Warning, /graphics/kphotoalbum/cmake/modules/MarbleChecks.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Johannes Zarl-Zierl <johannes@zarl-zierl.at>
0002 #
0003 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
0006 ###############################
0007 # Explanation:
0008 # Marble changed the signature of the MarbleWidget::regionSelected signal in v18.03.80 from:
0009 #   regionSelected(const QList<double>&)
0010 # to:
0011 #   regionSelected(const Marble::GeoDataLatLonBox &)
0012 # [see https://commits.kde.org/marble/ec1f7f554e9f6ca248b4a3b01dbf08507870687e]
0013 #
0014 # These feature checks are necessary, because MARBLE_VERSION was not changed in
0015 # the release and we are left without a way to just check the version of
0016 # marble.
0017 #
0018 # Note: as you can see, the checks exploit the fact that signals are actually just methods,
0019 # and that one can "call" a signal. A more elaborate check that connects the signal to a
0020 # custom class fails because check_cxx_source_compiles does not play well with the MOC.
0022 include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles)
0024 set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES Marble Qt5::Widgets)
0026 # Marble 17.12.3
0027 check_cxx_source_compiles(
0028     "#include <QList>\n\
0029     #include <marble/MarbleWidget.h>\n\
0030     int main() {\n\
0031     Marble::MarbleWidget mw;\n\
0032     QList<double> arg;\n\
0033     mw.regionSelected(arg);\n\
0034     return 0;\n\
0035     }"
0036     MARBLE_HAS_regionSelected_OLD
0037     )
0039 # Marble 18.03.80
0040 check_cxx_source_compiles(
0041     "#include <marble/GeoDataLatLonBox.h>\n\
0042     #include <marble/MarbleWidget.h>\n\
0043     int main() {\n\
0044     Marble::MarbleWidget mw;\n\
0045     Marble::GeoDataLatLonBox arg;\n\
0046     mw.regionSelected(arg);\n\
0047     return 0;\n\
0048     }"
0049     MARBLE_HAS_regionSelected_NEW
0050     )
0052 if(MARBLE_HAS_regionSelected_OLD AND MARBLE_HAS_regionSelected_NEW)
0053     message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Both old and new style for Marble::MarbleWidget::regionSelected are valid!")
0054 endif()
0056 if(NOT MARBLE_HAS_regionSelected_OLD AND NOT MARBLE_HAS_regionSelected_NEW)
0057     message(SEND_ERROR "No suitable signature for Marble::MarbleWidget::regionSelected! Please file a bug report against kphotoalbum!")
0058 endif()
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