File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 04:36:46

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7
0002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
0003 """:synopsis: Access system-specific parameters and functions.
0006 This module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the
0007 interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter. It is
0008 always available.
0011 """
0012 """
0013 The list of command line arguments passed to a Python script. ``argv[0]`` is the
0014 script name (it is operating system dependent whether this is a full pathname or
0015 not).  If the command was executed using the :option:`-c` command line option to
0016 the interpreter, ``argv[0]`` is set to the string ``'-c'``.  If no script name
0017 was passed to the Python interpreter, ``argv[0]`` is the empty string.
0019 To loop over the standard input, or the list of files given on the
0020 command line, see the :mod:`fileinput` module.
0023 """
0024 argv = [str()]
0025 """
0026 An indicator of the native byte order.  This will have the value ``'big'`` on
0027 big-endian (most-significant byte first) platforms, and ``'little'`` on
0028 little-endian (least-significant byte first) platforms.
0030 """
0031 byteorder = str()
0032 """
0033 A triple (repo, branch, version) representing the Subversion information of the
0034 Python interpreter. *repo* is the name of the repository, ``'CPython'``.
0035 *branch* is a string of one of the forms ``'trunk'``, ``'branches/name'`` or
0036 ``'tags/name'``. *version* is the output of ``svnversion``, if the interpreter
0037 was built from a Subversion checkout; it contains the revision number (range)
0038 and possibly a trailing 'M' if there were local modifications. If the tree was
0039 exported (or svnversion was not available), it is the revision of
0040 ``Include/patchlevel.h`` if the branch is a tag. Otherwise, it is ``None``.
0042 """
0043 subversion = (str(), str(), str())
0044 """
0045 A tuple of strings giving the names of all modules that are compiled into this
0046 Python interpreter.  (This information is not available in any other way ---
0047 ``modules.keys()`` only lists the imported modules.)
0050 """
0051 builtin_module_names = (str())
0052 """
0053 A string containing the copyright pertaining to the Python interpreter.
0056 """
0057 copyright = str()
0058 """
0059 Integer specifying the handle of the Python DLL. Availability: Windows.
0062 """
0063 dllhandle = int()
0064 """__excepthook__
0066 These objects contain the original values of ``displayhook`` and ``excepthook``
0067 at the start of the program.  They are saved so that ``displayhook`` and
0068 ``excepthook`` can be restored in case they happen to get replaced with broken
0069 objects.
0072 """
0073 __displayhook__ = None
0074 exc_value = None
0075 exc_traceback = None
0076 exc_type = None
0077 """
0078 A string giving the site-specific directory prefix where the platform-dependent
0079 Python files are installed; by default, this is also ``'/usr/local'``.  This can
0080 be set at build time with the ``--exec-prefix`` argument to the
0081 :program:`configure` script.  Specifically, all configuration files (e.g. the
0082 :file:`pyconfig.h` header file) are installed in the directory ``exec_prefix +
0083 '/lib/pythonversion/config'``, and shared library modules are installed in
0084 ``exec_prefix + '/lib/pythonversion/lib-dynload'``, where *version* is equal to
0085 ``version[:3]``.
0088 """
0089 exec_prefix = str()
0090 """
0091 A string giving the name of the executable binary for the Python interpreter, on
0092 systems where this makes sense.
0095 """
0096 executable = str()
0097 """
0098 This value is not actually defined by the module, but can be set by the user (or
0099 by a program) to specify a clean-up action at program exit.  When set, it should
0100 be a parameterless function.  This function will be called when the interpreter
0101 exits.  Only one function may be installed in this way; to allow multiple
0102 functions which will be called at termination, use the :mod:`atexit` module.
0104 """
0105 exitfunc = lambda: None
0106 """
0107 The struct sequence *flags* exposes the status of command line flags. The
0108 attributes are read only.
