File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 04:33:56

0001 /********************************************************************************
0002  * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Stephen Allewell                                  *
0003  *                                                     *
0004  *                                                                              *
0005  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify         *
0006  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by         *
0007  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or            *
0008  * (at your option) any later version.                                          *
0009  ********************************************************************************/
0012 /**
0013  * @file
0014  * Header file for the QUndoCommand derived classes.
0015  */
0018 #ifndef Commands_H
0019 #define Commands_H
0022 #include <QUndoCommand>
0023 #include <QWidget>
0025 #include "SymbolLibrary.h"
0028 class QMimeData;
0030 class Editor;
0033 /**
0034  * @brief Move to command class.
0035  *
0036  * Implement a move to operation on the QPainterPath for the current symbol.
0037  * If this is the first operation it updates the start position of the path, otherwise
0038  * it ends the current sub path and starts a new sub path at the specified point.
0039  *
0040  * The original path is stored for a possible undo.
0041  */
0042 class MoveToCommand : public QUndoCommand
0043 {
0044 public:
0045     MoveToCommand(Editor *editor, const QPointF &to);
0046     virtual ~MoveToCommand() = default;
0048     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0049     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0051 private:
0052     Editor          *m_editor;  /**< pointer to the editor */
0053     QPointF         m_to;       /**< point to move to */
0054     QPainterPath    m_path;     /**< original path to be restored on undo */
0055 };
0058 /**
0059  * @brief Line to command class.
0060  *
0061  * Implement a line to operation on the QPainterPath for the current symbol.
0062  * The line is added to the current sub path.
0063  *
0064  * The original path is stored for a possible undo.
0065  */
0066 class LineToCommand : public QUndoCommand
0067 {
0068 public:
0069     LineToCommand(Editor *editor, const QPointF &to);
0070     virtual ~LineToCommand() = default;
0072     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0073     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0075 private:
0076     Editor          *m_editor;  /**< pointer to the editor */
0077     QPointF         m_to;       /**< point to draw to */
0078     QPainterPath    m_path;     /**< original path to be restored on undo */
0079 };
0082 /**
0083  * @brief Cubic to command class.
0084  *
0085  * Implement a cubic to operation on the QPainterPath for the current symbol.
0086  * The cubic is added to the current sub path.
0087  *
0088  * The original path is stored for a possible undo.
0089  */
0090 class CubicToCommand : public QUndoCommand
0091 {
0092 public:
0093     CubicToCommand(Editor *editor, const QPointF &control1, const QPointF &control2, const QPointF &to);
0094     virtual ~CubicToCommand() = default;
0096     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0097     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0099 private:
0100     Editor          *m_editor;  /**< pointer to the editor */
0101     QPointF         m_control1; /**< first control point */
0102     QPointF         m_control2; /**< second control point */
0103     QPointF         m_to;       /**< end point */
0104     QPainterPath    m_path;     /**< original path to be restored on undo */
0105 };
0108 /**
0109  * @brief Rectangle command class.
0110  *
0111  * Implement a rectangle operation on the QPainterPath for the current symbol.
0112  * The current sub path is closed and the rectangle is added as a new sub path as a
0113  * series of line to operations.
0114  *
0115  * The original path is stored for a possible undo.
0116  */
0117 class RectangleCommand : public  QUndoCommand
0118 {
0119 public:
0120     RectangleCommand(Editor *editor, const QPointF &from, const QPointF &to);
0121     virtual ~RectangleCommand() = default;
0123     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0124     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0126 private:
0127     Editor          *m_editor;  /**< pointer to the editor */
0128     QPointF         m_from;     /**< first corner */
0129     QPointF         m_to;       /**< second corner */
0130     QPainterPath    m_path;     /**< original path to be restored on undo */
0131 };
0134 /**
0135  * @brief Ellipse command class.
0136  *
0137  * Implement an ellipse operation on the QPainterPath for the current symbol.
0138  * The current sub path is closed and the ellipse is added as a new sub path as a
0139  * series of cubic to operations.
0140  *
0141  * The original path is stored for a possible undo.
