File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 15:51:50

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Enrico Ros <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Albert Astals Cid <>
0005     Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich:
0006     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB a KDAB Group company <>
0008     With portions of code from kpdf/kpdf_pagewidget.h by:
0009     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Wilco Greven <>
0010     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Christophe Devriese <>
0011     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Laurent Montel <>
0012     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Kurt Pfeifle <>
0014     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0015 */
0016 // This file follows coding style described in kdebase/kicker/HACKING
0018 #ifndef _OKULAR_PAGEVIEW_H_
0019 #define _OKULAR_PAGEVIEW_H_
0021 #include "config-okular.h"
0022 #include "core/area.h"
0023 #include "core/observer.h"
0024 #include "core/view.h"
0025 #include "pageviewutils.h"
0026 #include <QAbstractScrollArea>
0027 #include <QList>
0028 #include <QVector>
0030 class QMenu;
0031 class QMimeData;
0032 class KActionCollection;
0034 namespace Okular
0035 {
0036 class Action;
0037 class Document;
0038 class DocumentViewport;
0039 class FormField;
0040 class FormFieldSignature;
0041 class Annotation;
0042 class MovieAction;
0043 class RenditionAction;
0044 }
0046 class PageViewPrivate;
0048 class QGestureEvent;
0050 /**
0051  * @short The main view. Handles zoom and continuous mode.. oh, and page
0052  * @short display of course :-)
0053  * ...
0054  */
0055 class PageView : public QAbstractScrollArea, public Okular::DocumentObserver, public Okular::View
0056 {
0057     Q_OBJECT
0059 public:
0060     PageView(QWidget *parent, Okular::Document *document);
0061     ~PageView() override;
0063     // Zoom mode ( last 4 are internally used only! )
0064     enum ZoomMode { ZoomFixed = 0, ZoomFitWidth = 1, ZoomFitPage = 2, ZoomFitAuto = 3, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, ZoomRefreshCurrent, ZoomActual };
0066     enum ClearMode { ClearAllSelection, ClearOnlyDividers };
0068     // create actions that interact with this widget
0069     void setupBaseActions(KActionCollection *ac);
0070     void setupViewerActions(KActionCollection *ac);
0071     void setupActions(KActionCollection *ac);
0072     void setupActionsPostGUIActivated();
0073     void updateActionState(bool docHasPages, bool docHasFormWidgets);
0075     // misc methods (from RMB menu/children)
0076     bool canFitPageWidth() const;
0077     void fitPageWidth(int page);
0078     // keep in sync with pageviewutils
0079     void displayMessage(const QString &message, const QString &details = QString(), PageViewMessage::Icon icon = PageViewMessage::Info, int duration = -1);
0081     // inherited from DocumentObserver
0082     void notifySetup(const QVector<Okular::Page *> &pages, int setupFlags) override;
0083     void notifyViewportChanged(bool smoothMove) override;
0084     void notifyPageChanged(int pageNumber, int changedFlags) override;
0085     void notifyContentsCleared(int changedFlags) override;
0086     void notifyZoom(int factor) override;
0087     bool canUnloadPixmap(int pageNum) const override;
0088     void notifyCurrentPageChanged(int previous, int current) override;
0090     // inherited from View
0091     bool supportsCapability(ViewCapability capability) const override;
0092     CapabilityFlags capabilityFlags(ViewCapability capability) const override;
0093     QVariant capability(ViewCapability capability) const override;
0094     void setCapability(ViewCapability capability, const QVariant &option) override;
0096     QList<Okular::RegularAreaRect *> textSelections(const QPoint start, const QPoint end, int &firstpage);
0097     Okular::RegularAreaRect *textSelectionForItem(const PageViewItem *item, const QPoint startPoint = QPoint(), const QPoint endPoint = QPoint());
0099     void reparseConfig();
0101     KActionCollection *actionCollection() const;
0102     QAction *toggleFormsAction() const;