0110 ============================= ===================================
0111 attribute                     flag
0112 ============================= ===================================
0113 :const:`debug`                :option:`-d`
0114 :const:`py3k_warning`         :option:`-3`
0115 :const:`division_warning`     :option:`-Q`
0116 :const:`division_new`         :option:`-Qnew <-Q>`
0117 :const:`inspect`              :option:`-i`
0118 :const:`interactive`          :option:`-i`
0119 :const:`optimize`             :option:`-O` or :option:`-OO`
0120 :const:`dont_write_bytecode`  :option:`-B`
0121 :const:`no_user_site`         :option:`-s`
0122 :const:`no_site`              :option:`-S`
0123 :const:`ignore_environment`   :option:`-E`
0124 :const:`tabcheck`             :option:`-t` or :option:`-tt <-t>`
0125 :const:`verbose`              :option:`-v`
0126 :const:`unicode`              :option:`-U`
0127 :const:`bytes_warning`        :option:`-b`
0128 ============================= ===================================
0130 """
0131 flags = None
0132 """
0133 A structseq holding information about the float type. It contains low level
0134 information about the precision and internal representation.  The values
0135 correspond to the various floating-point constants defined in the standard
0136 header file :file:`float.h` for the 'C' programming language; see section
0137 of the 1999 ISO/IEC C standard [C99]_, 'Characteristics of
0138 floating types', for details.
0140 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0141 | attribute           | float.h macro  | explanation                                      |
0142 +=====================+================+==================================================+
0143 | :const:`epsilon`    | DBL_EPSILON    | difference between 1 and the least value greater |
0144 |                     |                | than 1 that is representable as a float          |
0145 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0146 | :const:`dig`        | DBL_DIG        | maximum number of decimal digits that can be     |
0147 |                     |                | faithfully represented in a float;  see below    |
0148 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0149 | :const:`mant_dig`   | DBL_MANT_DIG   | float precision: the number of base-``radix``    |
0150 |                     |                | digits in the significand of a float             |
0151 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0152 | :const:`max`        | DBL_MAX        | maximum representable finite float               |
0153 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0154 | :const:`max_exp`    | DBL_MAX_EXP    | maximum integer e such that ``radix**(e-1)`` is  |
0155 |                     |                | a representable finite float                     |
0156 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0157 | :const:`max_10_exp` | DBL_MAX_10_EXP | maximum integer e such that ``10**e`` is in the  |
0158 |                     |                | range of representable finite floats             |
0159 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0160 | :const:`min`        | DBL_MIN        | minimum positive normalized float                |
0161 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0162 | :const:`min_exp`    | DBL_MIN_EXP    | minimum integer e such that ``radix**(e-1)`` is  |
0163 |                     |                | a normalized float                               |
0164 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0165 | :const:`min_10_exp` | DBL_MIN_10_EXP | minimum integer e such that ``10**e`` is a       |
0166 |                     |                | normalized float                                 |
0167 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0168 | :const:`radix`      | FLT_RADIX      | radix of exponent representation                 |
0169 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0170 | :const:`rounds`     | FLT_ROUNDS     | constant representing rounding mode              |
0171 |                     |                | used for arithmetic operations                   |
0172 +---------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
0174 The attribute :attr:`sys.float_info.dig` needs further explanation.  If
0175 ``s`` is any string representing a decimal number with at most
0176 :attr:`sys.float_info.dig` significant digits, then converting ``s`` to a
0177 float and back again will recover a string representing the same decimal
0178 value::
0180 >>> import sys
0181 >>> sys.float_info.dig
0182 15
0183 >>> s = '3.14159265358979'    # decimal string with 15 significant digits
0184 >>> format(float(s), '.15g')  # convert to float and back -> same value
0185 '3.14159265358979'
0187 But for strings with more than :attr:`sys.float_info.dig` significant digits,
0188 this isn't always true::
0190 >>> s = '9876543211234567'    # 16 significant digits is too many!
0191 >>> format(float(s), '.16g')  # conversion changes value
0192 '9876543211234568'
0194 """
0195 float_info = None
0196 """
0197 A string indicating how the :func:`repr` function behaves for
0198 floats.  If the string has value ``'short'`` then for a finite
0199 float ``x``, ``repr(x)`` aims to produce a short string with the
0200 property that ``float(repr(x)) == x``.  This is the usual behaviour
0201 in Python 2.7 and later.  Otherwise, ``float_repr_style`` has value
0202 ``'legacy'`` and ``repr(x)`` behaves in the same way as it did in
0203 versions of Python prior to 2.7.
