File indexing completed on 2025-01-05 03:57:00

0001 /* -*- C++ -*-
0002  * Copyright 2019-2021 LibRaw LLC (
0003  *
0004  LibRaw uses code from dcraw.c -- Dave Coffin's raw photo decoder,
0005  dcraw.c is copyright 1997-2018 by Dave Coffin, dcoffin a cybercom o net.
0006  LibRaw do not use RESTRICTED code from dcraw.c
0008  LibRaw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0009  it under the terms of the one of two licenses as you choose:
0012    (See file LICENSE.LGPL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details).
0015    (See file LICENSE.CDDL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details).
0017  */
0019 #include "../../internal/dcraw_defs.h"
0020 #include "../../internal/libraw_cameraids.h"
0022 // clang-format on
0023 static const struct
0024 {
0025     const int CorpId;
0026     const char *CorpName;
0027 } CorpTable[] = {
0028     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Agfa,           "AgfaPhoto"},
0029     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Apple,          "Apple"},
0030     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Broadcom,       "Broadcom"},
0031     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Canon,          "Canon"},
0032     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Casio,          "Casio"},
0033     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_CINE,           "CINE"},
0034     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Epson,          "Epson"},
0035     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Fujifilm,       "Fujifilm"},
0036     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Mamiya,         "Mamiya"},
0037     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Motorola,       "Motorola"},
0038     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Kodak,          "Kodak"},
0039     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Konica,         "Konica"},
0040     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Minolta,        "Minolta"},
0041     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Leica,          "Leica"},
0042     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Nikon,          "Nikon"},
0043     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Nokia,          "Nokia"},
0044     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Olympus,        "Olympus"},
0045     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_OmDigital,      "OM Digital"},
0046     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Ricoh,          "Ricoh"},
0047     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Pentax,         "Pentax"},
0048     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_PhaseOne,       "Phase One"},
0049     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_PhaseOne,       "PhaseOne"},
0050     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Samsung,        "Samsung"},
0051     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Sigma,          "Sigma"},
0052     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Sinar,          "Sinar"},
0053     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Sony,           "Sony"},
0054     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_YI,             "YI"},
0055     // add corp. names below
0056     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Alcatel,        "Alcatel"},
0057     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Aptina,         "Aptina"},
0058     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_AVT,            "AVT"},
0059     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Baumer,         "Baumer"},
0060     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Clauss,         "Clauss"},
0061     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Contax,         "Contax"},
0062     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Creative,       "Creative"},
0063     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_DJI,            "DJI"},
0064     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Foculus,        "Foculus"},
0065     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Generic,        "Generic"},
0066     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Gione,          "Gione"},
0067     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_GITUP,          "GITUP"},
0068     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Hasselblad,     "Hasselblad"},
0069     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_HTC,            "HTC"},
0070     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_I_Mobile,       "I_Mobile"},
0071     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Imacon,         "Imacon"},
0072     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_ISG,            "ISG"},
0073     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_JK_Imaging,     "JK Imaging"}, // Kodak
0074     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Leaf,           "Leaf"},
0075     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Lenovo,         "Lenovo"},
0076     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_LG,             "LG"},
0077     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Logitech,       "Logitech"},
0078     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Matrix,         "Matrix"},
0079     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Meizu,          "Meizu"},
0080     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Micron,         "Micron"},
0081     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_NGM,            "NGM"},
0082     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_OmniVison,      "OmniVison"},
0083     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Panasonic,      "Panasonic"},
0084     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Photron,        "Photron"},
0085     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Pixelink,       "Pixelink"},
0086     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Polaroid,       "Polaroid"},
0087     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Rollei,         "Rollei"},
0088     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_RoverShot,      "RoverShot"},
0089     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_SMaL,           "SMaL"},
0090     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_ST_Micro,       "ST Micro"},
0091     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_THL,            "THL"},
0092     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Xiaomi,         "Xiaomi"},
0093     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_XIAOYI,         "Xiayi"},
0094     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Yuneec,         "Yuneec"},
0095     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_DXO,            "DxO"},
0096     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_RED,            "Red"},
0097     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_PhotoControl,   "Photo Control"},
0098     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Google,         "Google"},
0099     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_GoPro,          "GoPro"},
0100     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Parrot,         "Parrot"},
0101     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Zeiss,          "Zeiss"},
0102     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_OnePlus,        "OnePlus"},
0103     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_VIVO,           "Vivo"},
0104     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_HMD_Global,     "HMD Global"},
0105     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_HUAWEI,         "Huawei"},
0106     {LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_RaspberryPi,    "RaspberryPi"},
0107 };
0108 // clang-format on
0110 int LibRaw::setMakeFromIndex(unsigned makei)
0111 {
0112     if (makei <= LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Unknown || makei >= LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_TheLastOne) return 0;
0114     for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof CorpTable / sizeof *CorpTable); i++)
0115         if ((unsigned)CorpTable[i].CorpId == makei)
0116         {
0117             strcpy(normalized_make, CorpTable[i].CorpName);
0118             maker_index = makei;
0119             return 1;
0120         }
0121     return 0;
0122 }
0124 const char *LibRaw::cameramakeridx2maker(unsigned maker)
0125 {
0126     for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof CorpTable / sizeof *CorpTable); i++)
0127         if((unsigned)CorpTable[i].CorpId == maker)
0128             return CorpTable[i].CorpName;
0129     return 0;
0130 }
0134 void LibRaw::fixupArri()
0135 {
0136     struct alist_t
0137     {
0138         const char *a_model;
0139         const char *a_software;
0140         ushort a_width,a_height;
0141         int a_black;
0142         unsigned a_filters;
0143         float a_aspect;
0144     }
0145     alist[] =
0146     {
0147         {"ALEXA65", "Alexa65  XT", 6560 ,3100, 256,0x49494949,1.f},
0149         {"ALEXALF", "Alexa LF Plus W", 3840 ,2160, 256,0x49494949,1.0f },
0150         {"ALEXALF", "Alexa LF Plus W", 4448 ,1856, 256,0x49494949,0.75f },
0151         {"ALEXALF", "Alexa LF Plus W", 4448 ,3096, 256,0x49494949,1.f },
0153         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 SXT", 2880 ,1620, 256,0x61616161,.75f},
0154         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 SXT", 3168 ,1782, 256,0x61616161,0.75f},
0155         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 SXT", 3424 ,2202, 256,0x61616161,1.f},
0156         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 SXT", 2592 ,2160, 256,0x61616161,1.12f},
0158         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 XT", 2592 ,2160, 256,0x61616161,1.12f},
0159         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 XT", 2880 ,2160, 256,0x61616161,1.f},
0160         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 XT", 2880 ,1620, 256,0x61616161,0.75f},
0161         {"ALEXA", "Alexa Plus 4:3 XT", 3424 ,2202, 256,0x61616161,1.f},
0162     };
0163     for(int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(alist)/sizeof(alist[0])); i++)
0164         if(!strncasecmp(model,alist[i].a_model,strlen(alist[i].a_model)) && software
0165             && !strncasecmp(software,alist[i].a_software,strlen(alist[i].a_software))
0166             && width == alist[i].a_width && height == alist[i].a_height)
0167         {
0168             filters = alist[i].a_filters;
0169             black = alist[i].a_black;
0170             pixel_aspect = alist[i].a_aspect;
0171             strcpy(model,software);
0172             software[0]=0;
0173             return;
0174         }
0175 }
0176 #endif
0177 /*
0178    Identify which camera created this file, and set global variables
0179    accordingly.
0180  */
0181 void LibRaw::identify()
0182 {
0183   // clang-format off
0184   static const ushort canon[][11] = {
0185       // raw_width, raw_height, left_margin, top_margin,
0186       // width_decrement, height_decrement,
0187       // mask01, mask03, mask11, mask13,
0188       // CFA_filters.
0189       { 1944, 1416, 0, 0, 48, 0 }, // 00 "PowerShot Pro90 IS"
0190       { 2144, 1560, 4, 8, 52, 2, 0, 0, 0, 25 }, // 01 "PowerShot S30", "PowerShot G1"
0191       { 2224, 1456, 48, 6, 0, 2 }, // 02 "EOS D30"
0192       { 2376, 1728, 12, 6, 52, 2 }, // 03 "PowerShot G2", "PowerShot S40", "PowerShot G3", "PowerShot S45"
0193       { 2672, 1968, 12, 6, 44, 2 }, // 04 "PowerShot G5", "PowerShot S50", "PowerShot S60"
0194       { 3152, 2068, 64, 12, 0, 0, 16 }, // 05 "EOS D60", "EOS 10D", "EOS 300D"
0195       { 3160, 2344, 44, 12, 4, 4 }, // 06 "PowerShot G6", "PowerShot S70"
0196       { 3344, 2484, 4, 6, 52, 6 }, // 07 "PowerShot Pro1"
0197       { 3516, 2328, 42, 14, 0, 0 }, // 08 "EOS 350D"
0198       { 3596, 2360, 74, 12, 0, 0 }, // 09 "EOS-1D Mark II", "EOS 20D", "EOS-1D Mark II N", "EOS 30D"
0199       { 3744, 2784, 52, 12, 8, 12 }, // 10 "PowerShot G11", "PowerShot S90", "PowerShot G12", "PowerShot S95"
0200       { 3944, 2622, 30, 18, 6, 2 }, // 11 "EOS 40D"
0201       { 3948, 2622, 42, 18, 0, 2 }, // 12 "EOS 400D", "EOS 1000D"
0202       { 3984, 2622, 76, 20, 0, 2, 14 }, // 13 "EOS-1D Mark III"
0203       { 4032, 2656, 112, 44, 10, 0 }, // 14 APS-C crop mode: "EOS 6D Mark II"??, "EOS RP"
0204       { 4104, 3048, 48, 12, 24, 12 }, // 15 "PowerShot G9"
0205       { 4116, 2178, 4, 2, 0, 0 },  // 16 ??
