File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 12:36:39

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999-2001 Bernd Gehrmann <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004, 2007 Alexander Dymo <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Adam Treat <>
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Andreas Pakulat <>
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0013 #include <QObject>
0015 #include <KXMLGUIClient>
0017 #include "interfacesexport.h"
0019 namespace Sublime {
0020 class MainWindow;
0021 }
0023 namespace KDevelop
0024 {
0026 class ICore;
0027 class ConfigPage;
0028 class Context;
0029 class ContextMenuExtension;
0030 struct ProjectConfigOptions;
0031 class IPluginPrivate;
0033 /**
0034  * The base class for all KDevelop plugins.
0035  *
0036  * Plugin is a component which is loaded into KDevelop shell at startup or by
0037  * request. Each plugin should have corresponding .desktop file with a
0038  * description. The .desktop file template looks like:
0039  * @code
0040  * [Desktop Entry]
0041  * Type=Service
0042  * Exec=blubb
0043  * Name=
0044  * Comment=
0045  * Icon=
0046  * X-KDE-Library=
0047  * X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=
0048  * X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=
0049  * X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=
0050  * X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=
0051  * X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=
0052  * X-KDevelop-Version=
0053  * X-KDevelop-Category=
0054  * X-KDevelop-Mode=GUI
0055  * X-KDevelop-LoadMode=
0056  * X-KDevelop-Languages=
0057  * X-KDevelop-SupportedMimeTypes=
0058  * X-KDevelop-Interfaces=
0059  * X-KDevelop-IOptional=
0060  * X-KDevelop-IRequired=
0061  * @endcode
0062  * <b>Description of parameters in .desktop file:</b>
0063  * - <i>Name</i> is a translatable name of a plugin, it is used in the plugin 
0064  *   selection list (required);
0065  * - <i>Comment</i> is a short description about the plugin (optional);
0066  * - <i>Icon</i> is a plugin icon (preferred);
0067  *   <i>X-KDE-library</i>this is the name of the .so file to load for this plugin (required);
0068  * - <i>X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name</i> is a non-translatable user-readable plugin
0069  *   identifier used in KTrader queries (required);
0070  * - <i>X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author</i> is a non-translateable name of the plugin
0071  *   author (optional);
0072  * - <i>X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version</i> is version number of the plugin (optional);
0073  * - <i>X-KDE-PluginInfo-License</i> is a license (optional). can be: GPL,
0074  * LGPL, BSD, Artistic, QPL or Custom. If this property is not set, license is
0075  * considered as unknown;
0076  * - <i>X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category</i> is used to categorize plugins (optional). can be:
0077  *    Core, Project Management, Version Control, Utilities, Documentation,
0078  *    Language Support, Debugging, Other
0079  *   If this property is not set, "Other" is assumed
0080  * - <i>X-KDevelop-Version</i> is the KDevPlatform API version this plugin
0081  *   works with (required);
0082  * - <i>X-KDevelop-Interfaces</i> is a list of extension interfaces that this
0083  * plugin implements (optional);
0084  * - <i>X-KDevelop-IRequired</i> is a list of extension interfaces that this
0085  * plugin depends on (optional); A list entry can also be of the form @c interface\@pluginname,
0086  * in which case a plugin of the given name is required which implements the interface.
0087  * - <i>X-KDevelop-IOptional</i> is a list of extension interfaces that this
0088  * plugin will use if they are available (optional);
0089  * - <i>X-KDevelop-Languages</i> is a list of the names of the languages the plugin provides
0090  *   support for (optional);
0091  * - <i>X-KDevelop-SupportedMimeTypes</i> is a list of mimetypes that the 
0092  *   language-parser in this plugin supports (optional);
0093  * - <i>X-KDevelop-Mode</i> is either GUI or NoGUI to indicate whether a plugin can run
0094  *   with the GUI components loaded or not (required);
0095  * - <i>X-KDevelop-Category</i> is a scope of a plugin (see below for
0096  * explanation) (required);
0097  * - <i>X-KDevelop-LoadMode</i> can be set to AlwaysOn in which case the plugin will
0098  *   never be unloaded even if requested via the API. (optional);
0099  *
0100  * Plugin scope can be either:
0101  * - Global
0102  * - Project
0103  * .
0104  * Global plugins are plugins which require only the shell to be loaded and do not operate on
0105  * the Project interface and/or do not use project wide information.\n
0106  * Core plugins are global plugins which offer some important "core" functionality and thus
0107  * are not selectable by user in plugin configuration pages.\n
0108  * Project plugins require a project to be loaded and are usually loaded/unloaded along with
0109  * the project.
0110  * If your plugin uses the Project interface and/or operates on project-related
0111  * information then this is a project plugin.
0112  *
0113  *
0114  * @sa Core class documentation for information about features available to
0115  * plugins from shell applications.
0116  */
0117 class KDEVPLATFORMINTERFACES_EXPORT IPlugin: public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient
0118 {
0119     Q_OBJECT
0121 public:
0122     /**Constructs a plugin.
0123      * @param componentName The component name for this plugin.
0124      * @param parent The parent object for the plugin.