0205 """
0206 float_repr_style = str()
0207 """
0208 The version number encoded as a single integer.  This is guaranteed to increase
0209 with each version, including proper support for non-production releases.  For
0210 example, to test that the Python interpreter is at least version 1.5.2, use::
0212 if sys.hexversion >= 0x010502F0:
0213 # use some advanced feature
0214 more
0215 else:
0216 # use an alternative implementation or warn the user
0217 more
0219 This is called ``hexversion`` since it only really looks meaningful when viewed
0220 as the result of passing it to the built-in :func:`hex` function.  The
0221 ``version_info`` value may be used for a more human-friendly encoding of the
0222 same information.
0224 The ``hexversion`` is a 32-bit number with the following layout:
0226 +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
0227 | Bits (big endian order) | Meaning                                        |
0228 +=========================+================================================+
0229 | :const:`1-8`            |  ``PY_MAJOR_VERSION``  (the ``2`` in           |
0230 |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
0231 +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
0232 | :const:`9-16`           |  ``PY_MINOR_VERSION``  (the ``1`` in           |
0233 |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
0234 +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
0235 | :const:`17-24`          |  ``PY_MICRO_VERSION``  (the ``0`` in           |
0236 |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``)                                  |
0237 +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
0238 | :const:`25-28`          |  ``PY_RELEASE_LEVEL``  (``0xA`` for alpha,     |
0239 |                         |  ``0xB`` for beta, ``0xC`` for release         |
0240 |                         |  candidate and ``0xF`` for final)              |
0241 +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
0242 | :const:`29-32`          |  ``PY_RELEASE_SERIAL``  (the ``3`` in          |
0243 |                         |  ``2.1.0a3``, zero for final releases)         |
0244 +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
0246 Thus ``2.1.0a3`` is hexversion ``0x020100a3``.
0248 """
0249 hexversion = str()
0250 """
0251 A struct sequence that holds information about Python's
0252 internal representation of integers.  The attributes are read only.
0254 +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
0255 | Attribute               | Explanation                                  |
0256 +=========================+==============================================+
0257 | :const:`bits_per_digit` | number of bits held in each digit.  Python   |
0258 |                         | integers are stored internally in base       |
0259 |                         | ``2**long_info.bits_per_digit``              |
0260 +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
0261 | :const:`sizeof_digit`   | size in bytes of the C type used to          |
0262 |                         | represent a digit                            |
0263 +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
0265 """
0266 long_info = None
0267 """
0268 These three variables are not always defined; they are set when an exception is
0269 not handled and the interpreter prints an error message and a stack traceback.
0270 Their intended use is to allow an interactive user to import a debugger module
0271 and engage in post-mortem debugging without having to re-execute the command
0272 that caused the error.  (Typical use is ``import pdb;`` to enter the
0273 post-mortem debugger; see chapter :ref:`debugger` for
0274 more information.)
0276 The meaning of the variables is the same as that of the return values from
0277 :func:`exc_info` above.  (Since there is only one interactive thread,
0278 thread-safety is not a concern for these variables, unlike for ``exc_type``
0279 etc.)
0282 """
0283 last_traceback = None
0284 last_value = None
0285 last_type = None
0286 """
0287 The largest positive integer supported by Python's regular integer type.  This
0288 is at least 2\*\*31-1.  The largest negative integer is ``-maxint-1`` --- the
0289 asymmetry results from the use of 2's complement binary arithmetic.
0291 """
0292 maxint = int()
0293 """
0294 The largest positive integer supported by the platform's Py_ssize_t type,
0295 and thus the maximum size lists, strings, dicts, and many other containers
0296 can have.
0298 """
0299 maxsize = int()
0300 """
0301 An integer giving the largest supported code point for a Unicode character.  The
0302 value of this depends on the configuration option that specifies whether Unicode
0303 characters are stored as UCS-2 or UCS-4.
0306 """
0307 maxunicode = int()
0308 """
0309 A list of :term:`finder` objects that have their :meth:`find_module`
0310 methods called to see if one of the objects can find the module to be
0311 imported. The :meth:`find_module` method is called at least with the
0312 absolute name of the module being imported. If the module to be imported is
0313 contained in package then the parent package's :attr:`__path__` attribute
0314 is passed in as a second argument. The method returns :keyword:`None` if
0315 the module cannot be found, else returns a :term:`loader`.
0317 :data:`sys.meta_path` is searched before any implicit default finders or
0318 :data:`sys.path`.
0320 See :pep:`302` for the original specification.
0323 """
0324 meta_path = [None]
0325 modules = None
0326 path = [str()]
0327 """
0328 A list of callables that take a path argument to try to create a
0329 :term:`finder` for the path. If a finder can be created, it is to be
0330 returned by the callable, else raise :exc:`ImportError`.
0332 Originally specified in :pep:`302`.
0335 """
0336 path_hooks = [lambda: None]
0337 """
0338 A dictionary acting as a cache for :term:`finder` objects. The keys are
0339 paths that have been passed to :data:`sys.path_hooks` and the values are
0340 the finders that are found. If a path is a valid file system path but no
0341 explicit finder is found on :data:`sys.path_hooks` then :keyword:`None` is
0342 stored to represent the implicit default finder should be used. If the path
0343 is not an existing path then :class:`imp.NullImporter` is set.
0345 Originally specified in :pep:`302`.
0348 """
0349 path_importer_cache = None
0350 """
0351 This string contains a platform identifier that can be used to append
0352 platform-specific components to :data:`sys.path`, for instance.
0354 For Unix systems, this is the lowercased OS name as returned by ``uname -s``
0355 with the first part of the version as returned by ``uname -r`` appended,
0356 e.g. ``'sunos5'`` or ``'linux2'``, *at the time when Python was built*.
0357 For other systems, the values are:
0359 ================ ===========================
0360 System           :data:`platform` value
0361 ================ ===========================
0362 Windows          ``'win32'``
0363 Windows/Cygwin   ``'cygwin'``
0364 Mac OS X         ``'darwin'``
0365 OS/2             ``'os2'``
0366 OS/2 EMX         ``'os2emx'``
0367 RiscOS           ``'riscos'``
0368 AtheOS           ``'atheos'``
0369 ================ ===========================
0372 """
0373 platform = str()
0374 """
0375 A string giving the site-specific directory prefix where the platform
0376 independent Python files are installed; by default, this is the string
0377 ``'/usr/local'``.  This can be set at build time with the ``--prefix``
0378 argument to the :program:`configure` script.  The main collection of Python
0379 library modules is installed in the directory ``prefix + '/lib/pythonversion'``
0380 while the platform independent header files (all except :file:`pyconfig.h`) are
0381 stored in ``prefix + '/include/pythonversion'``, where *version* is equal to
0382 ``version[:3]``.
0385 """
0386 prefix = str()
0387 ps2 = None
0388 ps1 = None
0389 """
0390 Bool containing the status of the Python 3.0 warning flag. It's ``True``
0391 when Python is started with the -3 option.  (This should be considered
0392 read-only; setting it to a different value doesn't have an effect on
0393 Python 3.0 warnings.)
0395 """
0396 py3kwarning = False
0397 """
0398 If this is true, Python won't try to write ``.pyc`` or ``.pyo`` files on the
0399 import of source modules.  This value is initially set to ``True`` or ``False``
0400 depending on the ``-B`` command line option and the ``PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE``
0401 environment variable, but you can set it yourself to control bytecode file
0402 generation.
0404 """
0405 dont_write_bytecode = False
0406 """
0407 File objects corresponding to the interpreter's standard input, output and error
0408 streams.  ``stdin`` is used for all interpreter input except for scripts but
0409 including calls to :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input`.  ``stdout`` is used for
0410 the output of :keyword:`print` and :term:`expression` statements and for the
0411 prompts of :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input`. The interpreter's own prompts
0412 and (almost all of) its error messages go to ``stderr``.  ``stdout`` and
0413 ``stderr`` needn't be built-in file objects: any object is acceptable as long
0414 as it has a :meth:`write` method that takes a string argument.  (Changing these
0415 objects doesn't affect the standard I/O streams of processes executed by
0416 :func:`os.popen`, :func:`os.system` or the :func:`exec\*` family of functions in
0417 the :mod:`os` module.)
