Warning, /graphics/digikam/project/NEWS.2.0.0 is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 digiKam 2.0.0 - Release date: 2011-07-24
0003 *****************************************************************************************************
0006 General        : XMP metadata sidecar support.
0007 General        : Reverse geo-coding support.
0008 General        : Face detection and recognition support.
0009 General        : Tag keyboard shortcuts support.
0010 General        : Color Labels support to improve photograph workfow.
0011 General        : Pick Labels support to improve photograph selection.
0012 General        : Color Theme engine is now ported to desktop color theme manager.
0013 General        : MySQl support improvements. Dependency is now optional.
0014 General        : Added JPEGTurbo library support.
0015 General        : Update internal LibPGF to 6.11.24 with OpenMP support.
0017 AlbumGUI       : Re-designed Filters view on right sidebar to perform icon-view items filtering.
0018 AlbumGUI       : Add options to group/ungroup items from icon-view.
0019 AlbumGUI       : Add options to show file format over icon-view items.
0021 ImageEditor    : Image versionning support.
0022 ImageEditor    : Foveon sensor based camera.
0023 ImageEditor    : New advanced RAW decoding settings backported from RawTherapee project.
0025 AdvancedRename : New datetime option "UnixTimeStamp" (requires Qt 4.7 or higher)
0027 Geolocation    : Complete rewrite of GUI, including reverse-geocoding feature.
0029 YandexFotki    : New tool to export collection to Yandex web service (http://fotki.yandex.ru).
0031 MediaWiki      : New tool to export collection to MediaWiki based web service (http://www.mediawiki.org).
0033 RajceExport    : New tool to export collection to Rajce web service (http://www.rajce.idnes.cz).
0035 MetadataEdit   : Factoring Exif/Iptc/Xmp editor to a common dialog.
0037 *****************************************************************************************************
0040 001 ==> 253785 - GoogleMaps should be available in "Search Map".
0041 002 ==> 258436 - Traceability.
0042 003 ==> 258082 - FacesEngine doesn't increment ids' while saving hash database.
0043 004 ==> 259146 - FaceEngines doesn't learn new faces (patch).
0044 005 ==> 146288 - Face detection / recognition for digiKam.
0045 006 ==> 252964 - Please remove libs to be more independant.
0046 007 ==> 260619 - digiKam crash when raw format is being converted.
0047 008 ==> 261140 - Find cmake script is installed both time.
0048 009 ==> 261946 - Unable to compile beta1 of digikam.
0049 010 ==> 262172 - The unknown tag should be plural.
0050 011 ==> 262067 - Crash when closing 2.0.0 beta1.
0051 012 ==> 262074 - No face are detected.
0052 013 ==> 261964 - digiKam 2.0.0 crashes when trying to open configure dialog.
0053 014 ==> 262303 - Importing a RAW picture results in empty view.
0054 015 ==> 263329 - Image preview windows always has a scrollbar.
0055 016 ==> 262882 - digiKam crashes when changing face rectangle.
0056 017 ==> 263321 - digiKam crash when looking through photos.
0057 018 ==> 182664 - Tag menu its bigger than screen.
0058 019 ==> 244701 - Map search tool selects a whole hemisphere when trying to select large areas.
0059 020 ==> 225440 - Save dialog default file format from xpm to user wanted.
0060 021 ==> 218816 - Many Problem with Editor "Save As...".
0061 022 ==> 236730 - Collection path is interpreted differently.
0062 023 ==> 245957 - digiKam shows pictures from PENTAX camera incorrectly in imageview.
0063 024 ==> 263272 - Face Detection crashes on folders containing videos.
0064 025 ==> 241015 - Unexpected behavior when deleting a file while several are selected.
0065 026 ==> 264093 - Preview zoom is set to 1:1, should be "fit to window".
0066 027 ==> 263994 - Left-hand side bar too big and cannot be made smaller.
0067 028 ==> 261779 - digiKam crashes in digiKam::DynamicThread::DynamicThreadPriv::transitionToRunning while scanning faces.
0068 029 ==> 235666 - All tags no longer shown when the "Tags already assigned" button is clicked.
0069 030 ==> 114465 - Simpler entry of tags using keyboard shortcuts.
0070 031 ==> 229471 - Editor: forward when saving in progress.