0104     int contentAreaWidth() const;
0105     int contentAreaHeight() const;
0106     QPoint contentAreaPosition() const;
0107     QPoint contentAreaPoint(const QPoint pos) const;
0108     QPointF contentAreaPoint(const QPointF pos) const;
0110     bool areSourceLocationsShownGraphically() const;
0111     void setShowSourceLocationsGraphically(bool show);
0113     void setLastSourceLocationViewport(const Okular::DocumentViewport &vp);
0114     void clearLastSourceLocationViewport();
0116     void updateCursor();
0118     void highlightSignatureFormWidget(const Okular::FormFieldSignature *form);
0120     void showNoSigningCertificatesDialog(bool nonDateValidCerts);
0122     Okular::Document *document() const;
0124 public Q_SLOTS:
0125     void copyTextSelection() const;
0126     void selectAll();
0128     void openAnnotationWindow(Okular::Annotation *annotation, int pageNumber);
0129     void reloadForms();
0131     void slotSelectPage();
0133     void slotAction(Okular::Action *action);
0134     void slotMouseUpAction(Okular::Action *action, Okular::FormField *form);
0135     void slotFormChanged(int pageNumber);
0137     void externalKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
0140     void rightClick(const Okular::Page *, const QPoint);
0141     void mouseBackButtonClick();
0142     void mouseForwardButtonClick();
0143     void escPressed();
0144     void fitWindowToPage(const QSize pageViewPortSize, const QSize pageSize);
0145     void triggerSearch(const QString &text);
0146     void requestOpenFile(const QString &filePath, int pageNumber);
0148 protected:
0149     bool event(QEvent *event) override;
0151     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override;
0152     bool gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *e);
0154     // mouse / keyboard events
0155     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) override;
0156     void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *) override;
0157     void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *) override;
0158     void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *) override;
0160     void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
0161     void tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *e) override;
0162     void continuousZoom(double delta);
0163     void continuousZoomEnd();
0164     void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
0165     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
0166     void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
0167     void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
0169     bool viewportEvent(QEvent *e) override;
0171     void scrollContentsBy(int dx, int dy) override;
0173 private:
0174     // draw background and items on the opened qpainter
0175     void drawDocumentOnPainter(const QRect contentsRect, QPainter *p);
0176     // update item width and height using current zoom parameters
0177     void updateItemSize(PageViewItem *item, int colWidth, int rowHeight);
0178     // return the widget placed on a certain point or 0 if clicking on empty space
0179     PageViewItem *pickItemOnPoint(int x, int y);
0180     // start / modify / clear selection rectangle
0181     void selectionStart(const QPoint pos, const QColor &color, bool aboveAll = false);
0182     void selectionClear(const ClearMode mode = ClearAllSelection);
0183     QMimeData *getTableContents() const;
0184     void drawTableDividers(QPainter *screenPainter);
0185     void guessTableDividers();
0186     // update either text or rectangle selection
0187     void updateSelection(const QPoint pos);
0188     // compute the zoom factor value for FitWidth and FitPage mode
0189     double zoomFactorFitMode(ZoomMode mode);
0190     // update internal zoom values and end in a slotRelayoutPages();
0191     void updateZoom(ZoomMode newZoomMode);
0192     // update the text on the label using global zoom value or current page's one
0193     void updateZoomText();
0194     // update the text enabled status of the zoom actions
0195     void updateZoomActionsEnabledStatus();
0196     // update view mode (single, facing...)
