File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 08:26:52

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0003 from contextlib import redirect_stdout
0004 from io import StringIO
0005 from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr
0006 import sys
0007 try:
0008     from pycodestyle import Checker, StyleGuide
0009 except ImportError:
0010     try:
0011         from pep8 import Checker, StyleGuide
0012     except ImportError:
0013         Checker = None
0015 while True:
0016     size =
0017     size = int(size)
0018     if not size > 0:
0019         continue
0020     buf = bytes()
0021     while len(buf) < size:
0022         buf +=, size - len(buf)))
0023     lines = buf.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
0024     opts, text = lines[:3], [l + "\n" for l in lines[3:]]
0026     if Checker is not None:
0027         style_guide = StyleGuide()
0028         options = style_guide.options
0029         select = [x for x in opts[0].strip().split(',') if len(x) > 0]
0030         ignore = [x for x in opts[1].strip().split(',') if len(x) > 0]
0031 = tuple(select)
0032         options.ignore = tuple(ignore)
0033         options.max_line_length = int(opts[2])
0034         stderr.flush()
0035         c = Checker(lines=text, options=options)
0036         output = StringIO()
0037         with redirect_stdout(output):
0038             # writes directly to stdout, so catch it ...
0039             c.check_all()
0040         output = output.getvalue()
0041         output = output[:2**15]
0043         stdout.write("{0:>10}".format(len(output)))
0044         stdout.write(output)
0045         stdout.flush()
0046     else:
0047         stderr.write("The `pycodestyle` (previously `pep8`) module is not installed.")
0048         stderr.flush()
0049         stdout.write("{0:>10}".format(0))
0050         stdout.flush()