Warning, /graphics/skanlite/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0004   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
0005 ]>
0007 <book id="skanlite" lang="&language;">
0009 <bookinfo>
0010 <title>The &skanlite; Handbook</title>
0012 <authorgroup>
0013 <author>
0014 <firstname>Kåre</firstname>
0015 <surname>Särs</surname>
0016 <affiliation>
0017 <address><email>kare dot sars at iki dot fi</email></address>
0018 </affiliation>
0019 </author>
0020 <author>
0021 <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
0022 <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
0023 <affiliation>
0024 <address>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</address>
0025 </affiliation>
0026 </author>
0028 </authorgroup>
0030 <copyright>
0031 <year>2008, 2013</year>
0032 <holder>Kåre Särs</holder>
0033 </copyright>
0034 <copyright>
0035 <year>2008</year>
0036 <holder>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;</holder>
0037 </copyright>
0039 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0041 <date>2016-08-24</date>
0042 <releaseinfo>&skanlite; 2.0.0</releaseinfo>
0044 <abstract>
0045 <para>
0046 &skanlite; is an image scanning application that does nothing more than scan and save images.
0047 </para>
0048 <para>&skanlite; is based on libksane, a &kde; interface for SANE library to control image scanners.</para>
0049 </abstract>
0051 <keywordset>
0052 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0053 <keyword>kdegraphics</keyword>
0054 <keyword>scanner</keyword>
0055 <keyword>images</keyword>
0056 </keywordset>
0058 </bookinfo>
0060 <chapter id="introduction">
0061 <title>Introduction</title>
0062 <para>&skanlite; is a simple image scanning application that does nothing more than scan and save images. &skanlite; can open a save dialog for every image scanned or save the images immediately in a specified folder with auto-generated names and format. The user can also choose to show the scanned image before saving.</para>
0063 <para>
0064 &skanlite; can save images in all the formats supported by &Qt;. For example the following formats:
0065 <itemizedlist>
0066 <listitem><para>
0067 png (8 and 16 bits per color)
0068 </para></listitem>
0069 <listitem><para>
0070 jpeg, jpg, jpeg 2000
0071 </para></listitem>
0072 <listitem><para>
0073 bmp
0074 </para></listitem>
0075 </itemizedlist>
0076 </para>
0078 <note><para>You can check the status of your scanner support from the SANE project website through the <ulink url="http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html">Supported Devices page on the SANE website</ulink>.</para></note>
0080 </chapter>
0082 <chapter id="using-skanlite">
0083 <title>Using &skanlite;</title>
0085 <sect1 id="scanner-selection">
0086 <title>Scanner Selection</title>
0087 <para>A default scanner can be specified on the command line of &skanlite; using <userinput>skanlite -d [device name]</userinput> in a terminal. If the selected scanner cannot be opened or if no default scanner is provided, a scanner selection dialog is opened.
0088 </para>
0090 <screenshot>
0091      <screeninfo>&skanlite; scanner selection dialog</screeninfo>
0092         <mediaobject>
0093           <imageobject>
0094             <imagedata fileref="choose-scanner.png" format="PNG"/>
0095           </imageobject>
0096             <textobject>
0097             <phrase>&skanlite; scanner selection dialog</phrase>
0098           </textobject>
0099         </mediaobject>
0100 </screenshot>
0102 <para>
0103 The user can choose the scanner to be used and press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to open the scanner. Pressing <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> will cause &skanlite; to exit.
0104 </para>
0106 <screenshot>
0107      <screeninfo>No scanner found</screeninfo>
0108         <mediaobject>
0109           <imageobject>
0110             <imagedata fileref="no-scanner-found.png" format="PNG"/>
0111           </imageobject>
0112             <textobject>
0113             <phrase>No scanner found</phrase>
0114           </textobject>
0115         </mediaobject>
0116 </screenshot>
0118 <para>
0119 In case no devices were found, maybe because the scanner is not plugged in or 
0120 switched off, correct that. Then the <guibutton>Reload device list</guibutton> 
0121 can be used to reload the list of scanners.</para> 
0122 <note><para>Not all drivers/backends support this feature. In that case quit &skanlite;, 
0123 connect your scanner and restart the application.</para>
0124 </note>
0126 </sect1>
0127 </chapter>
0129 <chapter id="main-window">
0130 <title>&skanlite; Main Window</title>
0131 <screenshot>
0132      <screeninfo>&skanlite; main window</screeninfo>
0133         <mediaobject>
0134           <imageobject>
0135             <imagedata fileref="main-window.png" format="PNG"/>
0136           </imageobject>
0137             <textobject>
0138             <phrase>&skanlite; main window</phrase>
0139           </textobject>
0140         </mediaobject>
0141 </screenshot>
0143 <para>
0144 In the main window, the user has two sets of scan options: <guilabel>Basic Options</guilabel> and <guilabel>Scanner Specific Options</guilabel>. The <guilabel>Basic Options</guilabel> tab contains the most common parameters that the SANE scanner backends provide, while the <guilabel>Scanner Specific Options</guilabel> tab contains all the options of the backend. The options listed here depend on SANE support for your driver: libksane (which &skanlite; uses) should be able to display most of the types of parameters that SANE provides (analog gamma tables are not supported at this time).
