Warning, /graphics/tikzkit/data/properties.json is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 {
0002     "properties" : {
0003         "objectName" : {
0004             "type" : "string",
0005             "title" : "Name",
0006             "description" : "Internal entity ID",
0007             "modified" : "objectNameSet",
0008             "reset" : "unsetObjectName"
0009         },
0010         "uid" : {
0011             "type" : "uid",
0012             "title" : "Internal ID",
0013             "description" : "Internal entity ID"
0014         },
0015         "doubleLine" : {
0016             "type" : "bool",
0017             "title" : "Double Line",
0018             "description" : "Stroke with double line",
0019             "modified" : "doubleLineSet",
0020             "reset" : "unsetDoubleLine"
0021         },
0022         "fillColor" : {
0023             "type" : "color",
0024             "title" : "Fill Color",
0025             "description" : "Define the fill color",
0026             "modified" : "fillColorSet",
0027             "reset" : "unsetFillColor"
0028         },
0029         "innerLineColor" : {
0030             "type" : "color",
0031             "title" : "Inner Pen Color",
0032             "description" : "Define the inner color of double lines",
0033             "modified" : "innerLineColorSet",
0034             "reset" : "unsetInnerLineColor"
0035         },
0036         "innerLineWidth" : {
0037             "type" : "value",
0038             "title" : "Inner Line Width",
0039             "description" : "Define the inner line width",
0040             "modified" : "innerLineWidthSet",
0041             "reset" : "unsetInnerLineWidth",
0042             "minimum" : "0pt",
0043             "maximum" : "10mm",
0044             "singleStep" : 0.1
0045         },
0046         "lineWidth" : {
0047             "type" : "value",
0048             "title" : "Line Width",
0049             "description" : "Define the line width",
0050             "modified" : "lineWidthSet",
0051             "reset" : "unsetLineWidth",
0052             "minimum" : "0pt",
0053             "maximum" : "10mm",
0054             "singleStep" : 0.1
0055         },
0056         "penColor" : {
0057             "type" : "color",
0058             "title" : "Pen Color",
0059             "description" : "Define the color of the pen",
0060             "modified" : "penColorSet",
0061             "reset" : "unsetPenColor"
0062         },
0063         "penStyle" : {
0064             "type" : "enum",
0065             "title" : "Pen Style",
0066             "description" : "Define the style of the pen",
0067             "modified" : "penStyleSet",
0068             "reset" : "unsetPenStyle"
0069         },
0070         "penOpacity" : {
0071             "type" : "opacity",
0072             "title" : "Pen Opacity",
0073             "description" : "Define the opacity of the pen",
0074             "modified" : "penOpacitySet",
0075             "reset" : "unsetPenOpacity",
0076             "minimum" : 0.0,
0077             "maximum" : 1.0,
0078             "singleStep" : 0.1
0079         },
0080         "fillOpacity" : {
0081             "type" : "opacity",
0082             "title" : "Fill Opacity",
0083             "description" : "Define the fill opacity",
0084             "modified" : "fillOpacitySet",
0085             "reset" : "unsetFillOpacity",
0086             "minimum" : 0.0,
0087             "maximum" : 1.0,
0088             "singleStep" : 0.1
0089         },
0090         "rotation" : {
0091             "type" : "double",
0092             "title" : "Rotation",
0093             "description" : "Define the rotation of the shape",
0094             "modified" : "rotationSet",
0095             "reset" : "unsetRotation",
0096             "minimum" : -360.0,
0097             "maximum" : 360.0,
0098             "singleStep" : 5
0099         },
0100         "radiusX" : {
0101             "type" : "value",
0102             "title" : "Radius x",
0103             "description" : "Ellipse x radius",
0104             "modified" : "radiusXSet",
0105             "reset" : "unsetRadiusX",
0106             "minimum" : "0mm",
0107             "maximum" : "1000mm",
0108             "singleStep" : 0.1
0109         },
0110         "radiusY" : {
0111             "type" : "value",
0112             "title" : "Radius y",
0113             "description" : "Ellipse y radius",
0114             "modified" : "radiusYSet",
0115             "reset" : "unsetRadiusY",
0116             "minimum" : "0mm",
0117             "maximum" : "1000mm",
0118             "singleStep" : 0.1
0119         },
0120         "bendAngle" : {
0121             "type" : "double",
0122             "title" : "Bend Angle",
0123             "description" : "Bend angle of the edge",
0124             "modified" : "bendAngleSet",
