File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 16:08:52

0001 class pyqtSignal():
0002  def connect(self, targetSignal): pass
0003  def emit(self, *args): pass
0004 from QtCore import *
0006 class QNetworkCacheMetaData():
0007     """"""
0008     def __init__(self):
0009         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.__init__()'''
0010     def __init__(self, other):
0011         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.__init__(QNetworkCacheMetaData other)'''
0012     def setAttributes(self, attributes):
0013         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.setAttributes(dict-of-QNetworkRequest.Attribute-QVariant attributes)'''
0014     def attributes(self):
0015         '''dict-of-QNetworkRequest.Attribute-QVariant QNetworkCacheMetaData.attributes()'''
0016         return dict-of-QNetworkRequest.Attribute-QVariant()
0017     def setSaveToDisk(self, allow):
0018         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.setSaveToDisk(bool allow)'''
0019     def saveToDisk(self):
0020         '''bool QNetworkCacheMetaData.saveToDisk()'''
0021         return bool()
0022     def setExpirationDate(self, dateTime):
0023         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.setExpirationDate(QDateTime dateTime)'''
0024     def expirationDate(self):
0025         '''QDateTime QNetworkCacheMetaData.expirationDate()'''
0026         return QDateTime()
0027     def setLastModified(self, dateTime):
0028         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.setLastModified(QDateTime dateTime)'''
0029     def lastModified(self):
0030         '''QDateTime QNetworkCacheMetaData.lastModified()'''
0031         return QDateTime()
0032     def setRawHeaders(self, headers):
0033         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.setRawHeaders(list-of-tuple-of-QByteArray-QByteArray headers)'''
0034     def rawHeaders(self):
0035         '''list-of-tuple-of-QByteArray-QByteArray QNetworkCacheMetaData.rawHeaders()'''
0036         return [tuple-of-QByteArray-QByteArray()]
0037     def setUrl(self, url):
0038         '''void QNetworkCacheMetaData.setUrl(QUrl url)'''
0039     def url(self):
0040         '''QUrl QNetworkCacheMetaData.url()'''
0041         return QUrl()
0042     def isValid(self):
0043         '''bool QNetworkCacheMetaData.isValid()'''
0044         return bool()
0045     def __ne__(self, other):
0046         '''bool QNetworkCacheMetaData.__ne__(QNetworkCacheMetaData other)'''
0047         return bool()
0048     def __eq__(self, other):
0049         '''bool QNetworkCacheMetaData.__eq__(QNetworkCacheMetaData other)'''
0050         return bool()
0053 class QAbstractNetworkCache(QObject):
0054     """"""
0055     def __init__(self, parent = None):
0056         '''void QAbstractNetworkCache.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
0057     def clear(self):
0058         '''abstract void QAbstractNetworkCache.clear()'''
0059     def insert(self, device):
0060         '''abstract void QAbstractNetworkCache.insert(QIODevice device)'''
0061     def prepare(self, metaData):
0062         '''abstract QIODevice QAbstractNetworkCache.prepare(QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData)'''
0063         return QIODevice()
0064     def cacheSize(self):
0065         '''abstract int QAbstractNetworkCache.cacheSize()'''
0066         return int()
0067     def remove(self, url):
0068         '''abstract bool QAbstractNetworkCache.remove(QUrl url)'''
0069         return bool()
0070     def data(self, url):
0071         '''abstract QIODevice url)'''
0072         return QIODevice()
0073     def updateMetaData(self, metaData):
0074         '''abstract void QAbstractNetworkCache.updateMetaData(QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData)'''
0075     def metaData(self, url):
0076         '''abstract QNetworkCacheMetaData QAbstractNetworkCache.metaData(QUrl url)'''
0077         return QNetworkCacheMetaData()
0080 class QAbstractSocket(QIODevice):
0081     """"""
0082     # Enum QAbstractSocket.SocketOption
0083     LowDelayOption = 0
0084     KeepAliveOption = 0
0085     MulticastTtlOption = 0
0086     MulticastLoopbackOption = 0
0088     # Enum QAbstractSocket.SocketState
0089     UnconnectedState = 0
0090     HostLookupState = 0
0091     ConnectingState = 0
0092     ConnectedState = 0
0093     BoundState = 0
0094     ListeningState = 0
0095     ClosingState = 0
0097     # Enum QAbstractSocket.SocketError
0098     ConnectionRefusedError = 0
0099     RemoteHostClosedError = 0
0100     HostNotFoundError = 0
0101     SocketAccessError = 0
0102     SocketResourceError = 0
0103     SocketTimeoutError = 0
0104     DatagramTooLargeError = 0
0105     NetworkError = 0
0106     AddressInUseError = 0
0107     SocketAddressNotAvailableError = 0
0108     UnsupportedSocketOperationError = 0
0109     UnfinishedSocketOperationError = 0
0110     ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError = 0
0111     SslHandshakeFailedError = 0
0112     ProxyConnectionRefusedError = 0
0113     ProxyConnectionClosedError = 0
0114     ProxyConnectionTimeoutError = 0
0115     ProxyNotFoundError = 0
0116     ProxyProtocolError = 0
0117     UnknownSocketError = 0
0119     # Enum QAbstractSocket.NetworkLayerProtocol
0120     IPv4Protocol = 0
0121     IPv6Protocol = 0
0122     UnknownNetworkLayerProtocol = 0
0124     # Enum QAbstractSocket.SocketType
0125     TcpSocket = 0
0126     UdpSocket = 0
0127     UnknownSocketType = 0
0129     def __init__(self, socketType, parent):
0130         '''void QAbstractSocket.__init__(QAbstractSocket.SocketType socketType, QObject parent)'''
0131     def socketOption(self, option):
0132         '''QVariant QAbstractSocket.socketOption(QAbstractSocket.SocketOption option)'''
0133         return QVariant()
0134     def setSocketOption(self, option, value):
0135         '''void QAbstractSocket.setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket.SocketOption option, QVariant value)'''
0136     def setPeerName(self, name):
0137         '''void QAbstractSocket.setPeerName(QString name)'''
0138     def setPeerAddress(self, address):
0139         '''void QAbstractSocket.setPeerAddress(QHostAddress address)'''
0140     def setPeerPort(self, port):
0141         '''void QAbstractSocket.setPeerPort(int port)'''
0142     def setLocalAddress(self, address):
0143         '''void QAbstractSocket.setLocalAddress(QHostAddress address)'''
0144     def setLocalPort(self, port):
0145         '''void QAbstractSocket.setLocalPort(int port)'''
0146     def setSocketError(self, socketError):
0147         '''void QAbstractSocket.setSocketError(QAbstractSocket.SocketError socketError)'''
0148     def setSocketState(self, state):
0149         '''void QAbstractSocket.setSocketState(QAbstractSocket.SocketState state)'''
0150     def writeData(self, data):
0151         '''int QAbstractSocket.writeData(str data)'''
0152         return int()
0153     def readLineData(self, maxlen):
0154         '''str QAbstractSocket.readLineData(int maxlen)'''
0155         return str()
0156     def readData(self, maxlen):
0157         '''str QAbstractSocket.readData(int maxlen)'''
0158         return str()
0159     def disconnectFromHostImplementation(self):
0160         '''void QAbstractSocket.disconnectFromHostImplementation()'''
0161     def connectToHostImplementation(self, hostName, port, mode = None):
0162         '''void QAbstractSocket.connectToHostImplementation(QString hostName, int port, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
0163     proxyAuthenticationRequired = pyqtSignal() # void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxyamp;,QAuthenticator *) - signal
0164     stateChanged = pyqtSignal() # void stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState) - signal
0165     disconnected = pyqtSignal() # void disconnected() - signal
0166     connected = pyqtSignal() # void connected() - signal
0167     hostFound = pyqtSignal() # void hostFound() - signal
0168     def proxy(self):
0169         '''QNetworkProxy QAbstractSocket.proxy()'''
0170         return QNetworkProxy()
0171     def setProxy(self, networkProxy):
0172         '''void QAbstractSocket.setProxy(QNetworkProxy networkProxy)'''
0173     def waitForDisconnected(self, msecs = 30000):
0174         '''bool QAbstractSocket.waitForDisconnected(int msecs = 30000)'''
0175         return bool()
0176     def waitForBytesWritten(self, msecs = 30000):
0177         '''bool QAbstractSocket.waitForBytesWritten(int msecs = 30000)'''
0178         return bool()
0179     def waitForReadyRead(self, msecs = 30000):
0180         '''bool QAbstractSocket.waitForReadyRead(int msecs = 30000)'''
0181         return bool()
0182     def waitForConnected(self, msecs = 30000):
0183         '''bool QAbstractSocket.waitForConnected(int msecs = 30000)'''
0184         return bool()
0185     def flush(self):
0186         '''bool QAbstractSocket.flush()'''
0187         return bool()
0188     def atEnd(self):
0189         '''bool QAbstractSocket.atEnd()'''
0190         return bool()
0191     def isSequential(self):
0192         '''bool QAbstractSocket.isSequential()'''
0193         return bool()
0194     def close(self):
0195         '''void QAbstractSocket.close()'''
0196     def error(self):
0197         '''QAbstractSocket.SocketError QAbstractSocket.error()'''
0198         return QAbstractSocket.SocketError()
0199     error = pyqtSignal() # void error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError) - signal
0200     def state(self):
0201         '''QAbstractSocket.SocketState QAbstractSocket.state()'''
0202         return QAbstractSocket.SocketState()
0203     def socketType(self):
0204         '''QAbstractSocket.SocketType QAbstractSocket.socketType()'''
0205         return QAbstractSocket.SocketType()
0206     def setSocketDescriptor(self, socketDescriptor, state = None, mode = None):
0207         '''bool QAbstractSocket.setSocketDescriptor(int socketDescriptor, QAbstractSocket.SocketState state = QAbstractSocket.ConnectedState, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
0208         return bool()
0209     def socketDescriptor(self):
0210         '''int QAbstractSocket.socketDescriptor()'''
0211         return int()
0212     def abort(self):
0213         '''void QAbstractSocket.abort()'''
0214     def setReadBufferSize(self, size):
0215         '''void QAbstractSocket.setReadBufferSize(int size)'''
0216     def readBufferSize(self):
0217         '''int QAbstractSocket.readBufferSize()'''
0218         return int()
0219     def peerName(self):
0220         '''QString QAbstractSocket.peerName()'''
0221         return QString()
0222     def peerAddress(self):
0223         '''QHostAddress QAbstractSocket.peerAddress()'''
0224         return QHostAddress()
0225     def peerPort(self):
0226         '''int QAbstractSocket.peerPort()'''
0227         return int()
0228     def localAddress(self):
0229         '''QHostAddress QAbstractSocket.localAddress()'''
0230         return QHostAddress()
0231     def localPort(self):
0232         '''int QAbstractSocket.localPort()'''
0233         return int()
0234     def canReadLine(self):
0235         '''bool QAbstractSocket.canReadLine()'''
0236         return bool()
0237     def bytesToWrite(self):
0238         '''int QAbstractSocket.bytesToWrite()'''
0239         return int()
0240     def bytesAvailable(self):
0241         '''int QAbstractSocket.bytesAvailable()'''
0242         return int()
0243     def isValid(self):
0244         '''bool QAbstractSocket.isValid()'''
0245         return bool()
0246     def disconnectFromHost(self):
0247         '''void QAbstractSocket.disconnectFromHost()'''
0248     def connectToHost(self, hostName, port, mode = None):
0249         '''void QAbstractSocket.connectToHost(QString hostName, int port, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
0250     def connectToHost(self, address, port, mode = None):
0251         '''void QAbstractSocket.connectToHost(QHostAddress address, int port, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
0254 class QAuthenticator():
0255     """"""
0256     def __init__(self):
0257         '''void QAuthenticator.__init__()'''
0258     def __init__(self, other):
0259         '''void QAuthenticator.__init__(QAuthenticator other)'''
0260     def setOption(self, opt, value):
0261         '''void QAuthenticator.setOption(QString opt, QVariant value)'''
0262     def options(self):
0263         '''dict-of-QString-QVariant QAuthenticator.options()'''
0264         return dict-of-QString-QVariant()
0265     def option(self, opt):
0266         '''QVariant QAuthenticator.option(QString opt)'''
0267         return QVariant()
0268     def isNull(self):
0269         '''bool QAuthenticator.isNull()'''
0270         return bool()
0271     def realm(self):
0272         '''QString QAuthenticator.realm()'''
0273         return QString()
0274     def setPassword(self, password):
0275         '''void QAuthenticator.setPassword(QString password)'''
0276     def password(self):
0277         '''QString QAuthenticator.password()'''
0278         return QString()
0279     def setUser(self, user):
0280         '''void QAuthenticator.setUser(QString user)'''
0281     def user(self):
0282         '''QString QAuthenticator.user()'''
0283         return QString()
0284     def __ne__(self, other):
0285         '''bool QAuthenticator.__ne__(QAuthenticator other)'''
0286         return bool()
0287     def __eq__(self, other):
0288         '''bool QAuthenticator.__eq__(QAuthenticator other)'''
0289         return bool()
0292 class QFtp(QObject):
0293     """"""
0294     # Enum QFtp.TransferType
0295     Binary = 0
0296     Ascii = 0
0298     # Enum QFtp.TransferMode
0299     Active = 0
0300     Passive = 0
0302     # Enum QFtp.Command
0303     None_ = 0
0304     SetTransferMode = 0
0305     SetProxy = 0
0306     ConnectToHost = 0
0307     Login = 0
0308     Close = 0
0309     List = 0
0310     Cd = 0
0311     Get = 0
0312     Put = 0
0313     Remove = 0
0314     Mkdir = 0
0315     Rmdir = 0
0316     Rename = 0
0317     RawCommand = 0
0319     # Enum QFtp.Error
0320     NoError = 0
0321     UnknownError = 0
0322     HostNotFound = 0
0323     ConnectionRefused = 0
0324     NotConnected = 0
0326     # Enum QFtp.State
0327     Unconnected = 0
0328     HostLookup = 0
0329     Connecting = 0
0330     Connected = 0
0331     LoggedIn = 0
0332     Closing = 0
0334     def __init__(self, parent = None):
0335         '''void QFtp.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
0336     done = pyqtSignal() # void done(bool) - signal
0337     commandFinished = pyqtSignal() # void commandFinished(int,bool) - signal
0338     commandStarted = pyqtSignal() # void commandStarted(int) - signal
0339     rawCommandReply = pyqtSignal() # void rawCommandReply(int,const QStringamp;) - signal
0340     dataTransferProgress = pyqtSignal() # void dataTransferProgress(qint64,qint64) - signal
0341     readyRead = pyqtSignal() # void readyRead() - signal
0342     listInfo = pyqtSignal() # void listInfo(const QUrlInfoamp;) - signal
0343     stateChanged = pyqtSignal() # void stateChanged(int) - signal
0344     def abort(self):
0345         '''void QFtp.abort()'''
0346     def errorString(self):
0347         '''QString QFtp.errorString()'''
0348         return QString()
0349     def error(self):
0350         '''QFtp.Error QFtp.error()'''
0351         return QFtp.Error()
0352     def state(self):
0353         '''QFtp.State QFtp.state()'''
0354         return QFtp.State()
0355     def clearPendingCommands(self):
0356         '''void QFtp.clearPendingCommands()'''
0357     def hasPendingCommands(self):
0358         '''bool QFtp.hasPendingCommands()'''
0359         return bool()
0360     def currentCommand(self):
0361         '''QFtp.Command QFtp.currentCommand()'''
0362         return QFtp.Command()
0363     def currentDevice(self):
0364         '''QIODevice QFtp.currentDevice()'''
0365         return QIODevice()
0366     def currentId(self):
0367         '''int QFtp.currentId()'''
0368         return int()
0369     def readAll(self):
0370         '''QByteArray QFtp.readAll()'''
0371         return QByteArray()
0372     def read(self, maxlen):
0373         '''str maxlen)'''
0374         return str()
0375     def bytesAvailable(self):
0376         '''int QFtp.bytesAvailable()'''
0377         return int()
0378     def rawCommand(self, command):
0379         '''int QFtp.rawCommand(QString command)'''
0380         return int()
0381     def rename(self, oldname, newname):
0382         '''int QFtp.rename(QString oldname, QString newname)'''
0383         return int()
0384     def rmdir(self, dir):
0385         '''int QFtp.rmdir(QString dir)'''
0386         return int()
0387     def mkdir(self, dir):
0388         '''int QFtp.mkdir(QString dir)'''
0389         return int()
0390     def remove(self, file):
0391         '''int QFtp.remove(QString file)'''
0392         return int()
0393     def put(self, data, file, type = None):
0394         '''int QFtp.put(QByteArray data, QString file, QFtp.TransferType type = QFtp.Binary)'''
0395         return int()
0396     def put(self, device, file, type = None):
0397         '''int QFtp.put(QIODevice device, QString file, QFtp.TransferType type = QFtp.Binary)'''
0398         return int()