0206       { 4152, 2772, 192, 12, 0, 0 }, // 17 "PowerShot SX1 IS"
0207       { 4160, 3124, 104, 11, 8, 65 }, // 18 "PowerShot S100 (new)", "PowerShot S100V", "PowerShot G15", "PowerShot S110 (new)"
0208       { 4176, 3062, 96, 17, 8, 0, 0, 16, 0, 7, 0x49 }, // 19 "PowerShot SX50 HS"
0209       { 4192, 3062, 96, 17, 24, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0x49 }, // 20 "PowerShot G16", "PowerShot S120"
0210       { 4312, 2876, 22, 18, 0, 2 }, // 21 "EOS 450D"
0211       { 4352, 2850, 144, 46, 0, 0 }, // 22 APS-C crop mode: "EOS R"
0212       { 4352, 2874, 62, 18, 0, 0 }, // 23 "EOS 1100D"
0213       { 4476, 2954, 90, 34, 0, 0 }, // 24 "EOS 5D"
0214       { 4480, 3348, 12, 10, 36, 12, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0x49 }, // 25 "PowerShot G10"
0215       { 4480, 3366, 80, 50, 0, 0 }, // 26 "PowerShot G1 X Mark II"
0216       { 4496, 3366, 80, 50, 12, 0 }, // 27 "PowerShot G1 X"
0217       { 4768, 3516, 96, 16, 0, 0, 0, 16 }, // 28 "PowerShot SX60 HS"
0218       { 4832, 3204, 62, 26, 0, 0 }, // 29 "EOS 500D"
0219       { 4832, 3228, 62, 51, 0, 0 }, // 30 "EOS 50D"
0220       { 5108, 3349, 98, 13, 0, 0 }, // 31 "EOS-1Ds Mark II"
0221       { 5120, 3318, 142, 45, 62, 0 }, // 32  "EOS-1D Mark IV"
0222       { 5280, 3528, 72, 52, 0, 0 }, // 33 "EOS M10", "EOS 650D", "EOS 700D", "EOS M", "EOS 100D", "EOS M2"
0223       { 5344, 3516, 142, 51, 0, 0 }, // 34 "EOS 550D", "EOS 600D", "EOS 60D", "EOS 1200D", "EOS 1300D", "EOS 3000D"
0224       { 5344, 3584, 126, 100, 0, 2 }, // 35 "EOS-1D X", "EOS-1D C"
0225       { 5344, 3950, 98, 18, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0 }, // 36 "PowerShot SX70 HS"
0226       { 5360, 3516, 158, 51, 0, 0 }, // 37 "EOS 7D"
0227       { 5568, 3708, 72, 38, 0, 0 }, // 38; "EOS 7D Mark II", "EOS 6D", "EOS 70D", "EOS-1D X MARK II"
0228       { 5632, 3710, 96, 17, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0x49 }, // 39 "PowerShot G7 X", "PowerShot G3 X", "PowerShot G9 X", "PowerShot G5 X", "PowerShot G7 X Mark II", "PowerShot G9 X Mark II"
0229       { 5712, 3774, 62, 20, 10, 2 }, // 40 "EOS-1Ds Mark III"
0230       { 5792, 3804, 158, 51, 0, 0 }, // 41 "EOS 5D Mark II"
0231       { 5920, 3950, 122, 80, 2, 0 }, // 42 "EOS 5D Mark III"
0232       { 6096, 4051, 76, 35, 0, 0 }, // 43 "EOS 1500D"
0233       { 6096, 4056, 72, 34, 0, 0 }, // 44 "EOS M3", "EOS 760D", "EOS 750D"
0234       { 6288, 4056, 264, 36, 0, 0 }, // 45 "EOS M5", "EOS M100", "EOS M6", "PowerShot G1 X Mark III", "EOS 80D", "EOS 800D", "EOS 77D", "EOS 200D", "EOS 250D", "EOS M50"
0235       { 6384, 4224, 120, 44, 0, 0 }, // 46 "EOS 6D Mark II", "EOS RP"
0236       { 6880, 4544, 136, 42, 0, 0 }, // 47 "EOS 5D Mark IV"
0237       { 6888, 4546, 146, 48, 0, 0 }, // 48 "EOS R"
0238       { 7128, 4732, 144, 72, 0, 0 }, // 49 "EOS M6 II", "EOS 90D"
0239       { 8896, 5920, 160, 64, 0, 0 }, // 50 "EOS 5DS", "EOS 5DS R"
0240       { 6192, 4152, 160, 120, 0, 0}, // EOS R3
0241       { 6192, 4060, 168, 52, 24, 8, 16,48,32,0,} // EOS R10
0242   };
0244   static const libraw_custom_camera_t const_table[] = {
0245       { 786432, 1024, 768, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-080C" },
0246       { 1447680, 1392, 1040, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-145C" },
0247       { 1920000, 1600, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-201C" },
0248       { 5067304, 2588, 1958, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-510C" },
0249       { 5067316, 2588, 1958, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-510C", 12 },
0250       { 10134608, 2588, 1958, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-510C" },
0251       { 10134620, 2588, 1958, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-510C", 12 },
0252       { 16157136, 3272, 2469, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0x94, 0, 0, "AVT", "F-810C" },
0253       { 3995136, 1632, 1224, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0x61, 0, 1, "AgfaPhoto", "DC-833m" },
0254       { 15980544, 3264, 2448, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0x61, 0, 1, "AgfaPhoto", "DC-833m" },
0255       { 9631728, 2532, 1902, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "Alcatel", "5035D" },
0256       { 31850496, 4608, 3456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "GITUP", "GIT2 4:3" },
0257       { 23887872, 4608, 2592, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "GITUP", "GIT2 16:9" },
0258       { 32257024, 4624, 3488, 8, 2, 16, 2, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "GITUP", "GIT2P 4:3" },
0259       { 24192768, 4624, 2616, 8, 2, 16, 2, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "GITUP", "GIT2P 16:9" },
0260       { 18016000, 4000, 2252, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "GITUP", "G3DUO 16:9" },
0261       //          {24000000, 4000, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "GITUP",
0262       //          "G3DUO 4:3"}, // Conflict w/ Samsung WB550
0264       //   Android Raw dumps id start
0265       //   File Size in bytes Horizontal Res Vertical Flag then bayer order eg
0266       //   0x16 bbgr 0x94 rggb
0267       { 1540857, 2688, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x61, 0, 0, "Samsung", "S3" },
0268       { 2658304, 1212, 1096, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "LG", "G3FrontMipi" },
0269       { 2842624, 1296, 1096, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "LG", "G3FrontQCOM" },
0270       { 2969600, 1976, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "Xiaomi", "MI3wMipi" },
0271       { 3170304, 1976, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "Xiaomi", "MI3wQCOM" },
0272       { 3763584, 1584, 1184, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "I_Mobile", "I_StyleQ6" },
0273       { 5107712, 2688, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x61, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "UltraPixel1" },
0274       { 5382640, 2688, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x61, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "UltraPixel2" },
0275       { 5664912, 2688, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x61, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "4688" },
0276       { 5664912, 2688, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x61, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "4688" },
0277       { 5364240, 2688, 1520, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x61, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "4688" },
0278       { 6299648, 2592, 1944, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "OV5648" },
0279       { 6721536, 2592, 1944, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x16, 0, 0, "OmniVisi", "OV56482" },
0280       { 6746112, 2592, 1944, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x16, 0, 0, "HTC", "OneSV" },
0281       { 9631728, 2532, 1902, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "Sony", "5mp" },
0282       { 9830400, 2560, 1920, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "NGM", "ForwardArt" },
0283       { 10186752, 3264, 2448, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x94, 0, 0, "Sony", "IMX219-mipi 8mp" },
0284       { 10223360, 2608, 1944, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x16, 0, 0, "Sony", "IMX" },
0285       { 10782464, 3282, 2448, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x16, 0, 0, "HTC", "MyTouch4GSlide" },
0286       { 10788864, 3282, 2448, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x16, 0, 0, "Xperia", "L" },
0287       { 15967488, 3264, 2446, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x16, 0, 0, "OmniVison", "OV8850" },
0288       { 16224256, 4208, 3082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "LG", "G3MipiL" },
0289       { 16424960, 4208, 3120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "IMX135", "MipiL" },
0290       { 17326080, 4164, 3120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "LG", "G3LQCom" },
0291       { 17522688, 4212, 3120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x16, 0, 0, "Sony", "IMX135-QCOM" },
0292       { 19906560, 4608, 3456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "Gione", "E7mipi" },
0293       { 19976192, 5312, 2988, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "LG", "G4" },
0294       { 20389888, 4632, 3480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "Xiaomi", "RedmiNote3Pro" },
0295       { 20500480, 4656, 3496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x94, 0, 0, "Sony", "IMX298-mipi 16mp" },
0296       { 21233664, 4608, 3456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0x16, 0, 0, "Gione", "E7qcom" },
0297       { 26023936, 4192, 3104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x94, 0, 0, "THL", "5000" },
0298       { 26257920, 4208, 3120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x94, 0, 0, "Sony", "IMX214" },
0299       { 26357760, 4224, 3120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "OV", "13860" },
0300       { 41312256, 5248, 3936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "Meizu", "MX4" },
0301       { 42923008, 5344, 4016, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "Sony", "IMX230" },
0302       //   Android Raw dumps id end
0303       { 20137344, 3664, 2748, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x40, 0x49, 0, 0, "Aptina", "MT9J003", 0xffff },
0304       { 2868726, 1384, 1036, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0x49, 0, 8, "Baumer", "TXG14", 1078 },
0305       { 6553440, 2664, 1968, 4, 4, 44, 4, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A460" }, // chdk hack
0306       { 9243240, 3152, 2346, 12, 7, 44, 13, 40, 0x49, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A470" }, // chdk hack
0307       { 6653280, 2672, 1992, 10, 6, 42, 2, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A530" }, // chdk hack
0308       { 6573120, 2672, 1968, 12, 8, 44, 0, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A610" }, // chdk hack
0309       { 9219600, 3152, 2340, 36, 12, 4, 0, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A620" }, // chdk hack
0310       { 10383120, 3344, 2484, 12, 6, 44, 6, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A630" }, // chdk hack
0311       { 12945240, 3736, 2772, 12, 6, 52, 6, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A640" }, // chdk hack
0312       { 15636240, 4104, 3048, 48, 12, 24, 12, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A650 IS" }, // chdk hack
0313       { 10341600, 3336, 2480, 6, 5, 32, 3, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A720 IS" }, // chdk hack
0314       { 24724224, 4704, 3504, 8, 16, 56, 8, 40, 0x49, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot A3300 IS" }, // chdk hack
0315       { 18763488, 4104, 3048, 10, 22, 82, 22, 8, 0x49, 0, 0, "Canon", "PowerShot D10" }, // ? chdk hack ?
0316       { 19493760, 4160, 3124, 104, 12, 8, 66, 40, 0x49, 0, 2,  "Canon", "PowerShot S100" }, // chdk hack CRW
0317       { 7710960, 2888, 2136, 44, 8, 4, 0, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot S3 IS" }, // chdk hack
0318       { 5298000, 2400, 1766, 12, 12, 44, 2, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SD300" }, // chdk hack
0319       { 18653760, 4080, 3048, 24, 12, 24, 12, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX20 IS" }, // chdk hack
0320       { 21936096, 4464, 3276, 25, 10, 73, 12, 40, 0x16, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX30 IS" }, // chdk hack
0321       { 19167840, 4176, 3060, 96, 16, 8, 0,  40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX40 HS" }, // chdk hack CR2
0322       { 15467760, 3720, 2772, 6, 12, 30, 0, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX110 IS" }, // chdk hack
0323       { 15534576, 3728, 2778, 12, 9, 44, 9, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX120 IS" }, // chdk hack
0324       { 19131120, 4168, 3060, 92, 16, 4, 1, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX220 HS" }, // chdk hack
0325       { 31663200, 5344, 3950, 96, 18, 0, 0, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "PowerShot SX710 HS" }, // chdk hack
0326       { 30858240, 5248, 3920, 8, 16, 56, 16, 40, 0x94, 0, 2, "Canon", "IXUS 160" }, // chdk hack
0327       { 1976352, 1632, 1211, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "QV-2000UX" },
0328       { 3217760, 2080, 1547, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "QV-3*00EX" },
0329       { 6218368, 2585, 1924, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "QV-5700" },
0330       { 7816704, 2867, 2181, 0, 0, 34, 36, 0, 0x16, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z60" },
0331       { 2937856, 1621, 1208, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0x94, 7, 13, "Casio", "EX-S20" },
0332       { 4948608, 2090, 1578, 0, 0, 32, 34, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-S100" },
0333       { 6054400, 2346, 1720, 2, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "QV-R41" },
0334       { 7426656, 2568, 1928, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-P505" },
0335       { 7530816, 2602, 1929, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "QV-R51" },
0336       { 7542528, 2602, 1932, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z50" },
0337       { 7562048, 2602, 1937, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0x16, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z500" },
0338       { 7753344, 2602, 1986, 0, 0, 32, 26, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z55" },
0339       { 9313536, 2858, 2172, 0, 0, 14, 30, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-P600" },
0340       { 10834368, 3114, 2319, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z750" },
0341       { 10843712, 3114, 2321, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z75" },
0342       { 10979200, 3114, 2350, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-P700" },
0343       { 12310144, 3285, 2498, 0, 0, 6, 30, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z850" },
0344       { 12489984, 3328, 2502, 0, 0, 47, 35, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z8" },
0345       { 15499264, 3754, 2752, 0, 0, 82, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "EX-Z1050" },
