File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 04:25:03

0001 /*
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Dmitry Kazakov <>
0003  *
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #ifndef __KIS_ALGEBRA_2D_H
0008 #define __KIS_ALGEBRA_2D_H
0010 #include <QPoint>
0011 #include <QPointF>
0012 #include <QVector>
0013 #include <QPolygonF>
0014 #include <QTransform>
0015 #include <cmath>
0016 #include <kis_global.h>
0017 #include <kritaglobal_export.h>
0018 #include <functional>
0019 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
0021 class QPainterPath;
0022 class QTransform;
0024 namespace KisAlgebra2D {
0026 template <class T>
0027 struct PointTypeTraits
0028 {
0029 };
0031 template <>
0032 struct PointTypeTraits<QPoint>
0033 {
0034     typedef int value_type;
0035     typedef qreal calculation_type;
0036     typedef QRect rect_type;
0037 };
0039 template <>
0040 struct PointTypeTraits<QPointF>
0041 {
0042     typedef qreal value_type;
0043     typedef qreal calculation_type;
0044     typedef QRectF rect_type;
0045 };
0048 template <class T>
0049 typename PointTypeTraits<T>::value_type dotProduct(const T &a, const T &b)
0050 {
0051     return a.x() * b.x() + a.y() * b.y();
0052 }
0054 template <class T>
0055 typename PointTypeTraits<T>::value_type crossProduct(const T &a, const T &b)
0056 {
0057     return a.x() * b.y() - a.y() * b.x();
0058 }
0060 template <class T>
0061 qreal norm(const T &a)
0062 {
0063     return std::sqrt(pow2(a.x()) + pow2(a.y()));
0064 }
0066 template <class Point>
0067 Point normalize(const Point &a)
0068 {
0069     const qreal length = norm(a);
0070     return (1.0 / length) * a;
0071 }
0073 template <typename Point>
0074 Point lerp(const Point &pt1, const Point &pt2, qreal t)
0075 {
0076     return pt1 + (pt2 - pt1) * t;
0077 }
0079 /**
0080  * Usual sign() function with positive zero
0081  */
0082 template <typename T>
0083 T signPZ(T x) {
0084     return x >= T(0) ? T(1) : T(-1);
0085 }
0087 /**
0088  * Usual sign() function with zero returning zero
0089  */
0090 template <typename T>
0091 T signZZ(T x) {
0092     return x == T(0) ? T(0) : x > T(0) ? T(1) : T(-1);
0093 }
0095 /**
0096  * Copies the sign of \p y into \p x and returns the result
0097  */
0098 template <typename T>
0099     inline T copysign(T x, T y) {
0100     T strippedX = qAbs(x);
0101     return y >= T(0) ? strippedX : -strippedX;
0102 }
0104 template<class T>
0105 typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type
0106 divideFloor(T a, T b)
0107 {
0108     const bool a_neg = a < T(0);
0109     const bool b_neg = b < T(0);
0111     if (a == T(0)) {
0112         return 0;
0113     } else if (a_neg == b_neg) {
0114         return a / b;
0115     } else {
0116         const T a_abs = qAbs(a);
0117         const T b_abs = qAbs(b);
0119         return - 1 - (a_abs - T(1)) / b_abs;
0120     }
0121 }
0123 template <class T>
0124 T leftUnitNormal(const T &a)
0125 {
0126     T result = a.x() != 0 ? T(-a.y() / a.x(), 1) : T(-1, 0);
0127     qreal length = norm(result);
0128     result *= (crossProduct(a, result) >= 0 ? 1 : -1) / length;
0130     return -result;
0131 }
0133 template <class T>
0134 T rightUnitNormal(const T &a)
0135 {
0136     return -leftUnitNormal(a);
0137 }
0139 template <class T>
0140 T inwardUnitNormal(const T &a, int polygonDirection)
0141 {
0142     return polygonDirection * leftUnitNormal(a);
0143 }
0145 /**
0146  * Helper function to convert a qreal to int lazily. If the
0147  * passed type is an integer, then the value is rounded.