0399     def get(self, file, device = None, type = None):
0400         '''int QFtp.get(QString file, QIODevice device = None, QFtp.TransferType type = QFtp.Binary)'''
0401         return int()
0402     def cd(self, directory):
0403         '''int directory)'''
0404         return int()
0405     def list(self, directory = QString()):
0406         '''int QFtp.list(QString directory = QString())'''
0407         return int()
0408     def setTransferMode(self, mode):
0409         '''int QFtp.setTransferMode(QFtp.TransferMode mode)'''
0410         return int()
0411     def close(self):
0412         '''int QFtp.close()'''
0413         return int()
0414     def login(self, user = QString(), password = QString()):
0415         '''int QFtp.login(QString user = QString(), QString password = QString())'''
0416         return int()
0417     def connectToHost(self, host, port = 21):
0418         '''int QFtp.connectToHost(QString host, int port = 21)'''
0419         return int()
0420     def setProxy(self, host, port):
0421         '''int QFtp.setProxy(QString host, int port)'''
0422         return int()
0425 class QHostAddress():
0426     """"""
0427     # Enum QHostAddress.SpecialAddress
0428     Null = 0
0429     Broadcast = 0
0430     LocalHost = 0
0431     LocalHostIPv6 = 0
0432     Any = 0
0433     AnyIPv6 = 0
0435     def __init__(self):
0436         '''void QHostAddress.__init__()'''
0437     def __init__(self, address):
0438         '''void QHostAddress.__init__(QHostAddress.SpecialAddress address)'''
0439     def __init__(self, ip4Addr):
0440         '''void QHostAddress.__init__(int ip4Addr)'''
0441     def __init__(self, address):
0442         '''void QHostAddress.__init__(QString address)'''
0443     def __init__(self, ip6Addr):
0444         '''void QHostAddress.__init__(16-tuple-of-int ip6Addr)'''
0445     def __init__(self, copy):
0446         '''void QHostAddress.__init__(QHostAddress copy)'''
0447     def parseSubnet(self, subnet):
0448         '''static tuple-of-QHostAddress-int QHostAddress.parseSubnet(QString subnet)'''
0449         return tuple-of-QHostAddress-int()
0450     def isInSubnet(self, subnet, netmask):
0451         '''bool QHostAddress.isInSubnet(QHostAddress subnet, int netmask)'''
0452         return bool()
0453     def isInSubnet(self, subnet):
0454         '''bool QHostAddress.isInSubnet(tuple-of-QHostAddress-int subnet)'''
0455         return bool()
0456     def __hash__(self):
0457         '''int QHostAddress.__hash__()'''
0458         return int()
0459     def clear(self):
0460         '''void QHostAddress.clear()'''
0461     def isNull(self):
0462         '''bool QHostAddress.isNull()'''
0463         return bool()
0464     def __ne__(self, address):
0465         '''bool QHostAddress.__ne__(QHostAddress address)'''
0466         return bool()
0467     def __ne__(self, address):
0468         '''bool QHostAddress.__ne__(QHostAddress.SpecialAddress address)'''
0469         return bool()
0470     def __eq__(self, address):
0471         '''bool QHostAddress.__eq__(QHostAddress address)'''
0472         return bool()
0473     def __eq__(self, address):
0474         '''bool QHostAddress.__eq__(QHostAddress.SpecialAddress address)'''
0475         return bool()
0476     def setScopeId(self, id):
0477         '''void QHostAddress.setScopeId(QString id)'''
0478     def scopeId(self):
0479         '''QString QHostAddress.scopeId()'''
0480         return QString()
0481     def toString(self):
0482         '''QString QHostAddress.toString()'''
0483         return QString()
0484     def toIPv6Address(self):
0485         '''16-tuple-of-int QHostAddress.toIPv6Address()'''
0486         return 16-tuple-of-int()
0487     def toIPv4Address(self):
0488         '''int QHostAddress.toIPv4Address()'''
0489         return int()
0490     def protocol(self):
0491         '''QAbstractSocket.NetworkLayerProtocol QHostAddress.protocol()'''
0492         return QAbstractSocket.NetworkLayerProtocol()
0493     def setAddress(self, ip4Addr):
0494         '''void QHostAddress.setAddress(int ip4Addr)'''
0495     def setAddress(self, address):
0496         '''bool QHostAddress.setAddress(QString address)'''
0497         return bool()
0498     def setAddress(self, ip6Addr):
0499         '''void QHostAddress.setAddress(16-tuple-of-int ip6Addr)'''
0502 class QHostInfo():
0503     """"""
0504     # Enum QHostInfo.HostInfoError
0505     NoError = 0
0506     HostNotFound = 0
0507     UnknownError = 0
0509     def __init__(self, id = None):
0510         '''void QHostInfo.__init__(int id = -1)'''
0511     def __init__(self, d):
0512         '''void QHostInfo.__init__(QHostInfo d)'''
0513     def localDomainName(self):
0514         '''static QString QHostInfo.localDomainName()'''
0515         return QString()
0516     def localHostName(self):
0517         '''static QString QHostInfo.localHostName()'''
0518         return QString()
0519     def fromName(self, name):
0520         '''static QHostInfo QHostInfo.fromName(QString name)'''
0521         return QHostInfo()
0522     def abortHostLookup(self, lookupId):
0523         '''static void QHostInfo.abortHostLookup(int lookupId)'''
0524     def lookupHost(self, name, receiver, member):
0525         '''static int QHostInfo.lookupHost(QString name, QObject receiver, SLOT(QHostInfo)SLOT() member)'''
0526         return int()
0527     def lookupHost(self, name, receiver):
0528         '''static int QHostInfo.lookupHost(QString name, callable receiver)'''
0529         return int()
0530     def lookupId(self):
0531         '''int QHostInfo.lookupId()'''
0532         return int()
0533     def setLookupId(self, id):
0534         '''void QHostInfo.setLookupId(int id)'''
0535     def setErrorString(self, errorString):
0536         '''void QHostInfo.setErrorString(QString errorString)'''
0537     def errorString(self):
0538         '''QString QHostInfo.errorString()'''
0539         return QString()
0540     def setError(self, error):
0541         '''void QHostInfo.setError(QHostInfo.HostInfoError error)'''
0542     def error(self):
0543         '''QHostInfo.HostInfoError QHostInfo.error()'''
0544         return QHostInfo.HostInfoError()
0545     def setAddresses(self, addresses):
0546         '''void QHostInfo.setAddresses(list-of-QHostAddress addresses)'''
0547     def addresses(self):
0548         '''list-of-QHostAddress QHostInfo.addresses()'''
0549         return [QHostAddress()]
0550     def setHostName(self, name):
0551         '''void QHostInfo.setHostName(QString name)'''
0552     def hostName(self):
0553         '''QString QHostInfo.hostName()'''
0554         return QString()
0557 class QHttpHeader():
0558     """"""
0559     def __init__(self):
0560         '''void QHttpHeader.__init__()'''
0561     def __init__(self, header):
0562         '''void QHttpHeader.__init__(QHttpHeader header)'''
0563     def __init__(self, str):
0564         '''void QHttpHeader.__init__(QString str)'''
0565     def setValid(self):
0566         '''bool QHttpHeader.setValid()'''
0567         return bool()
0568     def parse(self, str):
0569         '''bool QHttpHeader.parse(QString str)'''
0570         return bool()
0571     def parseLine(self, line, number):
0572         '''bool QHttpHeader.parseLine(QString line, int number)'''
0573         return bool()
0574     def minorVersion(self):
0575         '''abstract int QHttpHeader.minorVersion()'''
0576         return int()
0577     def majorVersion(self):
0578         '''abstract int QHttpHeader.majorVersion()'''
0579         return int()
0580     def isValid(self):
0581         '''bool QHttpHeader.isValid()'''
0582         return bool()
0583     def toString(self):
0584         '''QString QHttpHeader.toString()'''
0585         return QString()
0586     def setContentType(self, type):
0587         '''void QHttpHeader.setContentType(QString type)'''
0588     def contentType(self):
0589         '''QString QHttpHeader.contentType()'''
0590         return QString()
0591     def hasContentType(self):
0592         '''bool QHttpHeader.hasContentType()'''
0593         return bool()
0594     def setContentLength(self, len):
0595         '''void QHttpHeader.setContentLength(int len)'''
0596     def contentLength(self):
0597         '''int QHttpHeader.contentLength()'''
0598         return int()
0599     def hasContentLength(self):
0600         '''bool QHttpHeader.hasContentLength()'''
0601         return bool()
0602     def removeAllValues(self, key):
0603         '''void QHttpHeader.removeAllValues(QString key)'''
0604     def removeValue(self, key):
0605         '''void QHttpHeader.removeValue(QString key)'''
0606     def allValues(self, key):
0607         '''QStringList QHttpHeader.allValues(QString key)'''
0608         return QStringList()
0609     def value(self, key):
0610         '''QString QHttpHeader.value(QString key)'''
0611         return QString()
0612     def keys(self):
0613         '''QStringList QHttpHeader.keys()'''
0614         return QStringList()
0615     def hasKey(self, key):
0616         '''bool QHttpHeader.hasKey(QString key)'''
0617         return bool()
0618     def values(self):
0619         '''list-of-tuple-of-QString-QString QHttpHeader.values()'''
0620         return [tuple-of-QString-QString()]
0621     def addValue(self, key, value):
0622         '''void QHttpHeader.addValue(QString key, QString value)'''
0623     def setValues(self, values):
0624         '''void QHttpHeader.setValues(list-of-tuple-of-QString-QString values)'''
0625     def setValue(self, key, value):
0626         '''void QHttpHeader.setValue(QString key, QString value)'''
0629 class QHttpResponseHeader(QHttpHeader):
0630     """"""
0631     def __init__(self):
0632         '''void QHttpResponseHeader.__init__()'''
0633     def __init__(self, header):
0634         '''void QHttpResponseHeader.__init__(QHttpResponseHeader header)'''
0635     def __init__(self, str):
0636         '''void QHttpResponseHeader.__init__(QString str)'''
0637     def __init__(self, code, text = QString(), major = 1, minor = 1):
0638         '''void QHttpResponseHeader.__init__(int code, QString text = QString(), int major = 1, int minor = 1)'''
0639     def parseLine(self, line, number):
0640         '''bool QHttpResponseHeader.parseLine(QString line, int number)'''
0641         return bool()
0642     def toString(self):
0643         '''QString QHttpResponseHeader.toString()'''
0644         return QString()
0645     def minorVersion(self):
0646         '''int QHttpResponseHeader.minorVersion()'''
0647         return int()
0648     def majorVersion(self):
0649         '''int QHttpResponseHeader.majorVersion()'''
0650         return int()
0651     def reasonPhrase(self):
0652         '''QString QHttpResponseHeader.reasonPhrase()'''
0653         return QString()
0654     def statusCode(self):
0655         '''int QHttpResponseHeader.statusCode()'''
0656         return int()
0657     def setStatusLine(self, code, text = QString(), major = 1, minor = 1):
0658         '''void QHttpResponseHeader.setStatusLine(int code, QString text = QString(), int major = 1, int minor = 1)'''
0661 class QHttpRequestHeader(QHttpHeader):
0662     """"""
0663     def __init__(self):
0664         '''void QHttpRequestHeader.__init__()'''
0665     def __init__(self, method, path, major = 1, minor = 1):
0666         '''void QHttpRequestHeader.__init__(QString method, QString path, int major = 1, int minor = 1)'''
0667     def __init__(self, header):
0668         '''void QHttpRequestHeader.__init__(QHttpRequestHeader header)'''
0669     def __init__(self, str):
0670         '''void QHttpRequestHeader.__init__(QString str)'''
0671     def parseLine(self, line, number):
0672         '''bool QHttpRequestHeader.parseLine(QString line, int number)'''
0673         return bool()
0674     def toString(self):
0675         '''QString QHttpRequestHeader.toString()'''
0676         return QString()
0677     def minorVersion(self):
0678         '''int QHttpRequestHeader.minorVersion()'''
0679         return int()
0680     def majorVersion(self):
0681         '''int QHttpRequestHeader.majorVersion()'''
0682         return int()
0683     def path(self):
0684         '''QString QHttpRequestHeader.path()'''
0685         return QString()
0686     def method(self):
0687         '''QString QHttpRequestHeader.method()'''
0688         return QString()
0689     def setRequest(self, method, path, major = 1, minor = 1):
0690         '''void QHttpRequestHeader.setRequest(QString method, QString path, int major = 1, int minor = 1)'''
0693 class QHttp(QObject):
0694     """"""
0695     # Enum QHttp.Error
0696     NoError = 0
0697     UnknownError = 0
0698     HostNotFound = 0
0699     ConnectionRefused = 0
0700     UnexpectedClose = 0
0701     InvalidResponseHeader = 0
0702     WrongContentLength = 0
0703     Aborted = 0
0704     AuthenticationRequiredError = 0
0705     ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError = 0
0707     # Enum QHttp.State
0708     Unconnected = 0
0709     HostLookup = 0
0710     Connecting = 0
0711     Sending = 0
0712     Reading = 0
0713     Connected = 0
0714     Closing = 0
0716     # Enum QHttp.ConnectionMode
0717     ConnectionModeHttp = 0
0718     ConnectionModeHttps = 0
0720     def __init__(self, parent = None):
0721         '''void QHttp.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
0722     def __init__(self, hostName, port = 80, parent = None):
0723         '''void QHttp.__init__(QString hostName, int port = 80, QObject parent = None)'''
0724     def __init__(self, hostname, mode, port = 0, parent = None):
0725         '''void QHttp.__init__(QString hostname, QHttp.ConnectionMode mode, int port = 0, QObject parent = None)'''
0726     sslErrors = pyqtSignal() # void sslErrors(const QListlt;QSslErrorgt;amp;) - signal
0727     authenticationRequired = pyqtSignal() # void authenticationRequired(const QStringamp;,quint16,QAuthenticator *) - signal
0728     proxyAuthenticationRequired = pyqtSignal() # void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxyamp;,QAuthenticator *) - signal
0729     done = pyqtSignal() # void done(bool) - signal
0730     requestFinished = pyqtSignal() # void requestFinished(int,bool) - signal
0731     requestStarted = pyqtSignal() # void requestStarted(int) - signal
0732     dataReadProgress = pyqtSignal() # void dataReadProgress(int,int) - signal
0733     dataSendProgress = pyqtSignal() # void dataSendProgress(int,int) - signal
0734     readyRead = pyqtSignal() # void readyRead(const QHttpResponseHeaderamp;) - signal
0735     responseHeaderReceived = pyqtSignal() # void responseHeaderReceived(const QHttpResponseHeaderamp;) - signal
0736     stateChanged = pyqtSignal() # void stateChanged(int) - signal
0737     def ignoreSslErrors(self):
0738         '''void QHttp.ignoreSslErrors()'''
0739     def abort(self):
0740         '''void QHttp.abort()'''
0741     def errorString(self):
0742         '''QString QHttp.errorString()'''
0743         return QString()
0744     def error(self):
0745         '''QHttp.Error QHttp.error()'''
0746         return QHttp.Error()
0747     def state(self):
0748         '''QHttp.State QHttp.state()'''
0749         return QHttp.State()
0750     def clearPendingRequests(self):
0751         '''void QHttp.clearPendingRequests()'''
0752     def hasPendingRequests(self):
0753         '''bool QHttp.hasPendingRequests()'''
0754         return bool()
0755     def lastResponse(self):
0756         '''QHttpResponseHeader QHttp.lastResponse()'''
0757         return QHttpResponseHeader()
0758     def currentRequest(self):
0759         '''QHttpRequestHeader QHttp.currentRequest()'''
0760         return QHttpRequestHeader()
0761     def currentDestinationDevice(self):
0762         '''QIODevice QHttp.currentDestinationDevice()'''
0763         return QIODevice()
0764     def currentSourceDevice(self):
0765         '''QIODevice QHttp.currentSourceDevice()'''
0766         return QIODevice()
0767     def currentId(self):
0768         '''int QHttp.currentId()'''
0769         return int()
0770     def readAll(self):
0771         '''QByteArray QHttp.readAll()'''
0772         return QByteArray()
0773     def read(self, maxlen):
0774         '''str maxlen)'''
0775         return str()
0776     def bytesAvailable(self):
0777         '''int QHttp.bytesAvailable()'''
0778         return int()
0779     def close(self):
0780         '''int QHttp.close()'''
0781         return int()
0782     def request(self, header, data = None, to = None):
0783         '''int QHttp.request(QHttpRequestHeader header, QIODevice data = None, QIODevice to = None)'''
0784         return int()
0785     def request(self, header, data, to = None):
0786         '''int QHttp.request(QHttpRequestHeader header, QByteArray data, QIODevice to = None)'''
0787         return int()
0788     def head(self, path):
0789         '''int QHttp.head(QString path)'''
0790         return int()
0791     def post(self, path, data, to = None):
0792         '''int path, QIODevice data, QIODevice to = None)'''
0793         return int()
0794     def post(self, path, data, to = None):
0795         '''int path, QByteArray data, QIODevice to = None)'''
0796         return int()
0797     def get(self, path, to = None):
0798         '''int QHttp.get(QString path, QIODevice to = None)'''
0799         return int()
