Does allow breaking the closing process.
0118       * If it is the last view of the document that has changes, and the user pushed 'Cancel',
0119       * false will be returned, and the view will not be closed. 
0120       * @param silent If this is false, the user will be asked for feedback. Otherwise he won't.
0121       */
0122     bool closeView(View* view, bool silent = false);
0124     /**@return the index of view or 0 if it can not be found.*/
0125     AreaIndex *indexOf(View *view);
0126     /**@return the root index of the area. Root index always exists so this
0127     method will never return 0.*/
0128     RootAreaIndex *rootIndex() const;
0130     /**Adds the tool view to the area. Area will use its configuration and restore
0131     the proper position for the tool view when necessary. If it has no configuration
0132     for this view, it will use @p defaultPosition.*/
0133     void addToolView(View *toolView, Position defaultPosition);
0135     /**Removes the tool view from the area.*/
0136     View* removeToolView(View *toolView);
0138     /**Moves the tool view to a different position.  */
0139     void moveToolView(View *toolView, Position newPosition);
0141     /**Raise tool view.*/
0142     void raiseToolView(View *toolView);
0143     /**@return the list of tool views in the area. No particular sort order is guaranteed.*/
0144     const QList<View*> &toolViews() const;
0145     /**@return the current position of @p toolView in the area.*/
0146     Position toolViewPosition(View *toolView) const;
0148     /* Returns true if this area actively desires to show a tool view
0149        with id of 'id'.  The area, of course, will show any tool view
0150        added with 'addToolView', however, this method can be used
0151        to guess a set of tool views that make most sense to be added.  */
0152     bool wantToolView(const QString& id);
0153     void setShownToolViews(Sublime::Position pos, const QStringList& ids);
0154     QStringList shownToolViews(Sublime::Position pos) const;
0155     void setDesiredToolViews(
0156         const QMap<QString, Sublime::Position>& desiredToolViews);
0158     void save(KConfigGroup& group) const;
0159     void load(const KConfigGroup& group);
0161     /**@return the controller for this area.*/
0162     Controller *controller() const;
0164     ///Returns the currently set working-set for this area.
0165     QString workingSet() const;
0166     ///Returns if the currently set working-set is persistent.
0167     ///@note This is just a hint and not synchronized with the actual working set.
0168     bool workingSetPersistent() const;
0169     ///Sets the working-set for this area. The working-set is just a marker, and does nothing
0170     ///within Area.
0171     ///The actual view management has to be implemented in the entity that knows more
0172     ///about possible views, documents, etc. (kdevplatform/shell)
0173     ///@warning (KDevelop): Before calling this, make sure that all views are saved! (see IDocumentController::saveAllDocumentsForWindow)
0174     void setWorkingSet(const QString &name, bool persistent = true, Area *oldArea = nullptr);
0176     /**Walker mode to determine the behavior of area walkers.*/
0177     enum WalkerMode {
0178         StopWalker,       /**< Stop after processing this area index or tool view */
0179         ContinueWalker    /**< Continue walking */
0180     };
0182     /**Walks the tree of area indices and executes the operator. It will always walk the
0183     tree of views from top to bottom from left to right.
0185     Operator should be the class with <i>WalkerResult operator()(AreaIndex *index)</i>
0186     method. That method should return Area::StopWalker if the walker has to stop at current index
0187     or Area::ContinueWalker to continue.
0189     Example (operator to print the indices, assumes hypothetical operator <<()):
0190     @code
0191     struct MyOperator {
0192         WalkerMode operator()(AreaIndex *index) {
0193             std::cerr << index << std::endl;
0194             return Area::ContinueWalker;
0195         }
0196     };
0197     ...
0198     MyOperator op;
0199     walkViews(op, rootIndex())
0200     @endcode*/
0201     template <typename Operator>
0202     void walkViews(Operator &op, AreaIndex *index);
0204     /**Walks the list of tool views. The order in which tool views are walked is not specified.
0206     Operator should be the class with <i>bool operator()(View *view, Sublime::Position position)</i>
0207     method. That method should return Area::StopWalker if the walker has to stop at current index
0208     or Area::ContinueWalker to continue.
0210     Example (operator to print the list of views):
0211     @code
0212     struct MyOperator {
0213         WalkerMode operator()(View *view, Sublime::Position position) {
0214             std::cerr << view << " at position " << position << std::endl;
0215             return Area::ContinueWalker;
0216         }
0217     };
0218     ...
0219     MyOperator op;
0220     walkToolViews(op, Sublime::AllPositions)
0221     @endcode
0222     */
0223     template <typename Operator>
0224     void walkToolViews(Operator &op, Positions positions);
0226     /** Adds an action to the area. They will be made available from different places, like the Area Display*/
0227     void addAction(QAction* action);
0229     /** @returns the actions related to the area  */
0230     QList<QAction*> actions() const;
0232     /**
0233      * Closes all the views and requests the working set to be cleared.
0234      * Works even though the area isn't opened yet
0235      */
0236     void clearDocuments();
0239     /**Emitted when a new view is added to the area.*/
0240     void viewAdded(Sublime::AreaIndex*, Sublime::View*);
0241     /**Emitted when a view is going to be removed from the area.*/
0242     void aboutToRemoveView(Sublime::AreaIndex*, Sublime::View*);
0243     /**Emitted when a view was removed from the area.*/
0244     void viewRemoved(Sublime::AreaIndex*, Sublime::View*);
0245     /**Emitted when a new tool view is added to the area.*/
0246     void toolViewAdded(Sublime::View*, Sublime::Position);
0247     /**Emitted when a tool view is requesting to be raised.*/
0248     void requestToolViewRaise(Sublime::View*);
0249     /**Emitted when a tool view is going to be removed from the area.*/
0250     void aboutToRemoveToolView(Sublime::View*, Sublime::Position);
0251     /**Emitted when a tool view is moved to a different position.*/
0252     void toolViewMoved(Sublime::View*, Sublime::Position);
0253     /**Emitted before the working-set is changed.*/
0254     void changingWorkingSet(Sublime::Area* area, Sublime::Area* oldArea, const QString& from, const QString& to);
0255     /**Emitted after the working-set was changed.*/
0256     void changedWorkingSet(Sublime::Area* area, Sublime::Area* oldArea, const QString& from, const QString& to);
0257     /** notifies the working set that it should clear */
0258     void clearWorkingSet(Sublime::Area* area);
0260 private Q_SLOTS:
0261     void positionChanged(Sublime::View*, int);
0262     void actionDestroyed(QObject* action);
0264 private:
0265     template <typename Operator>
0266     WalkerMode walkViewsInternal(Operator &op, AreaIndex *index);
0268     void initialize();
0270 private:
0271     const QScopedPointer<class AreaPrivate> d_ptr;
0272     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Area)
0273 };
0275 }
0277 #include "areawalkers.h"
0279 #endif