0148  * Otherwise it is just passed forward.
0149  */
0150 template<typename R>
0151 R lazyRound(qreal value);
0153 template<>
0154 inline int lazyRound<int>(qreal value)
0155 {
0156     return qRound(value);
0157 }
0159 template<>
0160 inline qreal lazyRound<qreal>(qreal value)
0161 {
0162     return value;
0163 }
0165 /**
0166  * \return 1 if the polygon is counterclockwise
0167  *        -1 if the polygon is clockwise
0168  *
0169  * Note: the sign is flipped because our 0y axis
0170  *       is reversed
0171  */
0172 template <class T>
0173 int polygonDirection(const QVector<T> &polygon) {
0175     typename PointTypeTraits<T>::value_type doubleSum = 0;
0177     const int numPoints = polygon.size();
0178     for (int i = 1; i <= numPoints; i++) {
0179         int prev = i - 1;
0180         int next = i == numPoints ? 0 : i;
0182         doubleSum +=
0183             (polygon[next].x() - polygon[prev].x()) *
0184             (polygon[next].y() + polygon[prev].y());
0185     }
0187     return doubleSum >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
0188 }
0190 template <typename T>
0191 bool isInRange(T x, T a, T b) {
0192     T length = qAbs(a - b);
0193     return qAbs(x - a) <= length && qAbs(x - b) <= length;
0194 }
0196 void KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT adjustIfOnPolygonBoundary(const QPolygonF &poly, int polygonDirection, QPointF *pt);
0198 /**
0199  * Let \p pt, \p base1 are two vectors. \p base1 is uniformly scaled
0200  * and then rotated into \p base2 using transformation matrix S *
0201  * R. The function applies the same transformation to \pt and returns
0202  * the result.
0203  **/
0204 QPointF KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT transformAsBase(const QPointF &pt, const QPointF &base1, const QPointF &base2);
0206 qreal KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT angleBetweenVectors(const QPointF &v1, const QPointF &v2);
0208 /**
0209  * Computes an angle indicating the direction from p1 to p2. If p1 and p2 are too close together to
0210  * compute an angle, defaultAngle is returned.
0211  */
0212 qreal KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT directionBetweenPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2,
0213                                                 qreal defaultAngle);
0215 namespace Private {
0216     inline void resetEmptyRectangle(const QPoint &pt, QRect *rc) {
0217         *rc = QRect(pt, QSize(1, 1));
0218     }
0220     inline void resetEmptyRectangle(const QPointF &pt, QRectF *rc) {
0221         static const qreal eps = 1e-10;
0222         *rc = QRectF(pt, QSizeF(eps, eps));
0223     }
0224 }
0226 template <class Point, class Rect>
0227 inline void accumulateBounds(const Point &pt, Rect *bounds)
0228 {
0229     if (bounds->isEmpty()) {
0230         Private::resetEmptyRectangle(pt, bounds);
0231     }
0233     /**
0234      * `Rect::left()` is cheaper than `Rect::right()`,
0235      * so check it first
0236      */
0237     if (pt.x() < bounds->left()) {
0238         bounds->setLeft(pt.x());
0239     } else if (pt.x() > bounds->right()) {
0240         bounds->setRight(pt.x());
0241     }
0243     /**
0244      * `Rect::top()` is cheaper than `Rect::bottom()`,
0245      * so check it first
0246      */
0247     if (pt.y() < bounds->top()) {
0248         bounds->setTop(pt.y());
0249     } else if (pt.y() > bounds->bottom()) {
0250         bounds->setBottom(pt.y());
0251     }
0252 }
0254 template <class Point, class Rect>
0255 inline void accumulateBoundsNonEmpty(const Point &pt, Rect *bounds)
0256 {
0257     if (pt.x() < bounds->left()) {
0258         bounds->setLeft(pt.x());
0259     } else if (pt.x() > bounds->right()) {
0260         bounds->setRight(pt.x());
0261     }
0263     if (pt.y() < bounds->top()) {
0264         bounds->setTop(pt.y());
