File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 04:20:39

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2015 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
0003  *
0004  * This file is part of the KGantt library.
0005  *
0006  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0012 #include "kganttglobal.h"
0013 #include "kganttconstraint.h"
0016 class QPainter;
0017 class QRectF;
0018 class QAbstractItemModel;
0019 class QModelIndex;
0022 namespace KGantt {
0023     class AbstractRowController;
0024     class Span;
0028     /*!\class KGantt::AbstractGrid kganttabstractgrid.h KGanttAbstractGrid
0029      * \ingroup KGantt
0030      * \brief Abstract baseclass for grids. A grid is used to convert between
0031      * QModelIndex'es and gantt chart values (qreals) and to paint the
0032      * background and header of the view.
0033      *
0034      * \see KGantt::DateTimeGrid
0035      */
0036     class KGANTT_EXPORT AbstractGrid : public QObject {
0037         Q_OBJECT
0039     friend class GraphicsScene;
0040     public:
0041         /*! Constructor. Creates an AbstractGrid with parent \a parent.
0042          * The QObject parent is not used for anything internally. */
0043         AbstractGrid(QObject* parent = nullptr);
0046         /*! Destructor. Does nothing */
0047         ~AbstractGrid() override;
0049         /*!\returns The QAbstractItemModel used by this grid */
0050         QAbstractItemModel* model() const;
0052         /*!\returns the current root index for this grid */
0053         QModelIndex rootIndex() const;
0055         /*!\fn virtual Span AbstractGrid::mapToChart( const QModelIndex& idx ) const
0056          * Implement this to map from the data in the model to the location of
0057          * the corresponding item in the view.
0058          */
0059         virtual Span mapToChart( const QModelIndex& idx ) const = 0;
0061         /*!\fn virtual bool AbstractGrid::mapFromChart( const Span& span, const QModelIndex& idx, const QList<Constraint>& constraints ) const
0062          * Implement this to update the model data based on the location of the item. Check
0063          * against the \a constraints list to make sure no hard constraints are violated by
0064          * writing back to the model.
0065          * \returns true if the update succeeded.
0066          */
0067         virtual bool mapFromChart( const Span& span, const QModelIndex& idx,
0068                                    const QList<Constraint>& constraints=QList<Constraint>() ) const = 0;
0070         /*!
0071         * Implement this to map from \a value to the corresponding location in the view.
0072         * Return a negative value if \a value cannot be mapped.
0073         * The default implementation returns -1.0.
0074         */
0075         virtual qreal mapToChart( const QVariant &value ) const;
0077         /*!
0078          * Implement this to map from \a x to the corresponding location in the view.
0079          * Return an invalid value if \a x cannot be mapped.
0080          */
0081         virtual QVariant mapFromChart( qreal x ) const;
0083         /*!\returns true if the startpoint is before the endpoint
0084          * of the constraint \a c.
0085          */
0086         bool isSatisfiedConstraint( const Constraint& c ) const;
0088         /*!\fn virtual void AbstractGrid::paintGrid( QPainter* painter, const QRectF& sceneRect, const QRectF& exposedRect, AbstractRowController* rowController=0, QWidget* widget=0 )
0089          *
0090          * Implement this to paint the background of the view -- typically
0091          * with some grid lines.
0092          * \param painter -- the QPainter to paint with.
0093          * \param sceneRect -- the total bounding rectangle of the scene.
0094          * \param exposedRect -- the rectangle that needs to be painted.
0095          * \param rowController -- the row controller used by the view -- may be 0.
0096          * \param widget -- the widget used by the view -- may be 0.
0097          */
0098         virtual void paintGrid( QPainter* painter, const QRectF& sceneRect, const QRectF& exposedRect,
0099                                 AbstractRowController* rowController = nullptr, QWidget* widget = nullptr ) = 0;
0102         /*!\fn virtual void AbstractGrid::paintHeader( QPainter* painter, const QRectF& headerRect, const QRectF& exposedRect, qreal offset, QWidget* widget=0 )
0103          *
0104          * Implement this to paint the header part of the view.
0105          * \param painter -- the QPainter to paint with.
0106          * \param headerRect -- the total rectangle occupied by the header.
0107          * \param exposedRect -- the rectangle that needs to be painted.
0108          * \param offset -- the horizontal scroll offset of the view.
0109          * \param widget -- the widget used by the view -- may be 0.
0110          */
0111         virtual void paintHeader( QPainter* painter, const QRectF& headerRect, const QRectF& exposedRect,
0112                                   qreal offset, QWidget* widget = nullptr ) = 0;
0114     public Q_SLOTS:
0115         /*! Sets the QAbstractItemModel used by this grid implementation.
0116          * This is called by the view, you should never need to call this
0117          * from client code.  */
0118         /*internal*/ virtual void setModel( QAbstractItemModel* model );
0120         /*! Sets the root index used by this grid implementation.
0121          * This is called by the view, you should never need to call this
0122          * from client code.  */
0123         /*internal*/ virtual void setRootIndex( const QModelIndex& idx );
0124     Q_SIGNALS:
0125         void gridChanged();
0127     protected:
0128         /*!
0129         \todo document this function
0130         */
0131         virtual void drawBackground(QPainter* paint, const QRectF& rect);
0133         /*!
0134         \todo document this function
0135         */
0136         virtual void drawForeground(QPainter* paint, const QRectF& rect);
0137     };
0138 }
0140 #endif /* KGANTTABSTRACTGRID_H */