0071 032 ==> 255858 - Memory leak (?) while thumbnailing very large files!
0072 033 ==> 264363 - Image editor always crashes when triggering Colour Auto-Correction.
0073 034 ==> 243066 - Timeline view does not display images.
0074 035 ==> 243069 - Video replay restarts when starring.
0075 036 ==> 246772 - Curves: Don't recalculate on mouseUp if the position of the marker did not change.
0076 037 ==> 196922 - Both mouse buttons change ratings on thumbnail bar.
0077 038 ==> 256789 - Bad calculated album mean date when pictures before 1964.
0078 039 ==> 258775 - Moving an album from one collection to another doesn't update the source collection.
0079 040 ==> 262174 - After confirming a face the mouse pointer is not correct inside the face.
0080 041 ==> 265058 - digiKam crash when editing picture.
0081 042 ==> 263332 - "Tag Filters", "Captions/Tags" right-click options impair usability.
0082 043 ==> 263399 - Marking a face "Unknown"/Unconfirmed is not possible.
0083 044 ==> 142056 - Save changes of image modifications with Versioning.
0084 045 ==> 125387 - Simulate changes to images only.
0085 046 ==> 260274 - Request to setup a git repository for digiKam.
0086 047 ==> 264864 - Keep focus on selected image when change filtering parameters
0087 048 ==> 152424 - Workflow organizing : use Color Label Tags over icon view items.
0088 049 ==> 216726 - Turn off ratings on thumbnails in view mode.
0089 050 ==> 241847 - Workflow organizing : Possibility to pre-mark images for deletion (Pick Labels feature).
0090 051 ==> 264976 - Face detection: "Clear results and rescan" doesn't clear results.
0091 052 ==> 201282 - Sort settings in status bar.
0092 053 ==> 210576 - Move tag filter to the bottom.
0093 054 ==> 262539 - CMake Warning "cycle in the constraint graph".
0094 055 ==> 231597 - Add XCF to the filter list in the album view.
0095 056 ==> 266788 - Showfoto crashes when opening a photo.
0096 057 ==> 266326 - Move digiKam documentation to git.
0097 058 ==> 266327 - Move MetadataEngine to git.
0098 059 ==> 267361 - When using the luminosity curve in the image editor on an initial import from NEF, all changes are irreversible and cumulative.
0099 060 ==> 266733 - digiKam crashes on startup on OS X.
0100 061 ==> 262574 - Add a face tag does not do anything.
0101 062 ==> 266126 - Renaming single file needs to be confirmed twice.
0102 063 ==> 264976 - Face detection: "Clear results and rescan" doesn't clear results.
0103 064 ==> 213624 - Editor: picture too "big" when comming to editor after digikam start.
0104 065 ==> 192425 - Star rating setting under thumbnails is a nuisance.
0105 066 ==> 219202 - digiKam database on multiple hosts.
0106 067 ==> 216894 - Slow quadratic runtime generating fingerprints or thumbnails in beta6 during a big import.
0107 068 ==> 267944 - Album properties - Date manually entered not saved when clicking Ok.
0108 069 ==> 211489 - Renaming doesn't prevent from concurrent operation.
0109 070 ==> 268058 - Use XMP sidecar files to store changes to RAW (or other files).
0110 071 ==> 148223 - Themes: different color of "plate" for different MIME.
0111 072 ==> 208504 - Add type icon to images under the thumbnail.
0112 073 ==> 268098 - Usability enhanced showing format of each photo in its background frame with BIG letters.
0113 074 ==> 268300 - digiKam crash on confirm create new person.
0114 075 ==> 267262 - digiKam not compliant with "Metadata Working Group" specification when reading caption.
0115 076 ==> 266735 - digiKam displays no images: "unable to create io-slave" (OS X).
0116 077 ==> 268925 - The editor 'forgets' one step when a crop is undone and redone.
0117 078 ==> 268924 - Versioning fails to save a new version as a JPEG2000.
0118 079 ==> 269418 - Possibility of having the tag hierarchy also written in the Xmp.MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordXMP field.
0119 080 ==> 269378 - Not assigned face tags showing up.
0120 081 ==> 269458 - digiKam 2.0.0-beta3 crash while assigning face tags.
