Warning, /graphics/spectacle/src/Gui/Annotations/ResizeHandles.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Marco Martin <mart@kde.org>
0003  *
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0009 import org.kde.spectacle.private
0010 import ".."
0012 AnimatedLoader {
0013     id: root
0014     required property AnnotationViewport viewport
0015     readonly property AnnotationDocument document: viewport.document
0016     readonly property bool shouldShow: enabled
0017         && document.tool.type === AnnotationTool.SelectTool
0018         && document.selectedItem.hasSelection
0019         && (document.selectedItem.options & AnnotationTool.TextOption) === 0
0020     property bool dragging: false
0022     state: shouldShow ? "active" : "inactive"
0024     sourceComponent: Item {
0025         id: resizeHandles
0026         readonly property bool dragging: tlHandle.active || tHandle.active || trHandle.active
0027                                     || lHandle.active || rHandle.active
0028                                     || blHandle.active || bHandle.active || brHandle.active
0030         LayoutMirroring.enabled: false
0031         LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
0033         focus: true
0035         Binding {
0036             target: root
0037             property: "dragging"
0038             value: resizeHandles.dragging
0039             when: root.shouldShow
0040             restoreMode: Binding.RestoreNone
0041         }
0043         // These have to be set here to avoid having a (0,0,0,0) rect.
0044         Binding {
0045             target: root
0046             property: "x"
0047             value: root.document.selectedItem.mousePath.boundingRect.x
0048             when: root.shouldShow
0049             restoreMode: Binding.RestoreNone
0050         }
0051         Binding {
0052             target: root
0053             property: "y"
0054             value: root.document.selectedItem.mousePath.boundingRect.y
0055             when: root.shouldShow
0056             restoreMode: Binding.RestoreNone
0057         }
0058         Binding {
0059             target: root
0060             property: "width"
0061             value: root.document.selectedItem.mousePath.boundingRect.width
0062             when: root.shouldShow
0063             restoreMode: Binding.RestoreNone
0064         }
0065         Binding {
0066             target: root
0067             property: "height"
0068             value: root.document.selectedItem.mousePath.boundingRect.height
0069             when: root.shouldShow
0070             restoreMode: Binding.RestoreNone
0071         }
0073         SelectionBackground {
0074             id: outline
0075             svgPath: root.document.selectedItem.mousePath.svgPath
0076             zoom: root.viewport.effectiveZoom
0077             pathScale: Qt.size((root.width + effectiveStrokeWidth) / root.width,
0078                                (root.height + effectiveStrokeWidth) / root.height)
0079             x: -startX - boundingRect.x
0080             y: -startY - boundingRect.y
0081             width: boundingRect.width
0082             height: boundingRect.height
0083             containsMode: SelectionBackground.FillContains
0084             HoverHandler {
0085                 cursorShape: Qt.SizeAllCursor
0086             }
0087         }
0089         component ResizeHandle: Handle {
0090             id: handle
0091             property int edges
0092             readonly property alias active: dragHandler.active
0094             implicitWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit % 2
0095             implicitHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit % 2
0096             visible: root.document.selectedItem.hasSelection
0097                 && (root.document.selectedItem.options & AnnotationTool.NumberOption) === 0
0098             enabled: visible
0100             HoverHandler {
0101                 margin: dragHandler.margin
0102                 cursorShape: {
0103                     if (enabled) {
0104                         if (handle.edges === (Qt.LeftEdge | Qt.TopEdge)
0105                             || handle.edges === (Qt.RightEdge | Qt.BottomEdge)) {
0106                             return Qt.SizeFDiagCursor;
0107                         } else if (handle.edges === Qt.LeftEdge
0108                             || handle.edges === Qt.RightEdge) {
0109                             return Qt.SizeHorCursor;
0110                         } else if (handle.edges === (Qt.LeftEdge | Qt.BottomEdge)
0111                             || handle.edges === (Qt.RightEdge | Qt.TopEdge)) {
0112                             return Qt.SizeBDiagCursor;
0113                         } else if (handle.edges === Qt.TopEdge
0114                             || handle.edges === Qt.BottomEdge) {
0115                             return Qt.SizeVerCursor;
0116                         }
0117                     } else {
0118                         return undefined
0119                     }
0120                 }
0121             }
0122             DragHandler {
0123                 id: dragHandler
0124                 margin: Math.min(root.width, root.height) < 12 ? 0 : 4
0125                 target: null
0126                 dragThreshold: 0
0127                 onActiveTranslationChanged: if (active) {
0128                     let dx = activeTranslation.x / viewport.effectiveZoom
0129                     let dy = activeTranslation.y / viewport.effectiveZoom
0130                     root.document.selectedItem.transform(dx, dy, edges)
0131                 }
0132                 onActiveChanged: if (!active) {
0133                     root.document.selectedItem.commitChanges()
0134                 }
0135             }
0136         }
0137         ResizeHandle {
0138             id: tlHandle
0139             anchors {
0140                 horizontalCenter: parent.left
0141                 verticalCenter: parent.top
0142             }
0143             startAngle: 90
0144             sweepAngle: 270
0145             edges: Qt.TopEdge | Qt.LeftEdge
0146         }
0147         ResizeHandle {
0148             id: lHandle
0149             anchors {
0150                 horizontalCenter: parent.left
0151                 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0152             }
0153             startAngle: 90
0154             sweepAngle: 180
0155             edges: Qt.LeftEdge
0156         }
0157         ResizeHandle {
0158             id: blHandle
0159             anchors {
0160                 horizontalCenter: parent.left
0161                 verticalCenter: parent.bottom
0162             }
0163             startAngle: 0
0164             sweepAngle: 270
0165             edges: Qt.BottomEdge | Qt.LeftEdge
0166         }
0167         ResizeHandle {
0168             id: tHandle
0169             anchors {
0170                 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0171                 verticalCenter: parent.top
0172             }
0173             startAngle: 180
0174             sweepAngle: 180
0175             edges: Qt.TopEdge
0176         }
0177         ResizeHandle {
0178             id: bHandle
0179             anchors {
0180                 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0181                 verticalCenter: parent.bottom
0182             }
0183             startAngle: 0
0184             sweepAngle: 180
0185             edges: Qt.BottomEdge
0186         }
0187         ResizeHandle {
0188             id: trHandle
0189             anchors {
0190                 horizontalCenter: parent.right
0191                 verticalCenter: parent.top
0192             }
0193             startAngle: 180
0194             sweepAngle: 270
0195             edges: Qt.TopEdge | Qt.RightEdge
0196         }
0197         ResizeHandle {
0198             id: rHandle
0199             anchors {
0200                 horizontalCenter: parent.right
0201                 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0202             }
0203             startAngle: 270
0204             sweepAngle: 180
0205             edges: Qt.RightEdge
0206         }
0207         ResizeHandle {
0208             id: brHandle
0209             anchors {
0210                 horizontalCenter: parent.right
0211                 verticalCenter: parent.bottom
0212             }
0213             startAngle: 270
0214             sweepAngle: 270
0215             edges: Qt.BottomEdge | Qt.RightEdge
0216         }
0217         Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus()
0218     }
0219 }