Warning, /graphics/digikam/project/NEWS.0.9.2 is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 digiKam 0.9.2 - Release date: 2007-06-13
0003 **********************************************************************************************
0006 General       : Light Table and Preview Mode can work with full image size instead a reduced one.
0007 General       : digiKam has a new powerful tool to compare similar images side by side: 
0008                 the Light Table. Demo and screenshots:
0009                     http://www.digikam.org/?q=node/221
0010                     http://www.digikam.org/?q=node/222
0012 General       : Editor Tools have been merged into digiKam. It more simple to release
0013                 on package for all. Image tools translations are hosted to digikam.po file 
0014                 instead a .po file for each tool. All tools still available like tools at 
0015                 the same place than image tool core.   
0016 General       : New depency to RawEngine shared library used to decode RAW file.
0017                 This library is shared between digiKam and external modules. The internal 
0018                 dcraw version used is 8.60. digiKam support now all recent digital 
0019                 camera RAW files released at PMA 2007.    
0020 General       : Make size of icons used in sidebars configurable in order to allow more
0021                 entries to be presented. 
0022 General       : Make size of icons used in album icon view more configurable using a slider 
0023                 in status bar. 
0024 General       : Removing direct Exiv2 library depency. MetadataEngine interface is used everywhere 
0025                 instead.  
0027 Album GUI     : Add Zoom/Scrooling functions with preview mode.
0029 Image Editor  : Usability improvement : a new pan tool is available on the right bottom 
0030                 corner of canvas to naviguate over large pictures.
0031 Image Editor  : Usability issue : Blowup and Resize tools have been merged.
0032 Image Editor  : Usability issue : Unsharp Mask, Refocus, and Sharpen tools have been merged
0033                 to a new Sharpness Editor.
0034 Image Editor  : Usability issue : Reorganize menu structure
0035 Image Editor  : Usability issue : persistant selection in all zoom mode.
0036 Image Editor  : Add new option to fit on current selection.
0038 Image Editor  : Red Eyes Correction tool have been completly re-writen. There is 
0039                 a preview of effect and the capability to taint the eye pupil with
0040                 a customized color. The new eye pupil can be blured to smooth the 
0041                 result. 
0042 Image Editor  : Solarize tool is now a "Color Effects" pack including Solarize, Velvia (new
0043                 tool), Neon, and Edge effects. 
0044 Image Editor  : Black & White converter now support a lots of B&W analog camera film 
0045                 types (Agfa, Ilford, Kodak). A new 'strength' setting can simulate the 
0046                 amount of Lens filters effect.  
0047 Image Editor  : Update internal CImg library to 1.1.9. The Greycstoration algorithm used 
0048                 by Restoration, Inpainting and Blowup tools is faster and optimized.
0050 Showfoto      : The thumbbar is now resizable. The thumbnails contents can be redimensionned in live.
0051 Showfoto      : The thumbbar items can show a full configurable tool tip like digiKam album icon 
0052                 items tool tip.
0055 **********************************************************************************************
0058 001 ==> 142443 - Red eye correction should change eye colour to an alternate colour.
0059 002 ==> 138744 - Dcraw 8.45 supports Pentax K10D.
0060 003 ==> 142427 - Rotate image tool too complicated.
0061 004 ==> 141439 - A velvia similar tool. AKA vivid saturation.
0062 005 ==> 127583 - keywords, copyright, photographer info not saved to IPTC tags.
0063 006 ==> 142571 - Auto-exposure result is different from the preview.
0064 007 ==> 127377 - Restoration filter (CIMG) does not function properly.
0065 008 ==> 131446 - Using inpainting tool crashes digiKam.
0066 009 ==> 103244 - Usability: Merge multiple similar menus into one.
0067 010 ==> 139790 - Image Editor: the center of the photo is moving when zooming in or out.
0068 011 ==> 106508 - Please change scaling behavior.
0069 012 ==> 137236 - Disable autozoom when picture fits in window.
0070 013 ==> 103645 - Zoom in with rectangle tool selection.
0071 014 ==> 126127 - Enlarge small images when autozoom is activated.