0121 082 ==> 269312 - Wish Rename file extension.
0122 083 ==> 269903 - RawEngine no longer compiles due to a linking error [patch].
0123 084 ==> 269862 - Geolocation compilation fails because of changes in MarbleWidget [patch].
0124 085 ==> 269435 - digiKam does not display any picture from any source.
0125 086 ==> 246074 - Can't export photos to Picasaweb.
0126 087 ==> 252700 - Font color for icons in toolbar does not change for darker Themes.
0127 088 ==> 168669 - Disabled entry menu seems more important and active in dark theme.
0128 089 ==> 241116 - [Themes] Cannot change text colour in menu bar.
0129 090 ==> 220068 - Dark theme: active item in menu is hardly different than others items.
0130 091 ==> 250265 - Black background of short summary display.
0131 092 ==> 257803 - Grey font on grey context (Obsidian Coast colour scheme).
0132 093 ==> 266086 - digiKam 2.0.0-beta2 crashed after closing it.
0133 094 ==> 265554 - Problem in colors between dgikam's theme and Gnome appearance.
0134 095 ==> 270553 - Import Wizard: Selecting "date" in File Renaming Options does not work.
0135 096 ==> 270728 - CMakeLists.txt:159 doesn't specify which target needs to link to QtScript library.
0136 097 ==> 267421 - Tagging panel shows tags as checked which previously where partially checked (when selecting multiple images).
0137 098 ==> 270168 - Select Tool item in edit window all 46 icons idle.
0138 099 ==> 266674 - Green grid in images imported from raw file (cr2).
0139 100 ==> 270365 - Drag & drop picture in upwards folder collapses and reopens it.
0140 101 ==> 231536 - Save As New File.
0141 102 ==> 271153 - Tokina AT-X 107 AF DX Fish-eye not recognised.
0142 103 ==> 271551 - digiKam crashes when trying to move the same album twice in parallel.
0143 104 ==> 266211 - Media-gfx/digikam-1.8.0 crash on exit.
0144 105 ==> 271252 - digiKam crashes while scanning for new pictures on the same drive it worked before.
0145 106 ==> 217886 - Database and visualization error when renaming folders.
0146 107 ==> 269289 - Rename scrambles order of files. 
0147 108 ==> 228718 - Renaming doesn't allow [file]{r:"%20"," "}.[ext]. 
0148 109 ==> 235928 - digiKam fails to open database at startup.
0149 110 ==> 271916 - digiKam crashed when opening editor.
0150 111 ==> 272133 - Crash editing Geo coordinates of several images.
0151 112 ==> 272216 - Compile error: No rule to make target /usr/lib/libm.so, required for lib/RawEngine.so.20.0.0.
0152 113 ==> 272569 - Crashing in start.
0153 114 ==> 271651 - 2.0 beta4 can't use network shares.
0154 115 ==> 269320 - After initial database building thumbnails fail to rezise properly.
0155 116 ==> 272529 - digiKam crashing on load.
0156 117 ==> 233770 - Error messages after changing to mysql.
0157 118 ==> 271924 - digiKam fail to create/update mysql database on startup [PATCH].
0158 119 ==> 258409 - Tags and TagsTree table is empty after DB migration from sqlite to mysql.
0159 120 ==> 257183 - Failed to add tag to database.
0160 121 ==> 262231 - Missing records after migration from SQLite to digiKam.
0161 122 ==> 267733 - Automatical initialisation of Internal MySQL database doesn't work after digikam start.
0162 123 ==> 254533 - Make MySQL support as optional dependency [patch].
0163 124 ==> 271598 - digiKam crashes while downloading photos.
0164 125 ==> 269375 - Face tags count error.
0165 126 ==> 269291 - Function "View->Include tag subtree" does not function on "People".
0166 127 ==> 272023 - digiKam crash on deleting tags (quickly).
0167 128 ==> 265431 - digiKam cmake check for JPEG_LIB_VERSION fails for libjpeg-turbo >= 1.0.90.
0168 129 ==> 273068 - digiKam 1.9.0 crashes while importing images.
0169 130 ==> 272301 - Mysql database corruption upon tag hierarchy removal.
0170 131 ==> 266264 - Localized version of batch raw converter not fit to window.