0125      */
0126     IPlugin(const QString &componentName, QObject *parent);
0128     /**Destructs a plugin.*/
0129     ~IPlugin() override;
0131     /**
0132      * Signal the plugin that it should cleanup since it will be unloaded soon.
0133      */
0134     virtual void unload();
0136     /**
0137      * Provides access to the ICore implementation
0138      */
0139     ICore *core() const;
0141     /**
0142      * Convenience API to access an interface inherited by this plugin
0143      *
0144      * @return Instance to the specified interface, or nullptr
0145      */
0146     template<class Extension>
0147     inline Extension* extension()
0148     {
0149         return qobject_cast<Extension*>(this);
0150     }
0152     /**
0153      * Ask the plugin for a ContextActionContainer, which contains actions
0154      * that will be merged into the context menu.
0155      * @param context the context describing where the context menu was requested
0156      * @param parent a widget to use for memory management of QActions, QMenus etc. created only for this request
0157      * @returns a container describing which actions to merge into which context menu part
0158      */
0159     virtual ContextMenuExtension contextMenuExtension(KDevelop::Context* context, QWidget* parent);
0161     /**
0162      * Can create a new KXMLGUIClient, and set it up correctly with all the plugins per-window GUI actions.
0163      *
0164      * The caller owns the created object, including all contained actions. The object is destroyed as soon as
0165      * the mainwindow is closed.
0166      *
0167      * The default implementation calls the convenience function @ref createActionsForMainWindow and uses it to fill a custom KXMLGUIClient.
0168      *
0169      * Only override this version if you need more specific features of KXMLGUIClient, or other special per-window handling.
0170      *
0171      * @param window The main window the actions are created for
0172      */
0173     virtual KXMLGUIClient* createGUIForMainWindow( Sublime::MainWindow* window );
0175     /**
0176      * This function allows allows setting up plugin actions conveniently. Unless createGUIForMainWindow was overridden,
0177      * this is called for each new mainwindow, and the plugin should add its actions to @p actions, and write its KXMLGui xml file
0178      * into @p xmlFile.
0179      *
0180      * @param window The main window the actions are created for
0181      * @param xmlFile Change this to the xml file that needed for merging the actions into the GUI
0182      * @param actions Add your actions here. A new set of actions has to be created for each mainwindow.
0183      */
0184     virtual void createActionsForMainWindow( Sublime::MainWindow* window, QString& xmlFile, KActionCollection& actions );
0186     /**
0187      * This function is necessary because there is no proper way to signal errors from plugin constructor.
0188      * @returns True if the plugin has encountered an error (and therefore has an error description), 
0189      * false otherwise.
0190      */
0191     bool hasError() const;
0193     /**
0194      * Description of the last encountered error, of an empty string if none.
0195      */
0196     QString errorDescription() const;
0198     /**
0199      * Set a @p description of the error encountered. An empty error
0200      * description implies no error in the plugin.
0201      */
0202     void setErrorDescription(QString const& description);
0204     /**
0205      * Get the global config page with the \p number, config pages from 0 to
0206      * configPages()-1 are available if configPages() > 0.
0207      *
0208      * @param number index of config page
0209      * @param parent parent widget for config page
0210      * @return newly created config page or NULL, if the number is out of bounds, default implementation returns NULL.
0211      * This config page should inherit from ProjectConfigPage, but it is not a strict requirement.
0212      * The default implementation returns @c nullptr.
0213      * @see perProjectConfigPages(), ProjectConfigPage
0214      */
0215     virtual ConfigPage* configPage(int number, QWidget *parent);
0217     /**
0218      * Get the number of available config pages for global settings.
0219      * @return number of global config pages. The default implementation returns zero.
0220      * @see configPage()
0221      */
0222     virtual int configPages() const;
0224     /**
0225      * Get the number of available config pages for per project settings.
0226      * @return number of per project config pages. The default implementation returns zero.
0227      * @see perProjectConfigPage()
0228      */
0229     virtual int perProjectConfigPages() const;
0231     /**
0232      * Get the per project config page with the \p number, config pages from 0 to
0233      * perProjectConfigPages()-1 are available if perProjectConfigPages() > 0.
0234      *
0235      * @param number index of config page
0236      * @param options The options used to initialize the ProjectConfigPage
0237      * @param parent parent widget for config page
0238      * @return newly created config page or NULL, if the number is out of bounds, default implementation returns NULL.
0239      * This config page should inherit from ProjectConfigPage, but it is not a strict requirement.
0240      * The default implementation returns @c nullptr.
0241      * @see perProjectConfigPages(), ProjectConfigPage
0242      */
0243     virtual ConfigPage* perProjectConfigPage(int number, const KDevelop::ProjectConfigOptions& options, QWidget* parent);
0245 protected:
0246     /**
0247      * Initialize the XML GUI State.
0248      */
0249     virtual void initializeGuiState();
0251 private:
0252     const QScopedPointer<class IPluginPrivate> d_ptr;
0253     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(IPlugin)
0254     friend class IPluginPrivate;
0255 };
0257 }
0259 #endif