0142  */
0143 class EllipseCommand : public QUndoCommand
0144 {
0145 public:
0146     EllipseCommand(Editor *editor, const QPointF &from, const QPointF &to);
0147     virtual ~EllipseCommand() = default;
0149     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0150     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0152 private:
0153     Editor          *m_editor;  /**< pointer to the editor */
0154     QPointF         m_from;     /**< first corner */
0155     QPointF         m_to;       /**< second corner */
0156     QPainterPath    m_path;     /**< original path to be restored on undo */
0157 };
0160 /**
0161  * @brief Move point command class.
0162  *
0163  * Implement moving a control point in the m_points list from one position to
0164  * another. The Editor QPainterPath needs to be reconstructed with the moved position.
0165  *
0166  * The original position is stored for a possible undo.
0167  */
0168 class MovePointCommand : public QUndoCommand
0169 {
0170 public:
0171     MovePointCommand(Editor *editor, int index, const QPointF &from, const QPointF &to);
0172     virtual ~MovePointCommand() = default;
0174     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0175     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0177 private:
0178     Editor          *m_editor;  /**< pointer to the editor */
0179     int             m_index;    /**< index of the point in m_editor->m_points */
0180     QPointF         m_from;     /**< original position */
0181     QPointF         m_to;       /**< destination position */
0182 };
0185 /**
0186  * @brief Update symbol command class;
0187  *
0188  * Implement updating a symbol in the library using the index specified. The index may
0189  * be 0 for new symbols and a new index will be generated by the library.
0190  *
0191  * The original Symbol is stored for a possible undo.
0192  */
0193 class UpdateSymbolCommand : public QUndoCommand
0194 {
0195 public:
0196     UpdateSymbolCommand(SymbolLibrary *library, qint16 index, const Symbol &symbol);
0197     virtual ~UpdateSymbolCommand() = default;
0199     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0200     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0202 private:
0203     SymbolLibrary   *m_symbolLibrary;   /**< pointer to the symbol library */
0204     qint16          m_index;            /**< index of the symbol in the library */
0205     Symbol          m_symbol;           /**< the updated symbol */
0206     Symbol          m_originalSymbol;   /**< original symbol to be restored on undo */
0207 };
0210 /**
0211  * @brief Import library command class.
0212  *
0213  * Implement importing the symbols from one library into the current library. The indexes
0214  * from the import library are ignored and new indexes are generated by the current library.
0215  *
0216  * The list of generated indexes is stored for a possible undo.
0217  */
0218 class ImportLibraryCommand : public QUndoCommand
0219 {
0220 public:
0221     ImportLibraryCommand(SymbolLibrary *library, SymbolLibrary *imported);
0222     virtual ~ImportLibraryCommand();
0224     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0225     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0227 private:
0228     SymbolLibrary   *m_symbolLibrary;   /**< pointer to the symbol library */
0229     SymbolLibrary   *m_imported;        /**< pointer to the imported library */
0230     QList<qint16>   m_addedIndexes;     /**< indexes of the symbols imported to be removed on undo */
0231 };
0234 /**
0235  * @brief Rotate left command class.
0236  *
0237  * Implement the rotation of the QPainterPath for the current symbol left (counter clockwise).
0238  *
0239  * Nothing is stored for undo as this is implemented as a rotate right.
0240  */
0241 class RotateLeftCommand : public QUndoCommand
0242 {
0243 public:
0244     explicit RotateLeftCommand(Editor *editor);
0245     virtual ~RotateLeftCommand() = default;
0247     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0248     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0250 private:
0251     Editor  *m_editor;                  /**< pointer to the editor */
0252 };
0255 /**
0256  * @brief Rotate right command class.
0257  *
0258  * Implement the rotation of the QPainterPath for the current symbol right (clockwise).
0259  *
0260  * Nothing is stored for undo as this is implemented as a rotate left.
0261  */
0262 class RotateRightCommand : public QUndoCommand
0263 {
0264 public:
0265     explicit RotateRightCommand(Editor *editor);
0266     virtual ~RotateRightCommand() = default;
0268     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0269     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0271 private:
0272     Editor  *m_editor;                  /**< pointer to the editor */
0273 };
0276 /**
0277  * @brief Flip horizontal command class.
