File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 04:33:26

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Peter Grasch <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include <QMimeDatabase>
0008 #include <QTest>
0010 #include "../core/annotations.h"
0011 #include "../core/document.h"
0012 #include "../core/page.h"
0013 #include "../settings_core.h"
0015 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Okular::Annotation *)
0016 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Okular::LineAnnotation *)
0018 class AnnotationTest : public QObject
0019 {
0020     Q_OBJECT
0022 private Q_SLOTS:
0023     void initTestCase();
0024     void testDistance();
0025     void testDistance_data();
0026     //     void testLine();
0027     //     void testPoly();
0028     //     void testInk();
0029     //     void testHighlight();
0030     //     void testGeom();
0031     void testTypewriter();
0032     void cleanupTestCase();
0034 private:
0035     Okular::Document *m_document;
0036 };
0038 void AnnotationTest::initTestCase()
0039 {
0040     Okular::SettingsCore::instance(QStringLiteral("annotationtest"));
0041     m_document = new Okular::Document(nullptr);
0042     const QString testFile = QStringLiteral(KDESRCDIR "data/file1.pdf");
0043     QMimeDatabase db;
0044     const QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForFile(testFile);
0045     QCOMPARE(m_document->openDocument(testFile, QUrl(), mime), Okular::Document::OpenSuccess);
0046 }
0048 void AnnotationTest::cleanupTestCase()
0049 {
0050     if (m_document->isOpened()) {
0051         const QList<Okular::Annotation *> annotations = m_document->page(0)->annotations();
0052         for (Okular::Annotation *annotation : annotations) {
0053             m_document->removePageAnnotation(0, annotation);
0054         }
0055     }
0056 }
0058 void AnnotationTest::testDistance()
0059 {
0060     QFETCH(Okular::Annotation *, annotation);
0061     QFETCH(double, x);
0062     QFETCH(double, y);
0063     QFETCH(int, distance);
0064     Okular::AnnotationObjectRect *rect = new Okular::AnnotationObjectRect(annotation);
0065     QCOMPARE(qRound(rect->distanceSqr(x, y, m_document->page(0)->width(), m_document->page(0)->height())), distance);
0066     delete rect;
0067 }
0069 void AnnotationTest::testDistance_data()
0070 {
0071     QTest::addColumn<Okular::Annotation *>("annotation");
0072     QTest::addColumn<double>("x");
0073     QTest::addColumn<double>("y");
0074     QTest::addColumn<int>("distance");
0076     double documentX = m_document->page(0)->width();
0077     double documentY = m_document->page(0)->height();
0079     // lines
0080     Okular::LineAnnotation *line = new Okular::LineAnnotation;
0081     line->setLinePoints({Okular::NormalizedPoint(0.1, 0.1), Okular::NormalizedPoint(0.9, 0.1)});
0082     m_document->addPageAnnotation(0, line);
0083     QTest::newRow("Line: Base point 1") << (Okular::Annotation *)line << 0.1 << 0.1 << 0;
0084     QTest::newRow("Line: Base point 2") << (Okular::Annotation *)line << 0.5 << 0.1 << 0;
0085     QTest::newRow("Line: Off by a lot") << (Okular::Annotation *)line << 0.5 << 0.5 << qRound(pow(0.4 * documentY, 2));
0086     QTest::newRow("Line: Off by a little") << (Okular::Annotation *)line << 0.1 << 0.1 + (5.0 /* px */ / documentY) << 25;
0088     // squares (non-filled squares also act as tests for the ink annotation as they share the path-distance code)
0089     for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
0090         Okular::GeomAnnotation *square = new Okular::GeomAnnotation;
0091         square->setGeometricalType(Okular::GeomAnnotation::InscribedSquare);
0092         square->setBoundingRectangle(Okular::NormalizedRect(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9));
0093         if (i != 0) {
0094             square->setGeometricalInnerColor(QColor(0, 0, 0));
0095         }
0096         m_document->addPageAnnotation(0, square);
0097         QTest::addRow("Square: Base point 1 %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)square << 0.1 << 0.1 << 0;
