Warning, /graphics/kst-plot/tests/fitstable_testcase/testfitstable.fits is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 SIMPLE = T / Java FITS: Sat Sep 19 18:37:41 HST 2009 BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 1 / Dimensionality NAXIS1 = 0 EXTEND = T / Extensions are permitted PCOUNT = 0 / No extra parameters GCOUNT = 1 / One group SCANNO = 48485 / The serial number of the scan CREATOR = 'IRC ' / The software used to create this file DATE = '2009-09-20T06:07:46.409' / The date of creation OBJECT = 'L483 ' / The source name as it appears in the UIP cataloORIGIN = 'CALTECH ' / California Institute of Technology TELESCOP= 'CSO ' / Caltech Submillimeter Observatory INSTUME = 'SHARC 2 ' / Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera IIPLATFORM= 'NASMYTH ' / Mount location of SHARC II OBSERVER= 'Giles Novak, Nicholas Chapman' / The Observer PROJECT = 'SHARP low-mass cores and OMC-3 projects' / Observing project OBSTYPE = 'undefined' / The observing mode used DATE-OBS= '2009-09-20T06:07:46.409' / The Time of Observation JUL_DAY = 55094 / The Modified Julian day of Observation INT_TIME= 395 / Requested scan integration duration in seconds CALSCAN = 0 / The serial number of the preceding calibration SOFTWARE= 'IRC ' / The acquisition software used SOFT_VER= '1.8 (5.1b6)' / The SHARC version used (IRC framework version) EXTNAME = 'Primary ' / The ID of the HDU TELSIZM = 10.4 / Telescope diameter in meters TELALTIM= 4092.0 / Observing site's altitude in meters TELLONGI= -155.462298 / Observing site's longitude in degrees East TELLATID= 19.823082 / Observing site's latitude in degrees North TEMPERAT= 3.9171355794270277 / Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius PRESSURE= 626.279296875 / Atmospheric Pressure in mbar HUMIDITY= 11.9185791015625 / Relative humidity TAU225GH= 0.058 / Optical depth at 225 GHz UNC225GH= 0.013 / Uncertainty of 225 GHz measurement UT225GHZ= 5.916666666666667 / UT of 225 GHz measurement TAU350UM= 1.83 / Optical depth at 350 um UNC350UM= 0.0 / Uncertainty of 350 um measurement UT350UM = 21.119444444444444 / UT of 350 um measurement WIND_DIR= 0.0 / Wind direction in degrees from North WIND_PK = 20.4 / Peak wind speed in km/h WIND_AVE= 0.0 / Average wind speed in km/h ROTATOR = 0.0 / Rotator position value in degrees ROTMODE = 'FIXED ' / Rotator mode ROTOFFST= 0.0 / Rotator offset in degrees ROTZERO = 1.7000000476837158 / Angle for az/el alignment (degrees) FOCUS_X = -10.85 / Focus X Position in mm FOCUS_Y = 9.793313751901477 / Focus Y Position in mm FOCUS_Z = -4.682765773079913 / Focus Z Position in mm FOCUS_YO= 0.0 / Focus Y Offset Position in mm FOCUS_ZO= -0.3 / Focus Z Offset Position in mm FOCMODE = 'CONSTANT' / Focus Mode CHPFREQ = 0.926 / Chopper Frequency in Hz CHPTHROW= 300.0 / Chopper Throw in arcsec CHPANGLE= 90.0 / Chopper angle from zenith in degrees CHPHIWIN= 4.403539000000004 / Upper window chopper tolerance in arcsec CHPLOWIN= 3.522831200000003 / Lower window chopper tolerance in arcsec CHPOFFST= 0.0 / Chopper offset in arcsec TELSTAT = 'undefined' / Telescope