0171 132 ==> 273369 - digikam does not get UUID for disk devices inside LVM.
0172 133 ==> 271591 - Startup may take a very long time.
0173 134 ==> 202202 - Loosing tags from database.
0174 135 ==> 194950 - digiKam endlessly spewing text to stderr.
0175 136 ==> 273716 - transupp.cpp failing at make (2.0.0 Beta 5 under Fedora 14).
0176 137 ==> 272586 - Crash when playing with databasebackend.
0177 138 ==> 269907 - Please consider attached patch for build system: make apidoc generation controllable.
0178 139 ==> 271323 - digiKam crashes when building thumbnails of grayscale DNGs.
0179 140 ==> 274455 - Build fails in kmemoryinfo - invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'kstat_named_t*'.
0180 141 ==> 174828 - Missing HTML closing tag in some strings.
0181 142 ==> 274432 - Build fails due to UINT32.
0182 143 ==> 274062 - Possibility to store metadata templates.
0183 144 ==> 275039 - [PATCH] switch to semantic internationalisation.
0184 145 ==> 274462 - Build failure in kmemoryinfo - swapctl.
0185 146 ==> 229571 - "Set As Thumbnail" is not working correctly for tags folder view. 
0186 147 ==> 274660 - Face regognition crashes DK.
0187 148 ==> 274713 - digiKam crashed unexpectedly.
0188 149 ==> 274302 - Search for _two_ keywords with logical "and" fails.
0189 150 ==> 272180 - Camera Device Summary seems to use wrong encoding.
0190 151 ==> 274865 - TIFF files with Exif.Image.Orientation = 1 aren't decoded properly.
0191 152 ==> 268267 - digiKam crashes on picture import : OpenCV and Gphoto2 libraries incompatibility through libdc1394.
0192 153 ==> 248494 - Deleted pictures still shown: Have to rescan collection always.
0193 154 ==> 275660 - Remove tag non-working when using face view.
0194 155 ==> 274940 - digiKam freezes when using "sharpen: refocus" (cpu 100%).
0195 156 ==> 268549 - digiKam crashes everytime i try to start.
0196 157 ==> 272031 - BQM wastes a lot of memory when adding over 3000 files.
0197 158 ==> 275813 - digiKam hangs on startup (splash screen: reading database).
0198 159 ==> 274729 - lighttable: the thumbnail slider does not work at all.
0199 160 ==> 274879 - Low resolution version of photo is displayed and portrait oriented photos are rotated 90 degrees.
0200 161 ==> 262212 - Face recognition doesn't work.
0201 162 ==> 276592 - Crash while browsing through album in enlarged view.
0202 163 ==> 261521 - A creation or a deletion, of a tag, takes a very long time.
0203 164 ==> 276052 - Failed to update the database schema from version 5 to version 6.
0204 165 ==> 265034 - Database corrupted after terminating frozen digiKam.
0205 166 ==> 267190 - digiKam crashes when other applications rename files it is loading.
0206 167 ==> 272332 - Moving a versioned file crashes digikam2.
0207 168 ==> 203196 - Multiple Albums for 1 Folder.
0208 169 ==> 229234 - Thumbnail mismatch for images with same name.
0209 170 ==> 267802 - Database connections not closed on exit.
0210 171 ==> 195006 - National charaters not accepted in database file path.
0211 172 ==> 145743 - Only include displayable files in database.
0212 173 ==> 163763 - digiKam hangs during operation and startup.
0213 174 ==> 276795 - Showfoto crashes when open a pic.
0214 175 ==> 264945 - Showfoto 1.9 (strigi relevant), installed in /usr/local/bin along with digiKam 1.9, crashes when opening many, but not all, jpegs.
0215 176 ==> 276356 - Tags should have a root (maybe hidden).
0216 177 ==> 276154 - jpegutils.cpp contains debug output, but disabled by define.
0217 178 ==> 276921 - Wrong i18n-Parameter in libs/database/databaseconfiglement.cpp.
0218 179 ==> 271610 - Crash when importing picutures from a Canon SX 200 IS.
0219 180 ==> 271269 - Crash occured when trying to import pictures from Finepix 6500fd.
0220 181 ==> 271909 - digiKam crashed when trying to switch map to google map in geolocation window.