0420 """
0421 stdin = open("stdin", "rw")
0422 """
0423 File objects corresponding to the interpreter's standard input, output and error
0424 streams.  ``stdin`` is used for all interpreter input except for scripts but
0425 including calls to :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input`.  ``stdout`` is used for
0426 the output of :keyword:`print` and :term:`expression` statements and for the
0427 prompts of :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input`. The interpreter's own prompts
0428 and (almost all of) its error messages go to ``stderr``.  ``stdout`` and
0429 ``stderr`` needn't be built-in file objects: any object is acceptable as long
0430 as it has a :meth:`write` method that takes a string argument.  (Changing these
0431 objects doesn't affect the standard I/O streams of processes executed by
0432 :func:`os.popen`, :func:`os.system` or the :func:`exec\*` family of functions in
0433 the :mod:`os` module.)
0436 """
0437 stdout = open("stdout", "rw")
0438 """
0439 File objects corresponding to the interpreter's standard input, output and error
0440 streams.  ``stdin`` is used for all interpreter input except for scripts but
0441 including calls to :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input`.  ``stdout`` is used for
0442 the output of :keyword:`print` and :term:`expression` statements and for the
0443 prompts of :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input`. The interpreter's own prompts
0444 and (almost all of) its error messages go to ``stderr``.  ``stdout`` and
0445 ``stderr`` needn't be built-in file objects: any object is acceptable as long
0446 as it has a :meth:`write` method that takes a string argument.  (Changing these
0447 objects doesn't affect the standard I/O streams of processes executed by
0448 :func:`os.popen`, :func:`os.system` or the :func:`exec\*` family of functions in
0449 the :mod:`os` module.)
0452 """
0453 stderr = open("stderr", "rw")
0454 """
0455 These objects contain the original values of ``stdin``, ``stderr`` and
0456 ``stdout`` at the start of the program.  They are used during finalization,
0457 and could be useful to print to the actual standard stream no matter if the
0458 ``sys.std*`` object has been redirected.
0460 It can also be used to restore the actual files to known working file objects
0461 in case they have been overwritten with a broken object.  However, the
0462 preferred way to do this is to explicitly save the previous stream before
0463 replacing it, and restore the saved object.
0466 """
0467 __stdout__ = stdout
0468 __stderr__ = stderr
0469 __stdin__ = stdin
0470 """
0471 When this variable is set to an integer value, it determines the maximum number
0472 of levels of traceback information printed when an unhandled exception occurs.
0473 The default is ``1000``.  When set to ``0`` or less, all traceback information
0474 is suppressed and only the exception type and value are printed.
0477 """
0478 tracebacklimit = 1000
0479 """
0480 A string containing the version number of the Python interpreter plus additional
0481 information on the build number and compiler used.  This string is displayed
0482 when the interactive interpreter is started.  Do not extract version information
0483 out of it, rather, use :data:`version_info` and the functions provided by the
0484 :mod:`platform` module.
0487 """
0488 version = str()
0489 """
0490 The C API version for this interpreter.  Programmers may find this useful when
0491 debugging version conflicts between Python and extension modules.
0493 """
0494 api_version = str()
0495 """
0496 A tuple containing the five components of the version number: *major*, *minor*,
0497 *micro*, *releaselevel*, and *serial*.  All values except *releaselevel* are
0498 integers; the release level is ``'alpha'``, ``'beta'``, ``'candidate'``, or
0499 ``'final'``.  The ``version_info`` value corresponding to the Python version 2.0
0500 is ``(2, 0, 0, 'final', 0)``.  The components can also be accessed by name,
0501 so ``sys.version_info[0]`` is equivalent to ``sys.version_info.major``
0502 and so on.
0504 """
0505 version_info = (3, 5, 0, 0, 0)
0506 """
0507 This is an implementation detail of the warnings framework; do not modify this
0508 value.  Refer to the :mod:`warnings` module for more information on the warnings
0509 framework.
0512 """
0513 warnoptions = None
0514 """
0515 The version number used to form registry keys on Windows platforms. This is
0516 stored as string resource 1000 in the Python DLL.  The value is normally the
0517 first three characters of :const:`version`.  It is provided in the :mod:`sys`
0518 module for informational purposes; modifying this value has no effect on the
0519 registry keys used by Python. Availability: Windows.