0145 </para>
0147 <screenshot>
0148      <screeninfo>Scanner Specific Options tab</screeninfo>
0149         <mediaobject>
0150           <imageobject>
0151             <imagedata fileref="other-options.png" format="PNG"/>
0152           </imageobject>
0153             <textobject>
0154             <phrase>Scanner Specific Options tab</phrase>
0155           </textobject>
0156         </mediaobject>
0157 </screenshot>
0159 <para>
0160 The scanner specific options contains more detailed options of the backends. &skanlite; (libksane) does not have any special handling for these options.
0161 </para>
0163 <para>If you are satisfied with your settings, you can use the little arrow on the top of the options splitter. 
0164 When clicked it collapses or expands the options. The collapser can overlap the preview area, but fades
0165 away when the mouse cursor moves out of the collapser.</para>  
0167 <sect1 id="scanning">
0168 <title>Scanning</title>
0169 <para>
0170 To scan an image, the user can start with a preview scan and then select the part of the scan area to do the final scan on. The preview scan is started by pressing the preview button. 
0171 </para>
0173 <screenshot>
0174      <screeninfo>The Preview Button</screeninfo>
0175         <mediaobject>
0176           <imageobject>
0177             <imagedata fileref="preview-button.png" format="PNG"/>
0178           </imageobject>
0179             <textobject>
0180             <phrase>The Preview Button</phrase>
0181           </textobject>
0182         </mediaobject>
0183 </screenshot>
0185 <para>
0186 When the preview is scanned the area for the final image can be selected.
0187 </para>
0188 <screenshot>
0189      <screeninfo>Selection and zoom</screeninfo>
0190         <mediaobject>
0191           <imageobject>
0192             <imagedata fileref="zoom-in.png" format="PNG"/>
0193           </imageobject>
0194             <textobject>
0195             <phrase>Selection and zoom</phrase>
0196           </textobject>
0197         </mediaobject>
0198 </screenshot>
0199 <para>
0200 To better select the image the user can zoom in, out, to the current selection or zoom to fit the whole preview to the window.
0201 </para>
0202 <screenshot>
0203      <screeninfo>The "zoom to fit" button</screeninfo>
0204         <mediaobject>
0205           <imageobject>
0206             <imagedata fileref="zoom-to-fit.png" format="PNG"/>
0207           </imageobject>
0208             <textobject>
0209             <phrase>The "zoom to fit" button</phrase>
0210           </textobject>
0211         </mediaobject>
0212 </screenshot>
0214 <para>
0215 When the image is selected the  final image can be acquired by pressing the final scan button.
0216 </para>
0218 <screenshot>
0219      <screeninfo>The final scan button</screeninfo>
0220         <mediaobject>
0221           <imageobject>
0222             <imagedata fileref="final-button.png" format="PNG"/>
0223           </imageobject>
0224             <textobject>
0225             <phrase>The final scan button</phrase>
0226           </textobject>
0227         </mediaobject>
0228 </screenshot>
0230 <para>
0231 You will see the progress of the scan.
0232 </para>
0233 <screenshot>
0234      <screeninfo>Scanning in progress</screeninfo>
0235         <mediaobject>
0236           <imageobject>
0237             <imagedata fileref="scanning.png" format="PNG"/>
0238           </imageobject>
0239             <textobject>
0240             <phrase>Scanning in progress</phrase>
0241           </textobject>
0242         </mediaobject>
0243 </screenshot>
0245 <para>
0246 If <guilabel>Preview before saving</guilabel> is selected in the settings, the scanned image is displayed in a preview window as you can see below on the screenshot. If <guibutton>Save</guibutton> is pressed, the image is saved and if <guibutton>Discard</guibutton> is pressed the preview is discarded and you return to the main window.
