File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 15:42:33

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Andreas Pakulat <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Patrick Spendrin <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0008 // The Python 3.4 Language Reference was used as basis for this AST
0010 #ifndef PYTHON_AST_H
0011 #define PYTHON_AST_H
0013 #include <QList>
0014 #include <QString>
0015 #include <QSharedPointer>
0016 #include <KTextEditor/Range>
0017 #include "parserexport.h"
0018 #include "kdevpythonversion.h"
0020 namespace KDevelop
0021 {
0022     class DUContext;
0023 }
0025 namespace Python {
0026     class StatementAst;
0027     class FunctionDefinitionAst;
0028     class AssignmentAst;
0029     class PassAst;
0030     class NonlocalAst;
0031     class ExpressionAst;
0032     class NameAst;
0033     class CallAst;
0034     class AttributeAst;
0035     class ArgumentsAst;
0036     class KeywordAst;
0038     class ExpressionAst;
0039     class StatementAst;
0040     class Ast;
0041     class ExceptionHandlerAst;
0042     class AliasAst;
0043     class ComprehensionAst;
0044     class SliceAst;
0045 }
0047 namespace Python
0048 {
0051 // Base class for all other Abstract Syntax Tree classes
0053 {
0054 public:
0055     enum AstType
0056     {
0057         StatementAstType,
0058         FunctionDefinitionAstType,
0059         AssignmentAstType,
0060         PassAstType,
0061         NonlocalAstType,
0062         ArgumentsAstType,
0063         ArgAstType,
0064         KeywordAstType,
0065         ClassDefinitionAstType,
0066         ReturnAstType,
0067         DeleteAstType,
0068         ForAstType,
0069         WhileAstType,
0070         IfAstType,
0071         WithAstType,
0072         WithItemAstType,
0073         RaiseAstType,
0074         TryAstType,
0075         TryStarAstType,
0076         ImportAstType,
0077         ImportFromAstType,
0078         GlobalAstType,
0079         BreakAstType,
0080         ContinueAstType,
0081         AssertionAstType,
0082         AugmentedAssignmentAstType,
0083         AnnotationAssignmentAstType,
0084         MatchAstType,
0085         LastStatementType,
0087         ExpressionAstType, // everything below is an expression
0088         AwaitAstType,
0089         ConstantAstType,
0090         NameAstType,
0091         NameConstantAstType,
0092         CallAstType,
0093         AttributeAstType,
0094         DictionaryComprehensionAstType,
0095         BooleanOperationAstType,
0096         BinaryOperationAstType,
0097         UnaryOperationAstType,
0098         LambdaAstType,
0099         IfExpressionAstType, // the short one, if a then b else c
0100         DictAstType,
0101         SetAstType,
0102         ListComprehensionAstType,
0103         SetComprehensionAstType,
0104         GeneratorExpressionAstType,
0105         YieldAstType,
0106         CompareAstType,
0107         NumberAstType,
0108         StringAstType,
0109         JoinedStringAstType,
0110         FormattedValueAstType,
0111         BytesAstType,
0112         SubscriptAstType,
0113         StarredAstType,
0114         ListAstType,
0115         TupleAstType,
0116         YieldFromAstType,
0117         ComprehensionAstType,
0118         SliceAstType,
0119         EllipsisAstType,
0120         AssignmentExpressionAstType,
0121         LastExpressionType, // keep this at the end of the expr ast list
0123         // everything below is a pattern
0124         MatchCaseAstType,
0125         PatternAstType,
0126         MatchValueAstType,
0127         MatchSingletonAstType,
0128         MatchSequenceAstType,
0129         MatchMappingAstType,
0130         MatchClassAstType,
0131         MatchStarAstType,
0132         MatchAsAstType,
0133         MatchOrAstType,
0134         LastPatternType,
0136         CodeAstType,
0137         ExceptionHandlerAstType,
0138         AliasAstType, // for imports
0139         IdentifierAstType,
0140         LastAstType // the largest one, not valid!
0141     };
0143     enum BooleanOperationTypes {
0144         BooleanAnd = 1,
0145         BooleanOr,
0146         BooleanInvalidOperation
0147     };
0149     enum OperatorTypes {
0150         OperatorAdd = 1,
0151         OperatorSub,
0152         OperatorMult,
0154         OperatorMatMult,
0155 #endif
0156         OperatorDiv,
0157         OperatorMod,
0158         OperatorPow,
0159         OperatorLeftShift,
0160         OperatorRightShift,
0161         OperatorBitwiseOr,
0162         OperatorBitwiseXor,
0163         OperatorBitwiseAnd,
0164         OperatorFloorDivision,
0165         OperatorInvalid
