Warning, /graphics/libkipi/tests/plugins/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 This is a sample kipi plugin to demonstrate how to start to implement a new tool.
0003 A plugin is at least constituate of these files :
0005 - CMakeLists.txt                   : a rules to compile tool.
0006 - kipiplugin_helloworld.desktop    : a KDE desktop file to make visible this tool from KIPI host applications.
0007 - plugin_kxmlhelloworld.h          : the definition of tool based on KIPI::Plugin class.
0008 - plugin_kxmlhelloworld.cpp        : the implemention of tool. Usually we name plugin entry class file as plugin_*.h/.cpp with * the name of tool.
0010 We also provide 2 documentation text files :
0012 - README                           : to give a minimum information about tool
0013 - TODO                             : to list all pending tasks to implement.
0015 It's highly recommend to read comments from source to know how to start the implementation of a new tool. Take a look also to
0016 shared libkipi and kipiplugins/common/libkipiplugins private API.