0265     } else if (pt.y() > bounds->bottom()) {
0266         bounds->setBottom(pt.y());
0267     }
0268 }
0270 template <template <class T> class Container, class Point, class Rect>
0271 inline void accumulateBounds(const Container<Point> &points, Rect *bounds)
0272 {
0273     Q_FOREACH (const Point &pt, points) {
0274         accumulateBounds(pt, bounds);
0275     }
0276 }
0278 template <template <class T> class Container, class Point>
0279 inline typename PointTypeTraits<Point>::rect_type
0280 accumulateBounds(const Container<Point> &points)
0281 {
0282     typename PointTypeTraits<Point>::rect_type result;
0284     Q_FOREACH (const Point &pt, points) {
0285         accumulateBounds(pt, &result);
0286     }
0288     return result;
0289 }
0291 template <class Point, class Rect>
0292 inline Point clampPoint(Point pt, const Rect &bounds)
0293 {
0294     if (pt.x() > bounds.right()) {
0295         pt.rx() = bounds.right();
0296     }
0298     if (pt.x() < bounds.left()) {
0299         pt.rx() = bounds.left();
0300     }
0302     if (pt.y() > bounds.bottom()) {
0303         pt.ry() = bounds.bottom();
0304     }
0306     if (pt.y() < {
0307         pt.ry() =;
0308     }
0310     return pt;
0311 }
0313 template <class Size>
0314 auto maxDimension(Size size) -> decltype(size.width()) {
0315     return qMax(size.width(), size.height());
0316 }
0318 template <class Size>
0319 auto minDimension(Size size) -> decltype(size.width()) {
0320     return qMin(size.width(), size.height());
0321 }
0323 QPainterPath KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT smallArrow();
0325 /**
0326  * Multiply width and height of \p rect by \p coeff keeping the
0327  * center of the rectangle pinned
0328  */
0329 template <class Rect>
0330 Rect blowRect(const Rect &rect, qreal coeff)
0331 {
0332     typedef decltype(rect.x()) CoordType;
0334     CoordType w = rect.width() * coeff;
0335     CoordType h = rect.height() * coeff;
0337     return rect.adjusted(-w, -h, w, h);
0338 }
0340 QPoint KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT ensureInRect(QPoint pt, const QRect &bounds);
0341 QPointF KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT ensureInRect(QPointF pt, const QRectF &bounds);
0343 template <class Rect>
0344 Rect ensureRectNotSmaller(Rect rc, const decltype(Rect().size()) &size)
0345 {
0346     typedef decltype(Rect().size()) Size;
0347     typedef decltype(Rect().top()) ValueType;
0349     if (rc.width() < size.width() ||
0350         rc.height() < size.height()) {
0352         ValueType width = qMax(rc.width(), size.width());
0353         ValueType  height = qMax(rc.height(), size.height());
0355         rc = Rect(rc.topLeft(), Size(width, height));
0356     }
0358     return rc;
0359 }
0361 template <class Size>
0362 Size ensureSizeNotSmaller(const Size &size, const Size &bounds)
0363 {
0364     Size result = size;
0366     const auto widthBound = qAbs(bounds.width());
0367     auto width = result.width();
0368     if (qAbs(width) < widthBound) {
0369         width = copysign(widthBound, width);
0370         result.setWidth(width);
0371     }
0373     const auto heightBound = qAbs(bounds.height());
0374     auto height = result.height();
0375     if (qAbs(height) < heightBound) {
0376         height = copysign(heightBound, height);
0377         result.setHeight(height);
0378     }
0380     return result;
0381 }
0383 /**
0384  * Attempt to intersect a line to the area of the a rectangle.
0385  *
0386  * If the line intersects the rectangle, it will be modified to represent the intersecting line segment and true is returned.
0387  * If the line does not intersect the area, it remains unmodified and false will be returned.
0388  * If the line is fully inside the rectangle, it's considered "intersecting" so true will be returned.
