Warning, /graphics/glaxnimate/external/Qt-Color-Widgets/cmake/modules/ProjectVersioning.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 define_property (TARGET 0002 PROPERTY GIT_DESCRIBE 0003 BRIEF_DOCS "Advanced version info for developers" 0004 FULL_DOCS "String with information that is important for developers during 0005 development process. This information includes git commit hash, durty status 0006 of repo, distance from the last tag.") 0007 0008 define_property (TARGET 0009 PROPERTY GIT_UNTRACKED_FILES 0010 BRIEF_DOCS "Information about presence of untracked files" 0011 FULL_DOCS "Used in helper functions generation to add .with-untracked suffix 0012 to version string. Suffix is only added if there are some untracked not 0013 ignored files in repository.") 0014 0015 set(HERE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) 0016 0017 0018 function (target_version_information 0019 TARGET_NAME i_target_name 0020 EXPORT_HEADER i_export_header 0021 EXPORT_MACRO i_export_macro 0022 VERSIONED_ENTITY i_versioned_entity) 0023 0024 find_file ( 0025 headerFileTemplate 0026 "ProjectVersioning/version.h.in" 0027 PATHS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) 0028 0029 if ( NOT ${headerFileTemplate} ) 0030 set(headerFileTemplate "${HERE_DIR}/ProjectVersioning/version.h.in") 0031 endif() 0032 0033 find_file ( 0034 sourceFileTemplate 0035 "ProjectVersioning/version.c.in" 0036 PATHS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) 0037 0038 if ( NOT ${sourceFileTemplate} ) 0039 set(sourceFileTemplate "${HERE_DIR}/ProjectVersioning/version.c.in") 0040 endif() 0041 0042 exec_program ( 0043 "git" 0044 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} 0045 ARGS "describe --always --dirty --long --tags" 0046 OUTPUT_VARIABLE gitDescribe) 0047 0048 exec_program ( 0049 "git" 0050 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} 0051 ARGS "ls-files --others --exclude-standard" 0052 OUTPUT_VARIABLE gitUntracked) 0053 0054 if (gitUntracked) 0055 set (gitUntracked ".with-untracked") 0056 endif (gitUntracked) 0057 0058 configure_file ( 0059 "${headerFileTemplate}" 0060 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${i_versioned_entity}_version.h") 0061 0062 configure_file( 0063 "${sourceFileTemplate}" 0064 "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${i_versioned_entity}_version.c") 0065 0066 target_sources ("${i_target_name}" 0067 PRIVATE 0068 $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${i_versioned_entity}_version.h> 0069 $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/${i_include_prefix}/${i_versioned_entity}_version.h> 0070 PRIVATE 0071 "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${i_versioned_entity}_version.c") 0072 0073 set_target_properties (${i_target_name} 0074 PROPERTIES 0075 GIT_DESCRIBE "${gitDescribe}" 0076 GIT_UNTRACKED_FILES "${gitUntracked}") 0077 0078 unset (headerFileTemplate PARENT_SCOPE) 0079 unset (sourceFileTemplate PARENT_SCOPE) 0080 endfunction (target_version_information)