0346       { 18702336, 4096, 3044, 0, 0, 24, 0, 80, 0x94, 7, 1, "Casio", "EX-ZR100" },
0347       { 7684000, 2260, 1700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0x94, 0, 1, "Casio", "QV-4000" },
0348       { 787456, 1024, 769, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0x49, 0, 0, "Creative", "PC-CAM 600" },
0349       { 28829184, 4384, 3288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0x61, 0, 0, "DJI" },
0350       { 15151104, 4608, 3288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "Matrix" },
0351       { 3840000, 1600, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 0x49, 0, 0, "Foculus", "531C" },
0352       { 307200, 640, 480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "Generic" },
0353       { 62464, 256, 244, 1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0x8d, 0, 0, "Kodak", "DC20" },
0354       { 124928, 512, 244, 1, 1, 10, 1, 0, 0x8d, 0, 0, "Kodak", "DC20" },
0355       { 1652736, 1536, 1076, 0, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0x61, 0, 0, "Kodak", "DCS200" },
0356       { 4159302, 2338, 1779, 1, 33, 1, 2, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C330" },
0357       { 4162462, 2338, 1779, 1, 33, 1, 2, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C330", 3160 },
0358       { 2247168, 1232, 912, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0x00, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C330" },
0359       { 3370752, 1232, 912, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0x00, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C330" },
0360       { 6163328, 2864, 2152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C603" },
0361       { 6166488, 2864, 2152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C603", 3160 },
0362       { 460800, 640, 480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C603" },
0363       { 9116448, 2848, 2134, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00, 0, 0, "Kodak", "C603" },
0364       { 12241200, 4040, 3030, 2, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0x49, 0, 0, "Kodak", "12MP" },
0365       { 12272756, 4040, 3030, 2, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0x49, 0, 0, "Kodak", "12MP", 31556 },
0366       { 18000000, 4000, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00, 0, 0, "Kodak", "12MP" },
0367       { 614400, 640, 480, 0, 3, 0, 0, 64, 0x94, 0, 0, "Kodak", "KAI-0340" },
0368       { 15360000, 3200, 2400, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x16, 0, 0, "Lenovo", "A820" },
0369       { 3884928, 1608, 1207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x16, 0, 0, "Micron", "2010", 3212 },
0370       { 1138688, 1534, 986, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x61, 0, 0, "Minolta", "RD175", 513 },
0371       { 1581060, 1305, 969, 0, 0, 18, 6, 6, 0x1e, 4, 1, "Nikon", "E900" }, // "diag raw" hack
0372       { 2465792, 1638, 1204, 0, 0, 22, 1, 6, 0x4b, 5, 1, "Nikon", "E950" }, // "diag raw" hack; possibly also Nikon E700, E800, E775;
0373                                                                             // Olympus C-2020Z
0374       { 2940928, 1616, 1213, 0, 0, 0, 7, 30, 0x94, 0, 1, "Nikon", "E2100" }, // "diag raw" hack; also Nikon E2500
0375       { 4771840, 2064, 1541, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0xe1, 0, 1, "Nikon", "E990" }, // "diag raw" hack; possibly also Nikon E880, E885, E995;
0376                                                                            // Olympus C-3030Z
0377       { 4775936, 2064, 1542, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0x94, 0, 1, "Nikon", "E3700" }, // "diag raw" hack; Nikon E3100, E3200, E3500;
0378                                                                              // Pentax "Optio 33WR"; possibly also Olympus C-740UZ
0379       { 5865472, 2288, 1709, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0xb4, 0, 1, "Nikon", "E4500" }, // "diag raw" hack; possibly also Olympus C-4040Z
0380       { 5869568, 2288, 1710, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0x16, 0, 1, "Nikon", "E4300" }, // "diag raw" hack; also Minolta "DiMAGE Z2"
0381       { 7438336, 2576, 1925, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0xb4, 0, 1, "Nikon", "E5000" }, // also Nikon E5700
0382       { 8998912, 2832, 2118, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0x94, 7, 1, "Nikon", "COOLPIX S6" }, // "diag raw" hack
0383       { 5939200, 2304, 1718, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0x16, 0, 0, "Olympus", "C-770UZ" }, // possibly also Olympus C-4100Z, C-765UZ
0384       { 3178560, 2064, 1540, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x94, 0, 1, "Pentax", "Optio S V1.01" },
0385       { 4841984, 2090, 1544, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Pentax", "Optio S" },
0386       { 6114240, 2346, 1737, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0x94, 7, 1, "Pentax", "Optio S4" },
0387       { 10702848, 3072, 2322, 0, 0, 0, 21, 30, 0x94, 0, 1, "Pentax", "Optio 750Z" },
0388       { 4147200, 1920, 1080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x49, 0, 0, "Photron", "BC2-HD" },
0389       { 4151666, 1920, 1080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x49, 0, 0, "Photron", "BC2-HD", 8 },
0390       { 13248000, 2208, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0x61, 0, 0, "Pixelink", "A782" },
0391       { 6291456, 2048, 1536, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 0x61, 0, 0, "RoverShot", "3320AF" },
0392       { 311696, 644, 484, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x16, 0, 8, "ST Micro", "STV680 VGA" },
0393       { 16098048, 3288, 2448, 0, 0, 24, 0, 9, 0x94, 0, 1, "Samsung", "S85" }, // hack
0394       { 16215552, 3312, 2448, 0, 0, 48, 0, 9, 0x94, 0, 1, "Samsung", "S85" }, // hack
0395       { 20487168, 3648, 2808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0x94, 5, 1, "Samsung", "WB550" },
0396       { 24000000, 4000, 3000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0x94, 5, 1, "Samsung", "WB550" },
0397       { 12582980, 3072, 2048, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0x61, 0, 0, "Sinar", "", 68 }, // Sinarback 23; same res. as Leaf Volare & Cantare
0398       { 33292868, 4080, 4080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0x61, 0, 0, "Sinar", "", 68 }, // Sinarback 44
0399       { 44390468, 4080, 5440, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0x61, 0, 0, "Sinar", "", 68 }, // Sinarback 54
0400       { 1409024, 1376, 1024, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0x49, 0, 0, "Sony", "XCD-SX910CR" },
0401       { 2818048, 1376, 1024, 0, 0, 1, 0, 97, 0x49, 0, 0, "Sony", "XCD-SX910CR" },
0402   };
0404   libraw_custom_camera_t
0405       table[64 + sizeof(const_table) / sizeof(const_table[0])];
0408   // clang-format on
0410   char head[64] = {0}, *cp;
0411   int hlen, fsize, flen, zero_fsize = 1, i, c;
0412   INT64 fsize64;
0413   struct jhead jh;
0415   unsigned camera_count =
0416       parse_custom_cameras(64, table, imgdata.rawparams.custom_camera_strings);
0417   for (int q = 0; q < int(sizeof(const_table) / sizeof(const_table[0])); q++)
0418     memmove(&table[q + camera_count], &const_table[q], sizeof(const_table[0]));
0419   camera_count += sizeof(const_table) / sizeof(const_table[0]);
0421   tiff_flip = flip = filters = UINT_MAX; /* unknown */
0422   raw_height = raw_width = fuji_width = fuji_layout = cr2_slice[0] = 0;
0423   maximum = height = width = top_margin = left_margin = 0;
0424   cdesc[0] = desc[0] = artist[0] = make[0] = model[0] = model2[0] = 0;
0425   iso_speed = shutter = aperture = focal_len = 0;
0426   unique_id = 0ULL;
0427   tiff_nifds = 0;
0428   is_NikonTransfer = 0;
0429   is_Olympus = 0;
0430   OlympusDNG_SubDirOffsetValid = 0;
0431   is_Sony = 0;
0432   is_pana_raw = 0;
0433   maker_index = LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Unknown;
0434   FujiCropMode = 0;
0435   is_PentaxRicohMakernotes = 0;
0436   normalized_model[0] = 0;
0437   normalized_make[0] = 0;
0438   CM_found = 0;
0439   memset(tiff_ifd, 0, sizeof tiff_ifd);
0440   libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_selected = -1;
0441   libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_count = -1;
0442   libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.CR3_CTMDtag = 0;
0443   imHassy.nIFD_CM[0] = imHassy.nIFD_CM[1] = -1;
0444   imKodak.ISOCalibrationGain = 1.0f;
0445   imCommon.CameraTemperature = imCommon.SensorTemperature =
0446       imCommon.SensorTemperature2 = imCommon.LensTemperature =
0447           imCommon.AmbientTemperature = imCommon.BatteryTemperature =
0448               imCommon.exifAmbientTemperature = -1000.0f;
0450   libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.ifd0_offset = -1LL;
0452   imgdata.color.ExifColorSpace = LIBRAW_COLORSPACE_Unknown;
0453   for (i = 0; i < LIBRAW_IFD_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0454   {
0455     tiff_ifd[i].dng_color[0].illuminant = tiff_ifd[i].dng_color[1].illuminant =
0456         0xffff;
0457     for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++)
0458       tiff_ifd[i].dng_levels.analogbalance[q] = 1.0f;
0459   }
0461   memset(gpsdata, 0, sizeof gpsdata);
0462   memset(cblack, 0, sizeof cblack);
0463   memset(white, 0, sizeof white);
0464   memset(mask, 0, sizeof mask);
0465   thumb_offset = thumb_length = thumb_width = thumb_height = 0;
0466   load_raw = 0;
0467   thumb_format = LIBRAW_INTERNAL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG; // default to JPEG
0468   data_offset = meta_offset = meta_length = tiff_bps = tiff_compress = 0;
0469   kodak_cbpp = zero_after_ff = dng_version = load_flags = 0;
0470   timestamp = shot_order = tiff_samples = black = is_foveon = 0;
0471   mix_green = profile_length = data_error = zero_is_bad = 0;
0472   pixel_aspect = is_raw = raw_color = 1;
0473   tile_width = tile_length = 0;
0474   metadata_blocks = 0;
0476   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
0477   {
0478     cam_mul[i] = i == 1;
0479     pre_mul[i] = i < 3;
0480     FORC3 cmatrix[c][i] = 0;
0481     FORC3 rgb_cam[c][i] = c == i;
0482   }
0483   colors = 3;
0484   for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
0485     curve[i] = i;
0487   order = get2();
0488   hlen = get4();
0489   fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
0491   if (fread(head, 1, 64, ifp) < 64)
0493   libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.lenRAFData =
0494       libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.posRAFData = 0;
0496   fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
0497   fsize64 = ftell(ifp);
0501   flen = fsize = ftell(ifp);
0502   if ((cp = (char *)memmem(head, 32, (char *)"MMMM", 4)) ||
0503       (cp = (char *)memmem(head, 32, (char *)"IIII", 4)))
0504   {
0505     parse_phase_one(cp - head);
0506     if (cp - head && parse_tiff(0))
0507       apply_tiff();
0508   }
0509   else if (order == 0x4949 || order == 0x4d4d)
0510   {
0511     if (!memcmp(head + 6, "HEAPCCDR", 8))
0512     {
0513       data_offset = hlen;
0514       parse_ciff(hlen, flen - hlen, 0);
0515       load_raw = &LibRaw::canon_load_raw;
0516     }
0517     else if (parse_tiff(0))
0518       apply_tiff();
0519   }
0520   else if (!memcmp(head, "\xff\xd8\xff\xe1", 4) && !memcmp(head + 6, "Exif", 4))
0521   {
0522     fseek(ifp, 4, SEEK_SET);
0523     data_offset = 4 + get2();
0524     fseek(ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
0525     if (fgetc(ifp) != 0xff)
0526       parse_tiff(12);
0527     thumb_offset = 0;
0528   }
0529   else if (!memcmp(head + 25, "ARECOYK", 7)) // 'KYOCERA' right-to-left
0530   {
0531     strcpy(make, "Contax");
0532     strcpy(model, "N Digital");
0533     parse_kyocera();
0534   }
0535   else if (!strcmp(head, "PXN"))
0536   {
0537     strcpy(make, "Logitech");
0538     strcpy(model, "Fotoman Pixtura");
0539   }
0540   else if (!strcmp(head, "qktk"))
0541   {
0542     strcpy(make, "Apple");
0543     strcpy(model, "QuickTake 100");
0544     load_raw = &LibRaw::quicktake_100_load_raw;
0545   }
0546   else if (!strcmp(head, "qktn"))
0547   {
0548     strcpy(make, "Apple");
0549     strcpy(model, "QuickTake 150");
0550     load_raw = &LibRaw::kodak_radc_load_raw;
0551   }
0552   else if (!memcmp(head, "FUJIFILM", 8))
0553   {
0554     memcpy(imFuji.SerialSignature, head + 0x10, 0x0c);
0555     imFuji.SerialSignature[0x0c] = 0;
0556     memcpy(imFuji.SensorID, imFuji.SerialSignature + 0x06, 0x04);
0557     imFuji.SensorID[0x04] = 0;
0558     strncpy(model, head + 0x1c, 0x20);
0559     model[0x20] = 0;
0560     c = 11;
0561     while (imFuji.SerialSignature[c] > 0 && isdigit(imFuji.SerialSignature[c]) && (c>0))
0562       c--;
0563     if(c < 11)
0564         unique_id = (unsigned long long)atoi(imFuji.SerialSignature+c+1);
0565     memcpy(imFuji.RAFVersion, head + 0x3c, 4);
0566     imFuji.RAFVersion[4] = 0;
0567     fseek(ifp, 84, SEEK_SET);
0568     thumb_offset = get4();
0569     thumb_length = get4();
0570     fseek(ifp, 92, SEEK_SET);
0571     parse_fuji(get4());
0572     if (thumb_offset > 120)
0573     {
0574       fseek(ifp, 120, SEEK_SET);
0575       is_raw += (i = get4()) ? 1 : 0;
0576       if (is_raw == 2 && shot_select)
0577         parse_fuji(i);
0578     }
0579     load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
0580     fseek(ifp, 100 + 28 * (shot_select > 0), SEEK_SET);
0581     parse_tiff(data_offset = get4());
0582     parse_tiff(thumb_offset + 12);
0583     parse_fuji_thumbnail(thumb_offset);
0584     apply_tiff();
0585   }
0586   else if (!memcmp(head, "RIFF", 4))
0587   {
0588     fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
0589     parse_riff(100);
0590   }
0591   else if (!memcmp(head + 4, "ftypqt   ", 9))
0592   {
0593     fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
0594     parse_qt(fsize);
0595     is_raw = 0;
0596   }
0597   else if (!memcmp(head, "\0\001\0\001\0@", 6))
0598   {
0599     fseek(ifp, 6, SEEK_SET);
0600     fread(make, 1, 8, ifp);
0601     fread(model, 1, 8, ifp);
0602     fread(model2, 1, 16, ifp);
0603     data_offset = get2();
0604     get2();
0605     raw_width = get2();
0606     raw_height = get2();
0607     load_raw = &LibRaw::nokia_load_raw;
0608     filters = 0x61616161;
0609   }