0800     def setProxy(self, host, port, user = QString(), password = QString()):
0801         '''int QHttp.setProxy(QString host, int port, QString user = QString(), QString password = QString())'''
0802         return int()
0803     def setProxy(self, proxy):
0804         '''int QHttp.setProxy(QNetworkProxy proxy)'''
0805         return int()
0806     def setUser(self, userName, password = QString()):
0807         '''int QHttp.setUser(QString userName, QString password = QString())'''
0808         return int()
0809     def setSocket(self, socket):
0810         '''int QHttp.setSocket(QTcpSocket socket)'''
0811         return int()
0812     def setHost(self, hostName, port = 80):
0813         '''int QHttp.setHost(QString hostName, int port = 80)'''
0814         return int()
0815     def setHost(self, hostname, mode, port = 0):
0816         '''int QHttp.setHost(QString hostname, QHttp.ConnectionMode mode, int port = 0)'''
0817         return int()
0820 class QHttpPart():
0821     """"""
0822     def __init__(self):
0823         '''void QHttpPart.__init__()'''
0824     def __init__(self, other):
0825         '''void QHttpPart.__init__(QHttpPart other)'''
0826     def setBodyDevice(self, device):
0827         '''void QHttpPart.setBodyDevice(QIODevice device)'''
0828     def setBody(self, body):
0829         '''void QHttpPart.setBody(QByteArray body)'''
0830     def setRawHeader(self, headerName, headerValue):
0831         '''void QHttpPart.setRawHeader(QByteArray headerName, QByteArray headerValue)'''
0832     def setHeader(self, header, value):
0833         '''void QHttpPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders header, QVariant value)'''
0834     def __ne__(self, other):
0835         '''bool QHttpPart.__ne__(QHttpPart other)'''
0836         return bool()
0837     def __eq__(self, other):
0838         '''bool QHttpPart.__eq__(QHttpPart other)'''
0839         return bool()
0842 class QHttpMultiPart(QObject):
0843     """"""
0844     # Enum QHttpMultiPart.ContentType
0845     MixedType = 0
0846     RelatedType = 0
0847     FormDataType = 0
0848     AlternativeType = 0
0850     def __init__(self, parent = None):
0851         '''void QHttpMultiPart.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
0852     def __init__(self, contentType, parent = None):
0853         '''void QHttpMultiPart.__init__(QHttpMultiPart.ContentType contentType, QObject parent = None)'''
0854     def setBoundary(self, boundary):
0855         '''void QHttpMultiPart.setBoundary(QByteArray boundary)'''
0856     def boundary(self):
0857         '''QByteArray QHttpMultiPart.boundary()'''
0858         return QByteArray()
0859     def setContentType(self, contentType):
0860         '''void QHttpMultiPart.setContentType(QHttpMultiPart.ContentType contentType)'''
0861     def append(self, httpPart):
0862         '''void QHttpMultiPart.append(QHttpPart httpPart)'''
0865 class QLocalServer(QObject):
0866     """"""
0867     def __init__(self, parent = None):
0868         '''void QLocalServer.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
0869     def incomingConnection(self, socketDescriptor):
0870         '''void QLocalServer.incomingConnection(sip.voidptr socketDescriptor)'''
0871     newConnection = pyqtSignal() # void newConnection() - signal
0872     def removeServer(self, name):
0873         '''static bool QLocalServer.removeServer(QString name)'''
0874         return bool()
0875     def waitForNewConnection(self, msecs = 0, timedOut = None):
0876         '''bool QLocalServer.waitForNewConnection(int msecs = 0, bool timedOut)'''
0877         return bool()
0878     def setMaxPendingConnections(self, numConnections):
0879         '''void QLocalServer.setMaxPendingConnections(int numConnections)'''
0880     def serverError(self):
0881         '''QAbstractSocket.SocketError QLocalServer.serverError()'''
0882         return QAbstractSocket.SocketError()
0883     def fullServerName(self):
0884         '''QString QLocalServer.fullServerName()'''
0885         return QString()
0886     def serverName(self):
0887         '''QString QLocalServer.serverName()'''
0888         return QString()
0889     def nextPendingConnection(self):
0890         '''QLocalSocket QLocalServer.nextPendingConnection()'''
0891         return QLocalSocket()
0892     def maxPendingConnections(self):
0893         '''int QLocalServer.maxPendingConnections()'''
0894         return int()
0895     def listen(self, name):
0896         '''bool QLocalServer.listen(QString name)'''
0897         return bool()
0898     def isListening(self):
0899         '''bool QLocalServer.isListening()'''
0900         return bool()
0901     def hasPendingConnections(self):
0902         '''bool QLocalServer.hasPendingConnections()'''
0903         return bool()
0904     def errorString(self):
0905         '''QString QLocalServer.errorString()'''
0906         return QString()
0907     def close(self):
0908         '''void QLocalServer.close()'''
0911 class QLocalSocket(QIODevice):
0912     """"""
0913     # Enum QLocalSocket.LocalSocketState
0914     UnconnectedState = 0
0915     ConnectingState = 0
0916     ConnectedState = 0
0917     ClosingState = 0
0919     # Enum QLocalSocket.LocalSocketError
0920     ConnectionRefusedError = 0
0921     PeerClosedError = 0
0922     ServerNotFoundError = 0
0923     SocketAccessError = 0
0924     SocketResourceError = 0
0925     SocketTimeoutError = 0
0926     DatagramTooLargeError = 0
0927     ConnectionError = 0
0928     UnsupportedSocketOperationError = 0
0929     UnknownSocketError = 0
0931     def __init__(self, parent = None):
0932         '''void QLocalSocket.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
0933     def writeData(self):
0934         '''str QLocalSocket.writeData()'''
0935         return str()
0936     def readData(self, maxlen):
0937         '''str QLocalSocket.readData(int maxlen)'''
0938         return str()
0939     stateChanged = pyqtSignal() # void stateChanged(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketState) - signal
0940     disconnected = pyqtSignal() # void disconnected() - signal
0941     connected = pyqtSignal() # void connected() - signal
0942     def waitForReadyRead(self, msecs = 30000):
0943         '''bool QLocalSocket.waitForReadyRead(int msecs = 30000)'''
0944         return bool()
0945     def waitForDisconnected(self, msecs = 30000):
0946         '''bool QLocalSocket.waitForDisconnected(int msecs = 30000)'''
0947         return bool()
0948     def waitForConnected(self, msecs = 30000):
0949         '''bool QLocalSocket.waitForConnected(int msecs = 30000)'''
0950         return bool()
0951     def waitForBytesWritten(self, msecs = 30000):
0952         '''bool QLocalSocket.waitForBytesWritten(int msecs = 30000)'''
0953         return bool()
0954     def state(self):
0955         '''QLocalSocket.LocalSocketState QLocalSocket.state()'''
0956         return QLocalSocket.LocalSocketState()
0957     def socketDescriptor(self):
0958         '''sip.voidptr QLocalSocket.socketDescriptor()'''
0959         return sip.voidptr()
0960     def setSocketDescriptor(self, socketDescriptor, state = None, mode = None):
0961         '''bool QLocalSocket.setSocketDescriptor(sip.voidptr socketDescriptor, QLocalSocket.LocalSocketState state = QLocalSocket.ConnectedState, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
0962         return bool()
0963     def setReadBufferSize(self, size):
0964         '''void QLocalSocket.setReadBufferSize(int size)'''
0965     def readBufferSize(self):
0966         '''int QLocalSocket.readBufferSize()'''
0967         return int()
0968     def isValid(self):
0969         '''bool QLocalSocket.isValid()'''
0970         return bool()
0971     def flush(self):
0972         '''bool QLocalSocket.flush()'''
0973         return bool()
0974     def error(self):
0975         '''QLocalSocket.LocalSocketError QLocalSocket.error()'''
0976         return QLocalSocket.LocalSocketError()
0977     error = pyqtSignal() # void error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError) - signal
0978     def close(self):
0979         '''void QLocalSocket.close()'''
0980     def canReadLine(self):
0981         '''bool QLocalSocket.canReadLine()'''
0982         return bool()
0983     def bytesToWrite(self):
0984         '''int QLocalSocket.bytesToWrite()'''
0985         return int()
0986     def bytesAvailable(self):
0987         '''int QLocalSocket.bytesAvailable()'''
0988         return int()
0989     def isSequential(self):
0990         '''bool QLocalSocket.isSequential()'''
0991         return bool()
0992     def abort(self):
0993         '''void QLocalSocket.abort()'''
0994     def fullServerName(self):
0995         '''QString QLocalSocket.fullServerName()'''
0996         return QString()
0997     def serverName(self):
0998         '''QString QLocalSocket.serverName()'''
0999         return QString()
1000     def disconnectFromServer(self):
1001         '''void QLocalSocket.disconnectFromServer()'''
1002     def connectToServer(self, name, mode = None):
1003         '''void QLocalSocket.connectToServer(QString name, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
1006 class QNetworkAccessManager(QObject):
1007     """"""
1008     # Enum QNetworkAccessManager.NetworkAccessibility
1009     UnknownAccessibility = 0
1010     NotAccessible = 0
1011     Accessible = 0
1013     # Enum QNetworkAccessManager.Operation
1014     HeadOperation = 0
1015     GetOperation = 0
1016     PutOperation = 0
1017     PostOperation = 0
1018     DeleteOperation = 0
1019     CustomOperation = 0
1021     def __init__(self, parent = None):
1022         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
1023     def networkAccessibleChanged(self, accessible):
1024         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.networkAccessibleChanged(QNetworkAccessManager.NetworkAccessibility accessible)'''
1025     def networkAccessible(self):
1026         '''QNetworkAccessManager.NetworkAccessibility QNetworkAccessManager.networkAccessible()'''
1027         return QNetworkAccessManager.NetworkAccessibility()
1028     def setNetworkAccessible(self, accessible):
1029         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.setNetworkAccessible(QNetworkAccessManager.NetworkAccessibility accessible)'''
1030     def activeConfiguration(self):
1031         '''QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkAccessManager.activeConfiguration()'''
1032         return QNetworkConfiguration()
1033     def configuration(self):
1034         '''QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkAccessManager.configuration()'''
1035         return QNetworkConfiguration()
1036     def setConfiguration(self, config):
1037         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.setConfiguration(QNetworkConfiguration config)'''
1038     def sendCustomRequest(self, request, verb, data = None):
1039         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.sendCustomRequest(QNetworkRequest request, QByteArray verb, QIODevice data = None)'''
1040         return QNetworkReply()
1041     def deleteResource(self, request):
1042         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.deleteResource(QNetworkRequest request)'''
1043         return QNetworkReply()
1044     def setCache(self, cache):
1045         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.setCache(QAbstractNetworkCache cache)'''
1046     def cache(self):
1047         '''QAbstractNetworkCache QNetworkAccessManager.cache()'''
1048         return QAbstractNetworkCache()
1049     def setProxyFactory(self, factory):
1050         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.setProxyFactory(QNetworkProxyFactory factory)'''
1051     def proxyFactory(self):
1052         '''QNetworkProxyFactory QNetworkAccessManager.proxyFactory()'''
1053         return QNetworkProxyFactory()
1054     def createRequest(self, op, request, device = None):
1055         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.createRequest(QNetworkAccessManager.Operation op, QNetworkRequest request, QIODevice device = None)'''
1056         return QNetworkReply()
1057     sslErrors = pyqtSignal() # void sslErrors(QNetworkReply *,const QListlt;QSslErrorgt;amp;) - signal
1058     finished = pyqtSignal() # void finished(QNetworkReply *) - signal
1059     authenticationRequired = pyqtSignal() # void authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply *,QAuthenticator *) - signal
1060     proxyAuthenticationRequired = pyqtSignal() # void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxyamp;,QAuthenticator *) - signal
1061     def put(self, request, data):
1062         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.put(QNetworkRequest request, QIODevice data)'''
1063         return QNetworkReply()
1064     def put(self, request, data):
1065         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.put(QNetworkRequest request, QByteArray data)'''
1066         return QNetworkReply()
1067     def put(self, request, multiPart):
1068         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.put(QNetworkRequest request, QHttpMultiPart multiPart)'''
1069         return QNetworkReply()
1070     def post(self, request, data):
1071         '''QNetworkReply request, QIODevice data)'''
1072         return QNetworkReply()
1073     def post(self, request, data):
1074         '''QNetworkReply request, QByteArray data)'''
1075         return QNetworkReply()
1076     def post(self, request, multiPart):
1077         '''QNetworkReply request, QHttpMultiPart multiPart)'''
1078         return QNetworkReply()
1079     def get(self, request):
1080         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.get(QNetworkRequest request)'''
1081         return QNetworkReply()
1082     def head(self, request):
1083         '''QNetworkReply QNetworkAccessManager.head(QNetworkRequest request)'''
1084         return QNetworkReply()
1085     def setCookieJar(self, cookieJar):
1086         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.setCookieJar(QNetworkCookieJar cookieJar)'''
1087     def cookieJar(self):
1088         '''QNetworkCookieJar QNetworkAccessManager.cookieJar()'''
1089         return QNetworkCookieJar()
1090     def setProxy(self, proxy):
1091         '''void QNetworkAccessManager.setProxy(QNetworkProxy proxy)'''
1092     def proxy(self):
1093         '''QNetworkProxy QNetworkAccessManager.proxy()'''
1094         return QNetworkProxy()
1097 class QNetworkConfigurationManager(QObject):
1098     """"""
1099     # Enum QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capability
1100     CanStartAndStopInterfaces = 0
1101     DirectConnectionRouting = 0
1102     SystemSessionSupport = 0
1103     ApplicationLevelRoaming = 0
1104     ForcedRoaming = 0
1105     DataStatistics = 0
1106     NetworkSessionRequired = 0
1108     def __init__(self, parent = None):
1109         '''void QNetworkConfigurationManager.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
1110     updateCompleted = pyqtSignal() # void updateCompleted() - signal
1111     onlineStateChanged = pyqtSignal() # void onlineStateChanged(bool) - signal
1112     configurationChanged = pyqtSignal() # void configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfigurationamp;) - signal
1113     configurationRemoved = pyqtSignal() # void configurationRemoved(const QNetworkConfigurationamp;) - signal
1114     configurationAdded = pyqtSignal() # void configurationAdded(const QNetworkConfigurationamp;) - signal
1115     def isOnline(self):
1116         '''bool QNetworkConfigurationManager.isOnline()'''
1117         return bool()
1118     def updateConfigurations(self):
1119         '''void QNetworkConfigurationManager.updateConfigurations()'''
1120     def configurationFromIdentifier(self, identifier):
1121         '''QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkConfigurationManager.configurationFromIdentifier(QString identifier)'''
1122         return QNetworkConfiguration()
1123     def allConfigurations(self, flags = 0):
1124         '''list-of-QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkConfigurationManager.allConfigurations(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags flags = 0)'''
1125         return [QNetworkConfiguration()]
1126     def defaultConfiguration(self):
1127         '''QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkConfigurationManager.defaultConfiguration()'''
1128         return QNetworkConfiguration()
1129     def capabilities(self):
1130         '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.capabilities()'''
1131         return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1132     class Capabilities():
1133         """"""
1134         def __init__(self):
1135             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__init__()'''
1136             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1137         def __init__(self):
1138             '''int QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__init__()'''
1139             return int()
1140         def __init__(self):
1141             '''void QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__init__()'''
1142         def __bool__(self):
1143             '''int QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__bool__()'''
