Warning, /graphics/kooka/libkookascan/scansettings.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005                           http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile name="scannerrc"></kcfgfile>
0008   <group name="Startup">
0010     <!-- Inversion between key/value and function/text -->
0011     <entry name="StartupOnlyLocal" key="QueryLocalOnly" type="Bool">
0012       <label>Query network for available scanners</label>
0013       <tooltip>&lt;div&gt;Check this if you want a network query for available scanners.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Note that this does not mean a query over the entire network, but only those hosts configured for SANE.&lt;/div&gt;</tooltip>
0014       <default>true</default>
0015     </entry>
0017     <entry name="StartupScanDevice" key="ScanDevice" type="String">
0018     </entry>
0020     <!-- Inversion between key/value/function and text -->
0021     <entry name="StartupSkipAsk" key="SkipStartupAsk" type="Bool">
0022       <label>Show the scanner selection dialog</label>
0023       <tooltip>&lt;div&gt;Check this to show the scanner selection dialog on startup.&lt;/div&gt;</tooltip>
0024       <default>true</default>
0025     </entry>
0027   </group>
0029   <group name="User Specified Scanners">
0030     <entry name="UserDevices" key="Devices" type="StringList">
0031     </entry>
0032     <entry name="UserDescriptions" key="Description" type="StringList">
0033     </entry>
0034     <entry name="UserTypes" key="Type" type="StringList">
0035     </entry>
0036   </group>
0038   <!-- Only used as a template -->
0039   <group name="Save Set">
0040     <entry name="SaveSetDesc" key="SetDesc" type="String">
0041     </entry>
0042     <entry name="SaveSetScanner" key="ScannerName" type="String">
0043     </entry>
0044   </group>
0046   <!-- Only used as a template, default/limit values and GUI strings -->
0047   <group name="Scanner Name">
0048     <entry name="PreviewAutoselOn" key="doAutoselection" type="Bool">
0049       <default>false</default>
0050     </entry>
0052     <entry name="PreviewAutoselThreshold" key="autoselThreshold" type="Int">
0053       <label>Threshold:</label>
0054       <tooltip>&lt;div&gt;Threshold for auto-detection. All pixels lighter (on a black background) or darker (on a white background) than this are considered to be part of the image.&lt;/div&gt;</tooltip>
0055       <default>25</default>
0056       <min>0</min>
0057       <max>100</max>
0058     </entry>
0060     <entry name="PreviewAutoselDustsize" key="autoselDustsize" type="Int">
0061       <label>Dust size (pixels):</label>
0062       <tooltip>&lt;div&gt;Set the dust size; dark or light areas smaller than this will be ignored&lt;/div&gt;</tooltip>
0063       <default>5</default>
0064       <min>0</min>
0065       <max>20</max>
0066     </entry>
0068     <entry name="PreviewAutoselMargin" key="autoselMargin" type="Int">
0069       <label>Add/subtract margin (mm):</label>
0070       <tooltip>&lt;div&gt;Set a margin to be added to or subtracted from the detected area&lt;/div&gt;</tooltip>
0071       <default>0</default>
0072       <min>-20</min>
0073       <max>20</max>
0074     </entry>
0076     <entry name="PreviewAutoselBackground" key="scannerBackground" type="Enum">
0077       <label>Scanner background:</label>
0078       <tooltip>&lt;div&gt;Select whether a scan of the empty scanner glass results in a black or a white image&lt;/div&gt;</tooltip>
0079       <choices name="PreviewAutoselBackgrounds" prefix="Background">
0080         <choice name="Unknown"></choice>
0081         <choice name="Black"></choice>
0082         <choice name="White"></choice>
0083       </choices>
0084       <default>ScanSettings::BackgroundUnknown</default>
0085     </entry>
0086   </group>
0088   <group name="MainWindow">
0089     <entry name="MainWindowSplitterState" key="SplitterState" type="String">
0090     </entry>
0091   </group>
0093 </kcfg>