Warning, /graphics/kphotoalbum/doc/generating-html.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!--
0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2006 Jesper K. Pedersen <jesper.pedersen@kdab.com>
0003 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Miika Turkia <miika.turkia@gmail.com>
0004 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>
0005 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Johannes Zarl-Zierl <johannes@zarl-zierl.at>
0007 SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.2-only
0008 -->
0010 <chapter id="chp-generating-html">
0011     <title>Generating &HTML;</title>
0012     <para>&kphotoalbum; offers the possibility for generating &HTML; from your
0013       photo album.
0014       You may find this in the menubar
0015       <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Generate 
0016       &HTML;</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
0018     <para>Before &HTML; pages are generated, you need to specify a bit of
0019       information, split over the three pages
0020       <guilabel>Content</guilabel>, <guilabel>Layout</guilabel> and
0021       <guilabel>Destination</guilabel>. The following section describes each
0022       page in detail.</para>
0024     <sect1 id="the_content_page">
0025       <title>The <guilabel>Content</guilabel> page</title>
0026       <para>In the content page you specify which information should be
0027         generated to the &HTML; pages.</para>
0029         <figure id="html-content">
0030         <title>HTML Generator Content Configuration</title>
0031         <mediaobject>
0032         <imageobject>
0033         <imagedata fileref="html-content.png" format="PNG"/>
0034         </imageobject>
0035         </mediaobject>
0036         </figure>
0038       <para>First you specify the title of the overview pages, plus a
0039         description generated on these pages. If the theme you selected supports
0040         copyright notice this can also be specified here.
0041         <!--
0042         See <ulink
0043           url="http://www.kphotoalbum.org/rounded-theme/index.html">&kphotoalbum; example &HTML; pages</ulink> 
0044         to see an example of this.-->
0045         </para>
0047       <para>Next you specify whether a &kphotoalbum; export file should be
0048         generated, and put on the overview page. See <xref
0049           linkend="chp-importExport"/> for details on export files. And if you
0050           want to have movies included in-line or as downloadable
0051           objects.</para>
0053       <para>Finally you may specify which information should be generated
0054         on the &HTML; pages. This way you may skip generating information
0055         which might be obvious to the reader of the pages (say these images
0056         was from the party we all attended). Notice, &kphotoalbum; does currently not
0057         allow you to exclude certain categories from the export file, so
0058         don't rely on this as a way of excluding information you do not
0059         want readers of your pages to see.</para>
0060     </sect1>
0062     <sect1 id="the_layout_page">
0063       <title>The <guilabel>Layout</guilabel> page</title>
0064       <para>On the layout page you specify what your &HTML; pages should look
0065         like. Most of the options on this page are straight forward, and do
0066         not need further description here. A short intro to each theme is shown
0067         when you select the theme to give some idea what it should look
0068         like.</para>
0070         <figure id="html-layout">
0071         <title>HTML Generator Layout Configuration</title>
0072         <mediaobject>
0073         <imageobject>
0074         <imagedata fileref="html-layout.png" format="PNG"/>
0075         </imageobject>
0076         </mediaobject>
0077         </figure>
0079       <para>At the bottom of this page it is possible to specify several
0080         resolution for images. This way people reading your pages are not
0081         forced to download images in large resolutions, say 1600x1200, just
0082         to see it on a monitor not offering more than say 800x600.</para>
0084       <para>At any time your readers may change resolution among those you
0085         specified. That way they may browse through your images in low
0086         resolution (and thus fast download time), and when they see an
0087         image of special interest, they may change to high
0088         resolution.</para>
0089     </sect1>
0091     <sect1 id="the_destination_page">
0092       <title>The <guilabel>Destination</guilabel> page</title>
0093       <para>On the destination page you specify several directories and
0094         URL's specifying where your pages go.</para>
0096       <para>The philosophy is that you specify a base directory
0097         for all your generations, and for each generation specify a new
0098         subdirectory.</para>
0100         <figure id="html-destination">
0101         <title>HTML Generator Destination Configuration</title>
0102         <mediaobject>
0103         <imageobject>
0104         <imagedata fileref="html-destination.png" format="PNG"/>
0105         </imageobject>
0106         </mediaobject>
0107         </figure>
0109       <para>First you need to specify the base directory for all your
0110         images. This directory will be remembered from session to session,
0111         and allows you to once and for all tell where all subsequent images
0112         should go. Here you may specify a directory, or any <ulink
0113           url="help:/kioslave/index.html">protocol</ulink> supported by
0114         &kde;. Examples includes:
0116         <itemizedlist>
0117           <listitem><para>ftp://someserver/my-upload-area/images (upload using FTP)</para></listitem>
0118           <listitem><para>fish://someserver/home/foo/images (upload using ssh)</para></listitem>
0119           <listitem><para>smb://someserver/c/images (upload to a Windows share)</para></listitem>
0120         </itemizedlist>
0121       </para>
0123       <para>Once you are done generating your images, you may want to check
0124         whether they are really available to your audience. If you specify a
0125         URL in the <guilabel>Base URL</guilabel> line edit, a web browser will
0126         be spawned once &HTML; pages has been generated. The URL you specify
0127         here should match the directory you specified above. Thus the web
0128         browser will be started on the subdirectories of this URL.</para>
0130       <para>Once you have generated &HTML; pages, your pages may still not be
0131         in their final destination, you may still need special upload
0132         procedures out of the control of &kphotoalbum;. For
0133         the Import feature (see <xref linkend="chp-importExport"/>) to
0134         work, you need to specify the final destination of the pages. Again
0135         this does not include the subdirectory of the current
0136         generation.</para>
0138       <para>The three line edits described above are all base
0139         directories and base URL's. At these locations a new subdirectory will be
0140         created named with the name you specify in <guilabel>Output
0141           Directory</guilabel>.</para>
0142     </sect1>
0144 </chapter>
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