File indexing completed on 2025-01-05 03:58:41

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Gerhard HOLTKAMP
0004 //
0006 #if !defined(__eclsolar_h)
0007 #define __eclsolar_h
0009 #include "attlib.h"
0010 #include "digikam_export.h"
0012 const int GBL_ECLBUF = 12;  // maximum number of eclipses allowed
0013 const int MAXLUN = 15;
0015 typedef double PMJD[MAXLUN];  // array of MJD's of the respective phase
0017 class DIGIKAM_EXPORT EclSolar     // Calculate Solar Eclipses
0018 {
0019   public:
0020     EclSolar();
0021     ~EclSolar();
0023     int getYear() const;  // the year currently used by EclSolar
0024     void putYear(int yr);  // set the year to be used by EclSolar
0025     int getNumberEclYear();  // get the number of eclipses of the currently selected year
0026     void setLunarEcl(bool lecl);  // include lunar eclipses
0027     void setStepWidth(double s);  // set the step width (minutes)
0028     void setTimezone(double d);  // set timezone for I/O
0029     void setDeltaTAI_UTC(double d);  // set IERS Parameter TAI - UTC
0030     void setAutoTAI_UTC();  // IERS Parameter TAI - UTC to auto
0031     void setLocalPos(double lat, double lng, double hgt); // set local geographic coordinates
0032     void getLocalDetails(char *otxt);  // provide eclipse details for local position
0033     void setCurrentMJD(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, double sec); // set current time
0034     void getDatefromMJD(double mjd, int &year, int &month, int &day,
0035                         int &hour, int &min, double &sec) const; // convert MJD into date and time
0036     int getLocalVisibility(double &mjd_start, double &mjd_stop);  // local start and stop times for eclipse
0037     int getLocalTotal(double &mjd_start, double &mjd_stop);  // local start and stop times for totality/annularity
0038     int getLocalMax(double &mjdmax, double &magmax, double &elmax);  // get local (solar) eclipse maximum
0039     int getPenumbra(double &mjd_start, double &mjd_stop);  // start and stop times for penumbral eclipse of Moon
0040     int getPartial(double &mjd_start, double &mjd_stop);  // (global) start and stop times for partial phase
0041     int getTotal(double &mjd_start, double &mjd_stop);   // (global) start and stop times for totality/annularity
0042     void getEclYearInfo(char* wbuf);  // list of eclipses of the year
0043     int getEclYearInfo(int k, int &yr, int &month, int &day,
0044                    int &hour, int &min, double &sec, double &tzone, double &magn);
0045     int getEclTxt (int j, char* jtxt);  // get text for j-th eclipse
0046     void putEclSelect(int es);  // select particular eclipse for details
0047     void nextEcl();  // select the next eclipse for details
0048     void previousEcl();  // select the previous eclipse for details
0049     double getLastMJD() const;  // get the MJD last used in calculations
0050     void getMaxPos(double &lat, double &lng); // get position of maximum eclipse
0051     int eclPltCentral(bool firstc, double &lat, double &lng);  // calc central eclipse line
0052     int GNSBound(bool firstc, bool north, double& lat, double& lng); // northern or southern boundary
0053     int GRSBound(bool firstc, double& lat1, double& lng1, double& lat2, double& lng2);
0054                      // Rise / Set Boundary
0055     int centralBound(bool firstc, double& lat1, double& lng1, double& lat2, double& lng2);
0056     void getShadowCone(double mjd, bool umbra, int numpts, double* lat, double* lng);
0057     void setPenumbraAngle(double pa, int mode);
0059   private:
0060     void esinit();  // initialize EclSolar
0061     static double atan23 (double y, double x);  // atan without singularity for x,y=0
0062     void DefTime ();  // Get System Time and Date
0063     void calcMaxPos(double &lat, double &lng); // get position of maximum eclipse
0064     static void GetMonth (int mm, char* mchr);
0065     static double phmjd (double yearf, double phase, double tdut,
0066                   int& eph, double& ejd, double& emag);
0067     void ckphase (double minmjd, double maxmjd, double yr,
0068               double deltdut, int &mp, PMJD p, double phase);
0069     static void dtmstr(double jdmoon, char *dts);
0070     void moonph();  // calculate phases of the Moon
0071     void eclStart();   // initialize detailed calcs for selected eclipse
0072     static double getlocmag(double jd, double ep2, double phi, double lamda,
0073                      double height, const Vec3& rs, const Vec3& rm, int& totflg);
0074     static int iscrs(double vrc0, double vrc1, double dpn,
0075                            double& vrx0, double& vrx1, double& vrx20, double& vrx21);
0076     void InitBound(); // initialize boundary calcs
0077     void InRSBound();  // initialize Sunrise/Sunset boundaries
