Warning, /graphics/tikzkit/texamples/logo.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 \documentclass[10pt]{article}
0002 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
0003 \usepackage[pdftex,active,tightpage]{preview}
0004 \usepackage{tikz}
0005 \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}
0007 \tikzstyle{tiny dashed}=[dash pattern=on 1.1mm off 0.6mm]
0009 \begin{document}
0010 \thispagestyle{empty}
0011 \begin{tikzpicture}
0013 \begin{scope}[xshift=2cm]
0014 \node[black] (t) at (0, 0) {T\hspace{-0.1mm}i\hspace{-0.1mm}\textcolor{orange}{$k$}\hspace{-0.2mm}Z\reflectbox{\textcolor{orange}{$~~~$}}\hspace{0.2mm}i\hspace{-0.2mm}T};
0016 \begin{scope}[yscale=-0.004,xscale=0.004,yshift=-30cm, xshift=10cm]
0017 \path[fill=orange] (48.5312,0.0000) -- (33.9062,0) -- (33.9062,61) --
0018   (48.3750,61) -- (48.3750,33.7812) -- (67.8438,61) --
0019   (85.0937,61) -- (63.1562,30.0312) -- (85.2500,0) -- (67.6875,0.0)
0020   -- (48.3750,26.4688) -- cycle;
0022 \path[xshift=-0cm,fill=black!50] (15.3750,14.6875) .. controls (15.2096,14.7046)
0023   and (15.0307,14.7502) .. (14.9062,14.8750) -- (9.1562,20.6250) .. controls
0024   (8.9148,20.8672) and (8.8853,21.2380) .. (9.0625,21.5312) -- (15.7812,32.6250)
0025   .. controls (14.5883,34.6305) and (13.6195,36.7818) .. (12.9375,39.0625) --
0026   (0.5938,41.6250) .. controls (0.2503,41.6960) and (0.0000,42.0230) ..
0027   (0.0000,42.3750) -- (0.0000,50.5000) .. controls (0.0000,50.8435) and
0028   (0.2612,51.1377) .. (0.5938,51.2188) -- (12.5625,54.1250) .. controls
0029   (13.2025,56.7655) and (14.1913,59.2923) .. (15.5000,61.5938) --
0030   (8.5625,72.1563) .. controls (8.3690,72.4513) and (8.4068,72.8448) ..
0031   (8.6562,73.0938) -- (14.4062,78.8438) .. controls (14.6485,79.0852) and
0032   (15.0200,79.1155) .. (15.3125,78.9375) -- (26.1875,72.3437) .. controls
0033   (28.3205,73.5752) and (30.6298,74.5617) .. (33.0625,75.2187) --
0034   (35.5938,87.4062) .. controls (35.6647,87.7507) and (35.9608,88.0000) ..
0035   (36.3125,88.0000) -- (44.4375,88.0000) .. controls (44.7785,88.0000) and
0036   (45.0753,87.7710) .. (45.1562,87.4375) -- (48.1562,75.1875) .. controls
0037   (50.6652,74.5110) and (53.0308,73.5067) .. (55.2188,72.2187) --
0038   (65.9375,79.2500) .. controls (66.2330,79.4425) and (66.6245,79.4052) ..
0039   (66.8750,79.1563) -- (72.5938,73.4063) .. controls (72.8367,73.1638) and
0040   (72.8967,72.7925) .. (67.5312,66.4688) --  (61.3438,57.9375) .. controls (57.4928,65.4730) and (49.6392,70.6250) ..
0041   (40.5938,70.6250) .. controls (27.7403,70.6250) and (17.3125,60.1972) ..
0042   (17.3125,47.3438) .. controls (17.3125,37.8891) and (22.9663,29.7685) ..
0043   (31.0625,26.1250) -- (31.0625,20.1250) .. controls (29.5890,20.6407) and
0044   (28.1655,21.2630) .. (26.8125,22.0000) .. controls (26.8100,21.9985) and
0045   (26.8150,21.9703) .. (26.8125,21.9688) .. controls (22.8798,19.9599) and
0046   (19.4298,16.2292) .. (15.3750,14.6875) -- cycle;
0047 \end{scope}
0048 \end{scope}
0050 %\begin{scope}[rotate=180,yscale=-0.004,xscale=0.004,yshift=-22cm, xshift=-530cm]
0051 %\path[xshift=-0cm,fill=black!50] (15.3750,14.6875) .. controls (15.2096,14.7046)
0052 %  and (15.0307,14.7502) .. (14.9062,14.8750) -- (9.1562,20.6250) .. controls
0053 %  (8.9148,20.8672) and (8.8853,21.2380) .. (9.0625,21.5312) -- (15.7812,32.6250)
0054 %  .. controls (14.5883,34.6305) and (13.6195,36.7818) .. (12.9375,39.0625) --
0055 %  (0.5938,41.6250) .. controls (0.2503,41.6960) and (0.0000,42.0230) ..