0197     void updateViewMode(const int nr);
0198     void textSelectionClear();
0199     // updates cursor
0200     void updateCursor(const QPoint p);
0202     void moveMagnifier(const QPoint p);
0203     void updateMagnifier(const QPoint p);
0205     int viewColumns() const;
0207     void center(int cx, int cy, bool smoothMove = false);
0208     void scrollTo(int x, int y, bool smoothMove = false);
0210     void toggleFormWidgets(bool on);
0212     void resizeContentArea(const QSize newSize);
0213     void updatePageStep();
0215     void addSearchWithinDocumentAction(QMenu *menu, const QString &searchText);
0216     void addWebShortcutsMenu(QMenu *menu, const QString &text);
0217     QMenu *createProcessLinkMenu(PageViewItem *item, const QPoint eventPos);
0218     // used when selecting stuff, makes the view scroll as necessary to keep the mouse inside the view
0219     void scrollPosIntoView(const QPoint pos);
0220     QPoint viewportToContentArea(const Okular::DocumentViewport &vp) const;
0222     // called from slots to turn off trim modes mutually exclusive to id
0223     void updateTrimMode(int except_id);
0225     // handle link clicked
0226     bool mouseReleaseOverLink(const Okular::ObjectRect *rect) const;
0228     void createAnnotationsVideoWidgets(PageViewItem *item, const QList<Okular::Annotation *> &annotations);
0230     // Update speed of animated smooth scroll transitions
0231     void updateSmoothScrollAnimationSpeed();
0233     /*
0234      * returns the continuous mode value of the current document, by either:
0235      * - if the continuous mode action is initialized, then we return its associated value
0236      * - if not, then we will fallback to the default settings
0237      */
0238     bool getContinuousMode() const;
0240     // Zoom around the point given as zoomCenter
0241     // zoomCenter is given in viewport coordinates
0242     // newZoom is the intended new zoom level.  A value of 0.0 means: Don't change the current zoom level.
0243     // The zoomMode is set to newZoomMode.
0244     void zoomWithFixedCenter(ZoomMode newZoomMode, QPointF zoomCenter, float newZoom = 0.0);
0246     // don't want to expose classes in here
0247     class PageViewPrivate *d;
0249 private Q_SLOTS:
0250     // used to decouple the notifyViewportChanged calle
0251     void slotRealNotifyViewportChanged(bool smoothMove);
0252     // activated either directly or via queued connection on notifySetup
0253     void slotRelayoutPages();
0254     // activated by the resize event delay timer
0255     void delayedResizeEvent();
0256     // activated either directly or via the contentsMoving(int,int) signal
0257     void slotRequestVisiblePixmaps(int newValue = -1);
0258     // activated by the autoscroll timer (Shift+Up/Down keys)
0259     void slotAutoScroll();
0260     // activated by the dragScroll timer
0261     void slotDragScroll();
0262     // show the welcome message
0263     void slotShowWelcome();
0264     // activated by left click timer
0265     void slotShowSizeAllCursor();
0267     void slotHandleWebShortcutAction();
0268     void slotConfigureWebShortcuts();
0270     // connected to local actions (toolbar, menu, ..)
0271     void slotZoom();
0272     void slotZoomIn();
0273     void slotZoomOut();
0274     void slotZoomActual();
0275     void slotFitToWidthToggled(bool);
0276     void slotFitToPageToggled(bool);
0277     void slotAutoFitToggled(bool);
0278     void slotViewMode(QAction *action);
0279     void slotContinuousToggled();
0280     void slotReadingDirectionToggled(bool leftToRight);
0281     void slotUpdateReadingDirectionAction();
0282     void slotSetMouseNormal();
0283     void slotSetMouseZoom();
0284     void slotSetMouseMagnifier();
0285     void slotSetMouseSelect();
0286     void slotSetMouseTextSelect();
0287     void slotSetMouseTableSelect();
0288     void slotSignature();
0289     void slotAutoScrollUp();
0290     void slotAutoScrollDown();
0291     void slotScrollUp(int nSteps = 0);
0292     void slotScrollDown(int nSteps = 0);
0293     void slotRotateClockwise();
0294     void slotRotateCounterClockwise();
0295     void slotRotateOriginal();
0296     void slotTrimMarginsToggled(bool);
0297     void slotTrimToSelectionToggled(bool);
0298     void slotToggleForms();
0299     void slotRefreshPage();
0300 #if HAVE_SPEECH
0301     void slotSpeakDocument();
0302     void slotSpeakCurrentPage();
0303     void slotStopSpeaks();
0304     void slotPauseResumeSpeech();
0305 #endif
0306     void slotAnnotationWindowDestroyed(QObject *window);
0307     void slotProcessMovieAction(const Okular::MovieAction *action);
0308     void slotProcessRenditionAction(const Okular::RenditionAction *action);
0309     void slotFitWindowToPage();
0310 };
0312 #endif
0314 /* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */