Warning, /graphics/spectacle/src/Gui/SettingsDialog/spectacle.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0003 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0004       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0005       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0006                           http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0007 <include>QStandardPaths</include>
0008 <include>CaptureModeModel.h</include>
0009 <include>Gui/Annotations/AnnotationDocument.h</include>
0010 <include>Platforms/VideoPlatform.h</include>
0011 <include>Gui/SettingsDialog/SettingsUtils.h</include>
0012 <include>KLocalizedString</include>
0013 <kcfgfile />
0014 <group name="General">
0015     <entry name="launchAction" type="Enum">
0016         <label>What to do when Spectacle is launched</label>
0017         <choices>
0018         <choice name="TakeFullscreenScreenshot"></choice>
0019         <choice name="UseLastUsedCapturemode"></choice>
0020         <choice name="DoNotTakeScreenshot"></choice>
0021         </choices>
0022         <default>TakeFullscreenScreenshot</default>
0023     </entry>
0024     <entry name="printKeyRunningAction" type="Enum">
0025         <label>What should happen if print key is pressed when Spectacle is already running</label>
0026         <choices>
0027         <choice name="TakeNewScreenshot"></choice>
0028         <choice name="StartNewInstance"></choice>
0029         <choice name="FocusWindow"></choice>
0030         </choices>
0031         <default>TakeNewScreenshot</default>
0032     </entry>
0033     <entry name="autoSaveImage" type="Bool">
0034         <label>Save screenshot automatically after it is taken</label>
0035         <default>false</default>
0036     </entry>
0037     <entry name="clipboardGroup" type="Enum">
0038         <label>Clipboard action which should be executed after the screenshot is taken</label>
0039         <choices>
0040         <choice name="PostScreenshotDoNothing"></choice>
0041         <choice name="PostScreenshotCopyImage"></choice>
0042         <choice name="PostScreenshotCopyLocation"></choice>
0043         </choices>
0044         <default>PostScreenshotDoNothing</default>
0045     </entry>
0046     <entry name="useLightMaskColor" type="Bool">
0047         <label>Whether to use a light color mask in the region selection dialog</label>
0048         <default>false</default>
0049     </entry>
0050     <entry name="showMagnifier" type="Bool">
0051         <label>Whether to show a magnifier in the region selection</label>
0052         <default>false</default>
0053     </entry>
0054     <entry name="useReleaseToCapture" type="Bool">
0055         <label>Whether the screenshot should be captured after selecting the region and releasing the mouse</label>
0056         <default>false</default>
0057     </entry>
0058     <entry name="showCaptureInstructions" type="Bool">
0059         <label>Whether to show capture instructions in the region selection</label>
0060         <default>true</default>
0061     </entry>
0062     <entry name="rememberSelectionRect" type="Enum">
0063         <label>Remember the last rectangular region</label>
0064         <choices>
0065         <choice name="Never"></choice>
0066         <choice name="Always"></choice>
0067         <choice name="UntilClosed"></choice>
0068         </choices>
0069         <default>UntilClosed</default>
0070     </entry>
0071 </group>
0072 <group name="GuiConfig">
0073     <entry name="selectionRect" type="RectF">
0074         <label>The last used region the user selected</label>
0075         <default>QRectF(0,0,0,0)</default>
0076     </entry>
0077     <entry name="captureOnClick" type="Bool">
0078         <label>Take screenshot on click</label>
0079         <default>false</default>
0080     </entry>
0081     <entry name="includePointer" type="Bool">
0082         <label>Whether the mouse cursor is included in the screenshot</label>
0083         <default>false</default>
0084     </entry>
0085     <entry name="videoIncludePointer" type="Bool">
0086         <label>Whether the mouse cursor is included in the video</label>
0087         <default>true</default>
0088     </entry>
0089     <entry name="includeDecorations" type="Bool">
0090         <label>Whether the window decorations are included in the screenshot</label>
0091         <default>true</default>
0092     </entry>
0093     <entry name="includeShadow" type="Bool">
0094         <label>Whether the window shadow is included in the screenshot</label>
0095         <default>true</default>
0096     </entry>
0097     <entry name="transientOnly" type="Bool">
0098         <label>Only capture the current pop up menu</label>
0099         <default>false</default>
0100     </entry>
0101     <entry name="quitAfterSaveCopyExport" type="Bool">
0102         <label>Quit after saving or copying an image</label>
0103         <default>false</default>
0104     </entry>
0105     <entry name="captureDelay" type="Double">
0106         <label>Delay</label>
0107         <default>0</default>
0108         <min>0</min>
0109     </entry>
0110     <entry name="captureMode" type="Enum">
0111         <choices name="CaptureModeModel::CaptureMode"></choices>
0112         <default>CaptureModeModel::CaptureMode::AllScreens</default>
0113     </entry>
0114 </group>
0115 <group name="ImageSave">
0116     <entry name="imageSaveLocation" type="Url">
0117         <label>Default filename</label>
0118         <code>
0119             QUrl defaultImageSaveLocation;
0120             // This is inserted as is, so we enclose it in a scope to prevent name conflicts.