0125             "reset" : "unsetBendAngle",
0126             "minimum" : -180.0,
0127             "maximum" : 180.0,
0128             "singleStep" : 5
0129         },
0130         "looseness" : {
0131             "type" : "double",
0132             "title" : "Looseness",
0133             "description" : "Loosenes for bended edges",
0134             "modified" : "loosenessSet",
0135             "reset" : "unsetLooseness",
0136             "minimum" : 0,
0137             "maximum" : 10,
0138             "singleStep" : 0.1
0139         },
0140         "outAngle" : {
0141             "type" : "double",
0142             "title" : "Out Angle",
0143             "description" : "Out angle for bended edges",
0144             "modified" : "outAngleSet",
0145             "reset" : "unsetOutAngle",
0146             "minimum" : -360,
0147             "maximum" : 360,
0148             "singleStep" : 5
0149         },
0150         "inAngle" : {
0151             "type" : "double",
0152             "title" : "In Angle",
0153             "description" : "In angle for bended edges",
0154             "modified" : "inAngleSet",
0155             "reset" : "unsetInAngle",
0156             "minimum" : -360,
0157             "maximum" : 360,
0158             "singleStep" : 5
0159         },
0160         "arrowTail" : {
0161             "type" : "enum",
0162             "title" : "Arrow Tail",
0163             "description" : "Arrow tail for the edge",
0164             "modified" : "arrowTailSet",
0165             "reset" : "unsetArrowTail"
0166         },
0167         "arrowHead" : {
0168             "type" : "enum",
0169             "title" : "Arrow Head",
0170             "description" : "Arrow head for the edge",
0171             "modified" : "arrowHeadSet",
0172             "reset" : "unsetArrowHead"
0173         },
0174         "shortenStart" : {
0175             "type" : "value",
0176             "title" : "Shorten Start",
0177             "description" : "Shorten start",
0178             "modified" : "shortenStartSet",
0179             "reset" : "unsetShortenStart",
0180             "minimum" : "-5mm",
0181             "maximum" : "5mm",
0182             "singleStep" : 0.1
0183         },
0184         "shortenEnd" : {
0185             "type" : "value",
0186             "title" : "Shorten End",
0187             "description" : "Shorten end",
0188             "modified" : "shortenEndSet",
0189             "reset" : "unsetShortenEnd",
0190             "minimum" : "-5mm",
0191             "maximum" : "5mm",
0192             "singleStep" : 0.1
0193         },
0194         "text" : {
0195             "type" : "string",
0196             "title" : "Text",
0197             "description" : "Node text"
0198         },
0199         "textAlign" : {
0200             "type" : "enum",
0201             "title" : "Text Alignment",
0202             "description" : "Text alignment",
0203             "modified" : "textAlignSet",
0204             "reset" : "unsetTextAlign"
0205         },
0206         "shape" : {
0207             "type" : "enum",
0208             "title" : "Node Shape",
0209             "description" : "Node shape",
0210             "modified" : "shapeSet",
0211             "reset" : "unsetShape"
0212         },
0213         "innerSep" : {
0214             "type" : "value",
0215             "title" : "Inner Separation",
0216             "description" : "Define the inner spacing in the node",
0217             "modified" : "innerSepSet",
0218             "reset" : "unsetInnerSep",
0219             "minimum" : "0pt",
0220             "maximum" : "30mm",
0221             "singleStep" : 0.1
0222         },
0223         "outerSep" : {
0224             "type" : "value",
0225             "title" : "Outer Separation",
0226             "description" : "Define the outer spacing in the node",
0227             "modified" : "outerSepSet",
0228             "reset" : "unsetOuterSep",
0229             "minimum" : "0pt",
0230             "maximum" : "30mm",
0231             "singleStep" : 0.1
0232         },
0233         "minimumHeight" : {
0234             "type" : "value",
0235             "title" : "Minimum Height",
0236             "description" : "Define the minimum height of a node",
0237             "modified" : "minimumHeightSet",
0238             "reset" : "unsetMinimumHeight",
0239             "minimum" : "0pt",
0240             "maximum" : "1000mm",
0241             "singleStep" : 0.1
0242         },
0243         "minimumWidth" : {
0244             "type" : "value",
0245             "title" : "Minimum Width",
0246             "description" : "Define the minimum width of a node",
0247             "modified" : "minimumWidthSet",
0248             "reset" : "unsetMinimumWidth",
0249             "minimum" : "0pt",
0250             "maximum" : "1000mm",
0251             "singleStep" : 0.1
0252         }
0253     }
0254 }