0221 182 ==> 276969 - [2.0.0-rc] pgfutils.cpp:154:45: error: invalid conversion from 'UINT32*' to 'int'.
0222 183 ==> 146337 - Tag regions of an image.
0223 184 ==> 210914 - Allow disabling the rating widget in the Light Table thumbbar or unrating an image.
0224 185 ==> 276745 - Crash while updating/generating fingerprints.
0225 186 ==> 240148 - If I change the theme to black, the color of the texts in menus remains black, and it can't be read 
0226 187 ==> 274529 - Crashes on startup in Mac OS X.
0227 188 ==> 268817 - DK 2.0 beta 4 - crash when starting sw conversion.
0228 189 ==> 264231 - CMakeList.txt opencv-check broken.
0229 190 ==> 269084 - Crash when editing Geo-Location.
0230 191 ==> 277157 - Wish: Copy to Clipboard.
0231 192 ==> 262700 - Raw file will freeze with 16bit option enabled.
0232 193 ==> 277133 - Additional patch needed to compile 2.0.0-rc with external libpgf.
0233 194 ==> 261656 - Object::connect error messages when using decorate/add border.
0234 195 ==> 270248 - digiKam crashes when clicking on a deleted folder.
0235 196 ==> 272175 - Picture orientation is "forgotten" in viewer and light table when using xmp sidecar [patch].
0236 197 ==> 275311 - XMP sidecars are not written for symbolic links [patch].
0237 198 ==> 276712 - Ignore certain file types.
0238 199 ==> 141730 - Page down/up goes to next/previous picture istead of scolling a page.
0239 200 ==> 229795 - Position in album lost when switching album forth and back.
0240 201 ==> 208506 - Switching between view does not hold the current image.
0241 202 ==> 252134 - When selecting multiple images, some controls should be disabled.
0242 203 ==> 270161 - Unclear how to get rid of tags.
0243 204 ==> 269446 - Keyword-Managing: Folder "People" und subfolder "Unknown" persistent?
0244 205 ==> 269445 - Not possible to select only one album INCLUDING subfolders to scan for faces.
0245 206 ==> 277502 - All versions of version set always displayed in Album viewed.
0246 207 ==> 271557 - Tags: missing order, no sorting.
0247 208 ==> 265264 - Tag all images multiple Images are selected.
0248 209 ==> 247659 - In big albums re-sorting thumbnails on opening right tab bar, move selected image out the screen [patch].
0249 210 ==> 276923 - Crash during initial run of facial recognition.
0250 211 ==> 276646 - Crash while trying to switch database sqlite -> mysql.
0251 212 ==> 271622 - Local contrast settings are greyed out.
0252 213 ==> 274947 - Auto-rotate/flip image does not work at import.
0253 214 ==> 276450 - Versioning cuts image filenames after the first '.'.
0254 215 ==> 276525 - Image editor offers to save image when quitting even when it has just been saved.
0255 216 ==> 276526 - When deleting a picture with Image Editor, it then loads the second next picture.
0256 217 ==> 274388 - digiKam right click menu does not show any text.
0257 218 ==> 277927 - Demosaicing (GUI) makes Xorg take 30% CPU.
0258 219 ==> 276059 - Tags are not written to files on export or save when editing TIFF files.
0259 220 ==> 271710 - Crash when starting after adding 1500 pic + thumbnails.db is 3.9 GB with 4 GB storage capacity.
0260 221 ==> 244529 - Crash when writing metadata in files.
0261 222 ==> 267789 - Make face detection and geo tagging optional features.
0262 223 ==> 278323 - Wrong Ctrl+V shortcut for "Cut".
0263 224 ==> 278321 - Please sort "Themes" (color themes) sub menu.
0264 225 ==> 276827 - digiKam segfaults when autocompleting tags.
0265 226 ==> 278038 - digiKam crashes while switching image in editor thumbbar.
0266 227 ==> 276096 - PGF images not shown if zoom is set to 100%.
0267 228 ==> 207944 - New renaming of pictures.
0268 229 ==> 270554 - Import Wizard: Rename options filename with timestamp.
0269 230 ==> 251886 - Autohide scrollbars, please.
0270 231 ==> 226765 - Panning with arrow keys in preview mode is slow.
