File indexing completed on 2024-06-09 04:20:04

0001 #!/bin/bash
0003 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Johannes Zarl-Zierl <>
0004 #
0005 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
0007 ###
0008 # Check all added or modified files that have a copyright line
0009 # for an up-to-date copyright year.
0010 # e.g. "Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The KPhotoAlbum Development Team"
0011 ###
0013 set -e
0015 if [[ -z "$CHECK_COPYRIGHT_HEADER" ]]
0016 then
0017         CHECK_COPYRIGHT_HEADER=$(git config --bool --get kpa.checkCopyrightHeader || echo true)
0018 fi
0019 if [[ "$CHECK_COPYRIGHT_HEADER" == false ]]
0020 then
0021         exit 0
0022 fi
0024 declare -a affected_files
0026 year=$(date +%Y)
0027 IFS=$'\n'
0028 for line in $(git status --short)
0029 do
0030         # if the file is added or modified
0031         if [[ $line == A* || $line == M* ]]
0032         then
0033                 filename="${line:3}"
0034                 if grep -q SPDX-FileCopyrightText "${filename}"
0035                 then
0036                         if ! grep -q "SPDX-FileCopyrightText:.*$year" "${filename}"
0037                         then
0038                                 if ! grep -iq "SPDX-FileCopyrightText: *none" "${filename}"
0039                                 then
0040                                         affected_files+=("${filename}")
0041                                 fi
0042                         fi
0043                 fi
0044         fi
0045 done
0047 if [[ ${#affected_files[@]} -gt 0 ]]
0048 then
0049         printf "** Please update copyright year for the following files:\n\n%s\n" "${affected_files[*]}"
0050         # also check if the Copyright statement in main.cpp is ok:
0051         if ! grep -q -i "i18n(\"Copyright (C) 2003-$year " main.cpp
0052         then
0053                 printf "...and also update the copyright statement in main.cpp!\n"
0054         fi
0055         copyright="$(git config --get <$(git config --get>"
0056         printf "\n"
0057         printf "** If you have the reuse tool installed and are the author (not just the committer),\n"
0058         printf "** you may use the following command as a starting point:\n"
0059         # whitespace in filenames is not handled
0060         IFS=" " fnames="${affected_files[*]}"
0061         printf "**   reuse annotate --merge-copyrights --year %s --copyright '%s' %s\n" "$year " "$copyright" "${fnames}"
0062         if ! command -v reuse >/dev/null
0063         then
0064                 printf "** You can usually install the reuse tool by running 'pip install --user reuse' or by following the instructions on\n"
0065         fi
0066         printf "** You can suppress this check by setting 'git config kpa.checkCopyrightHeader false'\n"
0067         printf "** or by setting the environment variable CHECK_COPYRIGHT_HEADER=false\n"
0068         exit 1
0069 fi