0389  *
0390  * @param line line segment
0391  * @param rect area
0392  * @param extend extend the line to the edges of the rect area even if the line segment fits inside the rectangle
0393  *     (so, consider the line to be a line defined by those two points, not a line segment)
0394  * @return true if successful
0395  */
0396 bool KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT intersectLineRect(QLineF &line, const QRect rect, bool extend);
0398 /**
0399  * Attempt to intersect a line to the area of the a rectangle.
0400  *
0401  * If the line intersects the rectangle, it will be modified to represent the intersecting line segment and true is returned.
0402  * If the line does not intersect the area, it remains unmodified and false will be returned.
0403  * If the line is fully inside the rectangle, it's considered "intersecting" so true will be returned.
0404  *
0405  * extendFirst and extendSecond parameters allow one to use this function in case of unbounded lines (if both are true),
0406  * line segments (if both are false) or half-lines/rays (if one is true and another is false).
0407  * Note that which point is the "first" and which is the "second" is determined by which is the p1() and which is p2() in QLineF.
0408  *
0409  * @param line line segment
0410  * @param rect area
0411  * @param extendFirst extend the line to the edge of the rect area even if the first point of the line segment lies inside the rectangle
0412  * @param extendSecond extend the line to the edge of the rect area even if the second point of the line segment lies inside the rectangle
0413  * @return true if successful
0414  */
0415 bool KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT intersectLineRect(QLineF &line, const QRect rect, bool extendFirst, bool extendSecond);
0417 // the same but with a convex polygon; uses Cyrus-Beck algorithm
0418 bool KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT intersectLineConvexPolygon(QLineF &line, const QPolygonF polygon, bool extendFirst, bool extendSecond);
0420 /**
0421  * Crop line to rect; if it doesn't intersect, just return an empty line (QLineF()).
0422  *
0423  * This is using intersectLineRect, but with the difference that it doesn't require the user to check the return value.
0424  * It's useful for drawing code, since it let the developer not use `if` before drawing.
0425  *
0426  * If the line intersects the rectangle, it will be modified to represent the intersecting line segment.
0427  * If the line does not intersect the area, it will return an empty one-point line.
0428  *
0429  * extendFirst and extendSecond parameters allow one to use this function in case of unbounded lines (if both are true),
0430  * line segments (if both are false) or half-lines/rays (if one is true and another is false).
0431  * Note that which point is the "first" and which is the "second" is determined by which is the p1() and which is p2() in QLineF.
0432  *
0433  * @param line line segment
0434  * @param rect area
0435  * @param extendFirst extend the line to the edge of the rect area even if the first point of the line segment lies inside the rectangle
0436  * @param extendSecond extend the line to the edge of the rect area even if the second point of the line segment lies inside the rectangle
0437  */
0438 void KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT cropLineToRect(QLineF &line, const QRect rect, bool extendFirst, bool extendSecond);
0440 void KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT cropLineToConvexPolygon(QLineF &line, const QPolygonF polygon, bool extendFirst, bool extendSecond);
0445 template <class Point>
0446 inline Point abs(const Point &pt) {
0447     return Point(qAbs(pt.x()), qAbs(pt.y()));
0448 }
0450 template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type* = nullptr>
0451 inline T wrapValue(T value, T wrapBounds) {
0452     value %= wrapBounds;
0453     if (value < 0) {
0454         value += wrapBounds;
0455     }
0456     return value;
0457 }
0459 template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, T>::type* = nullptr>
0460 inline T wrapValue(T value, T wrapBounds) {
0461     value = std::fmod(value, wrapBounds);
0462     if (value < 0) {
0463         value += wrapBounds;
0464     }
0465     return value;
0466 }
0468 template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<decltype(T().x()), decltype(T().y())>::value, T>::type* = nullptr>