1144             return int()
1145         def __ne__(self, f):
1146             '''bool QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__ne__(QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities f)'''
1147             return bool()
1148         def __eq__(self, f):
1149             '''bool QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__eq__(QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities f)'''
1150             return bool()
1151         def __invert__(self):
1152             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__invert__()'''
1153             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1154         def __and__(self, mask):
1155             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__and__(int mask)'''
1156             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1157         def __xor__(self, f):
1158             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__xor__(QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities f)'''
1159             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1160         def __xor__(self, f):
1161             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__xor__(int f)'''
1162             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1163         def __or__(self, f):
1164             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__or__(QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities f)'''
1165             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1166         def __or__(self, f):
1167             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__or__(int f)'''
1168             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1169         def __int__(self):
1170             '''int QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__int__()'''
1171             return int()
1172         def __ixor__(self, f):
1173             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__ixor__(QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities f)'''
1174             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1175         def __ior__(self, f):
1176             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__ior__(QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities f)'''
1177             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1178         def __iand__(self, mask):
1179             '''QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities.__iand__(int mask)'''
1180             return QNetworkConfigurationManager.Capabilities()
1183 class QNetworkConfiguration():
1184     """"""
1185     # Enum QNetworkConfiguration.BearerType
1186     BearerUnknown = 0
1187     BearerEthernet = 0
1188     BearerWLAN = 0
1189     Bearer2G = 0
1190     BearerCDMA2000 = 0
1191     BearerWCDMA = 0
1192     BearerHSPA = 0
1193     BearerBluetooth = 0
1194     BearerWiMAX = 0
1196     # Enum QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlag
1197     Undefined = 0
1198     Defined = 0
1199     Discovered = 0
1200     Active = 0
1202     # Enum QNetworkConfiguration.Purpose
1203     UnknownPurpose = 0
1204     PublicPurpose = 0
1205     PrivatePurpose = 0
1206     ServiceSpecificPurpose = 0
1208     # Enum QNetworkConfiguration.Type
1209     InternetAccessPoint = 0
1210     ServiceNetwork = 0
1211     UserChoice = 0
1212     Invalid = 0
1214     def __init__(self):
1215         '''void QNetworkConfiguration.__init__()'''
1216     def __init__(self, other):
1217         '''void QNetworkConfiguration.__init__(QNetworkConfiguration other)'''
1218     def isValid(self):
1219         '''bool QNetworkConfiguration.isValid()'''
1220         return bool()
1221     def name(self):
1222         '''QString'''
1223         return QString()
1224     def children(self):
1225         '''list-of-QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkConfiguration.children()'''
1226         return [QNetworkConfiguration()]
1227     def isRoamingAvailable(self):
1228         '''bool QNetworkConfiguration.isRoamingAvailable()'''
1229         return bool()
1230     def identifier(self):
1231         '''QString QNetworkConfiguration.identifier()'''
1232         return QString()
1233     def bearerTypeName(self):
1234         '''QString QNetworkConfiguration.bearerTypeName()'''
1235         return QString()
1236     def bearerType(self):
1237         '''QNetworkConfiguration.BearerType QNetworkConfiguration.bearerType()'''
1238         return QNetworkConfiguration.BearerType()
1239     def bearerName(self):
1240         '''QString QNetworkConfiguration.bearerName()'''
1241         return QString()
1242     def purpose(self):
1243         '''QNetworkConfiguration.Purpose QNetworkConfiguration.purpose()'''
1244         return QNetworkConfiguration.Purpose()
1245     def type(self):
1246         '''QNetworkConfiguration.Type QNetworkConfiguration.type()'''
1247         return QNetworkConfiguration.Type()
1248     def state(self):
1249         '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.state()'''
1250         return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1251     def __ne__(self, cp):
1252         '''bool QNetworkConfiguration.__ne__(QNetworkConfiguration cp)'''
1253         return bool()
1254     def __eq__(self, cp):
1255         '''bool QNetworkConfiguration.__eq__(QNetworkConfiguration cp)'''
1256         return bool()
1257     class StateFlags():
1258         """"""
1259         def __init__(self):
1260             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__init__()'''
1261             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1262         def __init__(self):
1263             '''int QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__init__()'''
1264             return int()
1265         def __init__(self):
1266             '''void QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__init__()'''
1267         def __bool__(self):
1268             '''int QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__bool__()'''
1269             return int()
1270         def __ne__(self, f):
1271             '''bool QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__ne__(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags f)'''
1272             return bool()
1273         def __eq__(self, f):
1274             '''bool QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__eq__(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags f)'''
1275             return bool()
1276         def __invert__(self):
1277             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__invert__()'''
1278             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1279         def __and__(self, mask):
1280             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__and__(int mask)'''
1281             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1282         def __xor__(self, f):
1283             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__xor__(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags f)'''
1284             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1285         def __xor__(self, f):
1286             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__xor__(int f)'''
1287             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1288         def __or__(self, f):
1289             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__or__(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags f)'''
1290             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1291         def __or__(self, f):
1292             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__or__(int f)'''
1293             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1294         def __int__(self):
1295             '''int QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__int__()'''
1296             return int()
1297         def __ixor__(self, f):
1298             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__ixor__(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags f)'''
1299             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1300         def __ior__(self, f):
1301             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__ior__(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags f)'''
1302             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1303         def __iand__(self, mask):
1304             '''QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags.__iand__(int mask)'''
1305             return QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags()
1308 class QNetworkCookie():
1309     """"""
1310     # Enum QNetworkCookie.RawForm
1311     NameAndValueOnly = 0
1312     Full = 0
1314     def __init__(self, name = QByteArray(), value = QByteArray()):
1315         '''void QNetworkCookie.__init__(QByteArray name = QByteArray(), QByteArray value = QByteArray())'''
1316     def __init__(self, other):
1317         '''void QNetworkCookie.__init__(QNetworkCookie other)'''
1318     def setHttpOnly(self, enable):
1319         '''void QNetworkCookie.setHttpOnly(bool enable)'''
1320     def isHttpOnly(self):
1321         '''bool QNetworkCookie.isHttpOnly()'''
1322         return bool()
1323     def __ne__(self, other):
1324         '''bool QNetworkCookie.__ne__(QNetworkCookie other)'''
1325         return bool()
1326     def __eq__(self, other):
1327         '''bool QNetworkCookie.__eq__(QNetworkCookie other)'''
1328         return bool()
1329     def parseCookies(self, cookieString):
1330         '''static list-of-QNetworkCookie QNetworkCookie.parseCookies(QByteArray cookieString)'''
1331         return [QNetworkCookie()]
1332     def toRawForm(self, form = None):
1333         '''QByteArray QNetworkCookie.toRawForm(QNetworkCookie.RawForm form = QNetworkCookie.Full)'''
1334         return QByteArray()
1335     def setValue(self, value):
1336         '''void QNetworkCookie.setValue(QByteArray value)'''
1337     def value(self):
1338         '''QByteArray QNetworkCookie.value()'''
1339         return QByteArray()
1340     def setName(self, cookieName):
1341         '''void QNetworkCookie.setName(QByteArray cookieName)'''
1342     def name(self):
1343         '''QByteArray'''
1344         return QByteArray()
1345     def setPath(self, path):
1346         '''void QNetworkCookie.setPath(QString path)'''
1347     def path(self):
1348         '''QString QNetworkCookie.path()'''
1349         return QString()
1350     def setDomain(self, domain):
1351         '''void QNetworkCookie.setDomain(QString domain)'''
1352     def domain(self):
1353         '''QString QNetworkCookie.domain()'''
1354         return QString()
1355     def setExpirationDate(self, date):
1356         '''void QNetworkCookie.setExpirationDate(QDateTime date)'''
1357     def expirationDate(self):
1358         '''QDateTime QNetworkCookie.expirationDate()'''
1359         return QDateTime()
1360     def isSessionCookie(self):
1361         '''bool QNetworkCookie.isSessionCookie()'''
1362         return bool()
1363     def setSecure(self, enable):
1364         '''void QNetworkCookie.setSecure(bool enable)'''
1365     def isSecure(self):
1366         '''bool QNetworkCookie.isSecure()'''
1367         return bool()
1370 class QNetworkCookieJar(QObject):
1371     """"""
1372     def __init__(self, parent = None):
1373         '''void QNetworkCookieJar.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
1374     def setAllCookies(self, cookieList):
1375         '''void QNetworkCookieJar.setAllCookies(list-of-QNetworkCookie cookieList)'''
1376     def allCookies(self):
1377         '''list-of-QNetworkCookie QNetworkCookieJar.allCookies()'''
1378         return [QNetworkCookie()]
1379     def setCookiesFromUrl(self, cookieList, url):
1380         '''bool QNetworkCookieJar.setCookiesFromUrl(list-of-QNetworkCookie cookieList, QUrl url)'''
1381         return bool()
1382     def cookiesForUrl(self, url):
1383         '''list-of-QNetworkCookie QNetworkCookieJar.cookiesForUrl(QUrl url)'''
1384         return [QNetworkCookie()]
1387 class QNetworkDiskCache(QAbstractNetworkCache):
1388     """"""
1389     def __init__(self, parent = None):
1390         '''void QNetworkDiskCache.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
1391     def expire(self):
1392         '''int QNetworkDiskCache.expire()'''
1393         return int()
1394     def clear(self):
1395         '''void QNetworkDiskCache.clear()'''
1396     def fileMetaData(self, fileName):
1397         '''QNetworkCacheMetaData QNetworkDiskCache.fileMetaData(QString fileName)'''
1398         return QNetworkCacheMetaData()
1399     def insert(self, device):
1400         '''void QNetworkDiskCache.insert(QIODevice device)'''
1401     def prepare(self, metaData):
1402         '''QIODevice QNetworkDiskCache.prepare(QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData)'''
1403         return QIODevice()
1404     def remove(self, url):
1405         '''bool QNetworkDiskCache.remove(QUrl url)'''
1406         return bool()
1407     def data(self, url):
1408         '''QIODevice url)'''
1409         return QIODevice()
1410     def updateMetaData(self, metaData):
1411         '''void QNetworkDiskCache.updateMetaData(QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData)'''
1412     def metaData(self, url):
1413         '''QNetworkCacheMetaData QNetworkDiskCache.metaData(QUrl url)'''
1414         return QNetworkCacheMetaData()
1415     def cacheSize(self):
1416         '''int QNetworkDiskCache.cacheSize()'''
1417         return int()
1418     def setMaximumCacheSize(self, size):
1419         '''void QNetworkDiskCache.setMaximumCacheSize(int size)'''
1420     def maximumCacheSize(self):
1421         '''int QNetworkDiskCache.maximumCacheSize()'''
1422         return int()
1423     def setCacheDirectory(self, cacheDir):
1424         '''void QNetworkDiskCache.setCacheDirectory(QString cacheDir)'''
1425     def cacheDirectory(self):
1426         '''QString QNetworkDiskCache.cacheDirectory()'''
1427         return QString()
1430 class QNetworkAddressEntry():
1431     """"""
1432     def __init__(self):
1433         '''void QNetworkAddressEntry.__init__()'''
1434     def __init__(self, other):
1435         '''void QNetworkAddressEntry.__init__(QNetworkAddressEntry other)'''
1436     def setPrefixLength(self, length):
1437         '''void QNetworkAddressEntry.setPrefixLength(int length)'''
1438     def prefixLength(self):
1439         '''int QNetworkAddressEntry.prefixLength()'''
1440         return int()
1441     def __ne__(self, other):
1442         '''bool QNetworkAddressEntry.__ne__(QNetworkAddressEntry other)'''
1443         return bool()
1444     def __eq__(self, other):
1445         '''bool QNetworkAddressEntry.__eq__(QNetworkAddressEntry other)'''
1446         return bool()
1447     def setBroadcast(self, newBroadcast):
1448         '''void QNetworkAddressEntry.setBroadcast(QHostAddress newBroadcast)'''
1449     def broadcast(self):
1450         '''QHostAddress QNetworkAddressEntry.broadcast()'''
1451         return QHostAddress()
1452     def setNetmask(self, newNetmask):
1453         '''void QNetworkAddressEntry.setNetmask(QHostAddress newNetmask)'''
1454     def netmask(self):
1455         '''QHostAddress QNetworkAddressEntry.netmask()'''
1456         return QHostAddress()
1457     def setIp(self, newIp):
1458         '''void QNetworkAddressEntry.setIp(QHostAddress newIp)'''
1459     def ip(self):
1460         '''QHostAddress QNetworkAddressEntry.ip()'''
1461         return QHostAddress()
1464 class QNetworkInterface():
1465     """"""
1466     # Enum QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlag
1467     IsUp = 0
1468     IsRunning = 0
1469     CanBroadcast = 0
1470     IsLoopBack = 0
1471     IsPointToPoint = 0
1472     CanMulticast = 0
1474     def __init__(self):
1475         '''void QNetworkInterface.__init__()'''
1476     def __init__(self, other):
1477         '''void QNetworkInterface.__init__(QNetworkInterface other)'''
1478     def humanReadableName(self):
1479         '''QString QNetworkInterface.humanReadableName()'''
1480         return QString()
1481     def index(self):
1482         '''int QNetworkInterface.index()'''
1483         return int()
1484     def allAddresses(self):
1485         '''static list-of-QHostAddress QNetworkInterface.allAddresses()'''
1486         return [QHostAddress()]
1487     def allInterfaces(self):
1488         '''static list-of-QNetworkInterface QNetworkInterface.allInterfaces()'''
1489         return [QNetworkInterface()]
1490     def interfaceFromIndex(self, index):
1491         '''static QNetworkInterface QNetworkInterface.interfaceFromIndex(int index)'''
1492         return QNetworkInterface()
1493     def interfaceFromName(self, name):
1494         '''static QNetworkInterface QNetworkInterface.interfaceFromName(QString name)'''
1495         return QNetworkInterface()
1496     def addressEntries(self):
1497         '''list-of-QNetworkAddressEntry QNetworkInterface.addressEntries()'''
1498         return [QNetworkAddressEntry()]
1499     def hardwareAddress(self):
1500         '''QString QNetworkInterface.hardwareAddress()'''
1501         return QString()
1502     def flags(self):
