File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 15:54:21

0001 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
0002  *
0003  *   Copyright (C) 2006-2010 by Jim Pattee <>
0004  *   Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Tal Davidson
0005  *   <>
0006  *
0007  *   This file is a part of Artistic Style - an indentation and
0008  *   reformatting tool for C, C++, C# and Java source files.
0009  *   <>
0010  *
0011  *   Artistic Style is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0012  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
0013  *   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0014  *   (at your option) any later version.
0015  *
0016  *   Artistic Style is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0017  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0019  *   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
0020  *
0021  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
0022  *   along with Artistic Style.  If not, see <>.
0023  *
0024  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
0025  */
0027 #include "astyle.h"
0028 #include <algorithm>
0031 namespace astyle
0032 {
0033 const string ASResource::AS_IF = string("if");
0034 const string ASResource::AS_ELSE = string("else");
0035 const string ASResource::AS_FOR = string("for");
0036 const string ASResource::AS_DO = string("do");
0037 const string ASResource::AS_WHILE = string("while");
0038 const string ASResource::AS_SWITCH = string("switch");
0039 const string ASResource::AS_CASE = string("case");
0040 const string ASResource::AS_DEFAULT = string("default");
0041 const string ASResource::AS_CLASS = string("class");
0042 const string ASResource::AS_STRUCT = string("struct");
0043 const string ASResource::AS_UNION = string("union");
0044 const string ASResource::AS_INTERFACE = string("interface");
0045 const string ASResource::AS_NAMESPACE = string("namespace");
0046 const string ASResource::AS_EXTERN = string("extern");
0047 const string ASResource::AS_ENUM = string("enum");
0048 const string ASResource::AS_PUBLIC = string("public");
0049 const string ASResource::AS_PROTECTED = string("protected");
0050 const string ASResource::AS_PRIVATE = string("private");
0051 const string ASResource::AS_STATIC = string("static");
0052 const string ASResource::AS_SYNCHRONIZED = string("synchronized");
0053 const string ASResource::AS_OPERATOR = string("operator");
0054 const string ASResource::AS_TEMPLATE = string("template");
0055 const string ASResource::AS_TRY = string("try");
0056 const string ASResource::AS_CATCH = string("catch");
0057 const string ASResource::AS_FINALLY = string("finally");
0058 const string ASResource::AS_THROWS = string("throws");
0059 const string ASResource::AS_CONST = string("const");
0060 const string ASResource::AS_WHERE = string("where");
0061 const string ASResource::AS_NEW = string("new");
0063 const string ASResource::AS_ASM = string("asm");
0064 const string ASResource::AS__ASM__ = string("__asm__");
0065 const string ASResource::AS_MS_ASM = string("_asm");
0066 const string ASResource::AS_MS__ASM = string("__asm");
0068 const string ASResource::AS_BAR_DEFINE = string("#define");
0069 const string ASResource::AS_BAR_INCLUDE = string("#include");
0070 const string ASResource::AS_BAR_IF = string("#if");
0071 const string ASResource::AS_BAR_EL = string("#el");
0072 const string ASResource::AS_BAR_ENDIF = string("#endif");
0074 const string ASResource::AS_OPEN_BRACKET = string("{");
0075 const string ASResource::AS_CLOSE_BRACKET = string("}");
0076 const string ASResource::AS_OPEN_LINE_COMMENT = string("//");
0077 const string ASResource::AS_OPEN_COMMENT = string("/*");
0078 const string ASResource::AS_CLOSE_COMMENT = string("*/");
0080 const string ASResource::AS_ASSIGN = string("=");
0081 const string ASResource::AS_PLUS_ASSIGN = string("+=");
0082 const string ASResource::AS_MINUS_ASSIGN = string("-=");
0083 const string ASResource::AS_MULT_ASSIGN = string("*=");
0084 const string ASResource::AS_DIV_ASSIGN = string("/=");
0085 const string ASResource::AS_MOD_ASSIGN = string("%=");
0086 const string ASResource::AS_OR_ASSIGN = string("|=");
0087 const string ASResource::AS_AND_ASSIGN = string("&=");
0088 const string ASResource::AS_XOR_ASSIGN = string("^=");