0469 inline T wrapValue(T value, T wrapBounds) {
0470     value.rx() = wrapValue(value.x(), wrapBounds.x());
0471     value.ry() = wrapValue(value.y(), wrapBounds.y());
0472     return value;
0473 }
0475 template<typename T>
0476 inline T wrapValue(T value, T min, T max) {
0477     return wrapValue(value - min, max - min) + min;
0478 }
0480 class RightHalfPlane {
0481 public:
0483     RightHalfPlane(const QPointF &a, const QPointF &b)
0484         : m_a(a), m_p(b - a), m_norm_p_inv(1.0 / norm(m_p))
0485     {
0486     }
0488     RightHalfPlane(const QLineF &line)
0489         : RightHalfPlane(line.p1(), line.p2())
0490     {
0491     }
0493     qreal valueSq(const QPointF &pt) const {
0494         const qreal val = value(pt);
0495         return signZZ(val) * pow2(val);
0496     }
0498     qreal value(const QPointF &pt) const {
0499         return crossProduct(m_p, pt - m_a) * m_norm_p_inv;
0500     }
0502     int pos(const QPointF &pt) const {
0503         return signZZ(value(pt));
0504     }
0506     QLineF getLine() const {
0507         return QLineF(m_a, m_a + m_p);
0508     }
0510 private:
0511     const QPointF m_a;
0512     const QPointF m_p;
0513     const qreal m_norm_p_inv;
0514 };
0516 class OuterCircle {
0517 public:
0519     OuterCircle(const QPointF &c, qreal radius)
0520         : m_c(c),
0521           m_radius(radius),
0522           m_radius_sq(pow2(radius)),
0523           m_fadeCoeff(1.0 / (pow2(radius + 1.0) - m_radius_sq))
0524     {
0525     }
0527     qreal valueSq(const QPointF &pt) const {
0528         const qreal val = value(pt);
0530         return signZZ(val) * pow2(val);
0531     }
0533     qreal value(const QPointF &pt) const {
0534         return kisDistance(pt, m_c) - m_radius;
0535     }
0537     int pos(const QPointF &pt) const {
0538         return signZZ(valueSq(pt));
0539     }
0541     qreal fadeSq(const QPointF &pt) const {
0542         const qreal valSq = kisSquareDistance(pt, m_c);
0543         return (valSq - m_radius_sq) * m_fadeCoeff;
0544     }
0546 private:
0547     const QPointF m_c;
0548     const qreal m_radius;
0549     const qreal m_radius_sq;
0550     const qreal m_fadeCoeff;
0551 };
0553 QVector<QPoint> KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT sampleRectWithPoints(const QRect &rect);
0554 QVector<QPointF> KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT sampleRectWithPoints(const QRectF &rect);
0556 QRect KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT approximateRectFromPoints(const QVector<QPoint> &points);
0557 QRectF KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT approximateRectFromPoints(const QVector<QPointF> &points);
0559 QRect KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT approximateRectWithPointTransform(const QRect &rect, std::function<QPointF(QPointF)> func);
0562 /**
0563  * Cuts off a portion of a rect \p rc defined by a half-plane \p p
0564  * \return the bounding rect of the resulting polygon
0565  */
0567 QRectF cutOffRect(const QRectF &rc, const KisAlgebra2D::RightHalfPlane &p);
0570 /**
0571  * Solves a quadratic equation in a form:
0572  *
0573  * a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0
0574  *
0575  * WARNING: Please note that \p a *must* be nonzero!  Otherwise the
0576  * equation is not quadratic! And this function doesn't check that!
0577  *
0578  * \return the number of solutions. It can be 0, 1 or 2.
0579  *
0580  * \p x1, \p x2 --- the found solution. The variables are filled with
0581  *                  data iff the corresponding solution is found. That
0582  *                  is: 0 solutions --- variables are not touched, 1
0583  *                  solution --- x1 is filled with the result, 2
0584  *                  solutions --- x1 and x2 are filled.
0585  */
0587 int quadraticEquation(qreal a, qreal b, qreal c, qreal *x1, qreal *x2);
0589 /**
0590  * Finds the points of intersections between two circles
0591  * \return the found circles, the result can have 0, 1 or 2 points
0592  */
0594 QVector<QPointF> intersectTwoCircles(const QPointF &c1, qreal r1,
0595                                      const QPointF &c2, qreal r2);
0598 QTransform mapToRect(const QRectF &rect);
0601 QTransform mapToRectInverse(const QRectF &rect);
0603 /**
0604  * Scale the relative point \pt into the bounds of \p rc. The point might be
0605  * outside the rectangle.