0610   else if (!memcmp(head, "NOKIARAW", 8))
0611   {
0612     strcpy(make, "NOKIA");
0613     order = 0x4949;
0614     fseek(ifp, 300, SEEK_SET);
0615     data_offset = get4();
0616     i = get4(); // bytes count
0617     width = get2();
0618     height = get2();
0620     // Data integrity check
0621     if (width < 1 || width > 16000 || height < 1 || height > 16000 ||
0622         i < (width * height) || i > (2 * width * height))
0625     switch (tiff_bps = i * 8 / (width * height))
0626     {
0627     case 8:
0628       load_raw = &LibRaw::eight_bit_load_raw;
0629       break;
0630     case 10:
0631       load_raw = &LibRaw::nokia_load_raw;
0632       break;
0633     case 0:
0635       break;
0636     }
0637     raw_height = height + (top_margin = i / (width * tiff_bps / 8) - height);
0638     mask[0][3] = 1;
0639     filters = 0x61616161;
0640   }
0642   else if (!memcmp(head, "ARRI", 4))
0643   {
0644     order = 0x4949;
0645     fseek(ifp, 20, SEEK_SET);
0646     width = get4();
0647     height = get4();
0648     strcpy(make, "ARRI");
0649     fseek(ifp, 668, SEEK_SET);
0650     fread(model, 1, 64, ifp);
0651     model[63] = 0;
0652     fseek(ifp, 760, SEEK_SET);
0653     fread(software, 1, 64, ifp);
0654     if((unsigned char)software[0] == 0xff) software[0] = 0;
0655     software[63] = 0;
0656     data_offset = 4096;
0657     load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
0658     load_flags = 88;
0659     filters = 0x61616161;
0660     fixupArri();
0661   }
0662   else if (!memcmp(head, "XPDS", 4))
0663   {
0664     order = 0x4949;
0665     fseek(ifp, 0x800, SEEK_SET);
0666     fread(make, 1, 41, ifp);
0667     raw_height = get2();
0668     raw_width = get2();
0669     fseek(ifp, 56, SEEK_CUR);
0670     fread(model, 1, 30, ifp);
0671     data_offset = 0x10000;
0672     load_raw = &LibRaw::canon_rmf_load_raw;
0673     gamma_curve(0, 12.25, 1, 1023);
0674   }
0675   else if (!memcmp(head + 4, "RED1", 4))
0676   {
0677     strcpy(make, "Red");
0678     strcpy(model, "One");
0679     parse_redcine();
0680     load_raw = &LibRaw::redcine_load_raw;
0681     gamma_curve(1 / 2.4, 12.92, 1, 4095);
0682     filters = 0x49494949;
0683   }
0684 #endif
0685   else if (!memcmp(head, "DSC-Image", 9))
0686     parse_rollei();
0687   else if (!memcmp(head, "PWAD", 4))
0688     parse_sinar_ia();
0689   else if (!memcmp(head, "\0MRM", 4))
0690     parse_minolta(0);
0691   else if (!memcmp(head, "FOVb", 4))
0692   {
0693     parse_x3f(); /* Does nothing if USE_X3FTOOLS is not defined */
0694   }
0695   else if (!memcmp(head, "CI", 2))
0696     parse_cine();
0697 #ifdef USE_6BY9RPI
0698   else if (!memcmp(head, "BRCM", 4)) {
0699     fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
0700     strcpy(make, "RaspberryPi");
0701     strcpy(model, "Pi");
0702     parse_raspberrypi();
0703     }
0704 #endif
0705   else if (!memcmp(head + 4, "ftypcrx ", 8))
0706   {
0707     int err;
0708     unsigned long long szAtomList;
0709     short nesting = -1;
0710     short nTrack = -1;
0711     short TrackType;
0712     char AtomNameStack[129];
0713     strcpy(make, "Canon");
0715     szAtomList = ifp->size();
0716     err = parseCR3(0ULL, szAtomList, nesting, AtomNameStack, nTrack, TrackType);
0717     libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_count = nTrack;
0718     if ((err == 0 || err == -14) &&
0719         nTrack >= 0) // no error, or too deep nesting
0720       selectCRXTrack();
0721   }
0723   if (dng_version)
0724   {
0725       if (fsize64 > LIBRAW_MAX_DNG_RAW_FILE_SIZE)
0726           throw LIBRAW_EXCEPTION_TOOBIG;
0727   }
0728   else
0729   {
0730     if (fsize64 > LIBRAW_MAX_NONDNG_RAW_FILE_SIZE)
0732   }
0734   if (make[0] == 0)
0735     for (zero_fsize = i = 0; i < (int)camera_count; i++)
0736       if (fsize == (int)table[i].fsize)
0737       {
0738         strcpy(make, table[i].t_make);
0739         strcpy(model, table[i].t_model);
0740         flip = table[i].flags >> 2;
0741         zero_is_bad = table[i].flags & 2;
0742         data_offset = table[i].offset == 0xffff ? 0 : table[i].offset;
0743         raw_width = table[i].rw;
0744         raw_height = table[i].rh;
0745         left_margin = table[i].lm;
0746         top_margin = table[i].tm;
0747         width = raw_width - left_margin - table[i].rm;
0748         height = raw_height - top_margin - table[i].bm;
0749         filters = 0x1010101U * table[i].cf;
0750         colors = 4 - !((filters & filters >> 1) & 0x5555);
0751         load_flags = table[i].lf & 0xff;
0752         if (table[i].lf & 0x100) /* Monochrome sensor dump */
0753         {
0754           colors = 1;
0755           filters = 0;
0756         }
0757         switch (tiff_bps = (fsize - data_offset) * 8 / (raw_width * raw_height))
0758         {
0759         case 6:
0760           load_raw = &LibRaw::minolta_rd175_load_raw;
0761           ilm.CameraMount = LIBRAW_MOUNT_Minolta_A;
0762           break;
0763         case 8:
0764           load_raw = &LibRaw::eight_bit_load_raw;
0765           break;
0766         case 10:
0767           if ((fsize - data_offset) / raw_height * 3 >= raw_width * 4)
0768           {
0769             load_raw = &LibRaw::android_loose_load_raw;
0770             break;
0771           }
0772           else if (load_flags & 1)
0773           {
0774             load_raw = &LibRaw::android_tight_load_raw;
0775             break;
0776           }
0777         case 12:
0778           load_flags |= 128;
0779           load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
0780           break;
0781         case 16:
0782           order = 0x4949 | 0x404 * (load_flags & 1);
0783           tiff_bps -= load_flags >> 4;
0784           tiff_bps -= load_flags = load_flags >> 1 & 7;
0785           load_raw = table[i].offset == 0xffff
0786                          ? &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw_reversed
0787                          : &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
0788         }
0789         maximum = (1 << tiff_bps) - (1 << table[i].max);
0790         break;
0791       }
0792   if (zero_fsize)
0793     fsize = 0;
0794   if (make[0] == 0 && fsize64 < 25000000LL)
0795     parse_smal(0, flen);
0796   if (make[0] == 0)
0797   {
0798     parse_jpeg(0);
0799 #ifdef USE_6BY9RPI
0800     if (!(strncmp(model, "ov", 2) && strncmp(model, "RP_", 3) && strncmp(model, "imx477", 6))) {
0801         //Assume that this isn't a raw unless the header can be found
0802         is_raw = 0;
0804         if (!strncasecmp(model, "RP_testc",8) 
0805             || !strncasecmp(model, "imx477", 6) //  from PyDNG
0806             || !strncasecmp(model, "RP_imx477",9)) {
0807             const long offsets[] = {
0808                 //IMX477 offsets
0809                 3375104,  //2028x1080 12bit
0810                 4751360,  //2028x1520 12bit
0811                 18711040, //4056x3040 12bit
0812                 1015808,  //1012x760 10bit
0813                 -1        //Marker for end of table
0814             };
0815             int offset_idx;
0816             for (offset_idx=0; offsets[offset_idx]!=-1; offset_idx++) {
0817                 if(!fseek (ifp, -offsets[offset_idx], SEEK_END) &&
0818                    fread (head, 1, 32, ifp) && !strncmp(head,"BRCM", 4)) {
0819                     fseek(ifp, -32, SEEK_CUR);
0820                     strcpy (make, "RaspberryPi");
0821                     strcpy(model, "RP_imx477"); // Force single model
0822                     black = (offset_idx == 3) ? 64 : 256;
0823                     parse_raspberrypi();
0824                     break;
0825                 }
0826             }
0827         }
0828         else if (!strncasecmp(model, "RP_imx", 6)) {
0829             const long offsets[] = {
0830                 //IMX219 offsets
0831                 10270208, //8MPix 3280x2464
0832                 2678784,  //1920x1080
0833                 2628608,  //1640x1232
0834                 1963008,  //1640x922
0835                 1233920,  //1280x720
0836                 445440,   //640x480
0837                 -1        //Marker for end of table
0838             };
0839             int offset_idx;
0840             for (offset_idx = 0; offsets[offset_idx] != -1; offset_idx++) {
0841                 if (!fseek(ifp, -offsets[offset_idx], SEEK_END) &&
0842                     fread(head, 1, 32, ifp) && !strncmp(head, "BRCM", 4)) {
0844                     fseek(ifp, -32, SEEK_CUR);
0845                     strcpy(make, "RaspberryPi");
0846                     black = 66;
0847                     parse_raspberrypi();
0848                     break;
0849                 }
0850             }
0851         }
0852         else if (!strncasecmp(model, "RP_OV", 5) || !strncasecmp(model, "ov5647", 6)) {
0853             const long offsets[] = {
0854                     6404096,  //5MPix 2592x1944
0855                     2717696,  //1920x1080
0856                     1625600,  //1296x972
0857                     1233920,  //1296x730
0858                     445440,   //640x480
0859                     -1        //Marker for end of table
0860             };
0861             int offset_idx;
0862             for (offset_idx = 0; offsets[offset_idx] != -1; offset_idx++) {
0863                 if (!fseek(ifp, -offsets[offset_idx], SEEK_END) &&
0864                     fread(head, 1, 32, ifp) && !strncmp(head, "BRCM", 4)) {
0865                     fseek(ifp, -32, SEEK_CUR);
0866                     strcpy(make, "RaspberryPi");
0867                     strcpy(model, "ov5647"); // Force single model
0868                     width = raw_width;
0869                     //Defaults
0870                     raw_width = 2611;
0871                     filters = 0x16161616;
0872                     black = 16;
0873                     parse_raspberrypi();
0874                     break;
0875                 }
0876             }
0877       }
0878     }// else is_raw = 0;
0879 #else
0880     fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_END);
0881     int sz = ftell(ifp);
0882     if (!strncmp(model, "RP_imx219", 9) && sz >= 0x9cb600 &&
0883         !fseek(ifp, -0x9cb600, SEEK_END) && fread(head, 1, 0x20, ifp) &&
0884         !strncmp(head, "BRCM", 4))
0885     {
0886       strcpy(make, "Broadcom");
0887       strcpy(model, "RPi IMX219");
0888       if (raw_height > raw_width)
0889         flip = 5;
0890       data_offset = ftell(ifp) + 0x8000 - 0x20;
0891       parse_broadcom();
0892       black = 66;
0893       maximum = 0x3ff;
0894       load_raw = &LibRaw::broadcom_load_raw;
0895       thumb_offset = 0;
0896       thumb_length = sz - 0x9cb600 - 1;
0897     }
0898     else if (!(strncmp(model, "ov5647", 6) && strncmp(model, "RP_OV5647", 9)) &&
0899              sz >= 0x61b800 && !fseek(ifp, -0x61b800, SEEK_END) &&
0900              fread(head, 1, 0x20, ifp) && !strncmp(head, "BRCM", 4))
0901     {
0902       strcpy(make, "Broadcom");
0903       if (!strncmp(model, "ov5647", 6))
0904         strcpy(model, "RPi OV5647 v.1");
0905       else
0906         strcpy(model, "RPi OV5647 v.2");
0907       if (raw_height > raw_width)
0908         flip = 5;
0909       data_offset = ftell(ifp) + 0x8000 - 0x20;
0910       parse_broadcom();
0911       black = 16;
0912       maximum = 0x3ff;
0913       load_raw = &LibRaw::broadcom_load_raw;
0914       thumb_offset = 0;
0915       thumb_length = sz - 0x61b800 - 1;
0916     }
0917     else
0918       is_raw = 0;
0919 #endif
0920   }
0922   // make sure strings are terminated
0923   desc[511] = artist[63] = make[63] = model[63] = model2[63] = 0;
0925   for (i = 0; i < int(sizeof CorpTable / sizeof *CorpTable); i++)
0926   {
0927     if (strcasestr(make, CorpTable[i].CorpName))
0928     { /* Simplify company names */
0929       maker_index = CorpTable[i].CorpId;
0930       break;
0931     }
0932   }
0934   if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_HMD_Global) && !strncasecmp(model, "Nokia", 5)) {
0935     maker_index = LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Nokia;
0936   }  else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_JK_Imaging) && !strncasecmp(model, "Kodak", 5)) {
0937     maker_index = LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Kodak;
0938   } else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Ricoh) && !strncasecmp(model, "PENTAX", 6)) {
0939     maker_index = LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Pentax;
0940   }
0942   for (i = 0; i < int(sizeof CorpTable / sizeof *CorpTable); i++) {
0943     if (maker_index == (unsigned)CorpTable[i].CorpId) {
0944       strcpy(make, CorpTable[i].CorpName);
0945       break;
0946     }
0947   }
0949   if ((makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Kodak) || makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Leica)) &&
0950       ((cp = strcasestr(model, " DIGITAL CAMERA")) ||
0951        (cp = strstr(model, "FILE VERSION")))) {
0952     *cp = 0;
0953   }
0955   remove_trailing_spaces(make, sizeof(make));
0956   remove_trailing_spaces(model, sizeof(model));
0958   i = int(strbuflen(make)); /* Remove make from model */
0959   if (!strncasecmp(model, make, i) && model[i++] == ' ')
0960     memmove(model, model + i, 64 - i);
0962   if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Fujifilm) && !strncmp(model, "FinePix", 7)) {
0963     memmove(model, model + 7, strlen(model) - 6);
0964     if (model[0] == ' ') {
0965       memmove(model, model + 1, strlen(model));
0966     }
0967   } else if ((makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Kodak) || makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Konica)) &&
0968              !strncmp(model, "Digital Camera ", 15)) {
0969     memmove(model, model + 15, strlen(model) - 14);
0970   }
0972   desc[511] = artist[63] = make[63] = model[63] = model2[63] = 0;
0973   if (!is_raw)
0974     goto notraw;
0976   if (!height)
0977     height = raw_height;
0978   if (!width)
0979     width = raw_width;
0981   identify_finetune_pentax();
0984   if (dng_version)
0985   {
0986     if (filters == UINT_MAX)
0987       filters = 0;
0988     if (!filters)
0989       colors = tiff_samples;
0990     switch (tiff_compress)
0991     {
0992     case 0: // Compression not set, assuming uncompressed
0993     case 1:
