Warning, /graphics/tikzkit/src/qtpropertybrowser/README.TXT is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Qt Solutions Component: Property Browser
0003 A property browser framework enabling the user to edit a set of
0004 properties.
0006 The framework provides a browser widget that displays the given
0007 properties with labels and corresponding editing widgets (e.g.
0008 line edits or comboboxes). The various types of editing widgets
0009 are provided by the framework's editor factories: For each
0010 property type, the framework provides a property manager (e.g.
0011 QtIntPropertyManager and QtStringPropertyManager) which can be
0012 associated with the preferred editor factory (e.g.
0013 QtSpinBoxFactory and QtLineEditFactory). The framework also
0014 provides a variant based property type with corresponding variant
0015 manager and factory. Finally, the framework provides three
0016 ready-made implementations of the browser widget:
0017 QtTreePropertyBrowser, QtButtonPropertyBrowser and
0018 QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser.
0020 Version history:
0022 2.1: - QtTreePropertyBrowser - tooltip of property applied to
0023      first column, while second column shows the value text of property
0024      in its tooltip
0025      - QtAbstractPropertyManager - initializeProperty() and
0026      uninitializeProperty() without const modifier now
0027      - QtTreePropertyBrowser and QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser - internal
0028      margin set to 0
0029      - QtProperty - setEnabled() and isEnabled() methods added
0030      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - "rootIsDecorated", "indentation" and
0031      "headerVisible" properties added
0032      - QtProperty - hasValue() method added, useful for group
0033      properties
0035 2.2: - FocusOut event now filtered out in case of
0036      Qt::ActiveWindowFocusReason reason. In that case editor is not
0037      closed when its sub dialog is executed
0038      - Removed bug in color icon generation
0039      - Decimals attribute added to "double" property type
0040      - PointF, SizeF and RectF types supported
0041      - Proper translation calls for tree property browser
0042      - QtProperty - ensure inserted subproperty is different from
0043      "this" property
0044      - QtBrowserItem class introduced, useful for identifying browser's
0045      gui elements
0046      - Possibility to control expanded state of QtTreePropertyBrowser's
0047      items from code
0048      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - "resizeMode" and "splitterPosition"
0049      properties added
0050      - QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser - fixed crash in case of deleting the
0051      editor factory and then deleting the manager
0052      - "Decoration" example added - it shows how to add new
0053      responsibilities to the existing managers and editor factories
0055 2.3: - Various bugfixes and improvements
0056      - QtProperty - setModified() and isModified() methods added
0057      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - disabling an item closes its editor
0058      - KeySequence, Char, Locale and Cursor types supported
0059      - Support for icons in enum type added
0060      - Kerning subproperty exposed in Font type
0061      - New property browser class added - QtButtonPropertyBrowser with
0062      drop down button as a grouping element
0064 2.4: - Fixed memory leak of QtProperty
0065      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - group items are rendered better
0066      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - propertiesWithoutValueMarked and
0067      alternatingRowColors features added
0068      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - possibility of coloring properties added
0069      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - keyboard navigation improved
0070      - New factories providing popup dialogs added:
0071      QtColorEditorFactory and QtFontEditorFactory
0072      - Single step attribute added to: QtIntPropertyManager and
0073      QtDoublePropertyManager
0075 2.5: - "Object Controller" example added. It implements a similar
0076      widget to the property editor in QDesigner
0077      - Compile with QT_NO_CURSOR
0078      - Expand root item with single click on the '+' icon
0079      - QtRectPropertyManager and QtRectFPropertyManager - by default
0080      constraint is null rect meaning no constraint is applied
0082 2.6: - QtGroupPropertyBrowser - don't force the layout to show the
0083      whole labels' contents for read only properties, show tooltips for
0084      them in addition.
0085      - QtTreePropertyBrowser - fixed painting of the editor for color
0086      property type when style sheet is used (QTSOLBUG-64).
0087      - Make it possible to change the style of the checkboxes with a
0088      stylesheet (QTSOLBUG-61).
0089      - Change the minimum size of a combobox so that it can show at
0090      least one character and an icon.
0091      - Make it possible to properly style custom embedded editors (e.g.
0092      the color editor provided with the solution).