0166     };
0168     enum UnaryOperatorTypes {
0169         UnaryOperatorInvert = 1,
0170         UnaryOperatorNot,
0171         UnaryOperatorAdd,
0172         UnaryOperatorSub,
0173         UnaryOperatorInvalid
0174     };
0176     enum ComparisonOperatorTypes {
0177         ComparisonOperatorEquals = 1,
0178         ComparisonOperatorNotEquals,
0179         ComparisonOperatorLessThan,
0180         ComparisonOperatorLessThanEqual,
0181         ComparisonOperatorGreaterThan,
0182         ComparisonOperatorGreaterThanEqual,
0183         ComparisonOperatorIs,
0184         ComparisonOperatorIsNot,
0185         ComparisonOperatorIn,
0186         ComparisonOperatorNotIn,
0187         ComparisonOperatorInvalid
0188     };
0190     Ast(Ast* parent, AstType type);
0191     Ast();
0192     virtual ~Ast() {};
0193     Ast* parent = nullptr;
0194     AstType astType;
0196     bool isExpression() const {
0197         return astType >= ExpressionAstType && astType <= LastExpressionType;
0198     }
0200     void copyRange(const Ast* other) {
0201         startCol = other->startCol;
0202         endCol = other->endCol;
0203         startLine = other->startLine;
0204         endLine = other->endLine;
0205     }
0207     bool appearsBefore(const Ast* other) {
0208         return startLine < other->startLine || ( startLine == other->startLine && startCol < other->startCol );
0209     }
0211     const KTextEditor::Range range() const {
0212         return KTextEditor::Range(startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol);
0213     };
0215     const KTextEditor::Cursor start() const {
0216         return {startLine, startCol};
0217     }
0219     const KTextEditor::Cursor end() const {
0220         return {endLine, endCol};
0221     }
0223     bool isChildOf(Ast* other) const {
0224         const Ast* parent = this;
0225         while ( parent ) {
0226             if ( parent == other ) {
0227                 return true;
0228             }
0229             parent = parent->parent;
0230         }
0231         return false;
0232     }
0234     virtual QString dump() const
0235     {
0236         QString r = "Ast(astType=";
0237         r.append(astType);
0238         r.append(", startLine=");
0239         r.append(startLine);
0240         r.append(", startCol=");
0241         r.append(startCol);
0242         r.append(", endCol=");
0243         r.append(endCol);
0244         r.append(", endLine=");
0245         r.append(endLine);
0246         r.append(")");
0247         return r;
0248     };
0250     int startCol;
0251     int startLine;
0252     int endCol;
0253     int endLine;
0255     bool hasUsefulRangeInformation;
0257     KDevelop::DUContext* context;
0258 };
0260 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT Identifier : public Ast {
0261 public:
0262     Identifier(QString value);
0263     bool operator==(const Identifier& rhs) const {
0264         return value == rhs.value;
0265     };
0266     bool operator==(const QString& rhs) const {
0267         return value == rhs;
0268     };
0269     void setEndColumn() {
0270         endCol = startCol + value.length() - 1;
0271     }
0272     operator QString() const {
0273         return value;
0274     };
0275     QString value;
0277     QString dump() const override;
0278 };
0280 // this replaces ModuleAst
0281 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT CodeAst : public Ast {
0282 public:
0283     CodeAst();
0284     ~CodeAst();
0285     typedef QSharedPointer<CodeAst> Ptr;
0286     QList<Ast*> body;
0287     Identifier* name; // module name
0288     QString dump() const override;
0290 };
0292 /** Statement classes **/
0293 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT StatementAst : public Ast {
0294 public:
0295     StatementAst(Ast* parent, AstType type);
0296 };
0298 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT FunctionDefinitionAst : public StatementAst {
0299 public:
0300     FunctionDefinitionAst(Ast* parent);
0301     Identifier* name;
0302     ArgumentsAst* arguments;
0303     QList<ExpressionAst*> decorators;
0304     QList<Ast*> body;
0305     ExpressionAst* returns;
0306     bool async;
0307     QString dump() const override;
0308 };
0310 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ClassDefinitionAst : public StatementAst {
0311 public:
0312     ClassDefinitionAst(Ast* parent);
0313     Identifier* name;
0314     QList<ExpressionAst*> baseClasses;
0315     QList<Ast*> body;
0316     QList<ExpressionAst*> decorators;
0317     QString dump() const override;
0318 };
0320 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ReturnAst : public StatementAst {