0278  *
0279  * Implement the flipping of the QPainterPath for the current symbol horizontally about
0280  * the vertical axis passing through the center line of the symbol.
0281  *
0282  * Nothing is stored for undo as this implemented by another flip horizontal.
0283  */
0284 class FlipHorizontalCommand : public QUndoCommand
0285 {
0286 public:
0287     explicit FlipHorizontalCommand(Editor *editor);
0288     virtual ~FlipHorizontalCommand() = default;
0290     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0291     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0293 private:
0294     Editor  *m_editor;                  /**< pointer to the editor */
0295 };
0298 /**
0299  * @brief Flip vertical command class.
0300  *
0301  * Implement the flipping of the QPainterPath for the current symbol vertically about
0302  * the horizontal axis passing through the center line of the symbol.
0303  *
0304  * Nothing is stored for undo as this is implemented by another flip vertical.
0305  */
0306 class FlipVerticalCommand : public QUndoCommand
0307 {
0308 public:
0309     explicit FlipVerticalCommand(Editor *editor);
0310     virtual ~FlipVerticalCommand() = default;
0312     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0313     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0315 private:
0316     Editor  *m_editor;                  /**< pointer to the editor */
0317 };
0320 /**
0321  * @brief Scale to preferred size class.
0322  *
0323  * Implement scaling of the current symbol so that it fits within the preferred size rectangle.
0324  * No changes are made to symbols that are already inside it.
0325  */
0326 class ScalePreferredCommand : public QUndoCommand
0327 {
0328 public:
0329     ScalePreferredCommand(Editor *editor, const QPainterPath &originlSymbol, int gridElements, int borderSize);
0330     virtual ~ScalePreferredCommand() = default;
0332     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0333     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0335 private:
0336     Editor          *m_editor;          /**< pointer to the editor */
0337     QPainterPath    m_originalSymbol;   /**< original symbol path used for undo */
0338     int             m_gridElements;     /**< the number of elements in a grid side */
0339     int             m_borderSize;       /**< the number of elements in a border */
0340 };
0343 /**
0344  * @brief Change the fill state command class.
0345  *
0346  * Implement changing the fill state of the current symbol.
0347  *
0348  * The original state is stored for a possible undo.
0349  */
0350 class ChangeFilledCommand : public QUndoCommand
0351 {
0352 public:
0353     ChangeFilledCommand(Editor *editor, bool from, bool to);
0354     virtual ~ChangeFilledCommand() = default;
0356     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0357     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0359 private:
0360     Editor  *m_editor;                  /**< pointer to the editor */
0361     bool    m_from;                     /**< original setting */
0362     bool    m_to;                       /**< new setting */
0363 };
0366 /**
0367  * @brief Change the fill rule command class.
0368  *
0369  * Implement changing the fill rule of the QPainterPath for the current symbol.
0370  *
0371  * The original fill rule is stored for a possible undo.
0372  */
0373 class ChangeFillRuleCommand : public QUndoCommand
0374 {
0375 public:
0376     ChangeFillRuleCommand(Editor *editor, Qt::FillRule from, Qt::FillRule to);
0377     virtual ~ChangeFillRuleCommand() = default;
0379     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0380     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0382 private:
0383     Editor          *m_editor;          /**< pointer to the Editor */
0384     Qt::FillRule    m_from;             /**< original setting */
0385     Qt::FillRule    m_to;               /**< new setting */
0386 };
0389 /**
0390  * @brief Change the pen cap style command.
0391  *
0392  * Implement changing the line cap style for the current symbol.
0393  *
0394  * The original style is stored for a possible undo.
0395  */
0396 class ChangeCapStyleCommand : public QUndoCommand
0397 {
0398 public:
0399     ChangeCapStyleCommand(Editor *editor, Qt::PenCapStyle from, Qt::PenCapStyle to);
0400     virtual ~ChangeCapStyleCommand() = default;
0402     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0403     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0405 private:
0406     Editor          *m_editor;          /**< pointer to the Editor */
0407     Qt::PenCapStyle m_from;             /**< original setting */
0408     Qt::PenCapStyle m_to;               /**< new setting */
0409 };
0412 /**
0413  * @brief Change the pen join style command.
0414  *
0415  * Implement changing the line join style for the current symbol.