0271 232 ==> 278040 - Raw images disappear after being exported.
0272 233 ==> 255915 - Crash stopping slideshow.
0273 234 ==> 278329 - Using digiKam in Ubuntu 11.04 I cannot switch to another language.
0274 235 ==> 277935 - Rename libkmap to Geolocation and move it to extragear/libs.
0275 236 ==> 273077 - Generate Fingerprints gets slower and slower.
0276 237 ==> 150981 - Usage of ws.geonames.org to associate place names with coordinates.
0277 238 ==> 185143 - Track List Editor: Make images in the List selectable.
0278 239 ==> 195944 - Concentrate location manipulation functions in single dialog.
0279 240 ==> 209718 - Adding geolocation tag to a dozen pictures blocks digikam GUI for >10 seconds.
0280 241 ==> 215989 - Multiple GPX files for one geotagging one album.
0281 242 ==> 206133 - Support for Open Street Map.
0282 243 ==> 265126 - compile failure.
0283 244 ==> 262412 - Request to setup git repo for -tools.
0284 245 ==> 202226 - Yandex Fotki support export.
0285 246 ==> 266911 - Add space to suffix "MB" (" MB").
0286 247 ==> 260754 - DngConverter doesn't support sraw files.
0287 248 ==> 267775 - Import from facebook fails, no write permissions, no album selection.
0288 249 ==> 155030 - Meta information about picture dimension not updated after batch resize.
0289 250 ==> 258202 - Keep custom metadata (tags, rating) when converting.
0290 251 ==> 267650 - Resizing image causes digiKam caption to disappear in original.
0291 252 ==> 269121 - Failure to find libgpod.
0292 253 ==> 206842 - Export to Wikimedia Commons.
0293 254 ==> 269511 - Cmake install files include wrong path for libmediawiki/version.h.
0294 255 ==> 269220 - Move MediaWiki C++ interface to git.
0295 256 ==> 268316 - OK button not disabled on empty image list, following progress dialog never finishes [patch].
0296 257 ==> 269991 - DngConverter doesn't compile on 64bits platforms due to linking error [patch].
0297 258 ==> 184763 - Edit Image Caption dialog - not populated with existing caption.
0298 259 ==> 203047 - Edit Exif does not allow editing of seconds.
0299 260 ==> 169230 - "Remove Metadata" tool necessary.
0300 261 ==> 208500 - XMP tags GUI incorrectly manages language.
0301 262 ==> 178660 - Quick navigation "disabled" in list of languages (XMP).
0302 263 ==> 242632 - The Subject classification reference code is not saved.
0303 264 ==> 138753 - Add new menu option for Batch Copyrighting of images using IPTC.
0304 265 ==> 198960 - Change exif date taken field of selected images.
0305 266 ==> 270579 - Images previously selected persist in the tool window list [patch].
0306 267 ==> 270587 - Text fixes for the Commons export widget [patch].
0307 268 ==> 270593 - Acquireimages fail to link on amd64.
0308 269 ==> 270649 - Bad use of arguments for translation.
0309 270 ==> 270624 - No display on googlemap.
0310 271 ==> 266906 - A few widget titles should not be translatable.
0311 272 ==> 171727 - KML export asks for overwriting tempfile.
0312 273 ==> 271735 - HTML export of RAW images fails.
0313 274 ==> 275857 - Word puzzle in progressbar in rajceexport.
0314 275 ==> 215777 - Configuration to use HTTP instead of HTTPS.
0315 276 ==> 252437 - Empty album list fixed by switching to OAuth2 authentication
0316 277 ==> 226114 - Facebook Call Failed: Incorrect Signature.
0317 278 ==> 276609 - Facebook application is deleted. can't upload and previously uploaded pictures disappear.
0318 279 ==> 271838 - Segfault when trying to open Geo-Location.
0319 280 ==> 273781 - digiKam crashes when correlating images with GPX file created by Garmin GPS.
0320 281 ==> 277480 - Export Flash dose not work.
0321 282 ==> 226296 - FlashExport, unable to install simple viewer.
0322 283 ==> 277661 - Facebook exporter incompatible with Firefox 4 (solution: use .html extension not .php).
0323 284 ==> 278290 - GPS Correlator is disabled (grayed) after loading gpx files.