0321 public:
0322     ReturnAst(Ast* parent);
0323     ExpressionAst* value;
0324     QString dump() const override;
0325 };
0327 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT DeleteAst : public StatementAst {
0328 public:
0329     DeleteAst(Ast* parent);
0330     QList<ExpressionAst*> targets;
0331     QString dump() const override;
0332 };
0334 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AssignmentAst : public StatementAst {
0335 public:
0336     AssignmentAst(Ast* parent);
0337     QList<ExpressionAst*> targets;
0338     ExpressionAst* value;
0339     QString dump() const override;
0340 };
0342 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AugmentedAssignmentAst : public StatementAst {
0343 public:
0344     AugmentedAssignmentAst(Ast* parent);
0345     ExpressionAst* target;
0346     Ast::OperatorTypes op;
0347     ExpressionAst* value;
0348     QString dump() const override;
0349 };
0351 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AnnotationAssignmentAst : public StatementAst {
0352 public:
0353     AnnotationAssignmentAst(Ast* parent);
0354     ExpressionAst* target;
0355     ExpressionAst* value;
0356     ExpressionAst* annotation;
0357     QString dump() const override;
0358 };
0360 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ForAst : public StatementAst {
0361 public:
0362     ForAst(Ast* parent);
0363     ExpressionAst* target;
0364     ExpressionAst* iterator;
0365     QList<Ast*> body;
0366     QList<Ast*> orelse;
0367     bool async;
0368     QString dump() const override;
0369 };
0371 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT WhileAst : public StatementAst {
0372 public:
0373     WhileAst(Ast* parent);
0374     ExpressionAst* condition;
0375     QList<Ast*> body;
0376     QList<Ast*> orelse;
0377     QString dump() const override;
0378 };
0380 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT IfAst : public StatementAst {
0381 public:
0382     IfAst(Ast* parent);
0383     ExpressionAst* condition;
0384     QList<Ast*> body;
0385     QList<Ast*> orelse;
0386     QString dump() const override;
0387 };
0389 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT WithItemAst : public Ast {
0390 public:
0391     WithItemAst(Ast* parent);
0392     ExpressionAst* contextExpression;
0393     ExpressionAst* optionalVars;
0394 };
0396 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT WithAst : public StatementAst {
0397 public:
0398     WithAst(Ast* parent);
0399     QList<Ast*> body;
0400     QList<WithItemAst*> items;
0401     bool async;
0402     QString dump() const override;
0403 };
0405 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT RaiseAst : public StatementAst {
0406 public:
0407     RaiseAst(Ast* parent);
0408     ExpressionAst* type;
0409     // TODO check what the other things in the grammar actually are and add them
0410     QString dump() const override;
0411 };
0413 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT TryAst : public StatementAst {
0414 public:
0415     TryAst(Ast* parent);
0416     QList<Ast*> body;
0417     QList<ExceptionHandlerAst*> handlers;
0418     QList<Ast*> orelse;
0419     QList<Ast*> finally;
0420     QString dump() const override;
0421 };
0423 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AssertionAst : public StatementAst {
0424 public:
0425     AssertionAst(Ast* parent);
0426     ExpressionAst* condition;
0427     ExpressionAst* message;
0428     QString dump() const override;
0429 };
0431 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT TryStarAst : public StatementAst {
0432 public:
0433     TryStarAst(Ast* parent);
0434     QList<Ast*> body;
0435     QList<ExceptionHandlerAst*> handlers;
0436     QList<Ast*> orelse;
0437     QList<Ast*> finally;
0438 };
0440 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ImportAst : public StatementAst {
0441 public:
0442     ImportAst(Ast* parent);
0443     QList<AliasAst*> names;
0444     QString dump() const override;
0445 };
0447 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ImportFromAst : public StatementAst {
0448 public:
0449     ImportFromAst(Ast* parent);
0450     Identifier* module;
0451     QList<AliasAst*> names;
0452     int level;
0453     QString dump() const override;
0454 };
0456 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT GlobalAst : public StatementAst {
0457 public:
0458     GlobalAst(Ast* parent);
0459     QList<Identifier*> names;
0460     QString dump() const override;
0461 };
0463 // TODO what's stmt::Expr(expr value) in the grammar and what do we need it for?
0465 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT BreakAst : public StatementAst {
0466 public:
0467     BreakAst(Ast* parent);
0468     QString dump() const override { return "Break()"; }
0469 };
0471 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ContinueAst : public StatementAst {
0472 public:
0473     ContinueAst(Ast* parent);
0474     QString dump() const override { return "Continue()"; }
0475 };
0477 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT PassAst : public StatementAst {
0478 public:
0479     PassAst(Ast* parent);
0480     QString dump() const override { return "Pass()"; }
0481 };
0483 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT NonlocalAst : public StatementAst {
0484 public:
0485     NonlocalAst(Ast* parent);
0486     QString dump() const override { return "Nonlocal()"; }
0487 };
0490 /** Expression classes **/
0491 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ExpressionAst : public Ast {
0492 public:
0493     ExpressionAst(Ast* parent, AstType type = Ast::ExpressionAstType);
0494     enum Context {
0495         Load = 1, // the object is read
0496         Store = 2, // the object is written
0497         Delete = 3, // the object is deleted
0498         Invalid = -1
0499     };
0500     ExpressionAst* value; // WARNING this is not set in most cases!
0501 };
0503 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ConstantAst : public ExpressionAst {
0504 public:
0505     ConstantAst(Ast* parent, AstType type = Ast::ConstantAstType): ExpressionAst(parent, type) {}
0506     // TODO: Python 3.8 + removed classes ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.Bytes, ast.NameConstant and ast.Ellipsis
0507 };
0509 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AssignmentExpressionAst : public ExpressionAst {
0510 public:
0511     AssignmentExpressionAst(Ast* parent);
0512     ExpressionAst* target;
0513     ExpressionAst* value;
0514     QString dump() const override;
0515 };
0517 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AwaitAst : public ExpressionAst {
0518 public:
0519     AwaitAst(Ast* parent);
0520     ExpressionAst* value;
0521     QString dump() const override;
0522 };
0524 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT YieldFromAst : public ExpressionAst {
0525 public:
0526     YieldFromAst(Ast* parent);
0527     ExpressionAst* value;
0528     QString dump() const override;
0529 };
0531 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT BooleanOperationAst : public ExpressionAst {
0532 public:
0533     BooleanOperationAst(Ast* parent);
0534     Ast::BooleanOperationTypes type;
0535     QList<ExpressionAst*> values;
0536 };
0538 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT BinaryOperationAst : public ExpressionAst {
0539 public:
0540     BinaryOperationAst(Ast* parent);
0541     Ast::OperatorTypes type;
0542     ExpressionAst* lhs;
0543     ExpressionAst* rhs;
0544     inline QString methodName() const {
0545         switch ( type ) {
0546             case Python::Ast::OperatorAdd: return QLatin1String("__add__");
0547             case Python::Ast::OperatorBitwiseAnd: return QLatin1String("__and__");
0548             case Python::Ast::OperatorBitwiseOr: return QLatin1String("__or__");
0549             case Python::Ast::OperatorBitwiseXor: return QLatin1String("__xor__");
0550             case Python::Ast::OperatorDiv: return QLatin1String("__div__");
0551             case Python::Ast::OperatorFloorDivision: return QLatin1String("__floordiv__");
0552             case Python::Ast::OperatorLeftShift: return QLatin1String("__lshift__");
0553             case Python::Ast::OperatorMod: return QLatin1String("__mod__");
0554             case Python::Ast::OperatorMult: return QLatin1String("__mul__");
0556             case Python::Ast::OperatorMatMult: return QLatin1String("__matmul__");
0557 #endif
0558             case Python::Ast::OperatorPow: return QLatin1String("__pow__");
0559             case Python::Ast::OperatorRightShift: return QLatin1String("__rshift__");
0560             case Python::Ast::OperatorSub: return QLatin1String("__sub__");
0561             case Python::Ast::OperatorInvalid: // fallthrough
0562             default: return QString();
0563         }
0564     };
0565     // incremental methods, for e.g. a += 3
0566     inline QString incMethodName() const {
0567         QString name = methodName();
0568         if ( name.size() < 3 ) {
0569             return name;
0570         }
0571         name.insert(2, QLatin1Char('i'));
0572         return name;
0573     }
0574 };
0576 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT UnaryOperationAst : public ExpressionAst {
0577 public:
0578     UnaryOperationAst(Ast* parent);
0579     Ast::UnaryOperatorTypes type;
0580     ExpressionAst* operand;
0582     QString dump() const override;
0583 };
0585 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT LambdaAst : public ExpressionAst {
0586 public:
0587     LambdaAst(Ast* parent);
0588     ArgumentsAst* arguments;
0589     ExpressionAst* body;
0590 };
0592 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT IfExpressionAst : public ExpressionAst {
0593 public:
0594     IfExpressionAst(Ast* parent);
0595     ExpressionAst* condition;
0596     ExpressionAst* body;
0597     ExpressionAst* orelse;
0598     QString dump() const override;
0599 };
0601 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT DictAst : public ExpressionAst {
0602 public:
0603     DictAst(Ast* parent);
0604     QList<ExpressionAst*> keys; // WARNING: Can contain null elements: `{**other}`
0605     QList<ExpressionAst*> values;
0606     QString dump() const override;
0607 };
0609 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT SetAst : public ExpressionAst {
0610 public:
0611     SetAst(Ast* parent);
0612     QList<ExpressionAst*> elements;
0613     QString dump() const override;
0614 };
0616 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ListComprehensionAst : public ExpressionAst {
0617 public:
0618     ListComprehensionAst(Ast* parent);
0619     ExpressionAst* element;
0620     QList<ComprehensionAst*> generators;
0621 };
0623 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT SetComprehensionAst : public ExpressionAst {
0624 public:
0625     SetComprehensionAst(Ast* parent);
0626     ExpressionAst* element;
0627     QList<ComprehensionAst*> generators;
0628 };
0630 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT DictionaryComprehensionAst : public ExpressionAst {
0631 public:
0632     DictionaryComprehensionAst(Ast* parent);
0633     ExpressionAst* key;
0634     ExpressionAst* value;
0635     QList<ComprehensionAst*> generators;
0636 };
0638 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT GeneratorExpressionAst : public ExpressionAst {
0639 public:
0640     GeneratorExpressionAst(Ast* parent);
0641     ExpressionAst* element;
0642     QList<ComprehensionAst*> generators;
0643 };
0645 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT CompareAst : public ExpressionAst {
0646 public:
0647     CompareAst(Ast* parent);
0648     ExpressionAst* leftmostElement;
0649     QList<ComparisonOperatorTypes> operators;
0650     QList<ExpressionAst*> comparands;
0651 };
0653 // TODO whats this exactly?