0098         QTest::addRow("Square: On edge 1 %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)square << 0.1 << 0.2 << 0;
0099         QTest::addRow("Square: On edge 2 %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)square << 0.2 << 0.1 << 0;
0100         QTest::addRow("Square: Inside %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)square << 0.2 << 0.2 << ((i == 0) ? qRound(pow(0.1 * documentX, 2) - 1 /* stroke width */) : 0);
0101         QTest::addRow("Square: Outside %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)square << 0.0 << 0.0 << qRound(pow(0.1 * documentX, 2) + pow(0.1 * documentY, 2));
0102     }
0104     // ellipsis
0105     for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
0106         Okular::GeomAnnotation *ellipse = new Okular::GeomAnnotation;
0107         ellipse->setGeometricalType(Okular::GeomAnnotation::InscribedCircle);
0108         ellipse->setBoundingRectangle(Okular::NormalizedRect(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5));
0109         if (i != 0) {
0110             ellipse->setGeometricalInnerColor(QColor(0, 0, 0));
0111         }
0112         m_document->addPageAnnotation(0, ellipse);
0113         QTest::addRow("Ellipse: Base point 1 %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)ellipse << 0.1 << 0.3 << 0;
0114         QTest::addRow("Ellipse: Inside %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)ellipse << 0.2 << 0.3 << qRound((i == 0) ? pow(documentX * 0.1, 2) - 1 /* pen */ : 0);
0115         QTest::addRow("Ellipse: Outside %d", i) << (Okular::Annotation *)ellipse << 0.0 << 0.3 << qRound(pow(documentX * 0.1, 2));
0116     }
0118     // highlight
0119     Okular::HighlightAnnotation *highlight = new Okular::HighlightAnnotation;
0120     Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Quad q;
0121     q.setPoint(Okular::NormalizedPoint(0.1, 0.1), 0);
0122     q.setPoint(Okular::NormalizedPoint(0.2, 0.1), 1);
0123     q.setPoint(Okular::NormalizedPoint(0.8, 0.9), 2);
0124     q.setPoint(Okular::NormalizedPoint(0.9, 0.9), 3);
0125     highlight->highlightQuads() << q;
0126     m_document->addPageAnnotation(0, highlight);
0127     QTest::newRow("Highlight: Point 1") << (Okular::Annotation *)highlight << 0.1 << 0.1 << 0;
0128     QTest::newRow("Highlight: Point 2") << (Okular::Annotation *)highlight << 0.2 << 0.1 << 0;
0129     QTest::newRow("Highlight: Point 3") << (Okular::Annotation *)highlight << 0.8 << 0.9 << 0;
0130     QTest::newRow("Highlight: Point 4") << (Okular::Annotation *)highlight << 0.9 << 0.9 << 0;
0131     QTest::newRow("Highlight: Inside") << (Okular::Annotation *)highlight << 0.5 << 0.5 << 0;
0132     QTest::newRow("Highlight: Outside") << (Okular::Annotation *)highlight << 1.0 << 0.9 << qRound(pow(documentX * 0.1, 2));
0133 }
0135 void AnnotationTest::testTypewriter()
0136 {
0137     Okular::Annotation *annot = nullptr;
0138     Okular::TextAnnotation *ta = new Okular::TextAnnotation();
0139     annot = ta;
0140     ta->setFlags(ta->flags() | Okular::Annotation::FixedRotation);
0141     ta->setTextType(Okular::TextAnnotation::InPlace);
0142     ta->setInplaceIntent(Okular::TextAnnotation::TypeWriter);
0143     ta->style().setWidth(0.0);
0144     ta->style().setColor(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0));
0146     annot->setBoundingRectangle(Okular::NormalizedRect(0.8, 0.1, 0.85, 0.15));
0147     annot->setContents(QStringLiteral("annot contents"));
0149     m_document->addPageAnnotation(0, annot);
0151     QDomNode annotNode = annot->getAnnotationPropertiesDomNode();
0152     QDomNodeList annotNodeList = annotNode.toElement().elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("base"));
0153     QDomElement annotEl = annotNodeList.item(0).toElement();
0154     QCOMPARE(annotEl.attribute(QStringLiteral("color")), QStringLiteral("#00ffffff"));
0155     QCOMPARE(annotEl.attribute(QStringLiteral("flags")), QStringLiteral("4"));
0156     QCOMPARE(annotEl.attribute(QStringLiteral("contents")), QStringLiteral("annot contents"));
0157 }
0159 QTEST_MAIN(AnnotationTest)
0160 #include "annotationstest.moc"