1503         '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.flags()'''
1504         return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1505     def name(self):
1506         '''QString'''
1507         return QString()
1508     def isValid(self):
1509         '''bool QNetworkInterface.isValid()'''
1510         return bool()
1511     class InterfaceFlags():
1512         """"""
1513         def __init__(self):
1514             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__init__()'''
1515             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1516         def __init__(self):
1517             '''int QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__init__()'''
1518             return int()
1519         def __init__(self):
1520             '''void QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__init__()'''
1521         def __bool__(self):
1522             '''int QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__bool__()'''
1523             return int()
1524         def __ne__(self, f):
1525             '''bool QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__ne__(QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags f)'''
1526             return bool()
1527         def __eq__(self, f):
1528             '''bool QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__eq__(QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags f)'''
1529             return bool()
1530         def __invert__(self):
1531             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__invert__()'''
1532             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1533         def __and__(self, mask):
1534             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__and__(int mask)'''
1535             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1536         def __xor__(self, f):
1537             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__xor__(QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags f)'''
1538             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1539         def __xor__(self, f):
1540             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__xor__(int f)'''
1541             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1542         def __or__(self, f):
1543             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__or__(QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags f)'''
1544             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1545         def __or__(self, f):
1546             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__or__(int f)'''
1547             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1548         def __int__(self):
1549             '''int QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__int__()'''
1550             return int()
1551         def __ixor__(self, f):
1552             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__ixor__(QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags f)'''
1553             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1554         def __ior__(self, f):
1555             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__ior__(QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags f)'''
1556             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1557         def __iand__(self, mask):
1558             '''QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags.__iand__(int mask)'''
1559             return QNetworkInterface.InterfaceFlags()
1562 class QNetworkProxy():
1563     """"""
1564     # Enum QNetworkProxy.Capability
1565     TunnelingCapability = 0
1566     ListeningCapability = 0
1567     UdpTunnelingCapability = 0
1568     CachingCapability = 0
1569     HostNameLookupCapability = 0
1571     # Enum QNetworkProxy.ProxyType
1572     DefaultProxy = 0
1573     Socks5Proxy = 0
1574     NoProxy = 0
1575     HttpProxy = 0
1576     HttpCachingProxy = 0
1577     FtpCachingProxy = 0
1579     def __init__(self):
1580         '''void QNetworkProxy.__init__()'''
1581     def __init__(self, type, hostName = QString(), port = 0, user = QString(), password = QString()):
1582         '''void QNetworkProxy.__init__(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type, QString hostName = QString(), int port = 0, QString user = QString(), QString password = QString())'''
1583     def __init__(self, other):
1584         '''void QNetworkProxy.__init__(QNetworkProxy other)'''
1585     def capabilities(self):
1586         '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.capabilities()'''
1587         return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1588     def setCapabilities(self, capab):
1589         '''void QNetworkProxy.setCapabilities(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities capab)'''
1590     def __ne__(self, other):
1591         '''bool QNetworkProxy.__ne__(QNetworkProxy other)'''
1592         return bool()
1593     def __eq__(self, other):
1594         '''bool QNetworkProxy.__eq__(QNetworkProxy other)'''
1595         return bool()
1596     def isTransparentProxy(self):
1597         '''bool QNetworkProxy.isTransparentProxy()'''
1598         return bool()
1599     def isCachingProxy(self):
1600         '''bool QNetworkProxy.isCachingProxy()'''
1601         return bool()
1602     def applicationProxy(self):
1603         '''static QNetworkProxy QNetworkProxy.applicationProxy()'''
1604         return QNetworkProxy()
1605     def setApplicationProxy(self, proxy):
1606         '''static void QNetworkProxy.setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy proxy)'''
1607     def port(self):
1608         '''int QNetworkProxy.port()'''
1609         return int()
1610     def setPort(self, port):
1611         '''void QNetworkProxy.setPort(int port)'''
1612     def hostName(self):
1613         '''QString QNetworkProxy.hostName()'''
1614         return QString()
1615     def setHostName(self, hostName):
1616         '''void QNetworkProxy.setHostName(QString hostName)'''
1617     def password(self):
1618         '''QString QNetworkProxy.password()'''
1619         return QString()
1620     def setPassword(self, password):
1621         '''void QNetworkProxy.setPassword(QString password)'''
1622     def user(self):
1623         '''QString QNetworkProxy.user()'''
1624         return QString()
1625     def setUser(self, userName):
1626         '''void QNetworkProxy.setUser(QString userName)'''
1627     def type(self):
1628         '''QNetworkProxy.ProxyType QNetworkProxy.type()'''
1629         return QNetworkProxy.ProxyType()
1630     def setType(self, type):
1631         '''void QNetworkProxy.setType(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type)'''
1632     class Capabilities():
1633         """"""
1634         def __init__(self):
1635             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__init__()'''
1636             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1637         def __init__(self):
1638             '''int QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__init__()'''
1639             return int()
1640         def __init__(self):
1641             '''void QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__init__()'''
1642         def __bool__(self):
1643             '''int QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__bool__()'''
1644             return int()
1645         def __ne__(self, f):
1646             '''bool QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__ne__(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities f)'''
1647             return bool()
1648         def __eq__(self, f):
1649             '''bool QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__eq__(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities f)'''
1650             return bool()
1651         def __invert__(self):
1652             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__invert__()'''
1653             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1654         def __and__(self, mask):
1655             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__and__(int mask)'''
1656             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1657         def __xor__(self, f):
1658             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__xor__(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities f)'''
1659             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1660         def __xor__(self, f):
1661             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__xor__(int f)'''
1662             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1663         def __or__(self, f):
1664             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__or__(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities f)'''
1665             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1666         def __or__(self, f):
1667             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__or__(int f)'''
1668             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1669         def __int__(self):
1670             '''int QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__int__()'''
1671             return int()
1672         def __ixor__(self, f):
1673             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__ixor__(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities f)'''
1674             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1675         def __ior__(self, f):
1676             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__ior__(QNetworkProxy.Capabilities f)'''
1677             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1678         def __iand__(self, mask):
1679             '''QNetworkProxy.Capabilities QNetworkProxy.Capabilities.__iand__(int mask)'''
1680             return QNetworkProxy.Capabilities()
1683 class QNetworkProxyQuery():
1684     """"""
1685     # Enum QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType
1686     TcpSocket = 0
1687     UdpSocket = 0
1688     TcpServer = 0
1689     UrlRequest = 0
1691     def __init__(self):
1692         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__()'''
1693     def __init__(self, requestUrl, type = None):
1694         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(QUrl requestUrl, QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType type = QNetworkProxyQuery.UrlRequest)'''
1695     def __init__(self, hostname, port, protocolTag = QString(), type = None):
1696         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(QString hostname, int port, QString protocolTag = QString(), QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType type = QNetworkProxyQuery.TcpSocket)'''
1697     def __init__(self, bindPort, protocolTag = QString(), type = None):
1698         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(int bindPort, QString protocolTag = QString(), QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType type = QNetworkProxyQuery.TcpServer)'''
1699     def __init__(self, networkConfiguration, requestUrl, queryType = None):
1700         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(QNetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration, QUrl requestUrl, QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType queryType = QNetworkProxyQuery.UrlRequest)'''
1701     def __init__(self, networkConfiguration, hostname, port, protocolTag = QString(), type = None):
1702         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(QNetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration, QString hostname, int port, QString protocolTag = QString(), QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType type = QNetworkProxyQuery.TcpSocket)'''
1703     def __init__(self, networkConfiguration, bindPort, protocolTag = QString(), type = None):
1704         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(QNetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration, int bindPort, QString protocolTag = QString(), QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType type = QNetworkProxyQuery.TcpServer)'''
1705     def __init__(self, other):
1706         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.__init__(QNetworkProxyQuery other)'''
1707     def setNetworkConfiguration(self, networkConfiguration):
1708         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setNetworkConfiguration(QNetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration)'''
1709     def networkConfiguration(self):
1710         '''QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkProxyQuery.networkConfiguration()'''
1711         return QNetworkConfiguration()
1712     def setUrl(self, url):
1713         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setUrl(QUrl url)'''
1714     def url(self):
1715         '''QUrl QNetworkProxyQuery.url()'''
1716         return QUrl()
1717     def setProtocolTag(self, protocolTag):
1718         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setProtocolTag(QString protocolTag)'''
1719     def protocolTag(self):
1720         '''QString QNetworkProxyQuery.protocolTag()'''
1721         return QString()
1722     def setLocalPort(self, port):
1723         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setLocalPort(int port)'''
1724     def localPort(self):
1725         '''int QNetworkProxyQuery.localPort()'''
1726         return int()
1727     def setPeerHostName(self, hostname):
1728         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setPeerHostName(QString hostname)'''
1729     def peerHostName(self):
1730         '''QString QNetworkProxyQuery.peerHostName()'''
1731         return QString()
1732     def setPeerPort(self, port):
1733         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setPeerPort(int port)'''
1734     def peerPort(self):
1735         '''int QNetworkProxyQuery.peerPort()'''
1736         return int()
1737     def setQueryType(self, type):
1738         '''void QNetworkProxyQuery.setQueryType(QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType type)'''
1739     def queryType(self):
1740         '''QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType QNetworkProxyQuery.queryType()'''
1741         return QNetworkProxyQuery.QueryType()
1742     def __ne__(self, other):
1743         '''bool QNetworkProxyQuery.__ne__(QNetworkProxyQuery other)'''
1744         return bool()
1745     def __eq__(self, other):
1746         '''bool QNetworkProxyQuery.__eq__(QNetworkProxyQuery other)'''
1747         return bool()
1750 class QNetworkProxyFactory():
1751     """"""
1752     def __init__(self):
1753         '''void QNetworkProxyFactory.__init__()'''
1754     def __init__(self):
1755         '''QNetworkProxyFactory QNetworkProxyFactory.__init__()'''
1756         return QNetworkProxyFactory()
1757     def setUseSystemConfiguration(self, enable):
1758         '''static void QNetworkProxyFactory.setUseSystemConfiguration(bool enable)'''
1759     def systemProxyForQuery(self, query = QNetworkProxyQuery()):
1760         '''static list-of-QNetworkProxy QNetworkProxyFactory.systemProxyForQuery(QNetworkProxyQuery query = QNetworkProxyQuery())'''
1761         return [QNetworkProxy()]
1762     def proxyForQuery(self, query):
1763         '''static list-of-QNetworkProxy QNetworkProxyFactory.proxyForQuery(QNetworkProxyQuery query)'''
1764         return [QNetworkProxy()]
1765     def setApplicationProxyFactory(self, factory):
1766         '''static void QNetworkProxyFactory.setApplicationProxyFactory(QNetworkProxyFactory factory)'''
1767     def queryProxy(self, query = QNetworkProxyQuery()):
1768         '''abstract list-of-QNetworkProxy QNetworkProxyFactory.queryProxy(QNetworkProxyQuery query = QNetworkProxyQuery())'''
1769         return [QNetworkProxy()]
1772 class QNetworkReply(QIODevice):
1773     """"""
1774     # Enum QNetworkReply.NetworkError
1775     NoError = 0
1776     ConnectionRefusedError = 0
1777     RemoteHostClosedError = 0
1778     HostNotFoundError = 0
1779     TimeoutError = 0
1780     OperationCanceledError = 0
1781     SslHandshakeFailedError = 0
1782     UnknownNetworkError = 0
1783     ProxyConnectionRefusedError = 0
1784     ProxyConnectionClosedError = 0
1785     ProxyNotFoundError = 0
1786     ProxyTimeoutError = 0
1787     ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError = 0
1788     UnknownProxyError = 0
1789     ContentAccessDenied = 0
1790     ContentOperationNotPermittedError = 0
1791     ContentNotFoundError = 0
1792     AuthenticationRequiredError = 0
1793     UnknownContentError = 0
1794     ProtocolUnknownError = 0
1795     ProtocolInvalidOperationError = 0
1796     ProtocolFailure = 0
1797     ContentReSendError = 0
1798     TemporaryNetworkFailureError = 0
1800     def __init__(self, parent = None):
1801         '''void QNetworkReply.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
1802     def rawHeaderPairs(self):
1803         '''list-of-tuple-of-QByteArray-QByteArray QNetworkReply.rawHeaderPairs()'''
1804         return [tuple-of-QByteArray-QByteArray()]
1805     def isRunning(self):
1806         '''bool QNetworkReply.isRunning()'''
1807         return bool()
1808     def isFinished(self):
1809         '''bool QNetworkReply.isFinished()'''