0994       // Uncompressed float: decoder set in apply_tiff for valid files; not set for non-valid with sampleformat==3
0995       if ((load_raw != &LibRaw::uncompressed_fp_dng_load_raw)  && (tiff_sampleformat != 3))
0996         load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_dng_load_raw;
0997       break;
0998     case 7:
0999       load_raw = &LibRaw::lossless_dng_load_raw;
1000       break;
1001     case 8:
1002         if (tiff_sampleformat == 3 && tiff_bps > 8 && (tiff_bps % 8 == 0) && tiff_bps <= 32)
1003             load_raw = &LibRaw::deflate_dng_load_raw;
1004         else if((tiff_sampleformat == 0 || tiff_sampleformat == 1) && tiff_bps>=8 && tiff_bps <=16)
1005           load_raw = &LibRaw::deflate_dng_load_raw;
1006         break;
1007 #ifdef USE_GPRSDK
1008     case 9:
1009         load_raw = &LibRaw::vc5_dng_load_raw_placeholder;
1010         break;
1011 #endif
1012     case 34892:
1013       load_raw = &LibRaw::lossy_dng_load_raw;
1014       break;
1015     default:
1016       load_raw = 0;
1017     }
1018     GetNormalizedModel();
1019     if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Leica)) {
1020           if (!strcmp(model, "SL2")) 
1021               height -= 3;
1022           if (!strncasecmp(model, "Q2 MONO",7))
1023               height -= 18;
1024     }
1026     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Olympus) &&
1027         (OlyID == OlyID_STYLUS_1) && // don't use normalized_model below, it is 'Stylus 1'
1028         (strchr(model+6, 's') ||
1029          strchr(model+6, 'S')))
1030     {
1031       width -= 16;
1032     }
1033     goto dng_skip;
1034   }
1036   if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Canon) && !fsize && tiff_bps != 15)
1037   {
1038       bool fromtable = false;
1039     if (!load_raw)
1040       load_raw = &LibRaw::lossless_jpeg_load_raw;
1041     for (i = 0; i < int(sizeof canon / sizeof *canon); i++)
1042       if (raw_width == canon[i][0] && raw_height == canon[i][1])
1043       {
1044         width = raw_width - (left_margin = canon[i][2]);
1045         height = raw_height - (top_margin = canon[i][3]);
1046         width -= canon[i][4];
1047         height -= canon[i][5];
1048         mask[0][1] = canon[i][6];
1049         mask[0][3] = -canon[i][7];
1050         mask[1][1] = canon[i][8];
1051         mask[1][3] = -canon[i][9];
1052         if (canon[i][10])
1053           filters = canon[i][10] * 0x01010101U;
1054         fromtable = true;
1055       }
1056     if ((unique_id | 0x20000ULL) ==
1057         0x2720000ULL) // "PowerShot G11", "PowerShot S90": 0x2700000, 0x2720000
1058                       // possibly "PowerShot SX120 IS" (if not chdk hack?): 0x2710000
1059     {
1060       left_margin = 8;
1061       top_margin = 16;
1062     }
1063     if(!fromtable && imCanon.AverageBlackLevel) // not known, but metadata known
1064     {
1065         FORC4 cblack[c] = imCanon.ChannelBlackLevel[c];
1066         black = cblack[4] = cblack[5] = 0;
1067         // Prevent automatic BL calculation
1068         mask[0][3] = 1;
1069         mask[0][1] = 2;
1071         if ((imCanon.SensorWidth == raw_width) &&
1072             (imCanon.SensorHeight == raw_height))
1073         {
1074             left_margin = (imCanon.DefaultCropAbsolute.l+1) & 0xfffe; // round to 2
1075             width = imCanon.DefaultCropAbsolute.r - left_margin;
1076             top_margin = (imCanon.DefaultCropAbsolute.t +1)  & 0xfffe;
1077             height = imCanon.DefaultCropAbsolute.b - top_margin;
1078         }
1079     }
1080   }
1082   identify_finetune_by_filesize(fsize);
1084   if (!strcmp(model, "KAI-0340") && find_green(16, 16, 3840, 5120) < 25)
1085   {
1086     height = 480;
1087     top_margin = filters = 0;
1088     strcpy(model, "C603");
1089   }
1091   GetNormalizedModel();
1093   identify_finetune_dcr(head, fsize, flen);
1095   /* Early reject for damaged images */
1096   if (!load_raw || height < 22 || width < 22 ||
1097       (tiff_bps > 16 &&
1098        (load_raw != &LibRaw::deflate_dng_load_raw &&
1099         load_raw != &LibRaw::uncompressed_fp_dng_load_raw)) ||
1100       tiff_samples > 4 || colors > 4 ||
1101       colors < 1
1102       /* alloc in unpack() may be fooled by size adjust */
1103       || ((int)width + (int)left_margin > 65535) ||
1104       ((int)height + (int)top_margin > 65535))
1105   {
1106     is_raw = 0;
1108     return;
1109   }
1110   if (!model[0])
1111   {
1112     sprintf(model, "%dx%d", width, height);
1113     strcpy(normalized_model, model);
1114   }
1116   if (!(imgdata.rawparams.options & LIBRAW_RAWOPTIONS_ZEROFILTERS_FOR_MONOCHROMETIFFS) &&
1117       (filters == UINT_MAX)) // Default dcraw behaviour
1118     filters = 0x94949494;
1119   else if (filters == UINT_MAX)
1120   {
1121     if (tiff_nifds > 0 && tiff_samples == 1)
1122     {
1123       colors = 1;
1124       filters = 0;
1125     }
1126     else
1127       filters = 0x94949494;
1128   }
1130   if (thumb_offset && !thumb_height)
1131   {
1132     fseek(ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET);
1133     if (ljpeg_start(&jh, 1))
1134     {
1135       thumb_width = jh.wide;
1136       thumb_height = jh.high;
1137     }
1138   }
1140 dng_skip:
1141   if (dng_version)
1142       identify_process_dng_fields();
1144   /* Early reject for damaged images again (after dng fields processing) */
1145   if (!load_raw || height < 22 || width < 22 ||
1146       (tiff_bps > 16 &&
1147        (load_raw != &LibRaw::deflate_dng_load_raw &&
1148         load_raw != &LibRaw::uncompressed_fp_dng_load_raw )) ||
1149       ((load_raw == &LibRaw::deflate_dng_load_raw || load_raw == &LibRaw::uncompressed_fp_dng_load_raw)
1150         && (tiff_bps < 16 || tiff_bps > 32 || (tiff_bps % 8))   )
1151       ||tiff_samples > 4 || colors > 4 || colors < 1)
1152   {
1153     is_raw = 0;
1155     return;
1156   }
1157   {
1158     // Check cam_mul range
1159     int cmul_ok = 1;
1160     FORCC if (cam_mul[c] <= 0.001f) cmul_ok = 0;
1161     ;
1163     if (cmul_ok)
1164     {
1165       double cmin = cam_mul[0], cmax;
1166       double cnorm[4];
1167       FORCC cmin = MIN(cmin, cam_mul[c]);
1168       FORCC cnorm[c] = cam_mul[c] / cmin;
1169       cmax = cmin = cnorm[0];
1170       FORCC
1171       {
1172         cmin = MIN(cmin, cnorm[c]);
1173         cmax = MIN(cmax, cnorm[c]);
1174       }
1175       if (cmin <= 0.01f || cmax > 100.f)
1176         cmul_ok = false;
1177     }
1178     if (!cmul_ok)
1179     {
1180       if (cam_mul[0] > 0)
1181         cam_mul[0] = 0;
1182       cam_mul[3] = 0;
1183     }
1184   }
1185   if ((use_camera_matrix & (((use_camera_wb || dng_version)?1:0) | 0x2)) &&
1186       cmatrix[0][0] > 0.125)
1187   {
1188     memcpy(rgb_cam, cmatrix, sizeof cmatrix);
1189     raw_color = 0;
1190   }
1191   if (raw_color && !CM_found)
1192     CM_found = adobe_coeff(maker_index, normalized_model);
1193   else if ((imgdata.color.cam_xyz[0][0] < 0.01) && !CM_found)
1194     CM_found = adobe_coeff(maker_index, normalized_model, 1);
1196   if (load_raw == &LibRaw::kodak_radc_load_raw)
1197     if ((raw_color) && !CM_found)
1198         CM_found = adobe_coeff(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Apple, "Quicktake");
1200   if ((maker_index != LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Unknown) && normalized_model[0])
1201     SetStandardIlluminants (maker_index, normalized_model);
1203   // Clear erroneous fuji_width if not set through parse_fuji or for DNG
1204   if (fuji_width && !dng_version &&
1205       !(imgdata.process_warnings & LIBRAW_WARN_PARSEFUJI_PROCESSED))
1206     fuji_width = 0;
1208   if (fuji_width)
1209   {
1210     fuji_width = width >> int(!fuji_layout);
1211     filters = fuji_width & 1 ? 0x94949494 : 0x49494949;
1212     width = (height >> fuji_layout) + fuji_width;
1213     height = width - 1;
1214     pixel_aspect = 1;
1215     // Prevent incorrect-sized fuji-rotated files
1216     if (INT64(width)*INT64(height) > INT64(raw_width) * INT64(raw_height) * 8LL)
1217         is_raw = 0;
1218   }
1219   else
1220   {
1221     if (raw_height < height)
1222       raw_height = height;
1223     if (raw_width < width)
1224       raw_width = width;
1225   }
1226   if (!tiff_bps)
1227     tiff_bps = 12;
1228   if (!maximum)
1229   {
1230     maximum = (1 << tiff_bps) - 1;
1231     if (maximum < 0x10000 && curve[maximum] > 0 &&
1232         load_raw == &LibRaw::sony_arw2_load_raw)
1233       maximum = curve[maximum];
1234   }
1235   if (maximum > 0xffff)
1236     maximum = 0xffff;
1237   if (!load_raw || height < 22 || width < 22 ||
1238       (tiff_bps > 16 &&
1239        (load_raw != &LibRaw::deflate_dng_load_raw &&
1240         load_raw != &LibRaw::uncompressed_fp_dng_load_raw)) ||
1241       tiff_samples > 6 || colors > 4)
1242     is_raw = 0;
1244   if (raw_width < 22 || raw_width > 64000 || raw_height < 22 ||
1245       pixel_aspect < 0.1 || pixel_aspect > 10. ||
1246       raw_height > 64000)
1247     is_raw = 0;
1248    if(raw_width <= left_margin || raw_height <= top_margin)
1249        is_raw = 0;
1250    if (dng_version && (tiff_samples < 1 || tiff_samples > 4))
1251        is_raw = 0; // we do not handle DNGs with more than 4 values per pixel
1254 #ifdef NO_JASPER
1255   if (load_raw == &LibRaw::redcine_load_raw)
1256   {
1257     is_raw = 0;
1258     imgdata.process_warnings |= LIBRAW_WARN_NO_JASPER;
1259   }
1260 #endif
1261 #endif
1262 #ifdef NO_JPEG
1263   if (load_raw == &LibRaw::kodak_jpeg_load_raw ||
1264       load_raw == &LibRaw::lossy_dng_load_raw)
1265   {
1266     is_raw = 0;
1267     imgdata.process_warnings |= LIBRAW_WARN_NO_JPEGLIB;
1268   }
1269 #endif
1270   if (!cdesc[0])
1271     strcpy(cdesc, colors == 3 ? "RGBG" : "GMCY");
1272   if (!raw_height)
1273     raw_height = height;
1274   if (!raw_width)
1275     raw_width = width;
1276   if (filters > 999 && colors == 3)
1277     filters |= ((filters >> 2 & 0x22222222) | (filters << 2 & 0x88888888)) &
1278                filters << 1;
1279 notraw:
1280   if (flip == (int)UINT_MAX)
1281     flip = tiff_flip;
1282   if (flip == (int)UINT_MAX)
1283     flip = 0;
1285   // Convert from degrees to bit-field if needed
1286   if (flip > 89 || flip < -89)
1287   {
1288     switch ((flip + 3600) % 360)
1289     {
1290     case 270:
1291       flip = 5;
1292       break;
1293     case 180:
1294       flip = 3;
1295       break;
1296     case 90:
1297       flip = 6;
1298       break;
1299     }
1300   }
1302   if (pana_bpp)
1303     imgdata.color.raw_bps = pana_bpp;
1304   else if ((load_raw == &LibRaw::phase_one_load_raw) ||
1305            (load_raw == &LibRaw::phase_one_load_raw_s) ||
1306            (load_raw == &LibRaw::phase_one_load_raw_c))
1307     imgdata.color.raw_bps = ph1.format;
1308   else
1309     imgdata.color.raw_bps = tiff_bps;
1312 }
1314 void LibRaw::identify_process_dng_fields()
1315 {
1316     if (!dng_version) return;
1318     // Cleanup inset_crops if set by makernotes parser
1319     imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cleft = imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].ctop =
1320         imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].cleft = imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].ctop = 0xffff;
1321     imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cwidth = imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cheight =
1322         imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].cwidth = imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].cheight = 0;
1325     int c;
1326     {
1327         /* copy DNG data from per-IFD field to color.dng */
1328         int iifd = find_ifd_by_offset(data_offset);
1329         int pifd = find_ifd_by_offset(thumb_offset);
1332 #define IFDCOLORINDEX(ifd, subset, bit)                                        \
1333   (tiff_ifd[ifd].dng_color[subset].parsedfields & bit)                         \
1334       ? ifd                                                                    \
1335       : ((tiff_ifd[0].dng_color[subset].parsedfields & bit) ? 0 : -1)
1337 #define IFDLEVELINDEX(ifd, bit)                                                \
1338   (tiff_ifd[ifd].dng_levels.parsedfields & bit)                                \
1339       ? ifd                                                                    \
1340       : ((tiff_ifd[0].dng_levels.parsedfields & bit) ? 0 : -1)
1342 #define COPYARR(to, from) memmove(&to, &from, sizeof(from))
1344         if (iifd < (int)tiff_nifds && iifd >= 0)
1345         {
1346             int sidx;
1347             // Per field, not per structure
1348             if (!(imgdata.rawparams.options & LIBRAW_RAWOPTIONS_DONT_CHECK_DNG_ILLUMINANT))
1349             {
1350                 int illidx[2], cmidx[2], calidx[2], abidx;
1351                 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1352                 {
1353                     illidx[i] = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, i, LIBRAW_DNGFM_ILLUMINANT);
1354                     cmidx[i] = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, i, LIBRAW_DNGFM_COLORMATRIX);
1355                     calidx[i] = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, i, LIBRAW_DNGFM_CALIBRATION);
1356                 }
1357                 abidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_ANALOGBALANCE);
1358                 // Data found, all in same ifd, illuminants are inited
1359                 if (illidx[0] >= 0 && illidx[0] < (int)tiff_nifds &&
1360                     illidx[0] == illidx[1] && illidx[0] == cmidx[0] &&
1361                     illidx[0] == cmidx[1] &&
1362                     tiff_ifd[illidx[0]].dng_color[0].illuminant > 0 &&
1363                     tiff_ifd[illidx[0]].dng_color[1].illuminant > 0)
1364                 {
1365                     sidx = illidx[0]; // => selected IFD
1366                     double cc[4][4], cm[4][3], cam_xyz[4][3];
1367                     // CM -> Color Matrix
1368                     // CC -> Camera calibration
1369                     for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
1370                         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1371                             cc[j][i] = i == j;
1372                     int colidx = -1;
1374                     // IS D65 here?
