Warning, /graphics/okular/part/data/tools.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!DOCTYPE okularAnnotatingTools>
0002 <!--
0003 Tool
0004   [id]              {int = unique id identifying the built-in tool}
0005   [name]            {string = name of the tool displayed when configuring it}
0006   [type]            {highlight, underline, squiggly, strikeout, typewriter, note-inline, note-linked, ink, straight-line, rectangle, ellipse, polygon, stamp}
0008 Engine
0009   TextSelector
0010     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0011   PickPoint
0012     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0013     [block]         {true=allow click and drag, false=click only}
0014     [hoverIcon]     {string or path}
0015     [size]          {int = hoover icon size}
0016   PolyLine
0017     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0018     [points]        {-1=arbitrary number of vertex, n=number of vertices}
0020 Annotation
0021   Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, StrikeOut
0022     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0023     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0024   Typewriter
0025     [textColor]     {RGB HEX}
0026     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0027     [font]          {string as returned by QFont::toString()}
0028   FreeText
0029     [textColor]     {RGB HEX}
0030     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0031     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0032     [font]          {string as returned by QFont::toString()}
0033   Text
0034     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0035     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0036     [icon]          {string}
0037     [align]         {0=left, 1=center, 2=right}
0038   Ink
0039     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0040     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0041     [width]         {decimal > 0}
0042   Line
0043     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0044     [innerColor]    {RGB HEX}
0045     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0046     [width]         {decimal > 0}
0047     [startStyle]    {0=Square, 1=Circle, 2=Diamond, 3=Open Arrow, 4=Closed Arrow,
0048                      5=None, 6=Butt, 7=Right Open Arrow, 8=Right Closed Arrow, 9=Slash}
0049     [endStyle]      {same of [startStyle]}
0050     [leadFwd]       {decimal > 0}
0051     [leadBack]      {decimal > 0}
0052   GeomSquare, GeomCircle
0053     [color]         {RGB HEX}
0054     [innerColor]    {RGB HEX}
0055     [opacity]       {decimal in range [0, 1]}
0056     [width]         {decimal > 0}
0057   Stamp
0058     [icon]          {string or path}
0059 -->
0060 <annotatingTools>
0061     <tool id="1" type="highlight">
0062         <engine type="TextSelector" color="#ffff00">
0063             <annotation type="Highlight" color="#ffffff00" />
0064         </engine>
0065     </tool>
0066     <tool id="2" type="underline">
0067         <engine type="TextSelector" color="#ff0000">
0068             <annotation type="Underline" color="#ffff0000" />
0069         </engine>
0070     </tool>
0071     <tool id="3" type="squiggly">
0072         <engine type="TextSelector" color="#ff0000">
0073             <annotation type="Squiggly" color="#ffff0000" />
0074         </engine>
0075     </tool>
0076     <tool id="4" type="strikeout">
0077         <engine type="TextSelector" color="#ff0000">
0078             <annotation type="StrikeOut" color="#ffff0000" />
0079         </engine>
0080     </tool>
0081     <tool id="5" type="typewriter">
0082         <engine type="PickPoint" block="true">
0083             <annotation type="Typewriter" color="#00ffffff" textColor="#000000" width="0"
0084                         font="Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"/>
0085         </engine>
0086     </tool>
0087     <tool id="6" type="note-inline">
0088         <engine type="PickPoint" color="#ffff00" hoverIcon="tool-note-inline" block="true">
0089             <annotation type="FreeText" color="#ffffff00"
0090                         font="Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"/>
0091         </engine>
0092     </tool>
0093     <tool id="7" type="note-linked">
0094         <engine type="PickPoint" color="#ffff00" hoverIcon="tool-note">
0095             <annotation type="Text" color="#ffffff00" icon="Note" />
0096         </engine>
0097     </tool>
0098     <tool id="8" type="ink">
0099         <engine type="SmoothLine" color="#00ff00">
0100             <annotation type="Ink" color="#ff00ff00" width="2" />
0101         </engine>
0102     </tool>
0103     <tool id="9" type="straight-line" name="Arrow">
0104         <engine type="PolyLine" color="#000000" points="2">
0105             <annotation type="Line" width="2" endStyle="3" color="#ff000000" />
0106         </engine>
0107     </tool>
0108     <tool id="10" type="straight-line">
0109         <engine type="PolyLine" color="#000000" points="2">
0110             <annotation type="Line" width="2" color="#ff000000" />
0111         </engine>
0112     </tool>
0113     <tool id="11" type="rectangle">
0114         <engine type="PickPoint" color="#ff0000" block="true">
0115             <annotation type="GeomSquare" width="3" color="#ffff0000" />
0116         </engine>
0117     </tool>
0118     <tool id="12" type="ellipse">
0119         <engine type="PickPoint" color="#00ffff" block="true">
0120             <annotation type="GeomCircle" width="3" color="#ff00ffff" />
0121         </engine>
0122     </tool>
0123     <tool id="13" type="polygon">
0124         <engine type="PolyLine" color="#007eee" points="-1">
0125             <annotation type="Line" width="2" color="#ff007eee" />
0126         </engine>
0127     </tool>
0128     <tool id="14" type="stamp">
0129         <engine type="PickPoint" size="64" block="true">
0130             <annotation type="Stamp"/>
0131         </engine>
0132     </tool>
0133 </annotatingTools>