0089 const string ASResource::AS_GR_GR_ASSIGN = string(">>=");
0090 const string ASResource::AS_LS_LS_ASSIGN = string("<<=");
0091 const string ASResource::AS_GR_GR_GR_ASSIGN = string(">>>=");
0092 const string ASResource::AS_LS_LS_LS_ASSIGN = string("<<<=");
0093 const string ASResource::AS_GCC_MIN_ASSIGN = string("<?");
0094 const string ASResource::AS_GCC_MAX_ASSIGN = string(">?");
0096 const string ASResource::AS_RETURN = string("return");
0097 const string ASResource::AS_CIN = string("cin");
0098 const string ASResource::AS_COUT = string("cout");
0099 const string ASResource::AS_CERR = string("cerr");
0101 const string ASResource::AS_EQUAL = string("==");
0102 const string ASResource::AS_PLUS_PLUS = string("++");
0103 const string ASResource::AS_MINUS_MINUS = string("--");
0104 const string ASResource::AS_NOT_EQUAL = string("!=");
0105 const string ASResource::AS_GR_EQUAL = string(">=");
0106 const string ASResource::AS_GR_GR = string(">>");
0107 const string ASResource::AS_GR_GR_GR = string(">>>");
0108 const string ASResource::AS_LS_EQUAL = string("<=");
0109 const string ASResource::AS_LS_LS = string("<<");
0110 const string ASResource::AS_LS_LS_LS = string("<<<");
0111 const string ASResource::AS_QUESTION_QUESTION = string("??");
0112 const string ASResource::AS_EQUAL_GR = string("=>");            // C# lambda expression arrow
0113 const string ASResource::AS_ARROW = string("->");
0114 const string ASResource::AS_AND = string("&&");
0115 const string ASResource::AS_OR = string("||");
0116 const string ASResource::AS_COLON_COLON = string("::");
0117 const string ASResource::AS_PAREN_PAREN = string("()");
0118 const string ASResource::AS_BLPAREN_BLPAREN = string("[]");
0120 const string ASResource::AS_PLUS = string("+");
0121 const string ASResource::AS_MINUS = string("-");
0122 const string ASResource::AS_MULT = string("*");
0123 const string ASResource::AS_DIV = string("/");
0124 const string ASResource::AS_MOD = string("%");
0125 const string ASResource::AS_GR = string(">");
0126 const string ASResource::AS_LS = string("<");
0127 const string ASResource::AS_NOT = string("!");
0128 const string ASResource::AS_BIT_OR = string("|");
0129 const string ASResource::AS_BIT_AND = string("&");
0130 const string ASResource::AS_BIT_NOT = string("~");
0131 const string ASResource::AS_BIT_XOR = string("^");
0132 const string ASResource::AS_QUESTION = string("?");
0133 const string ASResource::AS_COLON = string(":");
0134 const string ASResource::AS_COMMA = string(",");
0135 const string ASResource::AS_SEMICOLON = string(";");
0137 const string ASResource::AS_FOREACH = string("foreach");
0138 const string ASResource::AS_LOCK = string("lock");
0139 const string ASResource::AS_UNSAFE = string("unsafe");
0140 const string ASResource::AS_FIXED = string("fixed");
0141 const string ASResource::AS_GET = string("get");
0142 const string ASResource::AS_SET = string("set");
0143 const string ASResource::AS_ADD = string("add");
0144 const string ASResource::AS_REMOVE = string("remove");
0145 const string ASResource::AS_DELEGATE = string("delegate");
0146 const string ASResource::AS_UNCHECKED = string("unchecked");
0148 const string ASResource::AS_CONST_CAST = string("const_cast");
0149 const string ASResource::AS_DYNAMIC_CAST = string("dynamic_cast");
0150 const string ASResource::AS_REINTERPRET_CAST = string("reinterpret_cast");
0151 const string ASResource::AS_STATIC_CAST = string("static_cast");
0154 /**
0155  * Sort comparison function.
0156  * Compares the length of the value of pointers in the vectors.
0157  * The LONGEST strings will be first in the vector.
0158  *
0159  * @params the string pointers to be compared.
0160  */
0161 bool sortOnLength(const string *a, const string *b)
0162 {
0163     return (*a).length() > (*b).length();
0164 }
0166 /**
0167  * Sort comparison function.
0168  * Compares the value of pointers in the vectors.
0169  *
0170  * @params the string pointers to be compared.
0171  */
0172 bool sortOnName(const string *a, const string *b)
0173 {
0174     return *a < *b;
0175 }
0177 /**
0178  * Build the vector of assignment operators.
0179  * Used by BOTH ASFormatter.cpp and ASBeautifier.cpp
0180  *
0181  * @param assignmentOperators   a reference to the vector to be built.
