Warning, /graphics/kphotoalbum/doc/datebar.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!--
0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005-2006 Jesper K. Pedersen <jesper.pedersen@kdab.com>
0003 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Burkhard Lück <lueck@hube-lueck.de>
0005 SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.2-only
0006 -->
0008 <chapter id="chp-datebar">
0009   <title>The Datebar</title>
0011 <para>At the bottom of the &kphotoalbum; main window, you will find the data
0012 bar (see <xref linkend="fig-datebar"/>). As the name indicates it shows date statistics over the images in your
0013 database.</para>
0015 <figure id="fig-datebar">
0016 <title>The Date Bar</title>
0017 <mediaobject>
0018 <imageobject>
0019 <imagedata fileref="datebar.png" format="PNG"/>
0020 </imageobject>
0021 </mediaobject>
0022 </figure>
0024 <para>The individual bars indicates how many images are within the given
0025 period. In the figure above you may see that I have 261 images from January
0026 2005. The bars encode two information, namely how many images that have an
0027 exact date within the given period, and how many have an overlap with the
0028 given period. A picture which has a date that says 2005 will thus count as
0029 an overlap for all the month of 2005, while an image from Jan 24th 2005
0030 will count as an exact date for January 2005. Exact matches are displayed
0031 with green, while inexact matches are displayed in yellow. Thus in December
0032 2004 I have 86 images with exact count, and 61 with overlap count. (I know
0033 the counts by hovering the mouse over the given range, since this displays
0034 the counts in the status bar).</para>
0036 <para>The date bar offers you a number of different granularities, where
0037 each bar displays a different time range. The range are years, month,
0038 weeks, days, hours, and 10 minutes. <xref
0039 linkend="fig-datebar-for-minutes"/> shows you part of my database where
0040 each bar shows only 10 minutes.</para>
0042 <figure id="fig-datebar-for-minutes">
0043 <title>The Date Bar Showing 10 Minutes Intervals</title>
0044 <mediaobject>
0045 <imageobject>
0046 <imagedata fileref="datebar-for-minutes.png" format="PNG"/>
0047 </imageobject>
0048 </mediaobject>
0049 </figure>
0051 <para>The date bar is interactive in two ways, first you may navigate the
0052 thumbnail view from the database - selecting a date will scroll the
0053 thumbnail view so the first image from that date is displayed. Second, when
0054 you navigate around in the thumbnail view, the date bar will update to
0055 display the date of the images currently displayed.</para>
0057 <para>You may also drag out a range in the data bar. You do so by pressing
0058 and dragging the mouse in the ruler part of the date bar, i.e. on the
0059 time stamps. When you select a range, the thumbnail viewer will display
0060 only images from that range. You cancel a selection by pressing the cancel
0061 button at the left side of the datebar.</para>
0063 </chapter>
0065 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
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0072 sgml-parent-document: "index.docbook"
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