1810         return bool()
1811     def setFinished(self, finished):
1812         '''void QNetworkReply.setFinished(bool finished)'''
1813     def setAttribute(self, code, value):
1814         '''void QNetworkReply.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute code, QVariant value)'''
1815     def setRawHeader(self, headerName, value):
1816         '''void QNetworkReply.setRawHeader(QByteArray headerName, QByteArray value)'''
1817     def setHeader(self, header, value):
1818         '''void QNetworkReply.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders header, QVariant value)'''
1819     def setUrl(self, url):
1820         '''void QNetworkReply.setUrl(QUrl url)'''
1821     def setError(self, errorCode, errorString):
1822         '''void QNetworkReply.setError(QNetworkReply.NetworkError errorCode, QString errorString)'''
1823     def setRequest(self, request):
1824         '''void QNetworkReply.setRequest(QNetworkRequest request)'''
1825     def setOperation(self, operation):
1826         '''void QNetworkReply.setOperation(QNetworkAccessManager.Operation operation)'''
1827     def writeData(self, data):
1828         '''int QNetworkReply.writeData(str data)'''
1829         return int()
1830     downloadProgress = pyqtSignal() # void downloadProgress(qint64,qint64) - signal
1831     uploadProgress = pyqtSignal() # void uploadProgress(qint64,qint64) - signal
1832     sslErrors = pyqtSignal() # void sslErrors(const QListlt;QSslErrorgt;amp;) - signal
1833     finished = pyqtSignal() # void finished() - signal
1834     metaDataChanged = pyqtSignal() # void metaDataChanged() - signal
1835     def ignoreSslErrors(self):
1836         '''void QNetworkReply.ignoreSslErrors()'''
1837     def ignoreSslErrors(self, errors):
1838         '''void QNetworkReply.ignoreSslErrors(list-of-QSslError errors)'''
1839     def setSslConfiguration(self, configuration):
1840         '''void QNetworkReply.setSslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration configuration)'''
1841     def sslConfiguration(self):
1842         '''QSslConfiguration QNetworkReply.sslConfiguration()'''
1843         return QSslConfiguration()
1844     def attribute(self, code):
1845         '''QVariant QNetworkReply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute code)'''
1846         return QVariant()
1847     def rawHeader(self, headerName):
1848         '''QByteArray QNetworkReply.rawHeader(QByteArray headerName)'''
1849         return QByteArray()
1850     def rawHeaderList(self):
1851         '''list-of-QByteArray QNetworkReply.rawHeaderList()'''
1852         return [QByteArray()]
1853     def hasRawHeader(self, headerName):
1854         '''bool QNetworkReply.hasRawHeader(QByteArray headerName)'''
1855         return bool()
1856     def header(self, header):
1857         '''QVariant QNetworkReply.header(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders header)'''
1858         return QVariant()
1859     def url(self):
1860         '''QUrl QNetworkReply.url()'''
1861         return QUrl()
1862     def error(self):
1863         '''QNetworkReply.NetworkError QNetworkReply.error()'''
1864         return QNetworkReply.NetworkError()
1865     error = pyqtSignal() # void error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError) - signal
1866     def request(self):
1867         '''QNetworkRequest QNetworkReply.request()'''
1868         return QNetworkRequest()
1869     def operation(self):
1870         '''QNetworkAccessManager.Operation QNetworkReply.operation()'''
1871         return QNetworkAccessManager.Operation()
1872     def manager(self):
1873         '''QNetworkAccessManager QNetworkReply.manager()'''
1874         return QNetworkAccessManager()
1875     def setReadBufferSize(self, size):
1876         '''void QNetworkReply.setReadBufferSize(int size)'''
1877     def readBufferSize(self):
1878         '''int QNetworkReply.readBufferSize()'''
1879         return int()
1880     def isSequential(self):
1881         '''bool QNetworkReply.isSequential()'''
1882         return bool()
1883     def close(self):
1884         '''void QNetworkReply.close()'''
1885     def abort(self):
1886         '''abstract void QNetworkReply.abort()'''
1889 class QNetworkRequest():
1890     """"""
1891     # Enum QNetworkRequest.Priority
1892     HighPriority = 0
1893     NormalPriority = 0
1894     LowPriority = 0
1896     # Enum QNetworkRequest.LoadControl
1897     Automatic = 0
1898     Manual = 0
1900     # Enum QNetworkRequest.CacheLoadControl
1901     AlwaysNetwork = 0
1902     PreferNetwork = 0
1903     PreferCache = 0
1904     AlwaysCache = 0
1906     # Enum QNetworkRequest.Attribute
1907     HttpStatusCodeAttribute = 0
1908     HttpReasonPhraseAttribute = 0
1909     RedirectionTargetAttribute = 0
1910     ConnectionEncryptedAttribute = 0
1911     CacheLoadControlAttribute = 0
1912     CacheSaveControlAttribute = 0
1913     SourceIsFromCacheAttribute = 0
1914     DoNotBufferUploadDataAttribute = 0
1915     HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute = 0
1916     HttpPipeliningWasUsedAttribute = 0
1917     CustomVerbAttribute = 0
1918     CookieLoadControlAttribute = 0
1919     AuthenticationReuseAttribute = 0
1920     CookieSaveControlAttribute = 0
1921     User = 0
1922     UserMax = 0
1924     # Enum QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders
1925     ContentTypeHeader = 0
1926     ContentLengthHeader = 0
1927     LocationHeader = 0
1928     LastModifiedHeader = 0
1929     CookieHeader = 0
1930     SetCookieHeader = 0
1931     ContentDispositionHeader = 0
1933     def __init__(self, url = QUrl()):
1934         '''void QNetworkRequest.__init__(QUrl url = QUrl())'''
1935     def __init__(self, other):
1936         '''void QNetworkRequest.__init__(QNetworkRequest other)'''
1937     def setPriority(self, priority):
1938         '''void QNetworkRequest.setPriority(QNetworkRequest.Priority priority)'''
1939     def priority(self):
1940         '''QNetworkRequest.Priority QNetworkRequest.priority()'''
1941         return QNetworkRequest.Priority()
1942     def originatingObject(self):
1943         '''QObject QNetworkRequest.originatingObject()'''
1944         return QObject()
1945     def setOriginatingObject(self, object):
1946         '''void QNetworkRequest.setOriginatingObject(QObject object)'''
1947     def __ne__(self, other):
1948         '''bool QNetworkRequest.__ne__(QNetworkRequest other)'''
1949         return bool()
1950     def __eq__(self, other):
1951         '''bool QNetworkRequest.__eq__(QNetworkRequest other)'''
1952         return bool()
1953     def setSslConfiguration(self, configuration):
1954         '''void QNetworkRequest.setSslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration configuration)'''
1955     def sslConfiguration(self):
1956         '''QSslConfiguration QNetworkRequest.sslConfiguration()'''
1957         return QSslConfiguration()
1958     def setAttribute(self, code, value):
1959         '''void QNetworkRequest.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute code, QVariant value)'''
1960     def attribute(self, code, defaultValue = QVariant()):
1961         '''QVariant QNetworkRequest.attribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute code, QVariant defaultValue = QVariant())'''
1962         return QVariant()
1963     def setRawHeader(self, headerName, value):
1964         '''void QNetworkRequest.setRawHeader(QByteArray headerName, QByteArray value)'''
1965     def rawHeader(self, headerName):
1966         '''QByteArray QNetworkRequest.rawHeader(QByteArray headerName)'''
1967         return QByteArray()
1968     def rawHeaderList(self):
1969         '''list-of-QByteArray QNetworkRequest.rawHeaderList()'''
1970         return [QByteArray()]
1971     def hasRawHeader(self, headerName):
1972         '''bool QNetworkRequest.hasRawHeader(QByteArray headerName)'''
1973         return bool()
1974     def setHeader(self, header, value):
1975         '''void QNetworkRequest.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders header, QVariant value)'''
1976     def header(self, header):
1977         '''QVariant QNetworkRequest.header(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders header)'''
1978         return QVariant()
1979     def setUrl(self, url):
1980         '''void QNetworkRequest.setUrl(QUrl url)'''
1981     def url(self):
1982         '''QUrl QNetworkRequest.url()'''
1983         return QUrl()
1986 class QNetworkSession(QObject):
1987     """"""
1988     # Enum QNetworkSession.SessionError
1989     UnknownSessionError = 0
1990     SessionAbortedError = 0
1991     RoamingError = 0
1992     OperationNotSupportedError = 0
1993     InvalidConfigurationError = 0
1995     # Enum QNetworkSession.State
1996     Invalid = 0
1997     NotAvailable = 0
1998     Connecting = 0
1999     Connected = 0
2000     Closing = 0
2001     Disconnected = 0
2002     Roaming = 0
2004     def __init__(self, connConfig, parent = None):
2005         '''void QNetworkSession.__init__(QNetworkConfiguration connConfig, QObject parent = None)'''
2006     def disconnectNotify(self, signal):
2007         '''void QNetworkSession.disconnectNotify(SIGNAL() signal)'''
2008     def connectNotify(self, signal):
2009         '''void QNetworkSession.connectNotify(SIGNAL() signal)'''
2010     newConfigurationActivated = pyqtSignal() # void newConfigurationActivated() - signal
2011     preferredConfigurationChanged = pyqtSignal() # void preferredConfigurationChanged(const QNetworkConfigurationamp;,bool) - signal
2012     closed = pyqtSignal() # void closed() - signal
2013     opened = pyqtSignal() # void opened() - signal
2014     stateChanged = pyqtSignal() # void stateChanged(QNetworkSession::State) - signal
2015     def reject(self):
2016         '''void QNetworkSession.reject()'''
2017     def accept(self):
2018         '''void QNetworkSession.accept()'''
2019     def ignore(self):
2020         '''void QNetworkSession.ignore()'''
2021     def migrate(self):
2022         '''void QNetworkSession.migrate()'''
2023     def stop(self):
2024         '''void QNetworkSession.stop()'''
2025     def close(self):
2026         '''void QNetworkSession.close()'''
2027     def open(self):
2028         '''void'''
2029     def waitForOpened(self, msecs = 30000):
2030         '''bool QNetworkSession.waitForOpened(int msecs = 30000)'''
2031         return bool()
2032     def activeTime(self):
2033         '''int QNetworkSession.activeTime()'''
2034         return int()
2035     def bytesReceived(self):
2036         '''int QNetworkSession.bytesReceived()'''
2037         return int()
2038     def bytesWritten(self):
2039         '''int QNetworkSession.bytesWritten()'''
2040         return int()
2041     def setSessionProperty(self, key, value):
2042         '''void QNetworkSession.setSessionProperty(QString key, QVariant value)'''
2043     def sessionProperty(self, key):
2044         '''QVariant QNetworkSession.sessionProperty(QString key)'''
2045         return QVariant()
2046     def errorString(self):
2047         '''QString QNetworkSession.errorString()'''
2048         return QString()
2049     def error(self):
2050         '''QNetworkSession.SessionError QNetworkSession.error()'''
2051         return QNetworkSession.SessionError()
2052     error = pyqtSignal() # void error(QNetworkSession::SessionError) - signal
2053     def state(self):
2054         '''QNetworkSession.State QNetworkSession.state()'''
2055         return QNetworkSession.State()
2056     def interface(self):
2057         '''QNetworkInterface QNetworkSession.interface()'''
2058         return QNetworkInterface()
2059     def configuration(self):
2060         '''QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkSession.configuration()'''
2061         return QNetworkConfiguration()
2062     def isOpen(self):
2063         '''bool QNetworkSession.isOpen()'''
2064         return bool()
2067 class QSsl():
2068     """"""
2069     # Enum QSsl.SslOption
2070     SslOptionDisableEmptyFragments = 0
2071     SslOptionDisableSessionTickets = 0
2072     SslOptionDisableCompression = 0
2073     SslOptionDisableServerNameIndication = 0
2074     SslOptionDisableLegacyRenegotiation = 0
2076     # Enum QSsl.SslProtocol
2077     UnknownProtocol = 0
2078     SslV3 = 0
2079     SslV2 = 0
2080     TlsV1 = 0
2081     AnyProtocol = 0
2082     TlsV1SslV3 = 0
2083     SecureProtocols = 0
2085     # Enum QSsl.AlternateNameEntryType
2086     EmailEntry = 0
2087     DnsEntry = 0
2089     # Enum QSsl.KeyAlgorithm
2090     Rsa = 0
2091     Dsa = 0
2093     # Enum QSsl.EncodingFormat
2094     Pem = 0
2095     Der = 0
2097     # Enum QSsl.KeyType
2098     PrivateKey = 0
2099     PublicKey = 0
2101     class SslOptions():
2102         """"""
2103         def __init__(self):
2104             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__init__()'''
2105             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2106         def __init__(self):
2107             '''int QSsl.SslOptions.__init__()'''
2108             return int()
2109         def __init__(self):
2110             '''void QSsl.SslOptions.__init__()'''
2111         def __bool__(self):
2112             '''int QSsl.SslOptions.__bool__()'''
2113             return int()
2114         def __ne__(self, f):
2115             '''bool QSsl.SslOptions.__ne__(QSsl.SslOptions f)'''
2116             return bool()
2117         def __eq__(self, f):
2118             '''bool QSsl.SslOptions.__eq__(QSsl.SslOptions f)'''
2119             return bool()
2120         def __invert__(self):
2121             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__invert__()'''
2122             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2123         def __and__(self, mask):
2124             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__and__(int mask)'''
2125             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2126         def __xor__(self, f):
2127             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__xor__(QSsl.SslOptions f)'''
2128             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2129         def __xor__(self, f):
2130             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__xor__(int f)'''
2131             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2132         def __or__(self, f):
2133             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__or__(QSsl.SslOptions f)'''
2134             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2135         def __or__(self, f):
2136             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__or__(int f)'''
2137             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2138         def __int__(self):
2139             '''int QSsl.SslOptions.__int__()'''
2140             return int()
2141         def __ixor__(self, f):
2142             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__ixor__(QSsl.SslOptions f)'''
2143             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2144         def __ior__(self, f):
2145             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__ior__(QSsl.SslOptions f)'''
2146             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2147         def __iand__(self, mask):
2148             '''QSsl.SslOptions QSsl.SslOptions.__iand__(int mask)'''
2149             return QSsl.SslOptions()
2152 class QSslCertificate():
2153     """"""
2154     # Enum QSslCertificate.SubjectInfo
2155     Organization = 0
2156     CommonName = 0
2157     LocalityName = 0
2158     OrganizationalUnitName = 0
2159     CountryName = 0
2160     StateOrProvinceName = 0
2162     def __init__(self, device, format = None):
2163         '''void QSslCertificate.__init__(QIODevice device, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem)'''
2164     def __init__(self, data = QByteArray(), format = None):
2165         '''void QSslCertificate.__init__(QByteArray data = QByteArray(), QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem)'''
2166     def __init__(self, other):
2167         '''void QSslCertificate.__init__(QSslCertificate other)'''
2168     def handle(self):
2169         '''int QSslCertificate.handle()'''
2170         return int()
2171     def fromData(self, data, format = None):
2172         '''static list-of-QSslCertificate QSslCertificate.fromData(QByteArray data, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem)'''
2173         return [QSslCertificate()]
2174     def fromDevice(self, device, format = None):
2175         '''static list-of-QSslCertificate QSslCertificate.fromDevice(QIODevice device, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem)'''
2176         return [QSslCertificate()]
2177     def fromPath(self, path, format = None, syntax = None):
2178         '''static list-of-QSslCertificate QSslCertificate.fromPath(QString path, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem, QRegExp.PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp.FixedString)'''
2179         return [QSslCertificate()]
2180     def toDer(self):
2181         '''QByteArray QSslCertificate.toDer()'''
2182         return QByteArray()
2183     def toPem(self):
2184         '''QByteArray QSslCertificate.toPem()'''
2185         return QByteArray()
2186     def publicKey(self):