0182  */
0183 void ASResource::buildAssignmentOperators(vector<const string*>* assignmentOperators)
0184 {
0185     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_ASSIGN);
0186     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_PLUS_ASSIGN);
0187     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_MINUS_ASSIGN);
0188     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_MULT_ASSIGN);
0189     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_DIV_ASSIGN);
0190     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_MOD_ASSIGN);
0191     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_OR_ASSIGN);
0192     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_AND_ASSIGN);
0193     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_XOR_ASSIGN);
0195     // Java
0196     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR_GR_ASSIGN);
0197     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR_ASSIGN);
0198     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS_ASSIGN);
0200     // Unknown
0201     assignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS_LS_ASSIGN);
0203     sort(assignmentOperators->begin(), assignmentOperators->end(), sortOnLength);
0204 }
0206 /**
0207  * Build the vector of C++ cast operators.
0208  * Used by ONLY ASFormatter.cpp
0209  *
0210  * @param castOperators     a reference to the vector to be built.
0211  */
0212 void ASResource::buildCastOperators(vector<const string*>* castOperators)
0213 {
0214     castOperators->push_back(&AS_CONST_CAST);
0215     castOperators->push_back(&AS_DYNAMIC_CAST);
0216     castOperators->push_back(&AS_REINTERPRET_CAST);
0217     castOperators->push_back(&AS_STATIC_CAST);
0218 }
0220 /**
0221  * Build the vector of header words.
0222  * Used by BOTH ASFormatter.cpp and ASBeautifier.cpp
0223  *
0224  * @param headers       a reference to the vector to be built.
0225  */
0226 void ASResource::buildHeaders(vector<const string*>* headers, int fileType, bool beautifier)
0227 {
0228     headers->push_back(&AS_IF);
0229     headers->push_back(&AS_ELSE);
0230     headers->push_back(&AS_FOR);
0231     headers->push_back(&AS_WHILE);
0232     headers->push_back(&AS_DO);
0233     headers->push_back(&AS_SWITCH);
0234     headers->push_back(&AS_TRY);
0235     headers->push_back(&AS_CATCH);
0237     if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0238     {
0239         headers->push_back(&AS_FINALLY);
0240         headers->push_back(&AS_SYNCHRONIZED);
0241     }
0243     if (fileType == SHARP_TYPE)
0244     {
0245         headers->push_back(&AS_FINALLY);
0246         headers->push_back(&AS_FOREACH);
0247         headers->push_back(&AS_LOCK);
0248 //      headers->push_back(&AS_UNSAFE);
0249         headers->push_back(&AS_FIXED);
0250         headers->push_back(&AS_GET);
0251         headers->push_back(&AS_SET);
0252         headers->push_back(&AS_ADD);
0253         headers->push_back(&AS_REMOVE);
0254     }
0256     if (beautifier)
0257     {
0258         headers->push_back(&AS_CASE);
0259         headers->push_back(&AS_DEFAULT);
0261         if (fileType == C_TYPE)
0262         {
0263             headers->push_back(&AS_CONST);
0264             headers->push_back(&AS_TEMPLATE);
0265         }
0267         if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0268         {
0269             headers->push_back(&AS_STATIC);         // for static constructor
0270         }
0271     }
0272     sort(headers->begin(), headers->end(), sortOnName);
0273 }
0275 /**
0276  * Build the vector of indentable headers.
0277  * Used by ONLY ASBeautifier.cpp
0278  *
0279  * @param indentableHeaders     a reference to the vector to be built.
0280  */
0281 void ASResource::buildIndentableHeaders(vector<const string*>* indentableHeaders)
0282 {
0283     indentableHeaders->push_back(&AS_RETURN);
0284 //  indentableHeaders->push_back(&AS_COUT);
0285 //  indentableHeaders->push_back(&AS_CERR);
0286 //  indentableHeaders->push_back(&AS_CIN);
0288     sort(indentableHeaders->begin(), indentableHeaders->end(), sortOnName);
0289 }
0291 /**
0292  * Build the vector of non-assignment operators.
0293  * Used by ONLY ASBeautifier.cpp
0294  *
0295  * @param nonAssignmentOperators       a reference to the vector to be built.
0296  */
0297 void ASResource::buildNonAssignmentOperators(vector<const string*>* nonAssignmentOperators)
0298 {
0299     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_EQUAL);
0300     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_PLUS_PLUS);
0301     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_MINUS_MINUS);
0302     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_NOT_EQUAL);
0303     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_GR_EQUAL);
0304     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR_GR);
0305     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR);
0306     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_LS_EQUAL);
0307     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS_LS);
0308     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS);
0309     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_ARROW);
0310     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_AND);
0311     nonAssignmentOperators->push_back(&AS_OR);
0313     sort(nonAssignmentOperators->begin(), nonAssignmentOperators->end(), sortOnLength);
0314 }
0316 /**
0317  * Build the vector of header non-paren headers.
0318  * Used by BOTH ASFormatter.cpp and ASBeautifier.cpp
0319  *
0320  * @param nonParenHeaders       a reference to the vector to be built.
0321  */
0322 void ASResource::buildNonParenHeaders(vector<const string*>* nonParenHeaders, int fileType, bool beautifier)
0323 {
0324     nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_ELSE);
0325     nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_DO);
0326     nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_TRY);
0328     if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0329     {
0330         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_FINALLY);
0331     }
0333     if (fileType == SHARP_TYPE)
0334     {
0335         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_CATCH);       // can be a paren or non-paren header
0336         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_FINALLY);
0337 //      nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_UNSAFE);
0338         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_GET);
0339         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_SET);
0340         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_ADD);
0341         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_REMOVE);
0342     }
0344     if (beautifier)
0345     {
0346         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_CASE);
0347         nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_DEFAULT);
0348         if (fileType == C_TYPE)
0349         {
0350             nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_CONST);
0351             nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_TEMPLATE);
0352         }
0353         if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0354         {
0355             nonParenHeaders->push_back(&AS_STATIC);
0356         }
0357     }
0358     sort(nonParenHeaders->begin(), nonParenHeaders->end(), sortOnName);
0359 }
0361 /**
0362  * Build the vector of operators.
0363  * Used by ONLY ASFormatter.cpp
0364  *
0365  * @param operators             a reference to the vector to be built.
0366  */
0367 void ASResource::buildOperators(vector<const string*>* operators)
0368 {
0369     operators->push_back(&AS_PLUS_ASSIGN);
0370     operators->push_back(&AS_MINUS_ASSIGN);
0371     operators->push_back(&AS_MULT_ASSIGN);
0372     operators->push_back(&AS_DIV_ASSIGN);
0373     operators->push_back(&AS_MOD_ASSIGN);
0374     operators->push_back(&AS_OR_ASSIGN);
0375     operators->push_back(&AS_AND_ASSIGN);
0376     operators->push_back(&AS_XOR_ASSIGN);
0377     operators->push_back(&AS_EQUAL);
0378     operators->push_back(&AS_PLUS_PLUS);
0379     operators->push_back(&AS_MINUS_MINUS);
0380     operators->push_back(&AS_NOT_EQUAL);
0381     operators->push_back(&AS_GR_EQUAL);
0382     operators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR_GR_ASSIGN);
0383     operators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR_ASSIGN);
0384     operators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR_GR);
0385     operators->push_back(&AS_GR_GR);
0386     operators->push_back(&AS_LS_EQUAL);
0387     operators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS_LS_ASSIGN);
0388     operators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS_ASSIGN);
0389     operators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS_LS);
0390     operators->push_back(&AS_LS_LS);
0391     operators->push_back(&AS_QUESTION_QUESTION);
0392     operators->push_back(&AS_EQUAL_GR);
0393     operators->push_back(&AS_GCC_MIN_ASSIGN);
0394     operators->push_back(&AS_GCC_MAX_ASSIGN);
0395     operators->push_back(&AS_ARROW);
0396     operators->push_back(&AS_AND);
0397     operators->push_back(&AS_OR);
0398     operators->push_back(&AS_COLON_COLON);
0399     operators->push_back(&AS_PLUS);
0400     operators->push_back(&AS_MINUS);
0401     operators->push_back(&AS_MULT);
0402     operators->push_back(&AS_DIV);
0403     operators->push_back(&AS_MOD);
0404     operators->push_back(&AS_QUESTION);
0405     operators->push_back(&AS_COLON);
0406     operators->push_back(&AS_ASSIGN);
0407     operators->push_back(&AS_LS);
0408     operators->push_back(&AS_GR);
0409     operators->push_back(&AS_NOT);
0410     operators->push_back(&AS_BIT_OR);
0411     operators->push_back(&AS_BIT_AND);
0412     operators->push_back(&AS_BIT_NOT);
0413     operators->push_back(&AS_BIT_XOR);
0415     sort(operators->begin(), operators->end(), sortOnLength);
0416 }
0418 /**
0419  * Build the vector of pre-block statements.
0420  * Used by ONLY ASBeautifier.cpp
0421  * NOTE: Cannot be both a header and a preBlockStatement.
0422  *
0423  * @param preBlockStatements        a reference to the vector to be built.
0424  */
0425 void ASResource::buildPreBlockStatements(vector<const string*>* preBlockStatements, int fileType)
0426 {
0427     preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_CLASS);
0428     if (fileType == C_TYPE)
0429     {
0430         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_STRUCT);
0431         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_UNION);
0432         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_NAMESPACE);
0433     }
0434     if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0435     {
0436         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_INTERFACE);
0437         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_THROWS);
0438     }
0439     if (fileType == SHARP_TYPE)
0440     {
0441         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_INTERFACE);
0442         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_NAMESPACE);
0443         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_WHERE);
0444         preBlockStatements->push_back(&AS_STRUCT);
0445     }
0446     sort(preBlockStatements->begin(), preBlockStatements->end(), sortOnName);
0447 }
0449 /**
0450  * Build the vector of pre-command headers.
0451  * Used by ONLY ASFormatter.cpp
0452  *
0453  * @param preCommandHeaders     a reference to the vector to be built.
0454  */
0455 void ASResource::buildPreCommandHeaders(vector<const string*>* preCommandHeaders, int fileType)
0456 {
0457     if (fileType == C_TYPE)
0458     {
0459         preCommandHeaders->push_back(&AS_CONST);
0460     }
0462     if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0463     {
0464         preCommandHeaders->push_back(&AS_THROWS);
0465     }
0467     if (fileType == SHARP_TYPE)
0468     {
0469         preCommandHeaders->push_back(&AS_WHERE);
0470     }
0472     sort(preCommandHeaders->begin(), preCommandHeaders->end(), sortOnName);
0473 }
0475 /**
0476  * Build the vector of pre-definition headers.
0477  * Used by ONLY ASFormatter.cpp
0478  * NOTE: Do NOT add 'enum' here. It is an array type bracket.
0479  * NOTE: Do NOT add 'extern' here. Do not want an extra indent.
0480  *
0481  * @param preDefinitionHeaders      a reference to the vector to be built.
0482  */
0483 void ASResource::buildPreDefinitionHeaders(vector<const string*>* preDefinitionHeaders, int fileType)
0484 {
0485     preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_CLASS);
0486     if (fileType == C_TYPE)
0487     {
0488         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_STRUCT);
0489         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_UNION);
0490         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_NAMESPACE);
0491     }
0492     if (fileType == JAVA_TYPE)
0493     {
0494         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_INTERFACE);
0495     }
0496     if (fileType == SHARP_TYPE)
0497     {
0498         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_STRUCT);
0499         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_INTERFACE);
0500         preDefinitionHeaders->push_back(&AS_NAMESPACE);
0501     }
0502     sort(preDefinitionHeaders->begin(), preDefinitionHeaders->end(), sortOnName);
0503 }
0505 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
0506  *                             ASBase Funtions
0507  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
0509 // check if a specific line position contains a keyword.
0510 bool ASBase::findKeyword(const string &line, int i, const string &keyword) const
0511 {
0512     assert(isCharPotentialHeader(line, i));
0513     // check the word
0514     const size_t keywordLength = keyword.length();
0515     const size_t wordEnd = i + keywordLength;
0516     if (wordEnd > line.length())
0517         return false;
0518     if (, keywordLength, keyword) != 0)
0519         return false;
0520     // check that this is not part of a longer word
0521     if (wordEnd == line.length())
0522         return true;
0523     if (isLegalNameChar(line[wordEnd]))
0524         return false;
0525     // is not a keyword if part of a definition
0526     const char peekChar = peekNextChar(line, wordEnd - 1);
0527     if (peekChar == ',' || peekChar == ')')
0528         return false;
0529     return true;
0530 }
0532 // get the current word on a line
0533 // index must point to the beginning of the word
0534 string ASBase::getCurrentWord(const string& line, size_t index) const
0535 {
0536     assert(isCharPotentialHeader(line, index));
0537     size_t lineLength = line.length();
0538     size_t i;
0539     for (i = index; i < lineLength; i++)
0540     {
0541         if (!isLegalNameChar(line[i]))
0542             break;
0543     }
0544     return line.substr(index, i - index);
0545 }
0547 }   // end namespace astyle