0121             {
0122                 // We only want to set the translated folder name once so the user doesn't end up
0123                 // with a bunch of different folders when they temporarily change languages.
0124                 auto pictures = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation);
0125                 auto subFolder = onceTranslatedString(Settings::self(), Settings::self()->currentGroup(),
0126                                                       "translatedScreenshotsFolder",
0127                                                       i18nc("translatable folder name", "Screenshots"));
0128                 defaultImageSaveLocation = QUrl::fromLocalFile(pictures + u'/' + subFolder + u'/');
0129             }
0130         </code>
0131         <default code="true">defaultImageSaveLocation</default>
0132     </entry>
0133     <entry name="imageCompressionQuality" type="UInt">
0134         <label>Compression quality for lossy file formats</label>
0135         <default>90</default>
0136         <min>0</min>
0137         <max>100</max>
0138     </entry>
0139     <entry name="preferredImageFormat" type="String">
0140         <!--This is a string because the available formats
0141         come from QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()-->
0142         <label>Default save image format</label>
0143         <default>PNG</default>
0144     </entry>
0145     <entry name="imageFilenameTemplate" type="String">
0146         <label>The filename template used when saving screenshots</label>
0147         <default code="true">
0148             i18nc("part of default image filename template", "Screenshot")
0149             + u"_&lt;yyyy&gt;&lt;MM&gt;&lt;dd&gt;_&lt;hh&gt;&lt;mm&gt;&lt;ss&gt;"
0150         </default>
0151     </entry>
0152     <entry name="lastImageSaveLocation" type="Url">
0153         <label>The path of the file saved last</label>
0154         <default code="true">imageSaveLocation()</default>
0155     </entry>
0156     <entry name="lastImageSaveAsLocation" type="Url">
0157         <label>Last path used for "save as" action</label>
0158         <default code="true">imageSaveLocation()</default>
0159     </entry>
0160 </group>
0161 <group name="VideoSave">
0162     <entry name="videoSaveLocation" type="Url">
0163         <label>Default filename</label>
0164         <code>
0165             QUrl defaultVideoSaveLocation;
0166             // This is inserted as is, so we enclose it in a scope to prevent name conflicts.
0167             {
0168                 // We only want to set the translated folder name once so the user doesn't end up
0169                 // with a bunch of different folders when they temporarily change languages.
0170                 auto videos = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::MoviesLocation);
0171                 auto subFolder = onceTranslatedString(Settings::self(), Settings::self()->currentGroup(),
0172                                                       "translatedScreencastsFolder",
0173                                                       i18nc("translatable folder name", "Screencasts"));
0174                 defaultVideoSaveLocation = QUrl::fromLocalFile(videos + u'/' + subFolder + u'/');
0175             }
0176         </code>
0177         <default code="true">defaultVideoSaveLocation</default>
0178     </entry>
0179     <entry name="preferredVideoFormat" type="Enum">
0180         <label>Default video format</label>
0181         <choices name="VideoPlatform::Format"></choices>
0182         <default>VideoPlatform::Format::DefaultFormat</default>
0183     </entry>
0184     <entry name="videoFilenameTemplate" type="String">
0185         <label>The filename template used when saving screencasts</label>
0186         <default code="true">
0187             i18nc("part of default video filename template", "Screencast")
0188             + u"_&lt;yyyy&gt;&lt;MM&gt;&lt;dd&gt;_&lt;hh&gt;&lt;mm&gt;&lt;ss&gt;"
0189         </default>
0190     </entry>
0191     <entry name="lastVideoSaveLocation" type="Url">
0192         <label>The path of the file saved last</label>
0193         <default code="true">videoSaveLocation()</default>
0194     </entry>
0195     <entry name="lastVideoSaveAsLocation" type="Url">
0196         <label>Last path used for "save as" action</label>
0197         <default code="true">videoSaveLocation()</default>
0198     </entry>
0199 </group>
0200 <group name="Annotations">
0201     <entry name="annotationToolType" type="Enum">
0202         <label>The last used annotation tool type</label>
0203         <choices name="AnnotationTool::Tool"></choices>
0204         <default>AnnotationTool::Tool::NoTool</default>
0205     </entry>
0207     <entry name="freehandStrokeWidth" type="UInt">
