Warning, /graphics/kamera/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0003 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0004 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0005 ]> 0006 0007 <article id="kamera" lang="&language;"> 0008 <title>&kamera; : Digital Camera</title> 0009 <articleinfo> 0010 0011 <authorgroup> 0012 <author> 0013 <firstname>Burkhard</firstname> 0014 <surname>Lück</surname> 0015 <affiliation> 0016 <address><email>lueck@hube-lueck.de</email></address> 0017 </affiliation> 0018 </author> 0019 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0020 </authorgroup> 0021 0022 <date>2018-03-23</date> 0023 <releaseinfo>Applications 18.04</releaseinfo> 0024 0025 <keywordset> 0026 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0027 <keyword>camera</keyword> 0028 <keyword>photo</keyword> 0029 </keywordset> 0030 </articleinfo> 0031 0032 <para> 0033 This module allows you to configure support for your digital camera. 0034 </para> 0035 0036 <variablelist> 0037 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Add</guibutton></term> 0038 <listitem> 0039 <para> 0040 Click this button to select the camera's model and the port it is connected 0041 to on your computer (⪚ USB, Serial). If your camera does not 0042 appear in the list of <guilabel>Supported Cameras</guilabel>, go to the 0043 <ulink url="http://www.gphoto.org">GPhoto web site</ulink> for a possible update. 0044 </para> 0045 </listitem> 0046 </varlistentry> 0047 0048 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Test</guibutton></term> 0049 <listitem> 0050 <para>Click this button to test the connection to the selected camera.</para> 0051 </listitem> 0052 </varlistentry> 0053 0054 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Remove</guibutton></term> 0055 <listitem> 0056 <para>Removes the selected camera from the list. 0057 </para> 0058 </listitem> 0059 </varlistentry> 0060 0061 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Configure</guibutton></term> 0062 <listitem> 0063 <para>Click this button to change the configuration of the selected camera. 0064 The availability of this feature and the contents of the Configuration dialog 0065 depend on the camera model.</para> 0066 </listitem> 0067 </varlistentry> 0068 0069 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Information</guibutton></term> 0070 <listitem> 0071 <para>Click this button to view a summary of the current status of the selected 0072 camera. The availability of this feature and the contents of the Information 0073 dialog depend on the camera model.</para> 0074 </listitem> 0075 </varlistentry> 0076 0077 <varlistentry><term><guibutton>Cancel</guibutton></term> 0078 <listitem> 0079 <para>Click this button to cancel the current camera operation.</para> 0080 </listitem> 0081 </varlistentry> 0082 0083 </variablelist> 0084 0085 <para>To view and download images from the digital camera, enter 0086 <userinput>camera:/</userinput> in &konqueror;'s or &dolphin;'s location bar. 0087 </para> 0088 0089 </article> 0090 0091 <!-- 0092 Local Variables: 0093 mode: sgml 0094 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil 0095 sgml-general-insert-case:lower 0096 sgml-indent-step:0 0097 sgml-indent-data:nil 0098 End: 0099 0100 // vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78:noet 0101 -->