Warning, /graphics/digikam/core/utilities/geolocation/marble/data/placemarks/HOWTO-cities.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 If you apply changes to our city database please follow these steps: 0002 0003 As a translator please just edit cities.txt! If you edit the KML file directly your changes will get overwritten on the next change! 0004 All other steps are optional and can be done by one of our programmers: 0005 0006 1. Build marble with -DBUILD_MARBLE_TOOLS=ON passed to cmake 0007 0008 2. Prepare cities.txt as follows: 0009 0010 If you're interested only in the n cities with the highest population, you can generate a modified cities.txt like this (here n=1000): 0011 0012 $ sort -t"$(echo -e "\t")" -n -k 15 cities.txt | tail -n 1000 > cities_largest_1000.txt 0013 0014 Then use cities_largest_1000.txt instead of cities.txt. 0015 0016 Be sure data is sorted alphabetically, otherwise there is a big perfomance hit when loading the files at startup. 0017 For that, run: 0018 0019 $ sort -t"$(echo -e "\t")" -k 2 cities.txt > cities_sorted.txt 0020 0021 2. Execute the two tools: 0022 0023 $ marble/tools/asc2kml/asc2kml -o ~/marble/data/placemarks/cityplacemarks.kml ~/marble/data/placemarks/cities_sorted.txt ~/marble/data/placemarks/statecodes.txt ~/marble/data/placemarks/timeZones.txt 0024 $ marble/tools/kml2cache/kml2cache -i ~/marble/data/placemarks/cityplacemarks.kml -o ~/marble/data/placemarks/cityplacemarks.cache 0025 0026 3. Create the placemark-directory in your home directory if it doesn't exist already. 0027 0028 $ mkdir ~/.local/share/marble/placemarks 0029 0030 4. Copy the new KML cache file over 0031 0032 $ cp ~/marble/data/placemarks/cityplacemarks.cache ~/.local/share/marble/placemarks/cityplacemarks.cache 0033 0034 5. Delete the cityplacemarks cache file in the system directory: 0035 0036 $ sudo rm /usr/local/share/apps/marble/data/placemarks/cityplacemarks.cache 0037 0038 6. Run Marble. Check that the cache file is correctly loaded 0039 0040 7. Commit the new version of cityplacemarks.kml & cityplacemarks.cache to git