Warning, /graphics/kphotoalbum/doc/options.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!--
0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003-2006 Jesper K. Pedersen <jesper.pedersen@kdab.com>
0003 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Miika Turkia <miika.turkia@gmail.com>
0004 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>
0005 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Johannes Zarl-Zierl <johannes@zarl-zierl.at>
0007 SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.2-only
0008 -->
0010 <chapter id="chp-options">
0011   <title>Configuring &kphotoalbum;</title>
0012   <para>Selecting
0013 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
0014 KPhotoAlbum...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu
0015 bar will bring up the options dialog. This chapter will tell you about the
0016 configuration option available there.</para>
0019 <sect1 id="opt-general">
0020   <title>General Settings</title>
0022 <para>Below you can see the configuration page for general options. Some of
0023 these options are briefly described here and you can also access an
0024 informational menu while doing configurations by right clicking any option and
0025 selecting the <guimenuitem>What's This?</guimenuitem> menu item.</para>
0027 <figure id="fig-options-general">
0028 <title>General Options</title>
0029 <mediaobject>
0030 <imageobject>
0031 <imagedata fileref="options-general.png" format="PNG"/>
0032 </imageobject>
0033 </mediaobject>
0034 </figure>
0036 <para>Use EXIF orientation information will automatically rotate images as
0037 shot. Most digital cameras embed a thumbnail on RAW format files and quite
0038 often this thumbnail is actually of sufficient size, might be even full sized.
0039 Selecting to use this embedded thumbnail will fasten up all image operations as
0040 decoding raw files is very time consuming but the thumbnail is many times
0041 faster. You can also specify the minimum size for the thumbnail so that the RAW
0042 image is decoded if the thumbnail is of useless size.</para>
0043 </sect1>
0045 <sect1 id="opt-search-new">
0046   <title>New Image Finder Settings</title>
0047 <para>The left pane gives you access to other settings like <guimenuitem>File Searching
0048 &amp; Versions</guimenuitem>. These settings define &kphotoalbum;'s behavior when new images
0049 are found. These can be searched for automatically on start-up or manually from
0050 the <guimenu>Maintenance</guimenu> menu. Again the options are well described in the online help
0051 menu but a few should probably be given a brief introduction here.</para>
0053 <figure id="fig-options-file-versions">
0054 <title>File Searching &amp; Versions</title>
0055 <mediaobject>
0056 <imageobject>
0057 <imagedata fileref="options-file-versions.png" format="PNG"/>
0058 </imageobject>
0059 </mediaobject>
0060 </figure>
0062 <para>
0063 <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
0064     <listitem><para>You probably want to skip searching for some directories
0065     that are generated by different image viewers or file browsers. This is a comma
0066     separated list and new directories can easily be added when
0067     needed.</para></listitem>
0068     <listitem>
0069         <para>New versions of same files can be automatically detected to
0070         some extent. If you want to &eg; automatically stack new versions of same image
0071         to a stack you can configure regular expression to be used to look whether the
0072         new file is a new version of an original file. Following settings where first
0073         is the search regexp and second original file test should get you
0074         started, but might need some tuning to suit your naming convention:</para>
0075     <orderedlist>
0076     <listitem><para>(_(v){0,1}([0-9]){1,2}){0,1}\.(jpg|JPG|tif|TIF|png|PNG)</para></listitem>
0077     <listitem><para>.CR2;.NEF;.JPG;.jpg</para></listitem>
0078     </orderedlist>
0079     </listitem>
0080 </itemizedlist>
0081 Note that the Original file replacement text can have multiple suffixes
0082 separated by semicolon and reference to regexp match can be used in the format
0083 of \1. Original file is being searched from the same directory as the new file.
0084 Oh, and the example regexp will match &eg; the following files: example_v1.jpg,
0085 example_12.tif, example.PNG.
0086 </para>
0087 </sect1>
0089 <sect1 id="opt-thumbnails">
0090   <title>Thumbnail Viewer Settings</title>
0091   <para>There isn't much you should configure for Thumbnail Viewer.
0092   Mainly Thumbnail Size and Tooltip Size (if you plan on using the
0093   tooltip feature that can be enabled from
0094   <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Tooltips
0095   in Thumbnail Window</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or
0096   <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>). You can also select to
0097   view additional information like labels and categories with the
0098   thumbnails.
0099   </para>
0100 <figure>
0101 <title>Options for Thumbnail View</title>
0102 <mediaobject>
0103 <imageobject>
0104 <imagedata fileref="options-thumbnailview.png" format="PNG"/>
0105 </imageobject>
0106 </mediaobject>
0107 </figure>
0108 </sect1>
0110 <sect1 id="opt-viewer">
0111   <title>Viewer Settings</title>
0112   <para>Another rather simple configuration. Mainly you can select the
0113   preferred size of Viewer or SlideShow window or to display them in
0114   full screen mode. Basic SlideShow interval can be set here.
0115   The scaling algorithm can be <emphasis>Best</emphasis> or
0116   <emphasis>Fastest</emphasis>. If your
0117   computer is fast enough for Best scaling use that otherwise go for the
0118   speed.
0119   </para>
0120 <figure>
0121 <title>Options for the Viewer</title>
0122 <mediaobject>
0123 <imageobject>
0124 <imagedata fileref="options-viewer.png" format="PNG"/>
0125 </imageobject>
0126 </mediaobject>
0127 </figure>
0128 </sect1>
0133 <sect1 id="sec-specifying-categories">
0134   <title>Categories</title>
0135   <para>In <xref linkend="chp-typingIn"/> it was described how you could
0136 specify different properties for each image, these included
0137 <literal>People</literal>, <literal>Places</literal> and
0138 <literal>Keywords</literal>. It is possible to specify your own categories, so
0139 if you prefer you could get an <literal>Items</literal>, a
0140 <literal>Animals</literal>, or a <literal>Albums</literal> category your self.</para>
0142 <para>In <xref linkend="fig-options-group"/> below you can see the dialog
0143 used to configure which categories exists. For each category you specify a
0144 label and an icon.</para>
0146 <figure id="fig-options-group">
0147 <title>Configuring Categories</title>
0148 <mediaobject>
0149 <imageobject>
0150 <imagedata fileref="options-groups.png" format="PNG"/>
0151 </imageobject>
0152 </mediaobject>
0153 </figure>
0154 </sect1>
0159 <sect1 id="sec-member-groups-in-options-dialog">
0160 <title>Sub-categories</title>
0162 <para>In <xref linkend="sec-member-groups-in-property-editor"/> we
0163 discussed sub categories. From the settings dialog, it is possible to configure
0164 entire member groups, &ie; configure all members of a group in one go rather
0165 than configure all groups for a member as was the situation in <xref
0166 linkend="sec-member-groups-in-property-editor"/>.</para>
0168 <para>In <xref linkend="fig-options-member"/> you can see the configuration
0169 page for specifying member groups. At the top there is a combo box, where you
0170 can specify which category you are currently configuring. On the left side you
0171 see a list box with the current category, and on the right side you see a list
0172 box with the sub categories.</para>
0174 <figure id="fig-options-member">
0175 <title>Configuring Member Groups</title>
0176 <mediaobject>
0177 <imageobject>
0178 <imagedata fileref="options-member.png" format="PNG"/>
0179 </imageobject>
0180 </mediaobject>
0181 </figure>
0183 </sect1>
0185 </chapter>
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