Warning, /graphics/kst-plot/devel-docs/Kst2Specs/Updates is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Updates are done by explicitly looping through lists of objects and items.
0003 Kst::Objects keep track of and/or provide
0005   serial: the serial number (from doUpdates()) of the last time it was updated.
0007   serialOfLastChange: the serial number of the last time an update actually led to a change.
0009   minInputSerial(): the min serial of any input primitives to the object
0010     This method querries the inputs. 
0012   maxInputSerialOfLastChange(): the max serial where on of the input primitives was actually changed.
0013     This method also querries the inputs     
0015   objectUpdate(new_serial): 
0016     return NoChange if serial == new_serial
0017     return Deferred if minInputSerial < new_serial  (an input hasn't be updated yet)
0018     return Changed after calling internalUpdate() if maxInputSerialOfLastChange > serialOfLastChange
0019     return NoChange otherwise
0021   internalUpdate(): actually perform an update.  ** should only be called by objectUpdate **
0023 ObjectManager::doUpdates(): The loop for updating Kst::Objects.  Calls objectUpdate().
0024   doUpdates() is called by:
0025     -datasources, by their timer or watcher
0026     -dialogs, at the end of apply() or equivalent
0028   Algorithm:
0029   loop over all datasources
0030     set serialOfLastChange if there was new data
0032   do 
0033     loop over all Objects (except data sources)
0034       retval = objectUpdate()
0035   until no retval's == Deferred
0038 MainWindow::updateViewItems(serial): update plotitems and then views
0039   called by a signal emitted at the end of doUpdates()
0041   loop over all plot items:
0042     plotItem::handleChangedInputs()
0044   if any plotItems changed
0045     _tabwidget->currentView()->update()
0047 --------------
0048 ToDo/shortcomings
0050 -The object loop in doUpdates is inefficient, in that it may have to go through the loop
0051  up to D times, where D is the heirarchy depth.  The loop could instead re-sort the objects as it
0052  goes, so that for future visits, nothing would be deferred.  In practive, objectUpdate(new_serial)
0053  where new_serial == _serial is pretty cheap, and probably doesn't produce a noticible slowdown.
0054  In practice the heirarchy depth is 2 (curves of dataVectors) or three 
0055  (curves of PSD's of dataVectors)
0057 -The updateViewItems loop only considers plot items to trigger a view update.  It does not check
0058  if labels have changed.  In practice, it is rare to have only labels from a data source, and no
0059  plots, but if one were to do this, it would not get real time redrawn.  The solution is to add
0060  labels to the list it checks.
0062 -The updateViewItems loop will update the current view if any plots have changed: if only plots on
0063  other tabs had been changed, it would be better to not update the current view.  Not common, and
0064  the update is pretty fast if the plot didn't change.
0066 -doUpdates() could be threaded
0067   the data source loop should not be threaded.  It's to cheap to be worth the threading overhead.
0068   data primitives should be looped over before all other objects
0069     whether data primitives updates should be threaded depends on the nature of the datasource and
0070     on the media it is being read from to avoid disk thrashing - dirfiles will suffer from threading
0071     data primitive reads, but data sources that store their data contiguously will benefit (eg, ascii).
0072     Using flash drives should mean all data primitives would benefit from threading.
0074   other data object updates can be threaded.
0076   suggested algorithm
0077     make a pool of threads
0078     parcel out the data objects to the threads
0080 -updateViewItems() is probably the slowest operation, and could benefit from threading.
0081   the loop over plotItems can easily be threaded as with Objects.
0083   There is no way to thread the view update call with the current architecture.  It is possible
0084   that the refresh pixmaps stuff could be threaded, but I don't know how yet.
0087 version: cbn Nov 26'09