0606  */
0607 inline QPointF relativeToAbsolute(const QPointF &pt, const QRectF &rc) {
0608     return rc.topLeft() + QPointF(pt.x() * rc.width(), pt.y() * rc.height());
0609 }
0611 /**
0612  * Get the relative position of \p pt inside rectangle \p rc. The point can be
0613  * outside the rectangle.
0614  */
0615 inline QPointF absoluteToRelative(const QPointF &pt, const QRectF &rc) {
0616     const QPointF rel = pt - rc.topLeft();
0617     return QPointF(rc.width() > 0 ? rel.x() / rc.width() : 0,
0618                    rc.height() > 0 ? rel.y() / rc.height() : 0);
0620 }
0622 /**
0623  * Scales relative isotropic value from relative to absolute coordinate system
0624  * using SVG 1.1 rules (see chapter 7.10)
0625  */
0626 inline qreal relativeToAbsolute(qreal value, const QRectF &rc) {
0627     const qreal coeff = std::sqrt(pow2(rc.width()) + pow2(rc.height())) / std::sqrt(2.0);
0628     return value * coeff;
0629 }
0631 /**
0632  * Scales absolute isotropic value from absolute to relative coordinate system
0633  * using SVG 1.1 rules (see chapter 7.10)
0634  */
0635 inline qreal absoluteToRelative(const qreal value, const QRectF &rc) {
0636     const qreal coeff = std::sqrt(pow2(rc.width()) + pow2(rc.height())) / std::sqrt(2.0);
0637     return coeff != 0 ? value / coeff : 0;
0638 }
0640 /**
0641  * Scales relative isotropic value from relative to absolute coordinate system
0642  * using SVG 1.1 rules (see chapter 7.10)
0643  */
0644 inline QRectF relativeToAbsolute(const QRectF &rel, const QRectF &rc) {
0645     return QRectF(relativeToAbsolute(rel.topLeft(), rc), relativeToAbsolute(rel.bottomRight(), rc));
0646 }
0648 /**
0649  * Scales absolute isotropic value from absolute to relative coordinate system
0650  * using SVG 1.1 rules (see chapter 7.10)
0651  */
0652 inline QRectF absoluteToRelative(const QRectF &rel, const QRectF &rc) {
0653     return QRectF(absoluteToRelative(rel.topLeft(), rc), absoluteToRelative(rel.bottomRight(), rc));
0654 }
0656 /**
0657  * Compare the matrices with tolerance \p delta
0658  */
0659 bool KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT fuzzyMatrixCompare(const QTransform &t1, const QTransform &t2, qreal delta);
0661 /**
0662  * Returns true if the two points are equal within some tolerance, where the tolerance is determined
0663  * by Qt's built-in fuzzy comparison functions.
0664  */
0665 bool KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT fuzzyPointCompare(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2);
0667 /**
0668  * Returns true if the two points are equal within the specified tolerance
0669  */
0670 bool KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT fuzzyPointCompare(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, qreal delta);
0672 /**
0673  * Returns true if points in two containers are equal with specified tolerance
0674  */
0675 template <template<typename> class Cont, class Point>
0676 bool fuzzyPointCompare(const Cont<Point> &c1, const Cont<Point> &c2, qreal delta)
0677 {
0678     if (c1.size() != c2.size()) return false;
0680     const qreal eps = delta;
0682     return std::mismatch(c1.cbegin(),
0683                          c1.cend(),
0684                          c2.cbegin(),
0685                          [eps] (const QPointF &pt1, const QPointF &pt2) {
0686                                return fuzzyPointCompare(pt1, pt2, eps);
0687                          })
0688             .first == c1.cend();
0689 }
0691 /**
0692  * Compare two rectangles with tolerance \p tolerance. The tolerance means that the
0693  * coordinates of top left and bottom right corners should not differ more than \p tolerance
0694  * pixels.
