File indexing completed on 2024-06-16 04:17:22

0001 /**
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1982-1989 Donald H. House <>
0003  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1989 Robert Allen <>
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #include "gauss.h"
0008 #include <math.h>
0009 #include <stdlib.h>
0010 #include <QtGlobal>
0012 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
0013 // quoting DRAND48(3) man-page:
0014 // These functions are declared obsolete by  SVID  3,
0015 // which  states  that rand(3) should be used instead.
0016 #define srand48 srand
0017 #define drand48() (static_cast<double>(qrand()) / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX))
0018 #endif
0020 double gauss::gaussian(double mean, double std, int seed)
0021 {
0023 #define itblmax 20 /* length - 1 of table describing F inverse */
0024 #define didu 40.0 /* delta table position / delta ind. variable */
0025     /* itblmax / 0.5 */
0027     /* interpolation table for F inverse */
0028     static double tbl[] = {0.00000E+00, 6.27500E-02, 1.25641E-01, 1.89000E-01,
0029                            2.53333E-01, 3.18684E-01, 3.85405E-01, 4.53889E-01,
0030                            5.24412E-01, 5.97647E-01, 6.74375E-01, 7.55333E-01,
0031                            8.41482E-01, 9.34615E-01, 1.03652E+00, 1.15048E+00,
0032                            1.28167E+00, 1.43933E+00, 1.64500E+00, 1.96000E+00,
0033                            3.87000E+00
0034                           };
0036     static int first_time = 1;
0038     double u;
0039     double di;
0040     int index, minus;
0041     double delta, gaussian_random_value;
0043     if (first_time) {
0044         srand48(seed);
0045         first_time = 0;
0046     }
0047     /*
0048       compute uniform random number between 0.0 - 0.5, and a sign with
0049       probability 1/2 of being either + or -
0050     */
0051     u = drand48();
0052     if (u >= 0.5) {
0053         minus = 0;
0054         u = u - 0.5;
0055     }
0056     else {
0057         minus = 1;
0058     }
0059     /* interpolate gaussian random number using table */
0061     index = (int)(di = (didu * u));
0062     if (index == itblmax) {
0063         delta = tbl[index];
0064     }
0065     else {
0066         di -= index;
0067         delta =  tbl[index] + (tbl[index + 1] - tbl[index]) * di;
0068     }
0069     gaussian_random_value = mean + std * (minus ? -delta : delta);
0071     return(gaussian_random_value);
0072 }