File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 12:57:24

0001 /*
0002  * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 by Stephen Allewell
0003  *
0004  *
0005  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0006  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0007  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0008  * (at your option) any later version.
0009  */
0011 #ifndef ImportImageDlg_H
0012 #define ImportImageDlg_H
0014 #include <QAction>
0015 #include <QDialog>
0016 #include <QPixmap>
0017 #include <QSize>
0018 #include <QTimer>
0019 #include <QWidget>
0021 // wrap include to silence unused-parameter warning from Magick++ include file
0022 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
0023 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
0024 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-override"
0025 #include <Magick++.h>
0026 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
0028 #include "AlphaSelect.h"
0029 #include "ui_ImportImage.h"
0031 class SchemeManager;
0032 class QHideEvent;
0033 class QShowEvent;
0035 class ImportImageDlg : public QDialog
0036 {
0037     Q_OBJECT
0039 public:
0040     ImportImageDlg(QWidget *, const Magick::Image &);
0041     virtual ~ImportImageDlg() = default;
0043     Magick::Image convertedImage() const;
0044     bool ignoreColor() const;
0045     Magick::Color ignoreColorValue() const;
0046     QString flossScheme() const;
0047     double horizontalClothCount() const;
0048     double verticalClothCount() const;
0049     bool useFractionals() const;
0050     QRect croppedArea() const;
0052 protected:
0053     virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0054     virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0055     virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
0057 private slots:
0058     void on_FlossScheme_currentIndexChanged(const QString &);
0059     void on_UseMaximumColors_toggled(bool);
0060     void on_MaximumColors_valueChanged(int);
0061     void on_IgnoreColor_toggled(bool);
0062     void on_ColorButton_clicked(bool);
0063     void on_HorizontalClothCount_valueChanged(double);
0064     void on_VerticalClothCount_valueChanged(double);
0065     void on_ClothCountLink_clicked(bool);
0066     void on_PatternScale_valueChanged(int);
0067     void on_CropEnabled_toggled(bool);
0068     void on_CropReset_clicked(bool);
0069     void imageCropped(const QRectF &rectF);
0070     void on_UseFractionals_toggled(bool);
0071     void selectColor(const QPoint &);
0072     void on_DialogButtonBox_accepted();
0073     void on_DialogButtonBox_rejected();
0074     void on_DialogButtonBox_helpRequested();
0075     void on_DialogButtonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton *);
0077 private:
0078     void updateWindowTitle();
0079     void resetImportParameters();
0080     void clothCountChanged(double, double);
0081     void calculateSizes();
0082     void createImageMap();
0083     void renderPixmap();
0084     void pickColor();
0086     Ui::ImportImage ui;
0088     QPixmap m_pixmap;
0089     QSize m_originalSize;
0090     QSize m_preferredSize;
0091     int m_timer;
0092     AlphaSelect *m_alphaSelect;
0093     Magick::ColorRGB m_ignoreColorValue;
0094     Magick::Image m_originalImage;
0095     Magick::Image m_convertedImage;
0096     Magick::Image m_colorMap;
0097     QRect m_crop;
0098 };
0100 #endif // ImportImageDlg_H