0056 %  (0.0000,42.3750) -- (0.0000,50.5000) .. controls (0.0000,50.8435) and
0057 %  (0.2612,51.1377) .. (0.5938,51.2188) -- (12.5625,54.1250) .. controls
0058 %  (13.2025,56.7655) and (14.1913,59.2923) .. (15.5000,61.5938) --
0059 %  (8.5625,72.1563) .. controls (8.3690,72.4513) and (8.4068,72.8448) ..
0060 %  (8.6562,73.0938) -- (14.4062,78.8438) .. controls (14.6485,79.0852) and
0061 %  (15.0200,79.1155) .. (15.3125,78.9375) -- (26.1875,72.3437) .. controls
0062 %  (28.3205,73.5752) and (30.6298,74.5617) .. (33.0625,75.2187) --
0063 %  (35.5938,87.4062) .. controls (35.6647,87.7507) and (35.9608,88.0000) ..
0064 %  (36.3125,88.0000) -- (44.4375,88.0000) .. controls (44.7785,88.0000) and
0065 %  (45.0753,87.7710) .. (45.1562,87.4375) -- (48.1562,75.1875) .. controls
0066 %  (50.6652,74.5110) and (53.0308,73.5067) .. (55.2188,72.2187) --
0067 %  (65.9375,79.2500) .. controls (66.2330,79.4425) and (66.6245,79.4052) ..
0068 %  (66.8750,79.1563) -- (72.5938,73.4063) .. controls (72.8367,73.1638) and
0069 %  (72.8967,72.7925) .. (67.5312,66.4688) --  (61.3438,57.9375) .. controls (57.4928,65.4730) and (49.6392,70.6250) ..
0070 %  (40.5938,70.6250) .. controls (27.7403,70.6250) and (17.3125,60.1972) ..
0071 %  (17.3125,47.3438) .. controls (17.3125,37.8891) and (22.9663,29.7685) ..
0072 %  (31.0625,26.1250) -- (31.0625,20.1250) .. controls (29.5890,20.6407) and
0073 %  (28.1655,21.2630) .. (26.8125,22.0000) .. controls (26.8100,21.9985) and
0074 %  (26.8150,21.9703) .. (26.8125,21.9688) .. controls (22.8798,19.9599) and
0075 %  (19.4298,16.2292) .. (15.3750,14.6875) -- cycle;
0076 %\end{scope}
0078 %\node[rounded corners=3.25mm,minimum width=2.15cm,minimum height=6.5mm,white, fill=black!90] (t) at (0, 0) {Ti\textcolor{orange}{$k$}Z\textcolor{orange}{$~K$}iT};
0079 %\node[thick, tiny dashed,draw=black!63, rounded corners=2.5mm,minimum width=2.0cm,minimum height=5mm] at (0, 0) {};
0080 \node[black] (t) at (0, 0) {Ti\textcolor{orange}{$k$}Z\textcolor{orange}{$~k$}iT};
0081 \draw[thick, tiny dashed,draw=black!63] (-0.8, -0.2) -- (0.8, -0.2);
0083 \begin{scope}[xshift=0.5mm, yshift=0.6mm]
0084 \begin{scope}[scale=0.0425]
0085 \begin{scope}[yscale=-1]
0086 \path[fill=blue] (2.8, 1.8) -- (2.4, 1.9) -- (1.62, 1.41) -- (1.16, 1.90)
0087  -- (1.62, 2.61) -- (1.48, 3.03) -- (0.56, 3.25) -- (0.56, 3.92) -- (1.45, 4.09)
0088  -- (1.59, 4.52) -- (1.09, 5.29) -- (1.55, 5.75) -- (2.26, 5.29) -- (2.82, 5.54)
0089  -- (2.96, 6.39) -- (3.63, 6.39) -- (3.85, 5.5) -- (4.27, 5.36) -- (5.01, 5.86)
0090  -- (5.47, 5.4) -- (4.76, 4.37) arc (30:247.05:1.56cm)
0091  -- cycle;
0092 \end{scope}
0093 \end{scope}
0094 \end{scope}
0095 \end{tikzpicture}
0096 \end{document}