0078     static double DegFDms (double h);
0079     int localStart(int j, double *spt, double *ept, int *spp,
0080                                    int p, char *otxt);
0081     static double navCourse (double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2); // navigation course from p1 to p2
0082     static void navNewPos (double d, double an, double lat1, double lng1, double &lat2, double &lng2);
0083     static double sunObscure(double l1, double l2, double m);  // get the Obscuration of the Sun
0085    // data fields
0087       bool eb_start_called;  // true if eclStart() has already been called for eclipse
0088       bool eb_moonph_called; // true if moonph has already been called for year
0089       bool eb_lunecl;        // true if lunar eclipses are to be included
0090       bool eb_lunactive;     // true if current eclipse is a lunar eclipse
0091       bool eb_local_called;  // true if local circumstances calculated
0093       int eb_day;           // date
0094       int eb_month;
0095       int eb_year;
0096       int eb_hour;
0097       int eb_minute;
0098       int eb_second;
0099       double eb_time;
0100       double eb_tzone;      // timezone in hours
0101       double eb_del_tdut;   // TDT - UT in sec
0102       int eb_del_auto;      // 1 = automatic del_tdut,  0 = manual
0103       double eb_geolat;     // geographic coordinates (angles in degrees)
0104       double eb_geolong;
0105       double eb_geoheight;  // in meters
0106       int eb_lstcall;  // 1 = last call moonph; 2 = caldisp; 0 = no call
0107       int eb_locecl;   // 1 = local eclipse call; 0 = normal (global) call
0109       bool eb_finished;  // true if the loop run on consecutive calls is finished
0110       bool eb_finished2;
0111       int eb_numecl;   // number of eclipses of the year;
0112       int eb_eclselect; // eclipse selected for detailed calculation
0113       int eb_lastyear;   // last year for which moon phases were calculated
0114       double eb_lasttz;  // last used timezone
0115       double eb_lastdlt; // last delta-t used
0116       double eb_cstep;   // step width in minutes used for central eclipse output
0117       double eb_eclmjd [GBL_ECLBUF];  // the MJD's of the middle of the eclipses
0118       double eb_magnitude [GBL_ECLBUF];   // magnitude of respective eclipse
0119       int eb_phase [GBL_ECLBUF];    // phase of the eclipse. 0 if no eclipse,
0120                                     // 1 partial Sun, 2 non-central annular, 3 non-central total,
0121                                     // 4 annular, 5 total, 6 annual/total  Sun
0122                                     // -1 partial penumbral Moon, -2 penumbral Moon,
0123                                     // -3 partial Moon, -4 total Moon.
0124       int eb_nphase;   // number of phases for eclipse details
0125       int eb_spp[4];     // kind of eclipse phase i
0126       double eb_spt[4];  // start time in MJD for phase i
0127       double eb_ept[4];  // end time in MJD for phase i
0128       int eb_lccnt; // = 0 not visible, 1,2 = first rise/set; 3,4 second r/s
0129       double eb_lcb1, eb_lcb2, eb_lce1, eb_lce2;  // rise and set times (up to 2 possible)
0130       double eb_jdmaxps; // MJD of maximum phase
0131       double eb_maxps;  // value of maximum phase
0132       double eb_maxelv; // elevation at maximum phase
0133       double eb_ltotb;  // begin of totality/annularity at local position
0134       double eb_ltote;  // end of totality/annularity at local position
0135       int eb_cphs;   // phase of the central eclipse for center line plotting
0136       double eb_clat; // current latitude of center line (in decimal degrees)
0137       double eb_clng; // current longitude of center line (in decimal degrees)
0138       double eb_cmxlat; // latitude of maximum eclipse (in decimal degrees)
0139       double eb_cmxlng; // longitude of maximum eclipse (in decimal degrees)
0140       double eb_jdstart; // (global) start jd of eclipse
0141       double eb_jdstop;  // (global) end jd of eclipse
0142       double eb_lastjd;  // last used MJD for eclipse calcs
0143       double eb_dpb;   // Base value for diameter of penumbra
0144       double eb_dpd;   // delta value for diameter of penumbra
0145       double eb_penangle; // factor for multiplying the penumbra angle (1.0 for normal borders)
0146       int eb_penamode;  // mode for using eb_penangle
0147       Vec3 eb_ubm;  // Penumbra (or Umbra or Moon) base vector
0148       Vec3 eb_ube;  // Shadow base vector for upper boundary
0149       Vec3 eb_udm;  // Penumbra base delta vector
0150       Vec3 eb_ude;  // Shadow delta vector for upper boundary
0151       Vec3 eb_lbe;  // Shadod base vector for lower boundary
0152       Vec3 eb_lde;  // Shadow delta vector for lower boundary
0154 };
0156 #endif         // __eclsolar_h sentry.