0521 """
0522 winver = str()
0523 def call_tracing(func,args):
0524     """
0525     Call ``func(*args)``, while tracing is enabled.  The tracing state is saved,
0526     and restored afterwards.  This is intended to be called from a debugger from
0527     a checkpoint, to recursively debug some other code.
0530     """
0531     pass
0533 def _clear_type_cache():
0534     """
0535     Clear the internal type cache. The type cache is used to speed up attribute
0536     and method lookups. Use the function *only* to drop unnecessary references
0537     during reference leak debugging.
0539     This function should be used for internal and specialized purposes only.
0541     """
0542     pass
0544 def _current_frames():
0545     """
0546     Return a dictionary mapping each thread's identifier to the topmost stack frame
0547     currently active in that thread at the time the function is called. Note that
0548     functions in the :mod:`traceback` module can build the call stack given such a
0549     frame.
0551     This is most useful for debugging deadlock:  this function does not require the
0552     deadlocked threads' cooperation, and such threads' call stacks are frozen for as
0553     long as they remain deadlocked.  The frame returned for a non-deadlocked thread
0554     may bear no relationship to that thread's current activity by the time calling
0555     code examines the frame.
0557     This function should be used for internal and specialized purposes only.
0559     """
0560     dict()
0562 def displayhook(value):
0563     """
0564     If *value* is not ``None``, this function prints it to ``sys.stdout``, and saves
0565     it in ``__builtin__._``.
0567     ``sys.displayhook`` is called on the result of evaluating an :term:`expression`
0568     entered in an interactive Python session.  The display of these values can be
0569     customized by assigning another one-argument function to ``sys.displayhook``.
0572     """
0573     pass
0575 def excepthook(type,value,traceback):
0576     """
0577     This function prints out a given traceback and exception to ``sys.stderr``.
0579     When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls
0580     ``sys.excepthook`` with three arguments, the exception class, exception
0581     instance, and a traceback object.  In an interactive session this happens just
0582     before control is returned to the prompt; in a Python program this happens just
0583     before the program exits.  The handling of such top-level exceptions can be
0584     customized by assigning another three-argument function to ``sys.excepthook``.
0587     """
0588     pass
0590 def exc_info():
0591     """
0592     This function returns a tuple of three values that give information about the
0593     exception that is currently being handled.  The information returned is specific
0594     both to the current thread and to the current stack frame.  If the current stack
0595     frame is not handling an exception, the information is taken from the calling
0596     stack frame, or its caller, and so on until a stack frame is found that is
0597     handling an exception.  Here, "handling an exception" is defined as "executing
0598     or having executed an except clause."  For any stack frame, only information
0599     about the most recently handled exception is accessible.
0601     """
0602     return tuple()
0604 def exc_clear():
0605     """
0606     This function clears all information relating to the current or last exception
0607     that occurred in the current thread.  After calling this function,
0608     :func:`exc_info` will return three ``None`` values until another exception is
0609     raised in the current thread or the execution stack returns to a frame where
0610     another exception is being handled.
0612     This function is only needed in only a few obscure situations.  These include
0613     logging and error handling systems that report information on the last or
0614     current exception.  This function can also be used to try to free resources and
0615     trigger object finalization, though no guarantee is made as to what objects will
0616     be freed, if any.
0618     """
0619     pass
0621 def exit(arg: int):
0622     """
0623     Exit from Python.  This is implemented by raising the :exc:`SystemExit`
0624     exception, so cleanup actions specified by finally clauses of :keyword:`try`
0625     statements are honored, and it is possible to intercept the exit attempt at
0626     an outer level.
0628     The optional argument *arg* can be an integer giving the exit status
0629     (defaulting to zero), or another type of object.  If it is an integer, zero
0630     is considered "successful termination" and any nonzero value is considered
0631     "abnormal termination" by shells and the like.  Most systems require it to be
0632     in the range 0-127, and produce undefined results otherwise.  Some systems
0633     have a convention for assigning specific meanings to specific exit codes, but
0634     these are generally underdeveloped; Unix programs generally use 2 for command
0635     line syntax errors and 1 for all other kind of errors.  If another type of
0636     object is passed, ``None`` is equivalent to passing zero, and any other
0637     object is printed to :data:`stderr` and results in an exit code of 1.  In
0638     particular, ``sys.exit("some error message")`` is a quick way to exit a
0639     program when an error occurs.
