File indexing completed on 2024-05-26 04:23:43

0001 /**
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2015 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
0003  *
0004  * This file is part of the KD Chart library.
0005  *
0006  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 #include <QStandardItemModel>
0011 #include <KChartChart>
0012 #include <KChartGridAttributes>
0013 #include <KChartFrameAttributes>
0014 #include <KChartTextAttributes>
0015 #include <KChartDataValueAttributes>
0016 #include <KChartMarkerAttributes>
0017 #include <KChartPlotter>
0018 #include <KChartLegend>
0019 #include <KChartBackgroundAttributes>
0021 #include <QApplication>
0023 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
0024     QApplication a(argc, argv);
0025     KChart::Chart chart;
0027     QStandardItemModel model;
0029     model.setRowCount(100);
0030     model.setColumnCount(6); // 3 data sets
0031     for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) {
0032         // dateset 1
0033         qreal t = i;
0034         qreal v = qreal(i)*i;
0035         QModelIndex index = model.index( i, 0 );
0036         model.setData( index, QVariant( t ) );
0037         model.setData( index, QVariant( t ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
0038         index = model.index( i, 1 );
0039         model.setData( index, QVariant( v ) );
0040         model.setData( index, QVariant( v ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
0042         // dateset 2
0043         t = i*2;
0044         v = qreal(i)*i-i;
0045         index = model.index( i, 2 );
0046         model.setData( index, QVariant( t ) );
0047         model.setData( index, QVariant( t ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
0048         index = model.index( i, 3 );
0049         model.setData( index, QVariant( v ) );
0050         model.setData( index, QVariant( v ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
0052         // dateset 3
0053         t = qreal(i)/2;
0054         v = qreal(i)*i+i;
0055         index = model.index( i, 4 );
0056         model.setData( index, QVariant( t ) );
0057         model.setData( index, QVariant( t ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
0058         index = model.index( i, 5 );
0059         model.setData( index, QVariant( v ) );
0060         model.setData( index, QVariant( v ), Qt::ToolTipRole );
0061     }
0063     model.setHeaderData( 0, Qt::Horizontal, "Dataset 1" );
0064     model.setHeaderData( 2, Qt::Horizontal, "Dataset 2" );
0065     model.setHeaderData( 4, Qt::Horizontal, "Dataset 3" );
0067     // general chart layout
0068     KChart::FrameAttributes fm = chart.frameAttributes();
0069     fm.setVisible(true);
0070     fm.setPen( QPen(Qt::black) );
0071     chart.setFrameAttributes(fm);
0072     chart.setGlobalLeading( 10, 0, 10, 10 );
0074     KChart::BackgroundAttributes chart_bg;
0075     chart_bg.setBrush(Qt::white);
0076     chart_bg.setVisible(true);
0077     chart.setBackgroundAttributes(chart_bg);
0079     // coordinate plane setup
0080     KChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane * plane1 = chart.coordinatePlane();
0081     plane1->setRubberBandZoomingEnabled(true);
0083     // create cartesian diagrams
0084     KChart::Plotter * plotter = new KChart::Plotter;
0085     plotter->setHidden( 0, true );
0086     plotter->setAntiAliasing(false);
0087     plotter->setModel( &model );
0088     plane1->replaceDiagram( plotter );
0090     // customize grids
0091     KChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane * cp1 = static_cast<KChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane *>(plane1);
0092     KChart::GridAttributes gv = cp1->gridAttributes( Qt::Vertical );
0093     QPen gridPen(QColor(200,100,100));
0094     gridPen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine);
0095     gv.setGridPen(gridPen);
0096     gridPen.setStyle(Qt::DotLine);
0097     gridPen.setColor( QColor(255,155,155) );
0098     gv.setSubGridPen(gridPen);
0099     cp1->setGridAttributes( Qt::Vertical,  gv );
0101     // axis
0102     KChart::CartesianAxis * xAxis = new KChart::CartesianAxis( plotter );
