Warning, /graphics/krita/3rdparty/PYTHON.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Notes About Python And Windows 0002 0003 On Windows, we need two Pythons. One to configure Qt and build sip and PyQt5 against, one to package together with Krita, PyQt, sip and PyKrita. These Pythons need to be exactly the same version, and that version is specified in many places: 0004 0005 0006 krita\CMakeLists.txt (find_package(PythonLibrary 3.8)) 0007 krita\3rdparty\ext_python\CMakeLists.txt (URL https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.1/python-3.8.1-embed-amd64.zip) 0008 krita\plugins\extensions\pykrita\plugin\utilities.cpp (paths.append(pythonDir.absoluteFilePath("python38.zip"));) 0009