status TELMODE = 1 / Tracking mode RAEP = 18.291611 / Catalog right ascension of source (hours) DECEP = -4.66056 / Catalog declination of source (degrees) EQUINOX = 2000.0 / The catalog coordinate epoch RA = 0.0 / Current right ascension of source (hours) DEC = 0.0 / Current declination of source (degrees) RAO = 0.0 / Right Ascension Offset, generic (arcsec) DECO = 0.0 / DEClination Offset, generic (arcsec) RAO_MAP = 0.0 / Right Ascension Offset, mapping (arcsec) DECO_MAP= 0.0 / DEClination Offset, mapping (arcsec) RAO_FLD = 0.0 / Right Ascension Offset, field (arcsec) DECO_FLD= 0.0 / DEClination Offset, field (arcsec) GLO = 0.0 / Galactic Longitude Offset, generic (arcsec) GBO = 0.0 / Galactic Latitude Offset, generic (arcsec) GLO_MAP = 0.0 / Galactic Longitude Offset, mapping(arcsec) GBO_MAP = 0.0 / Galactic Latitude Offset, mapping(arcsec) AZO = -12.8 / AZimuth Offset, generic (arcsec) ZAO = 2.6 / Zenith Angle Offset, generic (arcsec) TAZO = 4.254054091185967 / AZimuth Offset, secondary mirror(arcsec) TZAO = -106.89210376281495 / Zenith Angle Offset, secondary mirror(arcsec) AZO_MAP = 0.0 / AZimuth Offset, mapping (arcsec) ZAO_MAP = -0.0 / Zenith Angle Offset, mapping (arcsec) AZO_CHOP= 150.0 / AZimuth Offset, nodding(arcsec) ZAO_CHOP= 0.0 / Zenith Angle Offset, nodding(arcsec) FAZO = -80.0 / AZimuth Offset, receiver(arcsec) FZAO = 53.0 / Zenith Angle Offset, receiver(arcsec) REFRACT = 23.822582393438957 / Refraction correction (arcsec) POINTING= 'SHARC2_NASMYTH' / Set of point constants PCONST1 = 2.38 / Pointing constant 1 PCONST2 = 574.75 / Pointing constant 2 PCONST3 = 28.22 / Pointing constant 3 PCONST4 = 7.47 / Pointing constant 4 PCONST5 = -24.2 / Pointing constant 5 PCONST6 = -951.24 / Pointing constant 6 PCONST7 = -78.04 / Pointing constant 7 PCONST8 = 0.88 / Pointing constant 8 PCONST9 = -9.16 / Pointing constant 9 PCONST10= -18.83 / Pointing constant 10 PCONST11= -0.82 / Pointing constant 11 TTERM1 = 0.0 / T term constant 1 TTERM2 = 21.94657538469105 / T term constant 2 TTERM3 = -13.139068157940038 / T term constant 3 TTERM4 = -1.0 / T term constant 4 TTERM5 = 0.0 / T term constant 5 TTERM6 = -212.43212395388457 / T term constant 6 XTILT = 15.345227050780773 / Tilt toward the sidecab (arcsec) YTILT = -15.929711914052954 / Tilt toward the control room (arcsec) SCANSIZX= 0.0 / Size of scan pattern in X coordinate (arcsec) SCANSIZY= 0.0 / Size of scan pattern in Y coordinate (arcsec) SCANORI = 0.0 / Rotation of scan pattern (degrees) SCANVEL = 0.0 / Speed of scan (arcsec/sec) SCANDIR = 0.0 / Initial direction of scan (degrees) SCANVELX= 0.0 / Initial velocity in x (arcsec/sec) SCANVELY= 0.0 / Initial velocity in y (arcsec/sec) SCANPERX= 0.0 / Period in x SCANPERY= 0.0 / Period in y SCANCORD= 'ALTAZ ' / Coordinate type SCANORDR= 0 / Number of terms in scan pattern OBSCNTL = 'UIP ' / Telescope control interface OBSCMD = 'undefined' / Observing command OBSARGS = 0 / Number of arguments to the observing command DSOS = 'T ' / Indicates if DSOS was used for observation DSOSVER = 'SOFT=SEP05,HARD=APR05,HOLO=SEP02,CAL=JUL03' / DSOS version