0247 </para>
0248 <screenshot>
0249      <screeninfo>The Preview Window</screeninfo>
0250         <mediaobject>
0251           <imageobject>
0252             <imagedata fileref="preview.png" format="PNG"/>
0253           </imageobject>
0254             <textobject>
0255             <phrase>The Preview Window</phrase>
0256           </textobject>
0257         </mediaobject>
0258 </screenshot>
0259 </sect1>
0261 <sect1 id="scanning-multiple-selections">
0262 <title>Scanning Multiple Selections</title>
0263 <para>
0264 Sometimes you need only certain parts of an image.
0265 Instead of scanning the whole picture and then using a graphics
0266 application (&eg; &kolourpaint;) to save the different image parts into separate
0267 files, use &skanlite;'s  multiple selection feature.
0268 </para>
0269 <screenshot>
0270      <screeninfo>Multiple Selections</screeninfo>
0271         <mediaobject>
0272           <imageobject>
0273             <imagedata fileref="multiple-selections.png" format="PNG"/>
0274           </imageobject>
0275             <textobject>
0276             <phrase>Multiple Selections</phrase>
0277           </textobject>
0278         </mediaobject>
0279 </screenshot>
0280 <para>Scan a preview and then use the &LMB; to select the first part of the image in the preview.
0281 Hover the selected area with mouse cursor and click on the green <guiicon>+</guiicon> icon
0282 to select the area.  Selected areas are indicated by a red border.
0283 Now select the next parts of the image in the same way.</para>
0284 <para>To remove a single selection hover the area with the mouse cursor and click on the red
0285 <guiicon>-</guiicon> icon. With <guilabel>Clear Selections</guilabel> from the context menu launched with the
0286 &RMB; all selections in a preview can be removed.
0287 </para>
0288 <para>If you placed two separate images or photos on you scanner and started a preview 
0289 &skanlite; automatically preselect the different areas. This behaviour can be switched off in the settings dialog.
0290 </para>
0291 <para>If you are satisfied with your choice starting the final batch scan of all selections. The images are saved
0292 using the batch renaming feature described in the settings dialog.
0293 </para>
0294 </sect1>
0296 <sect1 id="settings">
0297 <title>&skanlite; settings</title>
0298 <para>
0299 By clicking the <guibutton>Settings</guibutton> button, the settings dialog is brought up before the main window. You can choose the most important settings here.
0300 </para>
0302 <screenshot>
0303     <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &skanlite; settings dialog</screeninfo>
0304     <mediaobject>
0305         <imageobject>
0306             <imagedata fileref="settings.png" format="PNG"/>
0307         </imageobject>
0308         <textobject>
0309             <phrase>&skanlite; settings dialog</phrase>
0310         </textobject>
0311     </mediaobject>
0312 </screenshot>
0314 <para><variablelist>
0315 <varlistentry>
0316 <term><guilabel>Preview before saving:</guilabel></term>
0317 <listitem><para>The user can chose to preview the image before saving. In this case the <guilabel>Preview before saving</guilabel> option can be left checked. If the user does not want to preview the image this option should then be unchecked.
0318 </para></listitem>
0319 </varlistentry>
0320 <varlistentry>
0321 <term><guilabel>Save Mode:</guilabel></term>
0322 <listitem>
0323 <para> This setting allows you to choose how &skanlite; will save the images. If you choose <guilabel>Open the save dialog for every image</guilabel> the save dialog will be opened for every scanned image. If you prefer &skanlite; to auto-save (by auto-generating a name and saving the image in a predefined folder) you can choose <guilabel>Open the save dialog for the first image only</guilabel>. This option will open the following "Save Location" dialog for the first scanned image.</para>
0324 <para>
0325     <screenshot>
0326         <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &skanlite; save location dialog</screeninfo>
0327         <mediaobject>
0328             <imageobject>
0329                 <imagedata fileref="save-location.png" format="PNG"/>
0330             </imageobject>
0331             <textobject>
0332                 <phrase>&skanlite; Save Location dialog.</phrase>
0333             </textobject>
0334         </mediaobject>
0335     </screenshot>
0336 </para>
0337 </listitem>
0338 </varlistentry>
0340 <varlistentry>
0341 <term><guilabel>Save Location:</guilabel></term>
0342 <listitem><para> This setting defines the default save location and file naming. The default save location is your home folder and you can change this location by clicking on the <guibutton>...</guibutton> button.