0103     xAxis->setPosition( KChart::CartesianAxis::Bottom );
0104     xAxis->setTitleText("X-Title");
0106     KChart::TextAttributes att = xAxis->titleTextAttributes();
0107     QFont f = att.font();
0108     f.setBold(true);
0109     att.setFont(f);
0110     att.setAutoShrink(true);
0111     att.setFontSize( KChart::Measure(16) );
0112     xAxis->setTitleTextAttributes(att);
0114     KChart::CartesianAxis * y1Axis = new KChart::CartesianAxis( plotter );
0115     y1Axis->setPosition( KChart::CartesianAxis::Left );
0116     y1Axis->setTitleText("Y-Title");
0118     att = y1Axis->titleTextAttributes();
0119     f = att.font();
0120     f.setBold(true);
0121     att.setFont(f);
0122     att.setAutoShrink(true);
0123     att.setFontSize( KChart::Measure(16) );
0124     y1Axis->setTitleTextAttributes(att);
0126     // add the axis to the plotter
0127     plotter->addAxis( xAxis );
0128     plotter->addAxis( y1Axis );
0130     // create legend
0131     KChart::Legend * legend = new KChart::Legend( plotter, &chart );
0132     chart.addLegend( legend );
0133     att = legend->textAttributes();
0134     f = att.font();
0135     f.setBold(false);
0136     att.setFont(f);
0137     att.setAutoShrink(true);
0138     att.setFontSize( KChart::Measure(16) );
0139     legend->setTextAttributes(att);
0141     legend->setPosition( KChart::Position::East );
0142     legend->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
0143     legend->setTitleText( "Curves" );
0144     att = legend->titleTextAttributes();
0145     f = att.font();
0146     f.setBold(true);
0147     att.setFont(f);
0148     att.setAutoShrink(true);
0149     att.setFontSize( KChart::Measure(16) );
0150     legend->setTitleTextAttributes(att);
0152     KChart::BackgroundAttributes legend_bg;
0153     legend_bg.setBrush(Qt::white);
0154     legend_bg.setVisible(true);
0155     legend->setBackgroundAttributes(legend_bg);
0157     KChart::DataValueAttributes attr = plotter->dataValueAttributes();
0158     KChart::TextAttributes tattr = attr.textAttributes();
0159     tattr.setRotation( 0 );
0160     attr.setTextAttributes( tattr );
0161     plotter->setDataValueAttributes( attr );
0163     // customize marker properties
0165     // Dataset 1 : green, MarkerRing, no line
0166     QColor SERIES_1_OUTLINE = QColor(0,128,0);
0167     attr = plotter->dataValueAttributes(0);
0168     KChart::MarkerAttributes mattr = attr.markerAttributes();
0169     mattr.setMarkerColor(SERIES_1_OUTLINE);
0170     mattr.setMarkerStyle(KChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerRing);
0171     mattr.setMarkerSize(QSizeF(6.0, 6.0));
0172     mattr.setVisible(true);
0173     attr.setMarkerAttributes(mattr);
0174     attr.setVisible(true);
0175     plotter->setDataValueAttributes(0, attr);
0176     plotter->setPen(0, Qt::NoPen);
0178     // Dataset 2 : MarkerDiamond, (black outline, red inside), no line
0179     QColor SERIES_2_INSIDE = QColor(255,100,100);
0180     attr = plotter->dataValueAttributes(1);
0181     mattr = attr.markerAttributes();
0182     mattr.setMarkerColor(SERIES_2_INSIDE);
0183     mattr.setMarkerStyle(KChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerDiamond);
0184     mattr.setMarkerSize(QSizeF(8.0, 8.0));
0185     mattr.setVisible(true);
0186     attr.setMarkerAttributes(mattr);
0187     attr.setVisible(true);
0188     plotter->setDataValueAttributes(1, attr);
0189     plotter->setPen(1, Qt::NoPen);
0191     // Dataset 3 : MarkerCircle, (green outline, yellow inside), blue line
0192     QColor SERIES_3_INSIDE = QColor("yellow");
0193     QColor SERIES_3_LINE = QColor("navy");
0194     attr = plotter->dataValueAttributes(2);
0195     mattr = attr.markerAttributes();
0196     mattr.setMarkerColor(SERIES_3_INSIDE);
0197     mattr.setMarkerStyle(KChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerCircle);
0198     mattr.setMarkerSize(QSizeF(8.0, 8.0));
0199     mattr.setVisible(true);
0200     attr.setMarkerAttributes(mattr);
0201     attr.setVisible(true);
0202     plotter->setDataValueAttributes(2, attr);
0203     plotter->setPen(2, QPen(SERIES_3_LINE));
0206     return a.exec();
0207 }