0695  */
0696 template<class Rect, typename Difference = decltype(Rect::width())>
0697 bool fuzzyCompareRects(const Rect &r1, const Rect &r2, Difference tolerance) {
0698     typedef decltype(r1.topLeft()) Point;
0700     const Point d1 = abs(r1.topLeft() - r2.topLeft());
0701     const Point d2 = abs(r1.bottomRight() - r2.bottomRight());
0703     const Difference maxError = std::max({d1.x(), d1.y(), d2.x(), d2.y()});
0704     return maxError < tolerance;
0705 }
0707 struct KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT DecomposedMatrix {
0708     DecomposedMatrix();
0710     DecomposedMatrix(const QTransform &t0);
0712     inline QTransform scaleTransform() const
0713     {
0714         return QTransform::fromScale(scaleX, scaleY);
0715     }
0717     inline QTransform shearTransform() const
0718     {
0719         QTransform t;
0720         t.shear(shearXY, 0);
0721         return t;
0722     }
0724     inline QTransform rotateTransform() const
0725     {
0726         QTransform t;
0727         t.rotate(angle);
0728         return t;
0729     }
0731     inline QTransform translateTransform() const
0732     {
0733         return QTransform::fromTranslate(dx, dy);
0734     }
0736     inline QTransform projectTransform() const
0737     {
0738         return
0739             QTransform(
0740                 1,0,proj[0],
0741                 0,1,proj[1],
0742                 0,0,proj[2]);
0743     }
0745     inline QTransform transform() const {
0746         return
0747             scaleTransform() *
0748             shearTransform() *
0749             rotateTransform() *
0750             translateTransform() *
0751             projectTransform();
0752     }
0754     inline bool isValid() const {
0755         return valid;
0756     }
0758     qreal scaleX = 1.0;
0759     qreal scaleY = 1.0;
0760     qreal shearXY = 0.0;
0761     qreal angle = 0.0;
0762     qreal dx = 0.0;
0763     qreal dy = 0.0;
0764     qreal proj[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
0766 private:
0767     bool valid = true;
0768 };
0770 // NOTE: tiar: this seems to ignore perspective transformation, be wary and use the class in PerspectiveEllipseAssistant.cpp instead
0771 // this is only good for rotation, translation and possibly shear
0772 std::pair<QPointF, QTransform> KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT transformEllipse(const QPointF &axes, const QTransform &fullLocalToGlobal);
0774 QPointF KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT alignForZoom(const QPointF &pt, qreal zoom);
0777 /**
0778  * Linearly reshape function \p x so that in range [x0, x1]
0779  * it would cross points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).
0780  */
0781 template <typename T>
0782 inline T linearReshapeFunc(T x, T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1)
0783 {
0784     return y0 + (y1 - y0) * (x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
0785 }
0788 /**
0789  * Find intersection of a bounded line \p boundedLine with unbounded
0790  * line \p unboundedLine (if an intersection exists)
0791  */
0793 boost::optional<QPointF> intersectLines(const QLineF &boundedLine, const QLineF &unboundedLine);
0796 /**
0797  * Find intersection of a bounded line \p p1, \p p2 with unbounded
0798  * line \p q1, \p q2 (if an intersection exists)
0799  */
0801 boost::optional<QPointF> intersectLines(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2,
0802                                         const QPointF &q1, const QPointF &q2);
0804 /**
0805  * Find possible positions for point p3, such that points \p1, \p2 and p3 form
0806  * a triangle, such that the distance between p1 ad p3 is \p a and the distance
0807  * between p2 and p3 is b. There might be 0, 1 or 2 such positions.