0343 </para>
0344 </listitem>
0345 </varlistentry>
0347 <varlistentry>
0348 <term><guilabel>Name Format:</guilabel></term>
0349 <listitem><para> This parameter defines the image prefix for the auto-saved images and is also the suggested name for the image in the save dialog. The auto-saved image will have a numeric suffix (the ### will be replaced by numbers) that is increased every time an image is saved.
0350 </para><para>You can also choose the save format of the file, default is png.</para>
0351 </listitem>
0352 </varlistentry>
0354 <varlistentry>
0355 <term><guilabel>Specify save quality:</guilabel></term>
0356 <listitem><para>The user can chose to specify the image quality to be used for saving the images. The image quality setting affects the compression level used for saving. If <guilabel>Specify save quality</guilabel> is not checked, the quality is the default value chosen by &Qt;.
0357 </para></listitem>
0358 </varlistentry>
0360 <varlistentry>
0361 <term><guilabel>Set preview resolution (DPI)</guilabel></term>
0362 <listitem><para>&skanlite; is using heuristics to try to get a sane resolution, 
0363 but if that fails and the resolution is too high or low, then the preview 
0364 resolution can be manually set with this option.
0365 </para></listitem>
0366 </varlistentry>
0367 <varlistentry>
0368 <term><guilabel>Disable automatic selections</guilabel></term>
0369 <listitem><para>By default automatic selections are enabled; and after a preview, 
0370 libksane does try to automatically select the images in the preview and should
0371 batch scan the selected areas. &eg; if you place two photos 
0372 on the scanner and do a preview, &skanlite; will automatically add 
0373 selections of the photos.</para>
0374 <para>If on the other hand you are usually scanning documents it might be that the 
0375 automatic selection will select a lot of different parts in the documents and 
0376 you have to manually remove the selections. To avoid that tick the checkbox and
0377 disable automatic selection.
0378 </para>
0379 </listitem>
0380 </varlistentry>
0381 <varlistentry>
0382 <term><guilabel>Revert scanner options to default values</guilabel></term>
0383 <listitem><para>
0384 The last used settings are reloaded on startup. If you have screwed up the options 
0385 (for example if you have changed the color correction settings, available
0386 in some backends, without knowing what they mean), the image can start to look very odd. 
0387 For that scenario this option provides a way to revert the setting to the default values, 
0388 which are a combination of backend and libksane defaults.
0389 </para></listitem>
0390 </varlistentry>
0391 </variablelist></para>
0392 </sect1>
0394 <sect1 id="help">
0395 <title>Help, About, Settings and Close</title>
0396 <para>
0397 At the bottom of the main window you find the <guibutton>Help</guibutton>, <guibutton>About</guibutton>, <guibutton>Settings</guibutton> and <guibutton>Close</guibutton> buttons.</para>
0399 <screenshot>
0400      <screeninfo>The Main Window Buttons</screeninfo>
0401         <mediaobject>
0402           <imageobject>
0403             <imagedata fileref="buttons-main.png" format="PNG"/>
0404           </imageobject>
0405             <textobject>
0406             <phrase>The Main Window Buttons</phrase>
0407           </textobject>
0408         </mediaobject>
0409 </screenshot>
0411 <para>The <guibutton>Help</guibutton> button brings up the &kde; Help center with the &skanlite; manual. The <guibutton>About</guibutton> button brings up the &kde; About dialog for &skanlite;. The <guibutton>Settings</guibutton> button displays the settings dialog and the <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button is used to exit &skanlite;.</para>
0412 </sect1>
0413 </chapter>
0415 <chapter id="credits">
0417 <title>Credits and License</title>
0418 <para>
0419 &skanlite;
0420 </para>
0421 <para>
0422 Program copyright 2007 Kåre Särs <email>kare dot sars at iki dot fi</email>
0423 </para>
0424 <para>
0425 Contributors:
0426 <itemizedlist>
0427 <listitem><para>Author: Kåre Särs <email>kare dot sars at iki dot fi</email></para>
0428 </listitem>
0429 </itemizedlist>
0430 </para>
0434 &underFDL;
0435 <para>
0436 &skanlite; is licensed under the GPL and the libksane library, used by &skanlite;,  is licensed under the LGPL. Note: libsane is licensed under GPL with an exception.
0437 </para>
0438 </chapter>
0440 &documentation.index;
0441 </book>
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