2187         '''QSslKey QSslCertificate.publicKey()'''
2188         return QSslKey()
2189     def expiryDate(self):
2190         '''QDateTime QSslCertificate.expiryDate()'''
2191         return QDateTime()
2192     def effectiveDate(self):
2193         '''QDateTime QSslCertificate.effectiveDate()'''
2194         return QDateTime()
2195     def alternateSubjectNames(self):
2196         '''dict-of-QSsl.AlternateNameEntryType-list-of-QString QSslCertificate.alternateSubjectNames()'''
2197         return dict-of-QSsl.AlternateNameEntryType-list-of-QString()
2198     def subjectInfo(self, info):
2199         '''QString QSslCertificate.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate.SubjectInfo info)'''
2200         return QString()
2201     def subjectInfo(self, tag):
2202         '''QString QSslCertificate.subjectInfo(QByteArray tag)'''
2203         return QString()
2204     def issuerInfo(self, info):
2205         '''QString QSslCertificate.issuerInfo(QSslCertificate.SubjectInfo info)'''
2206         return QString()
2207     def issuerInfo(self, tag):
2208         '''QString QSslCertificate.issuerInfo(QByteArray tag)'''
2209         return QString()
2210     def digest(self, algorithm = None):
2211         '''QByteArray QSslCertificate.digest(QCryptographicHash.Algorithm algorithm = QCryptographicHash.Md5)'''
2212         return QByteArray()
2213     def serialNumber(self):
2214         '''QByteArray QSslCertificate.serialNumber()'''
2215         return QByteArray()
2216     def version(self):
2217         '''QByteArray QSslCertificate.version()'''
2218         return QByteArray()
2219     def clear(self):
2220         '''void QSslCertificate.clear()'''
2221     def isValid(self):
2222         '''bool QSslCertificate.isValid()'''
2223         return bool()
2224     def isNull(self):
2225         '''bool QSslCertificate.isNull()'''
2226         return bool()
2227     def __ne__(self, other):
2228         '''bool QSslCertificate.__ne__(QSslCertificate other)'''
2229         return bool()
2230     def __eq__(self, other):
2231         '''bool QSslCertificate.__eq__(QSslCertificate other)'''
2232         return bool()
2235 class QSslConfiguration():
2236     """"""
2237     def __init__(self):
2238         '''void QSslConfiguration.__init__()'''
2239     def __init__(self, other):
2240         '''void QSslConfiguration.__init__(QSslConfiguration other)'''
2241     def testSslOption(self, option):
2242         '''bool QSslConfiguration.testSslOption(QSsl.SslOption option)'''
2243         return bool()
2244     def setSslOption(self, option, on):
2245         '''void QSslConfiguration.setSslOption(QSsl.SslOption option, bool on)'''
2246     def __ne__(self, other):
2247         '''bool QSslConfiguration.__ne__(QSslConfiguration other)'''
2248         return bool()
2249     def __eq__(self, other):
2250         '''bool QSslConfiguration.__eq__(QSslConfiguration other)'''
2251         return bool()
2252     def setDefaultConfiguration(self, configuration):
2253         '''static void QSslConfiguration.setDefaultConfiguration(QSslConfiguration configuration)'''
2254     def defaultConfiguration(self):
2255         '''static QSslConfiguration QSslConfiguration.defaultConfiguration()'''
2256         return QSslConfiguration()
2257     def setCaCertificates(self, certificates):
2258         '''void QSslConfiguration.setCaCertificates(list-of-QSslCertificate certificates)'''
2259     def caCertificates(self):
2260         '''list-of-QSslCertificate QSslConfiguration.caCertificates()'''
2261         return [QSslCertificate()]
2262     def setCiphers(self, ciphers):
2263         '''void QSslConfiguration.setCiphers(list-of-QSslCipher ciphers)'''
2264     def ciphers(self):
2265         '''list-of-QSslCipher QSslConfiguration.ciphers()'''
2266         return [QSslCipher()]
2267     def setPrivateKey(self, key):
2268         '''void QSslConfiguration.setPrivateKey(QSslKey key)'''
2269     def privateKey(self):
2270         '''QSslKey QSslConfiguration.privateKey()'''
2271         return QSslKey()
2272     def sessionCipher(self):
2273         '''QSslCipher QSslConfiguration.sessionCipher()'''
2274         return QSslCipher()
2275     def peerCertificateChain(self):
2276         '''list-of-QSslCertificate QSslConfiguration.peerCertificateChain()'''
2277         return [QSslCertificate()]
2278     def peerCertificate(self):
2279         '''QSslCertificate QSslConfiguration.peerCertificate()'''
2280         return QSslCertificate()
2281     def setLocalCertificate(self, certificate):
2282         '''void QSslConfiguration.setLocalCertificate(QSslCertificate certificate)'''
2283     def localCertificate(self):
2284         '''QSslCertificate QSslConfiguration.localCertificate()'''
2285         return QSslCertificate()
2286     def setPeerVerifyDepth(self, depth):
2287         '''void QSslConfiguration.setPeerVerifyDepth(int depth)'''
2288     def peerVerifyDepth(self):
2289         '''int QSslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth()'''
2290         return int()
2291     def setPeerVerifyMode(self, mode):
2292         '''void QSslConfiguration.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode mode)'''
2293     def peerVerifyMode(self):
2294         '''QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode QSslConfiguration.peerVerifyMode()'''
2295         return QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode()
2296     def setProtocol(self, protocol):
2297         '''void QSslConfiguration.setProtocol(QSsl.SslProtocol protocol)'''
2298     def protocol(self):
2299         '''QSsl.SslProtocol QSslConfiguration.protocol()'''
2300         return QSsl.SslProtocol()
2301     def isNull(self):
2302         '''bool QSslConfiguration.isNull()'''
2303         return bool()
2306 class QSslCipher():
2307     """"""
2308     def __init__(self):
2309         '''void QSslCipher.__init__()'''
2310     def __init__(self, name, protocol):
2311         '''void QSslCipher.__init__(QString name, QSsl.SslProtocol protocol)'''
2312     def __init__(self, other):
2313         '''void QSslCipher.__init__(QSslCipher other)'''
2314     def protocol(self):
2315         '''QSsl.SslProtocol QSslCipher.protocol()'''
2316         return QSsl.SslProtocol()
2317     def protocolString(self):
2318         '''QString QSslCipher.protocolString()'''
2319         return QString()
2320     def encryptionMethod(self):
2321         '''QString QSslCipher.encryptionMethod()'''
2322         return QString()
2323     def authenticationMethod(self):
2324         '''QString QSslCipher.authenticationMethod()'''
2325         return QString()
2326     def keyExchangeMethod(self):
2327         '''QString QSslCipher.keyExchangeMethod()'''
2328         return QString()
2329     def usedBits(self):
2330         '''int QSslCipher.usedBits()'''
2331         return int()
2332     def supportedBits(self):
2333         '''int QSslCipher.supportedBits()'''
2334         return int()
2335     def name(self):
2336         '''QString'''
2337         return QString()
2338     def isNull(self):
2339         '''bool QSslCipher.isNull()'''
2340         return bool()
2341     def __ne__(self, other):
2342         '''bool QSslCipher.__ne__(QSslCipher other)'''
2343         return bool()
2344     def __eq__(self, other):
2345         '''bool QSslCipher.__eq__(QSslCipher other)'''
2346         return bool()
2349 class QSslError():
2350     """"""
2351     # Enum QSslError.SslError
2352     UnspecifiedError = 0
2353     NoError = 0
2354     UnableToGetIssuerCertificate = 0
2355     UnableToDecryptCertificateSignature = 0
2356     UnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey = 0
2357     CertificateSignatureFailed = 0
2358     CertificateNotYetValid = 0
2359     CertificateExpired = 0
2360     InvalidNotBeforeField = 0
2361     InvalidNotAfterField = 0
2362     SelfSignedCertificate = 0
2363     SelfSignedCertificateInChain = 0
2364     UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate = 0
2365     UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate = 0
2366     CertificateRevoked = 0
2367     InvalidCaCertificate = 0
2368     PathLengthExceeded = 0
2369     InvalidPurpose = 0
2370     CertificateUntrusted = 0
2371     CertificateRejected = 0
2372     SubjectIssuerMismatch = 0
2373     AuthorityIssuerSerialNumberMismatch = 0
2374     NoPeerCertificate = 0
2375     HostNameMismatch = 0
2376     NoSslSupport = 0
2377     CertificateBlacklisted = 0
2379     def __init__(self):
2380         '''void QSslError.__init__()'''
2381     def __init__(self, error):
2382         '''void QSslError.__init__(QSslError.SslError error)'''
2383     def __init__(self, error, certificate):
2384         '''void QSslError.__init__(QSslError.SslError error, QSslCertificate certificate)'''
2385     def __init__(self, other):
2386         '''void QSslError.__init__(QSslError other)'''
2387     def __ne__(self, other):
2388         '''bool QSslError.__ne__(QSslError other)'''
2389         return bool()
2390     def __eq__(self, other):
2391         '''bool QSslError.__eq__(QSslError other)'''
2392         return bool()
2393     def certificate(self):
2394         '''QSslCertificate QSslError.certificate()'''
2395         return QSslCertificate()
2396     def errorString(self):
2397         '''QString QSslError.errorString()'''
2398         return QString()
2399     def error(self):
2400         '''QSslError.SslError QSslError.error()'''
2401         return QSslError.SslError()
2404 class QSslKey():
2405     """"""
2406     def __init__(self):
2407         '''void QSslKey.__init__()'''
2408     def __init__(self, encoded, algorithm, encoding = None, type = None, passPhrase = QByteArray()):
2409         '''void QSslKey.__init__(QByteArray encoded, QSsl.KeyAlgorithm algorithm, QSsl.EncodingFormat encoding = QSsl.Pem, QSsl.KeyType type = QSsl.PrivateKey, QByteArray passPhrase = QByteArray())'''
2410     def __init__(self, device, algorithm, encoding = None, type = None, passPhrase = QByteArray()):
2411         '''void QSslKey.__init__(QIODevice device, QSsl.KeyAlgorithm algorithm, QSsl.EncodingFormat encoding = QSsl.Pem, QSsl.KeyType type = QSsl.PrivateKey, QByteArray passPhrase = QByteArray())'''
2412     def __init__(self, other):
2413         '''void QSslKey.__init__(QSslKey other)'''
2414     def __ne__(self, key):
2415         '''bool QSslKey.__ne__(QSslKey key)'''
2416         return bool()
2417     def __eq__(self, key):
2418         '''bool QSslKey.__eq__(QSslKey key)'''
2419         return bool()
2420     def handle(self):
2421         '''int QSslKey.handle()'''
2422         return int()
2423     def toDer(self, passPhrase = QByteArray()):
2424         '''QByteArray QSslKey.toDer(QByteArray passPhrase = QByteArray())'''
2425         return QByteArray()
2426     def toPem(self, passPhrase = QByteArray()):
2427         '''QByteArray QSslKey.toPem(QByteArray passPhrase = QByteArray())'''
2428         return QByteArray()
2429     def algorithm(self):
2430         '''QSsl.KeyAlgorithm QSslKey.algorithm()'''
2431         return QSsl.KeyAlgorithm()
2432     def type(self):
2433         '''QSsl.KeyType QSslKey.type()'''
2434         return QSsl.KeyType()
2435     def length(self):
2436         '''int QSslKey.length()'''
2437         return int()
2438     def clear(self):
2439         '''void QSslKey.clear()'''
2440     def isNull(self):
2441         '''bool QSslKey.isNull()'''
2442         return bool()
2445 class QTcpSocket(QAbstractSocket):
2446     """"""
2447     def __init__(self, parent = None):
2448         '''void QTcpSocket.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
2451 class QSslSocket(QTcpSocket):
2452     """"""
2453     # Enum QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode
2454     VerifyNone = 0
2455     QueryPeer = 0
2456     VerifyPeer = 0
2457     AutoVerifyPeer = 0
2459     # Enum QSslSocket.SslMode
2460     UnencryptedMode = 0
2461     SslClientMode = 0
2462     SslServerMode = 0
2464     def __init__(self, parent = None):
2465         '''void QSslSocket.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
2466     def setPeerVerifyName(self, hostName):
2467         '''void QSslSocket.setPeerVerifyName(QString hostName)'''
2468     def peerVerifyName(self):
2469         '''QString QSslSocket.peerVerifyName()'''
2470         return QString()
2471     def socketOption(self, option):
2472         '''QVariant QSslSocket.socketOption(QAbstractSocket.SocketOption option)'''
2473         return QVariant()
2474     def setSocketOption(self, option, value):
2475         '''void QSslSocket.setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket.SocketOption option, QVariant value)'''
2476     encryptedBytesWritten = pyqtSignal() # void encryptedBytesWritten(qint64) - signal
2477     peerVerifyError = pyqtSignal() # void peerVerifyError(const QSslErroramp;) - signal
2478     def setSslConfiguration(self, config):
2479         '''void QSslSocket.setSslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration config)'''
2480     def sslConfiguration(self):
2481         '''QSslConfiguration QSslSocket.sslConfiguration()'''
2482         return QSslConfiguration()
2483     def encryptedBytesToWrite(self):
2484         '''int QSslSocket.encryptedBytesToWrite()'''
2485         return int()
2486     def encryptedBytesAvailable(self):
2487         '''int QSslSocket.encryptedBytesAvailable()'''
2488         return int()
2489     def setReadBufferSize(self, size):
2490         '''void QSslSocket.setReadBufferSize(int size)'''
2491     def setPeerVerifyDepth(self, depth):
2492         '''void QSslSocket.setPeerVerifyDepth(int depth)'''
2493     def peerVerifyDepth(self):
2494         '''int QSslSocket.peerVerifyDepth()'''
2495         return int()
2496     def setPeerVerifyMode(self, mode):
2497         '''void QSslSocket.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode mode)'''
2498     def peerVerifyMode(self):
2499         '''QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode QSslSocket.peerVerifyMode()'''
2500         return QSslSocket.PeerVerifyMode()
2501     def writeData(self, data):
2502         '''int QSslSocket.writeData(str data)'''
2503         return int()
2504     def readData(self, maxlen):
2505         '''str QSslSocket.readData(int maxlen)'''
2506         return str()
2507     def disconnectFromHostImplementation(self):
2508         '''void QSslSocket.disconnectFromHostImplementation()'''
2509     def connectToHostImplementation(self, hostName, port, openMode):
2510         '''void QSslSocket.connectToHostImplementation(QString hostName, int port, QIODevice.OpenMode openMode)'''
2511     modeChanged = pyqtSignal() # void modeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode) - signal
2512     encrypted = pyqtSignal() # void encrypted() - signal
2513     def ignoreSslErrors(self):
2514         '''void QSslSocket.ignoreSslErrors()'''
2515     def ignoreSslErrors(self, errors):
2516         '''void QSslSocket.ignoreSslErrors(list-of-QSslError errors)'''
2517     def startServerEncryption(self):
2518         '''void QSslSocket.startServerEncryption()'''
2519     def startClientEncryption(self):
2520         '''void QSslSocket.startClientEncryption()'''
2521     def supportsSsl(self):
2522         '''static bool QSslSocket.supportsSsl()'''
2523         return bool()
2524     def sslErrors(self):
2525         '''list-of-QSslError QSslSocket.sslErrors()'''
2526         return [QSslError()]
2527     sslErrors = pyqtSignal() # void sslErrors(const QListlt;QSslErrorgt;amp;) - signal
2528     def waitForDisconnected(self, msecs = 30000):
2529         '''bool QSslSocket.waitForDisconnected(int msecs = 30000)'''
2530         return bool()
2531     def waitForBytesWritten(self, msecs = 30000):
2532         '''bool QSslSocket.waitForBytesWritten(int msecs = 30000)'''
2533         return bool()
2534     def waitForReadyRead(self, msecs = 30000):
2535         '''bool QSslSocket.waitForReadyRead(int msecs = 30000)'''
2536         return bool()
2537     def waitForEncrypted(self, msecs = 30000):
2538         '''bool QSslSocket.waitForEncrypted(int msecs = 30000)'''
2539         return bool()
2540     def waitForConnected(self, msecs = 30000):
2541         '''bool QSslSocket.waitForConnected(int msecs = 30000)'''
2542         return bool()
2543     def systemCaCertificates(self):
2544         '''static list-of-QSslCertificate QSslSocket.systemCaCertificates()'''
2545         return [QSslCertificate()]
2546     def defaultCaCertificates(self):
2547         '''static list-of-QSslCertificate QSslSocket.defaultCaCertificates()'''
2548         return [QSslCertificate()]
2549     def setDefaultCaCertificates(self, certificates):
2550         '''static void QSslSocket.setDefaultCaCertificates(list-of-QSslCertificate certificates)'''
2551     def addDefaultCaCertificate(self, certificate):
2552         '''static void QSslSocket.addDefaultCaCertificate(QSslCertificate certificate)'''
2553     def addDefaultCaCertificates(self, path, format = None, syntax = None):
2554         '''static bool QSslSocket.addDefaultCaCertificates(QString path, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem, QRegExp.PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp.FixedString)'''
2555         return bool()
2556     def addDefaultCaCertificates(self, certificates):
2557         '''static void QSslSocket.addDefaultCaCertificates(list-of-QSslCertificate certificates)'''
2558     def caCertificates(self):
2559         '''list-of-QSslCertificate QSslSocket.caCertificates()'''
2560         return [QSslCertificate()]
2561     def setCaCertificates(self, certificates):
2562         '''void QSslSocket.setCaCertificates(list-of-QSslCertificate certificates)'''
2563     def addCaCertificate(self, certificate):
2564         '''void QSslSocket.addCaCertificate(QSslCertificate certificate)'''
2565     def addCaCertificates(self, path, format = None, syntax = None):
2566         '''bool QSslSocket.addCaCertificates(QString path, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem, QRegExp.PatternSyntax syntax = QRegExp.FixedString)'''
2567         return bool()
2568     def addCaCertificates(self, certificates):
2569         '''void QSslSocket.addCaCertificates(list-of-QSslCertificate certificates)'''
2570     def supportedCiphers(self):
2571         '''static list-of-QSslCipher QSslSocket.supportedCiphers()'''
2572         return [QSslCipher()]
2573     def defaultCiphers(self):
2574         '''static list-of-QSslCipher QSslSocket.defaultCiphers()'''
2575         return [QSslCipher()]
2576     def setDefaultCiphers(self, ciphers):
2577         '''static void QSslSocket.setDefaultCiphers(list-of-QSslCipher ciphers)'''
2578     def setCiphers(self, ciphers):
2579         '''void QSslSocket.setCiphers(list-of-QSslCipher ciphers)'''
2580     def setCiphers(self, ciphers):
2581         '''void QSslSocket.setCiphers(QString ciphers)'''
2582     def ciphers(self):
2583         '''list-of-QSslCipher QSslSocket.ciphers()'''
2584         return [QSslCipher()]
2585     def privateKey(self):
2586         '''QSslKey QSslSocket.privateKey()'''
2587         return QSslKey()
2588     def setPrivateKey(self, key):
2589         '''void QSslSocket.setPrivateKey(QSslKey key)'''
2590     def setPrivateKey(self, fileName, algorithm = None, format = None, passPhrase = QByteArray()):
2591         '''void QSslSocket.setPrivateKey(QString fileName, QSsl.KeyAlgorithm algorithm = QSsl.Rsa, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem, QByteArray passPhrase = QByteArray())'''
2592     def sessionCipher(self):
2593         '''QSslCipher QSslSocket.sessionCipher()'''
2594         return QSslCipher()
2595     def peerCertificateChain(self):
2596         '''list-of-QSslCertificate QSslSocket.peerCertificateChain()'''
2597         return [QSslCertificate()]
2598     def peerCertificate(self):
2599         '''QSslCertificate QSslSocket.peerCertificate()'''
2600         return QSslCertificate()
2601     def localCertificate(self):
2602         '''QSslCertificate QSslSocket.localCertificate()'''
2603         return QSslCertificate()
2604     def setLocalCertificate(self, certificate):
2605         '''void QSslSocket.setLocalCertificate(QSslCertificate certificate)'''
2606     def setLocalCertificate(self, path, format = None):
2607         '''void QSslSocket.setLocalCertificate(QString path, QSsl.EncodingFormat format = QSsl.Pem)'''
2608     def abort(self):
2609         '''void QSslSocket.abort()'''
2610     def flush(self):
2611         '''bool QSslSocket.flush()'''
2612         return bool()
2613     def atEnd(self):
2614         '''bool QSslSocket.atEnd()'''
2615         return bool()
2616     def close(self):
2617         '''void QSslSocket.close()'''
2618     def canReadLine(self):
2619         '''bool QSslSocket.canReadLine()'''
2620         return bool()
2621     def bytesToWrite(self):
2622         '''int QSslSocket.bytesToWrite()'''
2623         return int()
2624     def bytesAvailable(self):
2625         '''int QSslSocket.bytesAvailable()'''
2626         return int()
2627     def setProtocol(self, protocol):
2628         '''void QSslSocket.setProtocol(QSsl.SslProtocol protocol)'''
2629     def protocol(self):
2630         '''QSsl.SslProtocol QSslSocket.protocol()'''
2631         return QSsl.SslProtocol()
2632     def isEncrypted(self):
2633         '''bool QSslSocket.isEncrypted()'''
2634         return bool()
2635     def mode(self):
2636         '''QSslSocket.SslMode QSslSocket.mode()'''
2637         return QSslSocket.SslMode()
2638     def setSocketDescriptor(self, socketDescriptor, state = None, mode = None):
2639         '''bool QSslSocket.setSocketDescriptor(int socketDescriptor, QAbstractSocket.SocketState state = QAbstractSocket.ConnectedState, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
2640         return bool()
2641     def connectToHostEncrypted(self, hostName, port, mode = None):
2642         '''void QSslSocket.connectToHostEncrypted(QString hostName, int port, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
2643     def connectToHostEncrypted(self, hostName, port, sslPeerName, mode = None):
2644         '''void QSslSocket.connectToHostEncrypted(QString hostName, int port, QString sslPeerName, QIODevice.OpenMode mode = QIODevice.ReadWrite)'''
2647 class QTcpServer(QObject):
2648     """"""
2649     def __init__(self, parent = None):
2650         '''void QTcpServer.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
2651     newConnection = pyqtSignal() # void newConnection() - signal
2652     def addPendingConnection(self, socket):
2653         '''void QTcpServer.addPendingConnection(QTcpSocket socket)'''
2654     def incomingConnection(self, handle):
2655         '''void QTcpServer.incomingConnection(int handle)'''
2656     def proxy(self):
2657         '''QNetworkProxy QTcpServer.proxy()'''
2658         return QNetworkProxy()
2659     def setProxy(self, networkProxy):
2660         '''void QTcpServer.setProxy(QNetworkProxy networkProxy)'''
2661     def errorString(self):
2662         '''QString QTcpServer.errorString()'''
2663         return QString()
2664     def serverError(self):
2665         '''QAbstractSocket.SocketError QTcpServer.serverError()'''
2666         return QAbstractSocket.SocketError()
2667     def nextPendingConnection(self):
2668         '''QTcpSocket QTcpServer.nextPendingConnection()'''
2669         return QTcpSocket()
2670     def hasPendingConnections(self):
2671         '''bool QTcpServer.hasPendingConnections()'''
2672         return bool()
2673     def waitForNewConnection(self, msecs = 0, timedOut = None):
2674         '''bool QTcpServer.waitForNewConnection(int msecs = 0, bool timedOut)'''
2675         return bool()
2676     def setSocketDescriptor(self, socketDescriptor):
2677         '''bool QTcpServer.setSocketDescriptor(int socketDescriptor)'''
2678         return bool()
2679     def socketDescriptor(self):
2680         '''int QTcpServer.socketDescriptor()'''
2681         return int()
2682     def serverAddress(self):
2683         '''QHostAddress QTcpServer.serverAddress()'''
2684         return QHostAddress()
2685     def serverPort(self):
2686         '''int QTcpServer.serverPort()'''
2687         return int()
2688     def maxPendingConnections(self):
2689         '''int QTcpServer.maxPendingConnections()'''
2690         return int()
2691     def setMaxPendingConnections(self, numConnections):
2692         '''void QTcpServer.setMaxPendingConnections(int numConnections)'''
2693     def isListening(self):
2694         '''bool QTcpServer.isListening()'''
2695         return bool()
2696     def close(self):
2697         '''void QTcpServer.close()'''
2698     def listen(self, address = None, port = 0):
2699         '''bool QTcpServer.listen(QHostAddress address = QHostAddress.Any, int port = 0)'''
2700         return bool()
2703 class QUdpSocket(QAbstractSocket):
2704     """"""
2705     # Enum QUdpSocket.BindFlag
2706     DefaultForPlatform = 0
2707     ShareAddress = 0
2708     DontShareAddress = 0
2709     ReuseAddressHint = 0
2711     def __init__(self, parent = None):
2712         '''void QUdpSocket.__init__(QObject parent = None)'''
2713     def setMulticastInterface(self, iface):
2714         '''void QUdpSocket.setMulticastInterface(QNetworkInterface iface)'''
2715     def multicastInterface(self):
2716         '''QNetworkInterface QUdpSocket.multicastInterface()'''
2717         return QNetworkInterface()
2718     def leaveMulticastGroup(self, groupAddress):
2719         '''bool QUdpSocket.leaveMulticastGroup(QHostAddress groupAddress)'''
2720         return bool()
2721     def leaveMulticastGroup(self, groupAddress, iface):
2722         '''bool QUdpSocket.leaveMulticastGroup(QHostAddress groupAddress, QNetworkInterface iface)'''
2723         return bool()
2724     def joinMulticastGroup(self, groupAddress):
2725         '''bool QUdpSocket.joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress groupAddress)'''
2726         return bool()
2727     def joinMulticastGroup(self, groupAddress, iface):
2728         '''bool QUdpSocket.joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress groupAddress, QNetworkInterface iface)'''
2729         return bool()
2730     def writeDatagram(self, data, host, port):
2731         '''int QUdpSocket.writeDatagram(str data, QHostAddress host, int port)'''
2732         return int()
2733     def writeDatagram(self, datagram, host, port):
2734         '''int QUdpSocket.writeDatagram(QByteArray datagram, QHostAddress host, int port)'''
2735         return int()
2736     def readDatagram(self, maxlen, host, port):
2737         '''str QUdpSocket.readDatagram(int maxlen, QHostAddress host, int port)'''
2738         return str()
2739     def pendingDatagramSize(self):
2740         '''int QUdpSocket.pendingDatagramSize()'''
2741         return int()
2742     def hasPendingDatagrams(self):
2743         '''bool QUdpSocket.hasPendingDatagrams()'''
2744         return bool()
2745     def bind(self, address, port):
2746         '''bool QUdpSocket.bind(QHostAddress address, int port)'''
2747         return bool()
2748     def bind(self, port = 0):
2749         '''bool QUdpSocket.bind(int port = 0)'''
2750         return bool()
2751     def bind(self, address, port, mode):
2752         '''bool QUdpSocket.bind(QHostAddress address, int port, QUdpSocket.BindMode mode)'''
2753         return bool()
2754     def bind(self, port, mode):
2755         '''bool QUdpSocket.bind(int port, QUdpSocket.BindMode mode)'''
2756         return bool()
2757     class BindMode():
2758         """"""
2759         def __init__(self):
2760             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__init__()'''
2761             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2762         def __init__(self):
2763             '''int QUdpSocket.BindMode.__init__()'''
2764             return int()
2765         def __init__(self):
2766             '''void QUdpSocket.BindMode.__init__()'''
2767         def __bool__(self):
2768             '''int QUdpSocket.BindMode.__bool__()'''
2769             return int()
2770         def __ne__(self, f):
2771             '''bool QUdpSocket.BindMode.__ne__(QUdpSocket.BindMode f)'''
2772             return bool()
2773         def __eq__(self, f):
2774             '''bool QUdpSocket.BindMode.__eq__(QUdpSocket.BindMode f)'''
2775             return bool()
2776         def __invert__(self):
2777             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__invert__()'''
2778             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2779         def __and__(self, mask):
2780             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__and__(int mask)'''
2781             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2782         def __xor__(self, f):
2783             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__xor__(QUdpSocket.BindMode f)'''
2784             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2785         def __xor__(self, f):
2786             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__xor__(int f)'''
2787             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2788         def __or__(self, f):
2789             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__or__(QUdpSocket.BindMode f)'''
2790             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2791         def __or__(self, f):
2792             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__or__(int f)'''
2793             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2794         def __int__(self):
2795             '''int QUdpSocket.BindMode.__int__()'''
2796             return int()
2797         def __ixor__(self, f):
2798             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__ixor__(QUdpSocket.BindMode f)'''
2799             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2800         def __ior__(self, f):
2801             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__ior__(QUdpSocket.BindMode f)'''
2802             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2803         def __iand__(self, mask):
2804             '''QUdpSocket.BindMode QUdpSocket.BindMode.__iand__(int mask)'''
2805             return QUdpSocket.BindMode()
2808 class QUrlInfo():
2809     """"""
2810     # Enum QUrlInfo.PermissionSpec
2811     ReadOwner = 0
2812     WriteOwner = 0
2813     ExeOwner = 0
2814     ReadGroup = 0
2815     WriteGroup = 0
2816     ExeGroup = 0
2817     ReadOther = 0
2818     WriteOther = 0
2819     ExeOther = 0
2821     def __init__(self):
2822         '''void QUrlInfo.__init__()'''
2823     def __init__(self, ui):
2824         '''void QUrlInfo.__init__(QUrlInfo ui)'''
2825     def __init__(self, name, permissions, owner, group, size, lastModified, lastRead, isDir, isFile, isSymLink, isWritable, isReadable, isExecutable):
2826         '''void QUrlInfo.__init__(QString name, int permissions, QString owner, QString group, int size, QDateTime lastModified, QDateTime lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable)'''
2827     def __init__(self, url, permissions, owner, group, size, lastModified, lastRead, isDir, isFile, isSymLink, isWritable, isReadable, isExecutable):
2828         '''void QUrlInfo.__init__(QUrl url, int permissions, QString owner, QString group, int size, QDateTime lastModified, QDateTime lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable)'''
2829     def __ne__(self, i):
2830         '''bool QUrlInfo.__ne__(QUrlInfo i)'''
2831         return bool()
2832     def __eq__(self, i):
2833         '''bool QUrlInfo.__eq__(QUrlInfo i)'''
2834         return bool()
2835     def setLastRead(self, dt):
2836         '''void QUrlInfo.setLastRead(QDateTime dt)'''
2837     def equal(self, i1, i2, sortBy):
2838         '''static bool QUrlInfo.equal(QUrlInfo i1, QUrlInfo i2, int sortBy)'''
2839         return bool()
2840     def lessThan(self, i1, i2, sortBy):
2841         '''static bool QUrlInfo.lessThan(QUrlInfo i1, QUrlInfo i2, int sortBy)'''
2842         return bool()
2843     def greaterThan(self, i1, i2, sortBy):
2844         '''static bool QUrlInfo.greaterThan(QUrlInfo i1, QUrlInfo i2, int sortBy)'''
2845         return bool()
2846     def isExecutable(self):
2847         '''bool QUrlInfo.isExecutable()'''
2848         return bool()
2849     def isReadable(self):
2850         '''bool QUrlInfo.isReadable()'''
2851         return bool()
2852     def isWritable(self):
2853         '''bool QUrlInfo.isWritable()'''
2854         return bool()
2855     def isSymLink(self):
2856         '''bool QUrlInfo.isSymLink()'''
2857         return bool()
2858     def isFile(self):
2859         '''bool QUrlInfo.isFile()'''
2860         return bool()
2861     def isDir(self):
2862         '''bool QUrlInfo.isDir()'''
2863         return bool()
2864     def lastRead(self):
2865         '''QDateTime QUrlInfo.lastRead()'''
2866         return QDateTime()
2867     def lastModified(self):
2868         '''QDateTime QUrlInfo.lastModified()'''
2869         return QDateTime()
2870     def size(self):
2871         '''int QUrlInfo.size()'''
2872         return int()
2873     def group(self):
2874         '''QString'''
2875         return QString()
2876     def owner(self):
2877         '''QString QUrlInfo.owner()'''
2878         return QString()
2879     def permissions(self):
2880         '''int QUrlInfo.permissions()'''
2881         return int()
2882     def name(self):
2883         '''QString'''
2884         return QString()
2885     def isValid(self):
2886         '''bool QUrlInfo.isValid()'''
2887         return bool()
2888     def setLastModified(self, dt):
2889         '''void QUrlInfo.setLastModified(QDateTime dt)'''
2890     def setPermissions(self, p):
2891         '''void QUrlInfo.setPermissions(int p)'''
2892     def setReadable(self, b):
2893         '''void QUrlInfo.setReadable(bool b)'''
2894     def setWritable(self, b):
2895         '''void QUrlInfo.setWritable(bool b)'''
2896     def setSize(self, size):
2897         '''void QUrlInfo.setSize(int size)'''
2898     def setGroup(self, s):
2899         '''void QUrlInfo.setGroup(QString s)'''
2900     def setOwner(self, s):
2901         '''void QUrlInfo.setOwner(QString s)'''
2902     def setSymLink(self, b):
2903         '''void QUrlInfo.setSymLink(bool b)'''
2904     def setFile(self, b):
2905         '''void QUrlInfo.setFile(bool b)'''
2906     def setDir(self, b):
2907         '''void QUrlInfo.setDir(bool b)'''
2908     def setName(self, name):
2909         '''void QUrlInfo.setName(QString name)'''