and map inEND XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Java FITS: Sat Sep 19 18:58:18 HST 2009 BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 / Dimensionality NAXIS1 = 85 NAXIS2 = 13 PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 9 TFORM1 = '32I ' TDIM1 = '(32) ' TFORM2 = '2E ' TDIM2 = '(2) ' TFORM3 = '1E ' TDIM3 = '(1) ' TFORM4 = '1E ' TDIM4 = '(1) ' TFORM5 = '1L ' TDIM5 = '(1) ' TFORM6 = '1L ' TDIM6 = '(1) ' TFORM7 = '1L ' TDIM7 = '(1) ' TFORM8 = '1L ' TDIM8 = '(1) ' TFORM9 = '1L ' TDIM9 = '(1) ' CTYPE2 = 'Row ' / The row coordinate of the array CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / The unit along the rows EXTNAME = 'SHARC2 Hardware' / The ID of the HDU SMPLRATE= 1000.0 / Hardware sampling rate in Hz ACBIAS = 'on ' / Master AC bias status BIASFREQ= 166.66700744628906 / Bolometer bias frequency in Hz DEMODULA= 'on ' / Master demodulation status MUXFREQ = 55.555999755859375 / Multiplexer frequency in Hz MUXMODE = 'xy ' / Multiplexer mode GAIN_HI = 10521.0 / Amplifier high gain GAIN_LO = 1412.0 / Amplifier low gain DAC_G_HI= 526.05 / DAC gain, high mode DAC_G_LO= 776.55 / DAC gain, low mode DAC_CONV= 0.002442 / DAC Volts/Count TIME_GRT= 'Sun Apr 20 03:40:42 GMT-10:00 2008' / Time Detector GRT temperature tT_DETGRT= -1.0 / Detector GRT temperature in K T_PMP3HE= -1.0 / Liquid 3He pump temperature in K T_CPVC = 2.0 / Vapour cooled coldplate temperature in K T_CPL4HE= 4.0 / Liquid 4He cold plate temperature in K T_CPLN2 = 1.0 / Liquid N2 cold plate temperature in K T_OPTICS= 3.0 / Optics box temperature in K T_JFET = 6.0 / JFET box temperature in K T_FANOUT= 5.0 / Fanout board temperature in K P_DEWAR = 0.0 / Pressure inside the dewar in mbar FILTER = '350um ' / Filter Used HWP_ANG = 500 / Polarimeter angle in tenths of degree HWP_VER = 'SHARP HWP Control Software Version 1.1' / Polarimeter Version TUNIT1 = 'DAC units' / The units of the DAC TUNIT2 = 'mV ' / The unit of the readout TUNIT3 = 'uS ' / The unit of the readout TUNIT4 = 'K ' / The unit of temperature TUNIT5 = 'HI,LO ' / true,false values TUNIT6 = 'AC,DC ' / true,false values TUNIT7 = 'ON,OFF ' / true,false values TUNIT8 = 'ON,OFF ' / true,false values TUNIT9 = 'HI,LO ' / true,false values TTYPE1 = 'DAC Settings' / Pixel DAC settings (per row) TTYPE2 = 'Bias Voltage' / Row positive and negative bias voltages TTYPE3 = 'Demod Delay' / Row demodulation delay wrt the AC/bias TTYPE4 = 'JFET Temperature' / Row JFET temperature TTYPE5 = 'Gain Mode' / Row HI/LO gain TTYPE6 = 'Bias Mode' / Row AC/DC bias TTYPE7 = 'Demodulation' / Row demodulation ON/OFF TTYPE8 = 'JFET Heater' / Row JFET heater ON/OFF TTYPE9 = 'JFET Heater Mode' / Row JFET heater HI/LO END Y qX>`bWSR57 Dz Dz Cz TTTTT}6 : y 325C K:Dz Dz Cz TTTTTMV A @ Q6 k A z. H Dz Dz Cz TTTTT` " tEu Dz Dz Cz TTTTT R/ x|.JR\LJQDz Dz Cz TTTTT#48M W (1VK%uDz Dz Cz TTTTTrc|[jpR| 0002 T Dz Dz Cz TTTTTKi kzZt>*~Dz Dz Cz TTTTTa>| _(GZ W/e}qHBQ,2Dz Dz Cz TTTTT@{$_ F7H8:30 Dz Dz Cz TTTTT"bix"P1MP Dz Dz Cz TTTTTA s s& ? l Dz Dz Cz TTTTT FFFFF XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Java FITS: Sat Sep 19 18:58:18 HST 2009 BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 / Dimensionality NAXIS1 = 4608 NAXIS2 = 36 PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 3 TFORM1 = '384E ' TDIM1 = '(32,12) ' TFORM2 = '384J ' TDIM2 = '(32,12) ' TFORM3 = '384E ' TDIM3 = '(32,12) ' TTYPE1 = 'Pixel Waveform' / Normalized residual waveform TTYPE2 = 'Mask ' / Mask for samples to be ignored TTYPE3 = 'Pixel FFT' / Temporal Spectrum from writing rate to samplingEXTNAME = 'SHARC2 DSP' / The ID of the HDU VERSION = 'NOV 2002' / The DSP code version AVERAGE = 12 / Number of Samples averaged in DSP FRAMESPC= 36 / Number of Samples between frames RMS = T / Whether DSP calculates RMS DESPIKE = F / Whether DSP performs despiking DS_LEVEL= 0.0 / The Level at which DSP removes spikes DS_MPASS= F / Whether multi-pass despiking DECORREL= F / Whether de-correlating in DSP FFT = F / Whether calculating time FFT in DSP WAVEFORM= F / Whether demodulating by appropriate waveform SEQUENCE= 'WGARDCg ' / The sequence of DSP operations CTYPE1 = 'Column ' / The pixel column number CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / Units along the row direction CDELT1 = 1 / The pixel increment CTYPE2 = 'Row ' / The pixel row number CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / Units along the row direction CDELT2 = 1 / The pixel increment CTYPE3 = 'Time ' / The time offset of the sample within the frame CUNIT3 = 's ' / The unit of time CDELT3 = 0.0010 / The time resolution in sec C2YPE3 = 'Frequency' / The spectral frequency direction C2NIT3 = 'Hz ' / Frequency units C2ELT3 = 41.666666666666664 / The frequency resolution in Hz END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Java FITS: Sat Sep 19 18:58:18 HST 2009 BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 / Dimensionality NAXIS1 = 512 NAXIS2 = 12 PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 4 TFORM1 = '32E ' TDIM1 = '(32) ' TFORM2 = '32J ' TDIM2 = '(32) ' TFORM3 = '32E ' TDIM3 = '(32) ' TFORM4 = '32E ' TDIM4 = '(32) ' EXTNAME = 'SHARC2 Pixels' / The ID of the HDU TUNIT3 = 'V ' / The unit of the readout CTYPE1 = 'Row ' / The pixel row number CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / Units along the row direction CDELT1 = 1 / The pixel increment CTYPE2 = 'Column ' / The pixel column number CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / Units along the column direction CDELT2 = 1 / The pixel increment OFFSTINT= 0.0 / Integration time for the offset data in secondsTTYPE1 = 'Relative Pixel Gains' / Relative pixel gains TTYPE2 = 'Pixel Flags' / Non-zero values for bad/misbehaving pixels TTYPE3 = 'Pixel Offsets' / The 0 order estimate of pixel offset TTYPE4 = 'Pixel Weights' / Relative pixel weights END 86<ǐ$?WG??u?y=?X???U6??J???d?d|??;?W?n?<?????-2?ۜ??=3 ? ??$?t ?=??,??Mb? >? ??z?#>,?b???Ę???ʉ??lY?Y@ɂ ?]i?]qB?j0?x4%?y?L? ??>??'?e?it?"?b?$??ګ?l?l^?X? ?4Y?>??w?!? ?."?*-?Jo?N18Af ? ?μ????o ?P|?K)7??1??@/?ib?YR?N?\????A ?U)?Vq?u??;?~@?`,?S ??? 0003 ???{? ?X,?a? ?M ??\?^3??s?_?$ =+>L?Vp?R?{?l+?\F ?n?jk?W ?ۨ?nЗ?L?.-??yj ?1M?eX?Y? ?w?Ӟ?h 0004 Z?p???>