Warning, /graphics/okular/mobile/app/package/contents/ui/OkularDrawer.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 /* 0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Marco Martin <mart@kde.org> 0003 0004 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 0005 */ 0006 0007 import QtQuick 2.15 0008 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as QQC2 0009 import org.kde.kirigami 2.17 as Kirigami 0010 import org.kde.okular 2.0 as Okular 0011 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 0012 0013 0014 Kirigami.OverlayDrawer { 0015 id: root 0016 0017 bottomPadding: 0 0018 topPadding: 0 0019 leftPadding: 0 0020 rightPadding: 0 0021 0022 edge: Qt.application.layoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft ? Qt.LeftEdge : Qt.RightEdge 0023 contentItem: ColumnLayout { 0024 id: browserFrame 0025 spacing: 0 0026 0027 QQC2.StackView { 0028 id: pageStack 0029 Layout.fillWidth: true 0030 Layout.fillHeight: true 0031 clip: true 0032 } 0033 0034 Connections { 0035 target: documentItem 0036 function onUrlChanged() { 0037 thumbnailsButton.checked = true; 0038 } 0039 } 0040 0041 QQC2.ToolBar { 0042 id: tabsToolbar 0043 position: QQC2.ToolBar.Footer 0044 Layout.fillWidth: true 0045 Component.onCompleted: thumbnailsButton.checked = true; 0046 Item { 0047 width: parent.width 0048 height: childrenRect.height 0049 Row { 0050 id: mainTabBar 0051 spacing: 0 0052 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter 0053 width: Math.min(parent.width, implicitWidth) 0054 QQC2.ButtonGroup { id: tabPositionGroup } 0055 QQC2.ToolButton { 0056 id: thumbnailsButton 0057 text: tabsToolbar.width > Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30 ? i18n("Thumbnails") : "" 0058 icon.name: "view-preview" 0059 checkable: true 0060 flat: false 0061 onCheckedChanged: { 0062 if (checked) { 0063 pageStack.replace(Qt.createComponent("Thumbnails.qml")) 0064 } 0065 } 0066 QQC2.ButtonGroup.group: tabPositionGroup 0067 } 0068 QQC2.ToolButton { 0069 id: tocButton 0070 enabled: documentItem.tableOfContents.count > 0 0071 text: tabsToolbar.width > Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30 ? i18n("Table of contents") : "" 0072 icon.name: "view-table-of-contents-ltr" 0073 checkable: true 0074 flat: false 0075 onCheckedChanged: { 0076 if (checked) { 0077 pageStack.replace(Qt.createComponent("TableOfContents.qml")) 0078 } 0079 } 0080 QQC2.ButtonGroup.group: tabPositionGroup 0081 } 0082 QQC2.ToolButton { 0083 id: bookmarksButton 0084 enabled: documentItem.bookmarkedPages.length > 0 0085 text: tabsToolbar.width > Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30 ? i18n("Bookmarks") : "" 0086 icon.name: "bookmarks-organize" 0087 checkable: true 0088 flat: false 0089 onCheckedChanged: { 0090 if (checked) { 0091 pageStack.replace(Qt.createComponent("Bookmarks.qml")) 0092 } 0093 } 0094 QQC2.ButtonGroup.group: tabPositionGroup 0095 } 0096 QQC2.ToolButton { 0097 id: signatyresButton 0098 enabled: documentItem.signaturesModel.count > 0 0099 text: tabsToolbar.width > Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30 ? i18n("Signatures") : "" 0100 icon.name: "application-pkcs7-signature" 0101 checkable: true 0102 flat: false 0103 onCheckedChanged: { 0104 if (checked) { 0105 pageStack.replace(signaturesComponent) 0106 } 0107 } 0108 QQC2.ButtonGroup.group: tabPositionGroup 0109 } 0110 } 0111 } 0112 } 0113 } 0114 0115 Component { 0116 id: signaturesComponent 0117 Signatures { 0118 onDialogOpened: { 0119 // We don't want to have two modal things open at the same time 0120 if (root.modal) { 0121 root.close(); 0122 } 0123 } 0124 } 0125 } 0126 }