0654 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ReprAst : public ExpressionAst {
0655 public:
0656     ReprAst(Ast* parent);
0657     ExpressionAst* value;
0658 };
0660 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT NumberAst : public ConstantAst {
0661 public:
0662     NumberAst(Ast* parent) : ConstantAst(parent, Ast::NumberAstType) {}
0663     long value = 0; // only used for ints
0664     bool isInt = false; // otherwise it's a float
0665     QString dump() const override;
0666 };
0668 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT StringAst : public ConstantAst {
0669 public:
0670     StringAst(Ast* parent) : ConstantAst(parent, Ast::StringAstType) {}
0671     QString value = "";
0672     bool usedAsComment = false;
0673     QString dump() const override { return "Str('" + value + "')"; }
0674 };
0676 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT JoinedStringAst : public ExpressionAst {
0677 public:
0678     JoinedStringAst(Ast* parent);
0679     QList<ExpressionAst*> values;
0680 };
0682 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT FormattedValueAst : public ExpressionAst {
0683 public:
0684     FormattedValueAst(Ast* parent);
0685     ExpressionAst* value;
0686     int conversion;
0687     ExpressionAst* formatSpec;
0688 };
0690 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT BytesAst : public ConstantAst {
0691 public:
0692     BytesAst(Ast* parent) : ConstantAst(parent, Ast::BytesAstType) {};
0693     QString value = "";
0694 };
0696 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT YieldAst : public ExpressionAst {
0697 public:
0698     YieldAst(Ast* parent);
0699     ExpressionAst* value;
0700     QString dump() const override;
0701 };
0703 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT NameAst : public ExpressionAst {
0704 public:
0705     NameAst(Ast* parent);
0706     Identifier* identifier;
0707     ExpressionAst::Context context;
0708     QString dump() const override;
0709 };
0711 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT NameConstantAst : public ConstantAst {
0712 public:
0713     NameConstantAst(Ast* parent) : ConstantAst(parent, Ast::NameConstantAstType) {}
0714     enum NameConstantTypes {
0715         False,
0716         True,
0717         None,
0718         Invalid // should not happen
0719     };
0720     NameConstantTypes value = Invalid;
0721     QString dump() const override;
0722 };
0724 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT CallAst : public ExpressionAst {
0725 public:
0726     CallAst(Ast* parent);
0727     ExpressionAst* function;
0728     QList<ExpressionAst*> arguments;
0729     QList<KeywordAst*> keywords;
0730     QString dump() const override;
0731 };
0733 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AttributeAst : public ExpressionAst {
0734 public:
0735     AttributeAst(Ast* parent);
0736     ExpressionAst* value;
0737     Identifier* attribute;
0738     ExpressionAst::Context context;
0739     int depth;
0740     QString dump() const override;
0741 };
0743 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT SubscriptAst : public ExpressionAst {
0744 public:
0745     SubscriptAst(Ast* parent);
0746     ExpressionAst* value;
0747     ExpressionAst* slice;
0748     ExpressionAst::Context context;
0749     QString dump() const override;
0750 };
0752 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT StarredAst : public ExpressionAst {
0753 public:
0754     StarredAst(Ast* parent);
0755     ExpressionAst* value;
0756     ExpressionAst::Context context;
0757     QString dump() const override;
0758 };
0760 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ListAst : public ExpressionAst {
0761 public:
0762     ListAst(Ast* parent);
0763     QList<ExpressionAst*> elements;
0764     ExpressionAst::Context context;
0765     QString dump() const override;
0766 };
0768 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT TupleAst : public ExpressionAst {
0769 public:
0770     TupleAst(Ast* parent);
0771     QList<ExpressionAst*> elements;
0772     ExpressionAst::Context context;
0773     QString dump() const override;
0774 };
0776 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT EllipsisAst : public ConstantAst {
0777 public:
0778     EllipsisAst(Ast* parent) : ConstantAst(parent, Ast::EllipsisAstType) {};
0779     QString dump() const override { return "Ellipsis()"; }
0780 };
0782 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT SliceAst : public ExpressionAst {
0783 public:
0784     SliceAst(Ast* parent);
0785     ExpressionAst* lower;
0786     ExpressionAst* upper;
0787     ExpressionAst* step;
0788     QString dump() const override;
0789 };
0792 /** Independent classes **/
0794 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ArgAst : public Ast {
0795 public:
0796     ArgAst(Ast* parent);
0797     Identifier* argumentName;
0798     ExpressionAst* annotation;
0799     QString dump() const override;
0800 };