0808  */
0809 QVector<QPointF> KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT findTrianglePoint(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, qreal a, qreal b);
0811 /**
0812  * Find a point p3 that forms a triangle with \p1 and \p2 and is the nearest
0813  * possible point to \p nearest
0814  *
0815  * \see findTrianglePoint
0816  */
0817 boost::optional<QPointF> KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT findTrianglePointNearest(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, qreal a, qreal b, const QPointF &nearest);
0819 /**
0820  * @brief moveElasticPoint moves point \p pt based on the model of elasticity
0821  * @param pt point in question, tied to points \p base, \p wingA and \p wingB
0822  *           using springs
0823  * @param base initial position of the dragged point
0824  * @param newBase final position of the dragged point
0825  * @param wingA first anchor point
0826  * @param wingB second anchor point
0827  * @return the new position of \p pt
0828  *
0829  * The function requires (\p newBase - \p base) be much smaller than any
0830  * of the distances between other points. If larger distances are necessary,
0831  * then use integration.
0832  */
0833 QPointF KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT moveElasticPoint(const QPointF &pt,
0834                                             const QPointF &base, const QPointF &newBase,
0835                                             const QPointF &wingA, const QPointF &wingB);
0837 /**
0838  * @brief moveElasticPoint moves point \p pt based on the model of elasticity
0839  * @param pt point in question, tied to points \p base, \p anchorPoints
0840  *           using springs
0841  * @param base initial position of the dragged point
0842  * @param newBase final position of tht dragged point
0843  * @param anchorPoints anchor points
0844  * @return the new position of \p pt
0845  *
0846  * The function expects (\p newBase - \p base) be much smaller than any
0847  * of the distances between other points. If larger distances are necessary,
0848  * then use integration.
0849  */
0850 QPointF KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT moveElasticPoint(const QPointF &pt,
0851                                             const QPointF &base, const QPointF &newBase,
0852                                             const QVector<QPointF> &anchorPoints);
0855 /**
0856  * @brief a simple class to generate Halton sequence
0857  *
0858  * This sequence of numbers can be used to sample areas
0859  * in somewhat uniform way. See Wikipedia for more info:
0860  *
0861  *
0862  */
0864 class HaltonSequenceGenerator
0865 {
0866 public:
0867     HaltonSequenceGenerator(int base)
0868         : m_base(base)
0869     {
0870     }
0872     int generate(int maxRange) {
0873         generationStep();
0874         return (m_n * maxRange + m_d / 2) / m_d;
0875     }
0877     qreal generate() {
0878         generationStep();
0879         return qreal(m_n) / m_d;
0880     }
0882     void step() {
0883         generationStep();
0884     }
0886     int currentValue(int maxRange) const {
0887         return (m_n * maxRange + m_d / 2) / m_d;
0888     }
0890     qreal currentValue() const{
0891         return qreal(m_n) / m_d;
0892     }
0894 private:
0895     inline void generationStep() {
0896         int x = m_d - m_n;
0898         if (x == 1) {
0899             m_n = 1;
0900             m_d *= m_base;
0901         } else {
0902             int y = m_d / m_base;
0903             while (x <= y) {
0904                 y /= m_base;
0905             }
0906             m_n = (m_base + 1) * y - x;
0907         }
0908     }
0910 private:
0911     int m_n = 0;
0912     int m_d = 1;
0913     const int m_base = 0;
0914 };
0917 // find minimum of the function f(x) between points xA and xB, with eps precision, using Golden Ratio Section
0918 // requirements: only one local minimum between xA and xB
0919 // Golden Section is supposed to be usually faster than Ternary Section
0920 // NOTE: tiar: this function was debugged and should be working correctly but is not used anywhere any longer
0921 qreal findMinimumGoldenSection(std::function<qreal(qreal)> f, qreal xA, qreal xB, qreal eps, int maxIter);
0923 // find minimum of the function f(x) between points xA and xB, with eps precision, using Ternary Section
0924 // requirements: only one local minimum between xA and xB
0925 // Golden Section is supposed to be usually faster than Ternary Section
0926 // NOTE: tiar: this function was debugged and should be working correctly but is not used anywhere any longer
0927 qreal findMinimumTernarySection(std::function<qreal(qreal)> f, qreal xA, qreal xB, qreal eps, int maxIter);
0929 qreal KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT pointToLineDistSquared(const QPointF& pt, const QLineF& line);
0932 }
0935 #endif /* __KIS_ALGEBRA_2D_H */