0208         <label>Stroke width for freehand annotation tool</label>
0209         <default>4</default>
0210         <min>1</min>
0211     </entry>
0212     <entry name="highlighterStrokeWidth" type="UInt">
0213         <label>Stroke width for highlighter annotation tool</label>
0214         <default>20</default>
0215         <min>1</min>
0216     </entry>
0217     <entry name="lineStrokeWidth" type="UInt">
0218         <label>Stroke width for line annotation tool</label>
0219         <default>4</default>
0220         <min>1</min>
0221     </entry>
0222     <entry name="arrowStrokeWidth" type="UInt">
0223         <label>Stroke width for arrow annotation tool</label>
0224         <default>4</default>
0225         <min>1</min>
0226     </entry>
0227     <entry name="rectangleStrokeWidth" type="UInt">
0228         <label>Stroke width for rectangle annotation tool</label>
0229         <default>2</default>
0230         <min>0</min>
0231     </entry>
0232     <entry name="ellipseStrokeWidth" type="UInt">
0233         <label>Stroke width for ellipse annotation tool</label>
0234         <default>2</default>
0235         <min>0</min>
0236     </entry>
0238     <entry name="freehandStrokeColor" type="Color">
0239         <label>Stroke color for freehand annotation tool</label>
0240         <default>255,0,0,255</default>
0241     </entry>
0242     <entry name="highlighterStrokeColor" type="Color">
0243         <label>Stroke color for highlighter annotation tool</label>
0244         <default>255,255,0,255</default>
0245     </entry>
0246     <entry name="lineStrokeColor" type="Color">
0247         <label>Stroke color for line annotation tool</label>
0248         <default>255,0,0,255</default>
0249     </entry>
0250     <entry name="arrowStrokeColor" type="Color">
0251         <label>Stroke color for arrow annotation tool</label>
0252         <default>255,0,0,255</default>
0253     </entry>
0254     <entry name="rectangleStrokeColor" type="Color">
0255         <label>Stroke color for rectangle annotation tool</label>
0256         <default>0,0,0,255</default>
0257     </entry>
0258     <entry name="ellipseStrokeColor" type="Color">
0259         <label>Stroke color for ellipse annotation tool</label>
0260         <default>0,0,0,255</default>
0261     </entry>
0263     <entry name="rectangleFillColor" type="Color">
0264         <label>Fill color for rectangle annotation tool</label>
0265         <default>255,0,0,0</default>
0266     </entry>
0267     <entry name="ellipseFillColor" type="Color">
0268         <label>Fill color for ellipse annotation tool</label>
0269         <default>255,0,0,0</default>
0270     </entry>
0271     <entry name="numberFillColor" type="Color">
0272         <label>Fill color for number annotation tool</label>
0273         <default>255,0,0,255</default>
0274     </entry>
0276     <entry name="textFont" type="Font">
0277         <label>Font for text annotations</label>
0278     </entry>
0279     <entry name="numberFont" type="Font">
0280         <label>Font for number annotations</label>
0281     </entry>
0283     <entry name="textFontColor" type="Color">
0284         <label>Font color for annotations</label>
0285         <default>0,0,0,255</default>
0286     </entry>
0287     <entry name="numberFontColor" type="Color">
0288         <label>Font color for annotations</label>
0289         <default>0,0,0,255</default>
0290     </entry>
0292     <entry name="freehandShadow" type="Bool">
0293         <label>Whether freehand annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0294         <default>true</default>
0295     </entry>
0296     <entry name="lineShadow" type="Bool">
0297         <label>Whether line annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0298         <default>true</default>
0299     </entry>
0300     <entry name="arrowShadow" type="Bool">
0301         <label>Whether arrow annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0302         <default>true</default>
0303     </entry>
0304     <entry name="rectangleShadow" type="Bool">
0305         <label>Whether rectangle annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0306         <default>true</default>
0307     </entry>
0308     <entry name="ellipseShadow" type="Bool">
0309         <label>Whether ellipse annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0310         <default>true</default>
0311     </entry>
0312     <entry name="textShadow" type="Bool">
0313         <label>Whether text annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0314         <default>true</default>
0315     </entry>
0316     <entry name="numberShadow" type="Bool">
0317         <label>Whether number annotation tool has a drop shadow</label>
0318         <default>true</default>
0319     </entry>
0320 </group>
0321 </kcfg>