1375                     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1376                     {
1377                         if (tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[i].illuminant == LIBRAW_WBI_D65)
1378                         {
1379                             colidx = i;
1380                             break;
1381                         }
1382                     }
1384                     // Other daylight-type ill
1385                     if (colidx < 0)
1386                         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1387                         {
1388                             int ill = tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[i].illuminant;
1389                             if (ill == LIBRAW_WBI_Daylight || ill == LIBRAW_WBI_D55 ||
1390                                 ill == LIBRAW_WBI_D75 || ill == LIBRAW_WBI_D50 ||
1391                                 ill == LIBRAW_WBI_Flash)
1392                             {
1393                                 colidx = i;
1394                                 break;
1395                             }
1396                         }
1397                     if (colidx >= 0) // Selected
1398                     {
1399                         // Init camera matrix from DNG
1400                         FORCC for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) cm[c][j] =
1401                             tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[colidx].colormatrix[c][j];
1403                         if (calidx[colidx] == sidx)
1404                         {
1405                             for (int i = 0; i < colors && i < 4; i++)
1406                                 FORCC
1407                                 cc[i][c] = tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[colidx].calibration[i][c];
1408                         }
1410                         if (abidx == sidx)
1411                             for (int i = 0; i < colors && i < 4; i++)
1412                                 FORCC cc[i][c] *= tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.analogbalance[i];
1413                         int j;
1414                         FORCC for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1415                             for (cam_xyz[c][i] = j = 0; j < colors && j < 4; j++)
1416                                 cam_xyz[c][i] +=
1417                                     cc[c][j] * cm[j][i]; // add AsShotXY later * xyz[i];
1418                         cam_xyz_coeff(cmatrix, cam_xyz);
1419                     }
1420                 }
1421             }
1423             bool noFujiDNGCrop = makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Fujifilm)
1424                 && (!strcmp(normalized_model, "S3Pro")
1425                     || !strcmp(normalized_model, "S5Pro")
1426                     || !strcmp(normalized_model, "S2Pro"));
1428             if (!noFujiDNGCrop) // Promote DNG Crops to raw_inset_crops
1429             {
1430                 sidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_CROPORIGIN);
1431                 int sidx2 = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_CROPSIZE);
1432                 if (sidx >= 0 && sidx == sidx2 &&
1433                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.default_crop[2] > 0 &&
1434                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.default_crop[3] > 0)
1435                 {
1436                     int lm = tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.default_crop[0];
1437                     int tm = tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.default_crop[1];
1438                     int ww = tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.default_crop[2];
1439                     int hh = tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.default_crop[3];
1440                     if ((lm + ww < int(raw_width) + int(left_margin))
1441                         && (tm + hh < int(raw_height) + int(top_margin))) // Crop data is correct
1442                     {
1443                         imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cleft = left_margin + lm;
1444                         imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cwidth = ww;
1445                         imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].ctop = top_margin + tm;
1446                         imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cheight = hh;
1448                         int sidx3 = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_USERCROP);
1449                         if (sidx3 >= 0 && sidx3 == sidx) // No need to check values range, it is checked at parse
1450                         {
1451                             int dt = int(imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cheight * tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.user_crop[0]);
1452                             int dl = int(imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cwidth * tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.user_crop[1]);
1453                             int db = int(imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cheight * tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.user_crop[2]);
1454                             int dr = int(imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cwidth * tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.user_crop[3]);
1456                             int dh = db - dt;
1457                             int dw = dr - dl;
1459                             if (dh > 0 && dw > 0
1460                                 && dh < imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cheight // No need to repeat crop for 0,0,1,1
1461                                 && dw < imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cwidth)
1462                             {
1463                                 imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].cleft = imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cleft + dl;
1464                                 imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].cwidth = dw;
1465                                 imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].ctop = imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].ctop + dt;
1466                                 imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[1].cheight = dh;
1467                             }
1468                         }
1470                     }
1471                 }
1472             }
1473             if (!(imgdata.color.dng_color[0].parsedfields &
1474                 LIBRAW_DNGFM_FORWARDMATRIX)) // Not set already (Leica makernotes)
1475             {
1476                 sidx = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, 0, LIBRAW_DNGFM_FORWARDMATRIX);
1477                 if (sidx >= 0)
1478                     COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_color[0].forwardmatrix,
1479                         tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[0].forwardmatrix);
1480             }
1481             if (!(imgdata.color.dng_color[1].parsedfields &
1482                 LIBRAW_DNGFM_FORWARDMATRIX)) // Not set already (Leica makernotes)
1483             {
1484                 sidx = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, 1, LIBRAW_DNGFM_FORWARDMATRIX);
1485                 if (sidx >= 0)
1486                     COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_color[1].forwardmatrix,
1487                         tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[1].forwardmatrix);
1488             }
1489             for (int ss = 0; ss < 2; ss++)
1490             {
1491                 sidx = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, ss, LIBRAW_DNGFM_COLORMATRIX);
1492                 if (sidx >= 0)
1493                     COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_color[ss].colormatrix,
1494                         tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[ss].colormatrix);
1496                 sidx = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, ss, LIBRAW_DNGFM_CALIBRATION);
1497                 if (sidx >= 0)
1498                     COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_color[ss].calibration,
1499                         tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[ss].calibration);
1501                 sidx = IFDCOLORINDEX(iifd, ss, LIBRAW_DNGFM_ILLUMINANT);
1502                 if (sidx >= 0)
1503                     imgdata.color.dng_color[ss].illuminant =
1504                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_color[ss].illuminant;
1505             }
1506             // Levels
1508             if (sidx >= 0)
1509                 COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_levels.analogbalance,
1510                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.analogbalance);
1513             if (sidx >= 0)
1514                 imgdata.color.dng_levels.baseline_exposure =
1515                 tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.baseline_exposure;
1517             sidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_WHITE);
1518             if (sidx >= 0 && tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.dng_whitelevel[0])
1519                 COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_whitelevel,
1520                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.dng_whitelevel);
1521             else if (tiff_ifd[iifd].sample_format <= 2 && tiff_ifd[iifd].bps > 0 && tiff_ifd[iifd].bps < 32)
1522                 FORC4
1523                 imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_whitelevel[c] = (1 << tiff_ifd[iifd].bps) - 1;
1528             if (sidx >= 0)
1529             {
1530                 COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_levels.asshotneutral,
1531                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.asshotneutral);
1532                 if (imgdata.color.dng_levels.asshotneutral[0])
1533                 {
1534                     cam_mul[3] = 0;
1535                     FORCC
1536                         if (fabs(imgdata.color.dng_levels.asshotneutral[c]) > 0.0001)
1537                             cam_mul[c] = 1 / imgdata.color.dng_levels.asshotneutral[c];
1538                 }
1539             }
1540             sidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_BLACK);
1541             if (sidx >= 0)
1542             {
1543                 imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_fblack =
1544                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.dng_fblack;
1545                 imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_black =
1546                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.dng_black;
1547                 COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack,
1548                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.dng_cblack);
1549                 COPYARR(imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_fcblack,
1550                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.dng_fcblack);
1551             }
1554             if (pifd >= 0)
1555             {
1556                 sidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(pifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_PREVIEWCS);
1557                 if (sidx >= 0)
1558                     imgdata.color.dng_levels.preview_colorspace =
1559                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.preview_colorspace;
1560             }
1561             sidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_OPCODE2);
1562             if (sidx >= 0)
1563                 meta_offset = tiff_ifd[sidx].opcode2_offset;
1565             sidx = IFDLEVELINDEX(iifd, LIBRAW_DNGFM_LINTABLE);
1566             INT64 linoff = -1;
1567             int linlen = 0;
1568             if (sidx >= 0)
1569             {
1570                 linoff = tiff_ifd[sidx].lineartable_offset;
1571                 linlen = tiff_ifd[sidx].lineartable_len;
1572             }
1574             if (linoff >= 0 && linlen > 0)
1575             {
1576                 INT64 pos = ftell(ifp);
1577                 fseek(ifp, linoff, SEEK_SET);
1578                 linear_table(linlen);
1579                 fseek(ifp, pos, SEEK_SET);
1580             }
1581             // Need to add curve too
1582         }
1583         /* Copy DNG black level to LibRaw's */
1584         if (load_raw == &LibRaw::lossy_dng_load_raw)
1585         {
1586             maximum = 0xffff;
1587             FORC4 imgdata.color.linear_max[c] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_whitelevel[c] = 0xffff;
1588         }
1589         else
1590         {
1591             maximum = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_whitelevel[0];
1592         }
1593         black = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_black;
1594         if (tiff_samples == 2 &&
1595             !imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[2] &&
1596             !imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[3] &&
1597             (imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4] == 1) &&
1598             (imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5] == 1)
1599             && (imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[LIBRAW_CBLACK_SIZE - 1] == tiff_samples)
1600             ) {
1601           black = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[shot_select];
1602           imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[0] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[1] = 0;
1603           imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5] = 0;
1604           imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_fcblack[0] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_fcblack[1] = 0.0f;
1605           imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_fcblack[4] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_fcblack[5] = 0.0f;
1606         }
1607         else if (tiff_samples == 2 && imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4] * imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5] * tiff_samples
1608             == imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[LIBRAW_CBLACK_SIZE - 1])
1609         {
1610             unsigned ff = filters;
1611             if (filters > 999 && colors == 3)
1612                 filters |= ((filters >> 2 & 0x22222222) | (filters << 2 & 0x88888888)) &
1613                 filters << 1;
1615             /* Special case, Fuji SuperCCD dng */
1616             int csum[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }, ccount[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
1617             int i = 6 + shot_select;
1618             for (unsigned row = 0; row < imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4]; row++)
1619                 for (unsigned col = 0; col < imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5]; col++)
1620                 {
1621                     csum[FC(row, col)] += imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[i];
1622                     ccount[FC(row, col)]++;
1623                     i += tiff_samples;
1624                 }
1625             for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++)
1626                 if (ccount[q])
1627                     imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[q] += csum[q] / ccount[q];
1628             imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5] = 0;
1629             filters = ff;
1630         }