0416  *
0417  * The original style is stored for a possible undo.
0418  */
0419 class ChangeJoinStyleCommand : public QUndoCommand
0420 {
0421 public:
0422     ChangeJoinStyleCommand(Editor *editor, Qt::PenJoinStyle from, Qt::PenJoinStyle to);
0423     virtual ~ChangeJoinStyleCommand() = default;
0425     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0426     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0428 private:
0429     Editor              *m_editor;      /**< pointer to the Editor */
0430     Qt::PenJoinStyle    m_from;         /**< original setting */
0431     Qt::PenJoinStyle    m_to;           /**< new setting */
0432 };
0435 /**
0436  * @brief Delete a symbol from the library command.
0437  *
0438  * Implement deleting a symbol from the library using the index specified.
0439  *
0440  * The index and the symbol removed are stored for a possible undo.
0441  */
0442 class DeleteSymbolCommand : public QUndoCommand
0443 {
0444 public:
0445     DeleteSymbolCommand(SymbolLibrary *library, qint16 index);
0446     virtual ~DeleteSymbolCommand() = default;
0448     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0449     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0451 private:
0452     SymbolLibrary   *m_symbolLibrary;   /**< pointer to the SymbolLibrary */
0453     qint16          m_index;            /**< index of the symbol */
0454     Symbol          m_symbol;           /**< the symbol deleted, stored for undo */
0455 };
0458 /**
0459  * @brief Increase the line width of the path.
0460  *
0461  * Implement increasing the line width for the current symbol. Multiple increases
0462  * of the width are merged together to allow for a single undo or redo operation.
0463  *
0464  * The original width is stored for a possible undo.
0465  */
0466 class IncreaseLineWidthCommand : public QUndoCommand
0467 {
0468 public:
0469     IncreaseLineWidthCommand(Editor *editor, qreal from, qreal to);
0470     virtual ~IncreaseLineWidthCommand() = default;
0472     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0473     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0475     virtual int id() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0476     virtual bool mergeWith(const QUndoCommand *command) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0478 private:
0479     Editor      *m_editor;              /**< pointer to the Editor */
0480     qreal       m_from;                 /**< the original setting */
0481     qreal       m_to;                   /**< the new setting, this may be changed by merging commands */
0482 };
0485 /**
0486  * @brief Decrease the line width of the path.
0487  *
0488  * Implement decreasing the line width for the current symbol. Multiple decreases
0489  * of the width are merged together to allow for a single undo or redo operation.
0490  *
0491  * The original width is stored for a possible undo.
0492  */
0493 class DecreaseLineWidthCommand : public QUndoCommand
0494 {
0495 public:
0496     DecreaseLineWidthCommand(Editor *editor, qreal from, qreal to);
0497     virtual ~DecreaseLineWidthCommand() = default;
0499     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0500     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0502     virtual int id() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0503     virtual bool mergeWith(const QUndoCommand *command) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0505 private:
0506     Editor      *m_editor;              /**< pointer to the Editor */
0507     qreal       m_from;                 /**< the original setting */
0508     qreal       m_to;                   /**< the new setting, this may be changed by merging commands */
0509 };
0512 /**
0513  * @brief Add new symbols dragged from another instance of the SymbolEditor.
0514  *
0515  * Allows copying of symbols from one symbol library to another using drag and drop.
0516  */
0517 class DragAndDropCommand : public QUndoCommand
0518 {
0519 public:
0520     DragAndDropCommand(SymbolLibrary *library, const QMimeData *mimeData);
0522     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0523     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0525 private:
0526     SymbolLibrary   *m_library;
0527     QList<Symbol>   m_symbols;
0528     QList<qint16>   m_indexes;
0529 };
0532 /**
0533  * @brief Add a fonted character as a symbol.
0534  *
0535  * Allows a character to be added after selection from the KCharSelect dialog.
0536  */
0537 class AddCharacterCommand : public QUndoCommand
0538 {
0539 public:
0540     AddCharacterCommand(Editor *editor, const QPainterPath &path);
0542     virtual void redo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0543     virtual void undo() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0545 private:
0546     Editor          *m_editor;
0547     QPainterPath    m_path;
0548 };
0551 #endif