0641     Since :func:`exit` ultimately "only" raises an exception, it will only exit
0642     the process when called from the main thread, and the exception is not
0643     intercepted.
0646     """
0647     pass
0649 def getcheckinterval():
0650     """
0651     Return the interpreter's "check interval"; see :func:`setcheckinterval`.
0653     """
0654     return int()
0656 def getdefaultencoding():
0657     """
0658     Return the name of the current default string encoding used by the Unicode
0659     implementation.
0661     """
0662     return str()
0664 def getdlopenflags():
0665     """
0666     Return the current value of the flags that are used for :cfunc:`dlopen` calls.
0667     The flag constants are defined in the :mod:`dl` and :mod:`DLFCN` modules.
0668     Availability: Unix.
0670     """
0671     return str()
0673 def getfilesystemencoding():
0674     """
0675     Return the name of the encoding used to convert Unicode filenames into system
0676     file names, or ``None`` if the system default encoding is used. The result value
0677     depends on the operating system:
0679     * On Mac OS X, the encoding is ``'utf-8'``.
0681     * On Unix, the encoding is the user's preference according to the result of
0682     nl_langinfo(CODESET), or ``None`` if the ``nl_langinfo(CODESET)``
0683     failed.
0685     * On Windows NT+, file names are Unicode natively, so no conversion is
0686     performed. :func:`getfilesystemencoding` still returns ``'mbcs'``, as
0687     this is the encoding that applications should use when they explicitly
0688     want to convert Unicode strings to byte strings that are equivalent when
0689     used as file names.
0691     * On Windows 9x, the encoding is ``'mbcs'``.
0693     """
0694     return "utf-8"
0696 def getrefcount(object):
0697     """
0698     Return the reference count of the *object*.  The count returned is generally one
0699     higher than you might expect, because it includes the (temporary) reference as
0700     an argument to :func:`getrefcount`.
0703     """
0704     return 0
0706 def getrecursionlimit():
0707     """
0708     Return the current value of the recursion limit, the maximum depth of the Python
0709     interpreter stack.  This limit prevents infinite recursion from causing an
0710     overflow of the C stack and crashing Python.  It can be set by
0711     :func:`setrecursionlimit`.
0714     """
0715     return 1000
0717 def getsizeof(object,default):
0718     """
0719     Return the size of an object in bytes. The object can be any type of
0720     object. All built-in objects will return correct results, but this
0721     does not have to hold true for third-party extensions as it is implementation
0722     specific.
0724     If given, *default* will be returned if the object does not provide means to
0725     retrieve the size.  Otherwise a :exc:`TypeError` will be raised.
0727     :func:`getsizeof` calls the object's ``__sizeof__`` method and adds an
0728     additional garbage collector overhead if the object is managed by the garbage
0729     collector.
0731     """
0732     return 0
0734 def _getframe(depth: int):
0735     """
0736     Return a frame object from the call stack.  If optional integer *depth* is
0737     given, return the frame object that many calls below the top of the stack.  If
0738     that is deeper than the call stack, :exc:`ValueError` is raised.  The default
0739     for *depth* is zero, returning the frame at the top of the call stack.
0741     """
0742     pass
0744 def getprofile():
0745     pass
0747 def gettrace():
0748     pass
0750 def getwindowsversion():
0751     """
0752     Return a named tuple describing the Windows version
0753     currently running.  The named elements are *major*, *minor*,
0754     *build*, *platform*, *service_pack*, *service_pack_minor*,
0755     *service_pack_major*, *suite_mask*, and *product_type*.
0756     *service_pack* contains a string while all other values are
0757     integers. The components can also be accessed by name, so
0758     ``sys.getwindowsversion()[0]`` is equivalent to
0759     ``sys.getwindowsversion().major``. For compatibility with prior
0760     versions, only the first 5 elements are retrievable by indexing.