1631         else if (tiff_samples > 2 && tiff_samples <= 4 && imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4] * imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5] * tiff_samples
1632             == imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[LIBRAW_CBLACK_SIZE - 1])
1633         {
1634             /* Special case, per_channel blacks in RepeatDim, average for per-channel */
1635             int csum[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }, ccount[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
1636             int i = 6;
1637             for (unsigned row = 0; row < imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4]; row++)
1638                 for (unsigned col = 0; col < imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5]; col++)
1639                     for (unsigned q = 0; q < tiff_samples && q < 4; q++)
1640                     {
1641                         csum[q] += imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[i];
1642                         ccount[q]++;
1643                         i++;
1644                     }
1645             for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++)
1646                 if (ccount[q])
1647                     imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[q] += csum[q] / ccount[q];
1648             imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[4] = imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack[5] = 0;
1649         }
1651         memmove(cblack, imgdata.color.dng_levels.dng_cblack, sizeof(cblack));
1653         if (iifd < (int)tiff_nifds && iifd >= 0)
1654         {
1656             if (sidx >= 0)
1657             {
1658                 imgdata.color.dng_levels.LinearResponseLimit =
1659                     tiff_ifd[sidx].dng_levels.LinearResponseLimit;
1660                 if (imgdata.color.dng_levels.LinearResponseLimit > 0.1 &&
1661                     imgdata.color.dng_levels.LinearResponseLimit <= 1.0)
1662                 {
1663                     // And approx promote it to linear_max:
1664                     int bl4 = 0, bl64 = 0;
1665                     for (int chan = 0; chan < colors && chan < 4; chan++)
1666                         bl4 += cblack[chan];
1667                     bl4 /= LIM(colors, 1, 4);
1669                     if (cblack[4] * cblack[5] > 0)
1670                     {
1671                         unsigned cnt = 0;
1672                         for (unsigned q = 0; q < 4096 && q < cblack[4] * cblack[5]; q++)
1673                         {
1674                             bl64 += cblack[q + 6];
1675                             cnt++;
1676                         }
1677                         bl64 /= LIM(cnt, 1, 4096);
1678                     }
1679                     int rblack = black + bl4 + bl64;
1680                     for (int chan = 0; chan < colors && chan < 4; chan++)
1681                         imgdata.color.linear_max[chan] =
1682                             (maximum - rblack) *
1683                             imgdata.color.dng_levels.LinearResponseLimit +
1684                             rblack;
1685                     if (imgdata.color.linear_max[1] && !imgdata.color.linear_max[3])
1686                         imgdata.color.linear_max[3] = imgdata.color.linear_max[1];
1687                 }
1688             }
1689         }
1690     }
1691 }
1693 void LibRaw::identify_finetune_pentax()
1694 {
1695     if (dng_version && data_offset)
1696     {
1697         for(int i = 0; i < (int)tiff_nifds; i++)
1698             if (tiff_ifd[i].offset == data_offset)
1699             {
1700                 if (tiff_ifd[i].phint == 34892) return; // Linear DNG made from Pentax source
1701                 break;
1702             }
1703     }
1705     if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Pentax) ||
1706         makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Samsung)) {
1707         if (height == 2624 &&
1708             width == 3936) // Pentax K10D, Samsung GX10;
1709         {
1710             height = 2616;
1711             width = 3896;
1712         }
1713         if (height == 3136 &&
1714             width == 4864) // Pentax K20D, Samsung GX20;
1715         {
1716             height = 3124;
1717             width = 4688;
1718             filters = 0x16161616;
1719         }
1720     }
1722     if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Pentax)) {
1723         if ((width == 4352) &&
1724             ((unique_id == PentaxID_K_r) ||
1725             (unique_id == PentaxID_K_x)))
1726         {
1727             width = 4309;
1728             filters = 0x16161616;
1729         }
1730         if ((width >= 4960) &&
1731             ((unique_id == PentaxID_K_5) ||
1732             (unique_id == PentaxID_K_5_II) ||
1733                 (unique_id == PentaxID_K_5_II_s)))
1734         {
1735             left_margin = 10;
1736             width = 4950;
1737             filters = 0x16161616;
1738         }
1739         if ((width == 6080) && (unique_id == PentaxID_K_70))
1740         {
1741             height = 4016;
1742             top_margin = 32;
1743             width = 6020;
1744             left_margin = 60;
1745         }
1746         if ((width == 4736) && (unique_id == PentaxID_K_7))
1747         {
1748             height = 3122;
1749             width = 4684;
1750             filters = 0x16161616;
1751             top_margin = 2;
1752         }
1753         if ((width == 6080) && (unique_id == PentaxID_K_3_II))
1754         {
1755             left_margin = 4;
1756             width = 6040;
1757         }
1758         if ((width == 6304) && (unique_id == PentaxID_K_3_III)) // From DNG ActiveArea
1759         {
1760           left_margin = 26;
1761           width = 6224;
1762           top_margin = 34;
1763           height = 4160;
1764         }
1765         if ((width == 6112) && (unique_id == PentaxID_KP))
1766         {
1767             // From DNG, maybe too strict
1768             left_margin = 54;
1769             top_margin = 28;
1770             width = 6028;
1771             height = raw_height - top_margin;
1772         }
1773         if ((width == 6080) && (unique_id == PentaxID_K_3))
1774         {
1775             left_margin = 4;
1776             width = 6040;
1777         }
1778         if ((width == 7424) && (unique_id == PentaxID_645D))
1779         {
1780             height = 5502;
1781             width = 7328;
1782             filters = 0x61616161;
1783             top_margin = 29;
1784             left_margin = 48;
1785         }
1786     }
1787     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Ricoh) &&
1788         (height == 3014) && (width == 4096))  // Ricoh GX200
1789         width = 4014;
1790 }
1792 void LibRaw::identify_finetune_by_filesize(int fsize)
1793 {
1795     if (fsize == 4771840)
1796     { // hack Nikon 3mpix: E880, E885, E990, E995;
1797       // Olympus C-3030Z
1798         if (!timestamp && nikon_e995())
1799             strcpy(model, "E995");
1800     }
1801     else if (fsize == 2940928)
1802     { // hack Nikon 2mpix: E2100, E2500
1803         if (!timestamp && !nikon_e2100())
1804             strcpy(model, "E2500");
1805     }
1806     else if (fsize == 4775936)
1807     { // hack Nikon 3mpix: E3100, E3200, E3500, E3700;
1808       // Pentax "Optio 33WR";
1809       // Olympus C-740UZ
1810         if (!timestamp)
1811             nikon_3700();
1812     }
1813     else if (fsize == 5869568)
1814     { // hack Nikon 4mpix: E4300;
1815       // hack Minolta "DiMAGE Z2"
1816         if (!timestamp && minolta_z2())
1817         {
1818             maker_index = LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Minolta;
1819             strcpy(make, "Minolta");
1820             strcpy(model, "DiMAGE Z2");
1821         }
1822     }
1823 }
1825 void LibRaw::identify_finetune_dcr(char head[64], int fsize, int flen)
1826 {
1827     static const short pana[][6] = {
1828         // raw_width, raw_height, left_margin, top_margin, width_increment,
1829         // height_increment
1830         {3130, 1743, 4, 0, -6, 0},      /* 00 */
1831         {3130, 2055, 4, 0, -6, 0},      /* 01 */
1832         {3130, 2319, 4, 0, -6, 0},      /* 02 DMC-FZ8 */
1833         {3170, 2103, 18, 0, -42, 20},   /* 03 */
1834         {3170, 2367, 18, 13, -42, -21}, /* 04 */
1835         {3177, 2367, 0, 0, -1, 0},      /* 05 DMC-L1 */
1836         {3304, 2458, 0, 0, -1, 0},      /* 06 DMC-FZ30 */
1837         {3330, 2463, 9, 0, -5, 0},      /* 07 DMC-FZ18 */
1838         {3330, 2479, 9, 0, -17, 4},     /* 08 */
1839         {3370, 1899, 15, 0, -44, 20},   /* 09 */
1840         {3370, 2235, 15, 0, -44, 20},   /* 10 */
1841         {3370, 2511, 15, 10, -44, -21}, /* 11 */
1842         {3690, 2751, 3, 0, -8, -3},     /* 12 DMC-FZ50 */
1843         {3710, 2751, 0, 0, -3, 0},      /* 13 DMC-L10 */
1844         {3724, 2450, 0, 0, 0, -2},      /* 14 */
1845         {3770, 2487, 17, 0, -44, 19},   /* 15 */
1846         {3770, 2799, 17, 15, -44, -19}, /* 16 */
1847         {3880, 2170, 6, 0, -6, 0},      /* 17 DMC-LX1 */
1848         {4060, 3018, 0, 0, 0, -2},      /* 18 DMC-FZ35, DMC-FZ38 */
1849         {4290, 2391, 3, 0, -8, -1},     /* 19 DMC-LX2 */
1850         {4330, 2439, 17, 15, -44, -19}, /* 20 "D-LUX 3" */
1851         {4508, 2962, 0, 0, -3, -4},     /* 21 */
1852         {4508, 3330, 0, 0, -3, -6},     /* 22 */
1853         {10480, 7794, 0, 0, -2, 0},     /* 23: G9 in high-res */
1854     };
1855     int i,c;
1856     struct jhead jh;
1858     if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Canon) 
1859         && ( !tiff_flip || unique_id == CanonID_EOS_40D)
1860         && !(imgdata.rawparams.options & LIBRAW_RAWOPTIONS_CANON_IGNORE_MAKERNOTES_ROTATION)
1861         && imCanon.MakernotesFlip)
1862     {
1863         tiff_flip = imCanon.MakernotesFlip;
1864     }
1866     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Nikon))
1867     {
1868         if (!load_raw)
1869             load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
1870         if (model[0] == 'E') // Nikon E8800, E8700, E8400, E5700, E5400, E5000,
1871                              // others are diag hacks?
1872             load_flags |= !data_offset << 2 | 2;
1873     }
1874     /* Set parameters based on camera name (for non-DNG files). */
1876     /* Always 512 for arw2_load_raw */
1877     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Sony) &&
1878         (raw_width > 3888) && !black && !cblack[0])
1879     {
1880         black = (load_raw == &LibRaw::sony_arw2_load_raw)
1881             ? 512
1882             : (128 << (tiff_bps - 12));
1883     }
1885     if (is_foveon) {
1886         if (height * 2 < width)
1887             pixel_aspect = 0.5;
1888         if (height > width)
1889             pixel_aspect = 2;
1890         filters = 0;
1892     }
1893     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Pentax)) {
1894         if ((unique_id == PentaxID_K_1) ||
1895             (unique_id == PentaxID_K_1_Mark_II)) {
1896             top_margin = 18;
1897             height = raw_height - top_margin;
1898             if (raw_width == 7392) {
1899                 left_margin = 6;
1900                 width = 7376;
1901             }
1903         }
1904         else if (unique_id == PentaxID_Optio_S_V101) { // (fsize == 3178560)
1905             cam_mul[0] *= 4;
1906             cam_mul[2] *= 4;
1908         }
1909         else if (unique_id == PentaxID_Optio_33WR) { // (fsize == 4775936)
1910             flip = 1;
1911             filters = 0x16161616;
1913         }
1914         else if (unique_id == PentaxID_staristD) {
1915             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
1916             /* data_error = -1; */ /* No way to know why data_error was raised in dcraw.c, looks not needed esp. for unpacked_load_raw */
1917         }
1918         else if (unique_id == PentaxID_staristDS) {
1919             height -= 2;
1920         }
1922     }
1923     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Canon)) {
1924         if (tiff_bps == 15) { // Canon sRAW
1925             if (width == 3344)
1926                 width = 3272;
1927             else if (width == 3872)
1928                 width = 3866;
1930             if (height > width) {
1931                 SWAP(height, width);
1932                 SWAP(raw_height, raw_width);
1933             }
1934             if (width == 7200 &&
1935                 height == 3888) { // Canon EOS 5DS (R);
1936                 raw_width = width = 6480;
1937                 raw_height = height = 4320;
1938             }
1939             filters = 0;
1940             tiff_samples = colors = 3;
1941             load_raw = &LibRaw::canon_sraw_load_raw;
1942         }
1944         if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot 600")) {
1945             height = 613;
1946             width = 854;
1947             raw_width = 896;
1948             colors = 4;
1949             filters = 0xe1e4e1e4;
1950             load_raw = &LibRaw::canon_600_load_raw;
1952         }
1953         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot A5") ||
1954             !strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot A5 Zoom")) {
1955             height = 773;
1956             width = 960;
1957             raw_width = 992;
1958             pixel_aspect = 256 / 235.0;
1959             filters = 0x1e4e1e4e;
1960             goto canon_a5;
1962         }
1963         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot A50")) {
1964             height = 968;
1965             width = 1290;
1966             raw_width = 1320;
1967             filters = 0x1b4e4b1e;
1968             goto canon_a5;
1970         }
1971         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot Pro70")) {
1972             height = 1024;
1973             width = 1552;
1974             filters = 0x1e4b4e1b;
1975         canon_a5:
1976             colors = 4;
1977             tiff_bps = 10;
1978             load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
1979             load_flags = 40;
1981         }
1982         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot Pro90 IS") ||
1983             !strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot G1")) {
1984             colors = 4;
1985             filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
1987         }
1988         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot A610")) { // chdk hack
1989             if (canon_s2is()) {
1990                 strcpy(model + 10, "S2 IS");
1991                 strcpy(normalized_model + 10, "S2 IS");
1992             }
1994         }
1995         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot SX220 HS")) { // chdk hack
1996             mask[1][3] = -4;
1997             top_margin = 16;
1998             left_margin = 92;
2000         }
2001         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot S120")) { // chdk hack
2002             raw_width = 4192;
2003             raw_height = 3062;
2004             width = 4022;
2005             height = 3016;
2006             mask[0][0] = top_margin = 31;
2007             mask[0][2] = top_margin + height;
2008             left_margin = 120;
2009             mask[0][1] = 23;
2010             mask[0][3] = 72;
2012         }
2013         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot G16")) {
2014             mask[0][0] = 0;
2015             mask[0][2] = 80;
2016             mask[0][1] = 0;
2017             mask[0][3] = 16;
2018             top_margin = 29;
2019             left_margin = 120;
2020             width = raw_width - left_margin - 48;
2021             height = raw_height - top_margin - 14;
2023         }
2024         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "PowerShot SX50 HS")) {
