Warning, /graphics/kxstitch/doc/ui.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <chapter id="using-kapp" >
0002     <title>The User Interface</title>
0004     <sect1 id="face-screenshot">
0005         <title>The &kxstitch; Main Window</title>
0006         <para>
0007             <screenshot>
0008                 <screeninfo>Here's a screen shot of &kxstitch;</screeninfo>
0009                 <mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="user-interface.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject></mediaobject>
0010             </screenshot>
0011         </para>
0012         <para>
0013             The &kxstitch; main window consists of an editor window shown on the right in the image above
0014             with three dock windows. The dock windows provide a preview of the pattern, the palette of
0015             flosses and a history list. If an image is imported, an additional dock window showing a
0016             preview of the original image for reference will be shown. Each of these dock windows can
0017             be moved around to various edges of the main window, detached from the view or turned off
0018             and back on.
0019         </para>
0020         <para>
0021             The sections are divided by splitters, which can be moved to change the amount of space
0022             allocated to any of the sections.
0023         </para>
0024         <para>
0025             The layout of other elements, menu bar, toolbars and the status bar, is similar to other &kde;
0026             applications you run.
0027         </para>
0028         <para>
0029             The status bar at the bottom of the window shows various status messages.
0030         </para>
0031     </sect1>
0033     <sect1 id="kxstitch-editor" >
0034         <title>Editor Window</title>
0035         <para>
0036             The main editing window shows a grid pattern and scales top and left. The scales can be formatted
0037             in stitches, centimeters or inches. The editor is a scrolling, zoomable view of your pattern
0038             and allows you to use the various editing tools to modify your design.
0039         </para>
0040         <para>
0041             Generally the &LMB; is used to activate any of the tools on the pattern. Details of each of the
0042             tools and their use is shown in <link linkend="commands">the command reference section</link>.
0043         </para>
0044         <para>
0045             The grid shows heavier lines dividing the cells into groups. The number of cells per group is
0046             configurable, the default is 10, as are the colors for the lines. This is useful if you are
0047             creating patterns on a dark colored canvas that requires lighter colored lines for contrast.
0048         </para>
0049         <para>
0050             A menu option allows you to add background images to the editor window, to use as a template for
0051             adding stitches. For more details see the section on <link linkend="creatingpatterns">Creating Patterns</link>.
0052         </para>
0053         <sect2 id="kxstitch-editor-context" >
0054             <title>Context Menu</title>
0055             <para>
0056                 Using your &RMB; on the editor will activate a context menu allowing you to change the format
0057                 of the scales and the visual appearance of the stitches. It also allows you to toggle on or off
0058                 the background images, the stitches, backstitches, the grid and the scales.
0059                 <screenshot><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="editor-context-menu.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject></mediaobject></screenshot>
0060             </para>
0061         </sect2>
0062     </sect1>
0064     <sect1 id="kxstitch-preview" >
0065         <title>Preview Window</title>
0066         <para>
0067             The <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> window shows a scrolling overview of the current design at a smaller scale than the
0068             Editor window.  The <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> shows a black rectangle representing the current view within the
0069             Editor window.
0070         </para>
0071         <para>
0072             By clicking the &LMB; within the preview window, the Editor window will be centered on that point.
0073             Additionally by pressing down the &LMB; and dragging a rectangle around an area, the Editor window
0074             will be zoomed to encompass that area.
0075         </para>
0076     </sect1>
0078     <sect1 id="kxstitch-palette" >
0079         <title>Palette Window</title>
0080         <para>
0081             The <guilabel>Palette</guilabel> window shows the floss colors currently in this patterns palette as colored blocks,
0082             and optionally with the symbols that are associated with each color.  Moving the mouse pointer
0083             over a color block will pop up a tool tip showing the color number and name for that color.
0084             Clicking on a color selects that color for the next painting or drawing function.
0085         </para>
0086         <sect2 id="kxstitch-palette-context" >
0087             <title>Context Menu</title>
0088             <para>
0089                 Using your &RMB; on the <guilabel>Palette</guilabel> view will activate a context menu allowing you to perform several
0090                 functions on the palette. See <link linkend="commands">the command reference</link> for more details on their use.
0091                 <screenshot><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="palette-context-menu.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject></mediaobject></screenshot>
0092             </para>
0093         </sect2>
0094     </sect1>
0095 </chapter>