Warning, /graphics/krita/plugins/impex/raw/3rdparty/libkdcraw/TODO is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 - Add DNG writting mode support using Adobe DNG sdk
0003 - Libraw 0.13.0 features to support :
0005 1) Green channel local averaging. All interpolation methods, but may conflict with green_matching option, so it is safer to use only one green averaging.
0007    int cfa_green; Boolean, default is 0 (off)
0008    float green_threshold;  - Sensitivity of method (green is averaged if difference less than this value in percent).  Usable range between 0.01 and 0.1, commonly 0.03
0010 This filtering is applied *before* demosaic.
0012 The problem is simple: on some cameras (for example, Olympus E-xxx) two green channels are different (in sensitivity and, may be, in spectral response). 
0013 As a result, it produces 'maze artifacts' on flat surfaces (like sky).
0014 The solution is simple: if two channels are *slightly* different in some local area, it is better to equalize it.