0762     *platform* may be one of the following values:
0764     +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------+
0765     | Constant                                | Platform                |
0766     +=========================================+=========================+
0767     | :const:`0 (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)`        | Win32s on Windows 3.1   |
0768     +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------+
0769     | :const:`1 (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS)` | Windows 95/98/ME        |
0770     +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------+
0771     | :const:`2 (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)`      | Windows NT/2000/XP/x64  |
0772     +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------+
0773     | :const:`3 (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE)`      | Windows CE              |
0774     +-----------------------------------------+-------------------------+
0776     *product_type* may be one of the following values:
0778     +---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+
0779     | Constant                              | Meaning                         |
0780     +=======================================+=================================+
0781     | :const:`1 (VER_NT_WORKSTATION)`       | The system is a workstation.    |
0782     +---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+
0783     | :const:`2 (VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER)` | The system is a domain          |
0784     |                                       | controller.                     |
0785     +---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+
0786     | :const:`3 (VER_NT_SERVER)`            | The system is a server, but not |
0787     |                                       | a domain controller.            |
0788     +---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+
0791     This function wraps the Win32 :cfunc:`GetVersionEx` function; see the
0792     Microsoft documentation on :cfunc:`OSVERSIONINFOEX` for more information
0793     about these fields.
0795     Availability: Windows.
0797     """
0798     return (0, 0)
0800 def setcheckinterval(interval: int):
0801     """
0802     Set the interpreter's "check interval".  This integer value determines how often
0803     the interpreter checks for periodic things such as thread switches and signal
0804     handlers.  The default is ``100``, meaning the check is performed every 100
0805     Python virtual instructions. Setting it to a larger value may increase
0806     performance for programs using threads.  Setting it to a value ``<=`` 0 checks
0807     every virtual instruction, maximizing responsiveness as well as overhead.
0810     """
0811     pass
0813 def setdefaultencoding(name):
0814     """
0815     Set the current default string encoding used by the Unicode implementation.  If
0816     *name* does not match any available encoding, :exc:`LookupError` is raised.
0817     This function is only intended to be used by the :mod:`site` module
0818     implementation and, where needed, by :mod:`sitecustomize`.  Once used by the
0819     :mod:`site` module, it is removed from the :mod:`sys` module's namespace.
0821     .. mod:`site` is not imported if the :option:`-S` option is passed
0822     to the interpreter, in which case this function will remain available.
0824     """
0825     pass
0827 def setdlopenflags(n):
0828     """
0829     Set the flags used by the interpreter for :cfunc:`dlopen` calls, such as when
0830     the interpreter loads extension modules.  Among other things, this will enable a
0831     lazy resolving of symbols when importing a module, if called as
0832     ``sys.setdlopenflags(0)``.  To share symbols across extension modules, call as
0833     ``sys.setdlopenflags(dl.RTLD_NOW | dl.RTLD_GLOBAL)``.  Symbolic names for the
0834     flag modules can be either found in the :mod:`dl` module, or in the :mod:`DLFCN`
0835     module. If :mod:`DLFCN` is not available, it can be generated from
0836     :file:`/usr/include/dlfcn.h` using the :program:`h2py` script. Availability:
0837     Unix.
0839     """
0840     pass
0842 def setprofile(profilefunc):
0843     pass
0845 def setrecursionlimit(limit):
0846     """
0847     Set the maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack to *limit*.  This limit
0848     prevents infinite recursion from causing an overflow of the C stack and crashing
0849     Python.
0851     The highest possible limit is platform-dependent.  A user may need to set the
0852     limit higher when she has a program that requires deep recursion and a platform
0853     that supports a higher limit.  This should be done with care, because a too-high
0854     limit can lead to a crash.
0857     """
0858     pass
0860 def settrace(tracefunc):
0861     """
0862     """
0863     pass
0865 def settscdump(on_flag):
0866     """
0867     Activate dumping of VM measurements using the Pentium timestamp counter, if
0868     *on_flag* is true. Deactivate these dumps if *on_flag* is off. The function is
0869     available only if Python was compiled with ``--with-tsc``. To understand
0870     the output of this dump, read :file:`Python/ceval.c` in the Python sources.
0872     """
0873     pass