0802 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ArgumentsAst : public Ast {
0803 public:
0804     ArgumentsAst(Ast* parent);
0805     QList<ArgAst*> arguments;
0806     QList<ArgAst*> kwonlyargs;
0807     QList<ArgAst*> posonlyargs;
0808     QList<ExpressionAst*> defaultValues;
0809     QList<ExpressionAst*> defaultKwValues;
0810     ArgAst* vararg;
0811     ArgAst* kwarg;
0812     QString dump() const override;
0813 };
0815 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT KeywordAst : public Ast {
0816 public:
0817     KeywordAst(Ast* parent);
0818     Identifier* argumentName;
0819     ExpressionAst* value;
0820     QString dump() const override;
0821 };
0823 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ComprehensionAst : public Ast {
0824 public:
0825     ComprehensionAst(Ast* parent);
0826     ExpressionAst* target;
0827     ExpressionAst* iterator;
0828     QList<ExpressionAst*> conditions;
0829 };
0831 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT ExceptionHandlerAst : public Ast {
0832 public:
0833     ExceptionHandlerAst(Ast* parent);
0834     ExpressionAst* type;
0835     Identifier* name;
0836     QList<Ast*> body;
0837 };
0839 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT AliasAst : public Ast {
0840 public:
0841     AliasAst(Ast* parent);
0842     Identifier* name;
0843     Identifier* asName;
0844     QString dump() const override;
0845 };
0848 /** Match classes **/
0850 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT PatternAst : public Ast {
0851 public:
0852     PatternAst(Ast* parent, AstType type = Ast::PatternAstType): Ast(parent, type) {};
0853 };
0855 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchCaseAst : public Ast {
0856 public:
0857     MatchCaseAst(Ast* parent) : Ast(parent, Ast::MatchCaseAstType) {};
0858     PatternAst* pattern = nullptr;
0859     ExpressionAst* guard = nullptr;
0860     QList<Ast*> body;
0861     QString dump() const override;
0862 };
0864 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchAst : public Ast {
0865 public:
0866     MatchAst(Ast* parent) : Ast(parent, Ast::MatchAstType) {};
0867     ExpressionAst* subject = nullptr;
0868     QList<MatchCaseAst*> cases;
0869     QString dump() const override;
0870 };
0872 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchValueAst : public PatternAst {
0873 public:
0874     MatchValueAst(Ast* parent): PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchValueAstType) {};
0875     ExpressionAst* value = nullptr;
0876     QString dump() const override;
0877 };
0879 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchSingletonAst : public PatternAst {
0880 public:
0881     MatchSingletonAst(Ast* parent): PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchSingletonAstType) {};
0882     NameConstantAst::NameConstantTypes value = NameConstantAst::NameConstantTypes::Invalid;
0883     QString dump() const override;
0884 };
0886 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchSequenceAst : public PatternAst {
0887 public:
0888     MatchSequenceAst(Ast* parent) : PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchSequenceAstType) {};
0889     QList<PatternAst*> patterns;
0890     QString dump() const override;
0891 };
0893 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchMappingAst : public PatternAst {
0894 public:
0895     MatchMappingAst(Ast* parent) : PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchMappingAstType) {};
0896     QList<ExpressionAst*> keys;
0897     Identifier *rest = nullptr;
0898     QList<PatternAst*> patterns;
0899     QString dump() const override;
0900 };
0903 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchClassAst : public PatternAst {
0904 public:
0905     MatchClassAst(Ast* parent): PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchClassAstType) {};
0906     ExpressionAst* cls = nullptr;
0907     QList<PatternAst*> patterns;
0908     Identifier *kwdAttrs = nullptr;
0909     QList<PatternAst*> kwdPatterns;
0910     QString dump() const override;
0911 };
0913 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchStarAst : public PatternAst {
0914 public:
0915     MatchStarAst(Ast* parent): PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchStarAstType) {};
0916     Identifier* name = nullptr;
0917     QString dump() const override;
0918 };
0920 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchAsAst : public PatternAst {
0921 public:
0922     MatchAsAst(Ast* parent): PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchAsAstType) {};
0923     PatternAst* pattern = nullptr;
0924     Identifier* name = nullptr;
0925     QString dump() const override;
0926 };
0929 class KDEVPYTHONPARSER_EXPORT MatchOrAst : public PatternAst {
0930 public:
0931     MatchOrAst(Ast* parent): PatternAst(parent, Ast::MatchOrAstType) {};
0932     QList<PatternAst*> patterns;
0933     QString dump() const override;
0934 };
0936 } // end namespace Python
0938 #endif