File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 04:20:40

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2015 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
0003  *
0004  * This file is part of the KGantt library.
0005  *
0006  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0012 #include "kganttdatetimegrid.h"
0013 #include "kganttabstractgrid_p.h"
0014 #include "kganttdatetimetimeline.h"
0016 #include <QDateTime>
0017 #include <QBrush>
0019 namespace KGantt {
0020     class Q_DECL_HIDDEN DateTimeScaleFormatter::Private
0021     {
0022     public:
0023         Private( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Range _range,
0024                  const QString& _format,
0025                  const QString& _templ,
0026                  Qt::Alignment _alignment )
0027             : range( _range ),
0028               format( _format ),
0029               templ( _templ ),
0030               alignment( _alignment )
0031         {
0032         }
0034         const DateTimeScaleFormatter::Range range;
0035         const QString format;
0036         const QString templ;
0037         const Qt::Alignment alignment;
0038     };
0040     class Q_DECL_HIDDEN DateTimeGrid::Private : public AbstractGrid::Private {
0041     public:
0042         Private()
0043             : startDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -3 ) ),
0044               dayWidth( 100. ),
0045               scale( ScaleAuto ),
0046               weekStart( Qt::Monday ),
0047               freeDays( QSet<Qt::DayOfWeek>() << Qt::Saturday << Qt::Sunday ),
0048               rowSeparators( false ),
0049               noInformationBrush( Qt::red, Qt::DiagCrossPattern ),
0050               freeDaysBrush(QBrush()),
0051               upper( new DateTimeScaleFormatter( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Week, QString::fromLatin1( "w" ) ) ),
0052               lower( new DateTimeScaleFormatter( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Day, QString::fromLatin1( "ddd" ) ) ),
0053               year_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Year, QString::fromLatin1("yyyy" ) ),
0054               year_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Month, QString::fromLatin1("MMM" ) ),
0055               month_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Month, QString::fromLatin1("MMMM" ) ),
0056               month_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Week, QString::fromLatin1("w" ) ),
0057               week_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Week, QString::fromLatin1("w" ) ),
0058               week_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Day, QString::fromLatin1("ddd" ) ),
0059               day_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Day, QString::fromLatin1("dddd" ) ),
0060               day_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Hour, QString::fromLatin1("hh" ) ),
0061               hour_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Hour, QString::fromLatin1("hh" ) ),
0062               hour_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Minute, QString::fromLatin1("m" ) ),
0063               minute_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Minute, QString::fromLatin1("m" ) ),
0064               minute_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Second, QString::fromLatin1("s" ) ),
0065               timeLine(new DateTimeTimeLine)
0066         {
0067         }
0068         ~Private() override
0069         {
0070             delete lower;
0071             delete upper;
0072             delete timeLine;
0073         }
0075         qreal dateTimeToChartX( const QDateTime& dt ) const;
0076         QDateTime chartXtoDateTime( qreal x ) const;
0078         int tabHeight( const QString& txt, QWidget* widget = nullptr ) const;
0079         void getAutomaticFormatters( DateTimeScaleFormatter** lower, DateTimeScaleFormatter** upper);
0080         void getFormatters( DateTimeScaleFormatter** lower, DateTimeScaleFormatter** upper);
0082         class DateTextFormatter {
0083         public:
0084             virtual ~DateTextFormatter() {}
0085             virtual QString format( const QDateTime& dt ) = 0;
0086             virtual QRect   textRect( qreal x, qreal offset, qreal dayWidth, const QRectF& headerRect, const QDateTime& dt ) = 0;
0087         };
0089         /*!
0090           * We need this because we have a header type for a year, but no such scale.
0091           */
0092         enum HeaderType {
0093             HeaderHour,
0094             HeaderDay,
0095             HeaderWeek,
0096             HeaderMonth,
0097             HeaderYear
0098         };
0100         HeaderType headerTypeForScale( DateTimeGrid::Scale scale );
0102         void paintHeader( QPainter* painter,
0103                           const QRectF& headerRect, const QRectF& exposedRect,
0104                           qreal offset, QWidget* widget,
0105                           HeaderType headerType,
0106                           DateTextFormatter *formatter );
0107         void paintVerticalLines( QPainter* painter,
0108                                  const QRectF& sceneRect,
0109                                  const QRectF& exposedRect,
0110                                  QWidget* widget,
0111                                  HeaderType headerType );
0112         void paintVerticalUserDefinedLines( QPainter* painter,
0113                                             const QRectF& sceneRect,
0114                                             const QRectF& exposedRect,
0115                                             QWidget* widget );
0117         Qt::PenStyle gridLinePenStyle( QDateTime dt, HeaderType headerType ) const;
0118         QDateTime adjustDateTimeForHeader( QDateTime dt, HeaderType headerType ) const;
0120         void drawTimeLine(QPainter* painter, const QRectF& rect);
0122         QDateTime startDateTime;
0123         QDateTime endDateTime;
0124         qreal dayWidth;
0125         Scale scale;
0126         Qt::DayOfWeek weekStart;
0127         QSet<Qt::DayOfWeek> freeDays;
0128         bool rowSeparators;
0129         QBrush noInformationBrush;
0130         QBrush freeDaysBrush;
0132         DateTimeScaleFormatter* upper;
0133         DateTimeScaleFormatter* lower;
0135         DateTimeScaleFormatter year_upper;
0136         DateTimeScaleFormatter year_lower;
0137         DateTimeScaleFormatter month_upper;
0138         DateTimeScaleFormatter month_lower;
0139         DateTimeScaleFormatter week_upper;
0140         DateTimeScaleFormatter week_lower;
0141         DateTimeScaleFormatter day_upper;
0142         DateTimeScaleFormatter day_lower;
0143         DateTimeScaleFormatter hour_upper;
0144         DateTimeScaleFormatter hour_lower;
0145         DateTimeScaleFormatter minute_upper;
0146         DateTimeScaleFormatter minute_lower;
0147         DateTimeTimeLine *timeLine;
0148     };
0150     inline DateTimeGrid::DateTimeGrid( DateTimeGrid::Private* d ) : AbstractGrid( d ) {}
0152     inline DateTimeGrid::Private* DateTimeGrid::d_func() {
0153         return static_cast<Private*>( AbstractGrid::d_func() );
0154     }
0155     inline const DateTimeGrid::Private* DateTimeGrid::d_func() const {
0156         return static_cast<const Private*>( AbstractGrid::d_func() );
0157     }
0158 }
0160 #endif /* KGANTTDATETIMEGRID_P_H */