0072 015 ==> 104439 - Use left mouse button to scroll image.
0073 016 ==> 137391 - Picture navigation in image editor using the mouse.
0074 017 ==> 102029 - Configurable size of icons in sidebars.
0075 018 ==> 102029 - No/small icons in album tree.
0076 019 ==> 131155 - Smooth increasing/decreasing size of thumbnails like in iPhoto.
0077 020 ==> 089365 - Reorganize menu structure in Image Editor.
0078 021 ==> 134037 - Respect current sort order when passing list to tools.
0079 022 ==> 139466 - Remove configuration of digikam image tools.
0080 023 ==> 119418 - "set as album thumbnail" should work for different albums too.
0081 024 ==> 125916 - Problem with opening 16bit TIFF.
0082 025 ==> 143578 - New Pan Tool crash.
0083 026 ==> 118539 - Lossless image-editor for JPEGs.
0084 027 ==> 133913 - sRGB profile white point may be incorrect.
0085 028 ==> 116148 - Auto-scrolling when selecting large area.
0086 029 ==> 134498 - Date stamp display option for photos in full-screen mode.
0087 030 ==> 130525 - Saving large (>5M) jpg's result in corrupt file.
0088 031 ==> 132047 - Faster display of images and/or prefetch wished for.
0089 032 ==> 140131 - No zoom in image preview.
0090 033 ==> 089365 - More standard menu structure.
0091 034 ==> 144214 - The plural form of "child" is "children", not "childs".
0092 035 ==> 124487 - No way to pause a slide show.
0093 036 ==> 128975 - "Correct Exif Orientation Tag" does not change the mtime of the image file.
0094 037 ==> 139814 - The window of digiKam exceed the screen if the resolution is 800x600.
0095 038 ==> 144481 - Vertical window size cannot be reduced to VGA resolution.
0096 039 ==> 136254 - Editing tags does not change IPTC-keywords. 
0097 040 ==> 135048 - Easily compare similar images using a light-table.
0098 041 ==> 145159 - Improvements to the light-table.
0099 042 ==> 145204 - Small issues with the light-table.
0100 043 ==> 145227 - Change ratings via short-cuts in the light-table.
0101 044 ==> 145236 - Small wishes for the light-table.
0102 045 ==> 145237 - Small wishes for the light-table (2).
0103 046 ==> 145170 - Always allow zooming in/out in imageeditor.
0104 047 ==> 145078 - Ctrl-Y untied from Redo.
0105 048 ==> 145083 - Space and Shift-Space isn't used for navigation between images.
0106 049 ==> 145077 - Ctrl-W and Ctrl-Q shortcuts not tied to proper actions:fixed
0107 050 ==> 145558 - In menu view: window size/original size: ctrl-shift-z obsolete?
0108 051 ==> 144640 - CTRL-P does nothing in Album GUI: fixed to print action
0109 052 ==> 144643 - Ctrl-Shift-A does not deselect in Album GUI: fixed
0110 053 ==> 144644 - Ctrl-0 does not set zoom to 100% in Preview mode: Alt+Ctrl+0
0111 054 ==> 144650 - Shift-Space doesn't work as PageUp.
0112 055 ==> 145079 - Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Shift-A don't peform proper selection actions.
0113 056 ==> 145627 - Showfoto /path/to/directory doesn't work, while the "open dir" feature exists.
0114 057 ==> 146012 - Dragging an image over a tag in "tag filters" panel crashes digiKam.
0115 058 ==> 146032 - Panning doesn't work in Light Table.
0116 059 ==> 145198 - Light-table should also work with the full image.
0117 060 ==> 146072 - Slideshow shows black screen.
0118 061 ==> 146184 - Showfoto no filename specified .
0119 062 ==> 144590 - English labels need cleanup in digiKam.
0120 063 ==> 146436 - digiKam try to include Exiv2 library headers.
0121 064 ==> 146464 - Light Table does not deal with colour management.
0122 065 ==> 142133 - Typo English documentation docbook.
0123 066 ==> 146744 - Tag that contains '&' is not displayed correctly in menus.