2025             top_margin = 17;
2026         }
2028     }
2030     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Nikon)) {
2031         if (!strcmp(model, "D1"))
2032         {
2033             imgdata.other.analogbalance[0] = cam_mul[0];
2034             imgdata.other.analogbalance[2] = cam_mul[2];
2035             imgdata.other.analogbalance[1] = imgdata.other.analogbalance[3] =
2036                 cam_mul[1];
2037             cam_mul[0] = cam_mul[1] = cam_mul[2] = 1.0f;
2038         }
2040         else if (!strcmp(model, "D1X"))
2041         {
2042             width -= 4;
2043             pixel_aspect = 0.5;
2044         }
2045         else if (!strcmp(model, "D40X") ||
2046             !strcmp(model, "D60") ||
2047             !strcmp(model, "D80") ||
2048             !strcmp(model, "D3000"))
2049         {
2050             height -= 3;
2051             width -= 4;
2052         }
2053         else if (!strcmp(model, "D3") ||
2054             !strcmp(model, "D3S") ||
2055             !strcmp(model, "D700"))
2056         {
2057             width -= 4;
2058             left_margin = 2;
2059         }
2060         else if (!strcmp(model, "D3100"))
2061         {
2062             width -= 28;
2063             left_margin = 6;
2064         }
2065         else if (!strcmp(model, "D5000") ||
2066             !strcmp(model, "D90"))
2067         {
2068             width -= 42;
2069         }
2070         else if (!strcmp(model, "D5100") ||
2071             !strcmp(model, "D7000") ||
2072             !strcmp(model, "COOLPIX A"))
2073         {
2074             width -= 44;
2075         }
2076         else if (!strcmp(model, "D3200") ||
2077             !strcmp(model, "D600") ||
2078             !strcmp(model, "D610") ||
2079             !strncmp(model, "D800", 4)) // Nikons: D800, D800E
2080         {
2081             width -= 46;
2082         }
2083         else if (!strcmp(model, "D4") ||
2084             !strcmp(model, "Df"))
2085         {
2086             width -= 52;
2087             left_margin = 2;
2088         }
2089         else if (!strcmp(model, "D500"))
2090         {
2091             // Empty - to avoid width-1 below
2092         }
2093         else if (!strncmp(model, "D40", 3) ||
2094             !strncmp(model, "D50", 3) ||
2095             !strncmp(model, "D70", 3))
2096         {
2097             width--;
2098         }
2099         else if (!strcmp(model, "D100"))
2100         {
2101             if (load_flags) // compressed NEF
2102                 raw_width = (width += 3) + 3;
2103         }
2104         else if (!strcmp(model, "D200"))
2105         {
2106             left_margin = 1;
2107             width -= 4;
2108             filters = 0x94949494;
2109         }
2110         else if (!strncmp(model, "D2H", 3)) // Nikons: D2H, D2Hs
2111         {
2112             left_margin = 6;
2113             width -= 14;
2114         }
2115         else if (!strncmp(model, "D2X", 3)) // Nikons: D2X, D2Xs
2116         {
2117             if (width == 3264) // in-camera Hi-speed crop: On
2118                 width -= 32;
2119             else
2120                 width -= 8;
2121         }
2122         else if (!strncmp(model, "D300", 4)) // Nikons: D300, D300s
2123         {
2124             width -= 32;
2125         }
2126         else if (raw_width == 4032) // Nikon "COOLPIX P7700", "COOLPIX P7800",
2127                                     // "COOLPIX P330", "COOLPIX P340"
2128         {
2129             if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "COOLPIX P7700"))
2130             {
2131                 maximum = 65504;
2132                 load_flags = 0;
2133             }
2134             else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "COOLPIX P7800"))
2135             {
2136                 maximum = 65504;
2137                 load_flags = 0;
2138             }
2139             else if (!strcmp(model, "COOLPIX P340"))
2140             {
2141                 load_flags = 0;
2142             }
2143         }
2144         else if (!strncmp(model, "COOLPIX P", 9) &&
2145             raw_width != 4032) // Nikon "COOLPIX P1000", "COOLPIX P6000",
2146                                // "COOLPIX P7000", "COOLPIX P7100"
2147         {
2148             load_flags = 24;
2149             filters = 0x94949494;
2150             /* the following 'if' is most probably obsolete, because we now read black
2151              * level from metadata */
2152             if ((model[9] == '7') && /* P7000, P7100 */
2153                 ((iso_speed >= 400) || (iso_speed == 0)) &&
2154                 !strstr(software, "V1.2")) /* v. 1.2 seen for P7000 only */
2155                 black = 255;
2156         }
2157         else if (!strncmp(model, "COOLPIX B700", 12))
2158         {
2159             load_flags = 24;
2160         }
2161         else if (!strncmp(model, "1 ",
2162             2)) // Nikons: "1 AW1", "1 J1", "1 J2", "1 J3", "1 J4",
2163                 // "1 J5", "1 S1", "1 S2", "1 V1", "1 V2", "1 V3"
2164         {
2165             height -= 2;
2166         }
2167         else if (fsize == 1581060) // hack Nikon 1mpix: E900
2168         {
2169             simple_coeff(3);
2170             pre_mul[0] = 1.2085f;
2171             pre_mul[1] = 1.0943f;
2172             pre_mul[3] = 1.1103f;
2173         }
2174         else if ((fsize == 4771840) &&  // hack Nikon 3mpix: E880, E885, E990
2175             strcmp(model, "E995")) // but not E995
2176         {
2177             filters = 0xb4b4b4b4;
2178             simple_coeff(3);
2179             pre_mul[0] = 1.196f;
2180             pre_mul[1] = 1.246f;
2181             pre_mul[2] = 1.018f;
2182         }
2183         else if ((fsize == 4775936) && // hack Nikon 3mpix: E3100, E3200, E3500
2184             (atoi(model + 1) < 3700)) // but not E3700;
2185         {
2186             filters = 0x49494949;
2187         }
2188         else if (fsize == 5869568) // hack Nikon 4mpix: E4300;
2189         {
2190             load_flags = 6;
2191         }
2192         else if (!strcmp(model, "E2500"))
2193         {
2194             height -= 2;
2195             load_flags = 6;
2196             colors = 4;
2197             filters = 0x4b4b4b4b;
2198         }
2199     }
2201     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Olympus)) {
2202         if (OlyID == OlyID_C_740UZ) { // (fsize == 4775936)
2203             i = find_green(12, 32, 1188864, 3576832);
2204             c = find_green(12, 32, 2383920, 2387016);
2205             if (abs(i) < abs(c)) {
2206                 SWAP(i, c);
2207                 load_flags = 24;
2208             }
2209             if (i < 0)
2210                 filters = 0x61616161;
2211         }
2212         else if (OlyID == OlyID_C_770UZ) {
2213             height = 1718;
2214             width = 2304;
2215             filters = 0x16161616;
2216             load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
2217             load_flags = 30;
2218         }
2219         else {
2220             height += height & 1;
2221             if (exif_cfa)
2222                 filters = exif_cfa;
2224             if (width == 4100) // Olympus E-PL2, E-PL1, E-P2, E-P1, E-620, E-600, E-5, E-30;
2225                 width -= 4;
2227             if (width == 4080) // Olympus E-PM1, E-PL3, E-P3;
2228                 width -= 24;
2230             if (width == 10400) // Olympus PEN-F, E-M1-II, E-M1-III, E-M1X, OM-1
2231                 width -= 12;
2233             if (width == 8200) // E-M1-III in 50Mp mode, E-M1X
2234                 width -= 30;
2236             if (width == 8180) // OM-1 in 50Mp
2237               width -= 10;
2239             if (width == 9280) { // Olympus E-M5 Mark II;
2240                 width -= 6;
2241                 height -= 6;
2242             }
2244             if (load_raw == &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw) {
2245                 load_flags = 4;
2246         if (imOly.ValidBits == 10) load_flags += 2;
2247             }
2248       tiff_bps = imOly.ValidBits;
2250             if ((OlyID == OlyID_E_300) ||
2251                 (OlyID == OlyID_E_500)) {
2252                 width -= 20;
2253                 if (load_raw == &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw) {
2254                     maximum = 0xfc3;
2255                     memset(cblack, 0, sizeof cblack);
2256                 }
2257             }
2258             else if (OlyID == OlyID_STYLUS_1) {
2259                 width -= 16;
2260                 maximum = 0xfff;
2262             }
2263             else if (OlyID == OlyID_E_330) {
2264                 width -= 30;
2265                 if (load_raw == &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw)
2266                     maximum = 0xf79;
2268             }
2269             else if (OlyID == OlyID_SP_550UZ) {
2270                 thumb_length = flen - (thumb_offset = 0xa39800);
2271                 thumb_height = 480;
2272                 thumb_width = 640;
2274             }
2275             else if (OlyID == OlyID_TG_4) {
2276                 width -= 16;
2278             }
2279             else if ((OlyID == OlyID_TG_5) ||
2280                 (OlyID == OlyID_TG_6)) {
2281                 width -= 26;
2282             }
2283         }
2285     }
2286     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_RoverShot) &&
2287         (fsize == 6291456)) { // RoverShot 3320AF
2288         fseek(ifp, 0x300000, SEEK_SET);
2289         if ((order = guess_byte_order(0x10000)) == 0x4d4d)
2290         {
2291             height -= (top_margin = 16);
2292             width -= (left_margin = 28);
2293             maximum = 0xf5c0;
2294             strcpy(make, "ISG");
2295             maker_index = LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_ISG;
2296             model[0] = 0;
2297         }
2299     }
2300     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Fujifilm)) {
2301     if (!imFuji.RAFDataGeneration && (raw_width == 2944)) // S2Pro
2302         {
2303             height = 2144;
2304             width = 2880;
2305             flip = 6;
2306         }
2307         else if (load_raw != &LibRaw::packed_load_raw &&
2308                  strncmp(model, "X-", 2)              &&
2309                    filters >= 1000) // Bayer and not an X-model
2310             maximum = (is_raw == 2 && shot_select) ? 0x2f00 : 0x3e00;
2312     if (!FujiCropMode && imFuji.RAFDataGeneration && (imFuji.RAFDataGeneration != 4096))
2313     {
2314       width  = imFuji.RAFData_ImageSizeTable[0];
2315       height = imFuji.RAFData_ImageSizeTable[1];
2316     }
2317         else if (FujiCropMode == 1) // FF crop on GFX
2318         {
2319             width = raw_width;
2320             height = raw_height;
2321         }
2322         // Do we need set height = raw_height for CropMode == 2 for all cameras??
2323         else if (FujiCropMode == 4) // electronic shutter, high speed mode (1.25x crop)
2324         {
2325             height = raw_height;
2326         }
2328         top_margin = (raw_height >= height) ? (raw_height - height) >> 2 << 1 : 0;
2329         left_margin = (raw_width >= width) ? (raw_width - width) >> 2 << 1 : 0;
2331     if (imFuji.RAFDataGeneration && (imFuji.RAFDataGeneration != 4096)) {
2332       switch (raw_width) {
2333       case 2944:                // X-S1, X10, XF1
2334         filters = 0x16161616;
2335         break;
2336       case 4096:                // X20, X30, XQ1, XQ2
2337       case 5120:                // X-Pro1, X-E1, X-A1, X-A2, X-M1
2338       case 6048:                // lossless compressed X100F, X-T2, X-T20, X-Pro2, X-H1, X-E3
2339       case 6160:                // uncompressed (unpacked) X100F, X-T2, X-T20, X-Pro2, X-H1, X-E3
2340         left_margin = 0;
2341         break;
2342       case 4992:                // X-E2S, X-E2, X-T10, X-T1, X100S, X100T, X70
2343         left_margin = 4;
2344         break;
2345       case 6336: // X-H2S
2346           top_margin = 6;
2347           left_margin = 0;
2348           width = 6264;
2349           height = 4176;
2350           break;
2351       case 6384:                // X-T3, X-T4, X100V, X-S10, X-T30, X-Pro3
2352         top_margin = 0;
2353         switch (FujiCropMode) {
2354         case 0:        // no crop
2355                   left_margin = 0;
2356                   top_margin = 6;
2357                   width = 6246;
2358                   height = 4170;
2359                   break;
2360                 case 2:        // sports finder mode
2361                   left_margin = 624;
2362                   width = 5004;
2363                   height = raw_height;
2364                   break;
2365                 case 4:        // electronic shutter, high speed mode (1.25x crop)
2366           left_margin = 624;
2367                   width = 5004;
2368                   break;
2369         }
2370         break;
2371       case 6912:                // GFX 50S, GFX 50R; FF crop
2372       case 9216:                // GFX 50S, GFX 50R; no crop
2373               left_margin = 0;
2374               top_margin = 0;
2375         break;
2376       case 8472:                // GFX 50S II
2377         left_margin = 0;
2378               top_margin  = 0;
2379               width = raw_width - 192;
2380         break;
2381       case 9696:                // GFX 100; FF crop
2382       case 11808:               // GFX 100; no crop
2383               left_margin = 0;
2384               width = raw_width - 146;
2385               height = raw_height - (top_margin = 2);
2386               if (tiff_bps == 16)
2387                   maximum = 0xffff;
2388       default:
2389       /* insert model name-based width/height/margins/etc. assignments */
2390         break;
2391       }
2393     } else if (!imFuji.RAFDataGeneration) {
2394       switch (raw_width) {
2395       case 2304:                // S5100
2396         height -= (top_margin = 6);
2397         break;
2398       case 3328:                // F550EXR, F600EXR, F770EXR, F800EXR, F900EXR,
2399                                 // HS20EXR, HS30EXR, HS33EXR, HS50EXR
2400         if ((width = raw_width - 66))
2401           left_margin = 34;
2402         if (imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cleft == 8) // HS50EXR, F900EXR
2403         {
2404                 left_margin = 0;
2405                 width += 2;
2406                 filters = 0x16161616;
2407         }
2408         break;
2409       case 3664:                // "HS10 HS11"
2410         filters = 0x16161616;
2411         break;
2412       case 5504:                // DBP for GX680 aka DX-2000
2414 //         7712 2752 -> 5504 3856
2415 //         width = 688;
2416 //         height = 30848;
2417 //         raw_width = 688;
2418 //         raw_height = 30848;
2420         left_margin = 32; // imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops[0].cleft
2421         top_margin = 8;
2422         width = raw_width - 2*left_margin;
2423         height = raw_height - 2*top_margin;
2425         load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw_FujiDBP;
2426         //  maximum = 0x0fff;
2427         filters = 0x16161616;
2428         load_flags = 0;
2429         flip = 6;
2430         break;
2431       default:
2432       /* insert model name-based width/height/margins/etc. assignments */
2433         break;
2434       }
2435     }
2436         if (fuji_layout)
2437             raw_width *= is_raw;
2438         if (filters == 9)
2439             FORC(36)
2440             ((char *)xtrans)[c] =
2441             xtrans_abs[(c / 6 + top_margin) % 6][(c + left_margin) % 6];
2442     }
2444     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Konica)) {
2445         if (!strcmp(model, "KD-400Z")) {
2446             height = 1711; // 1712
2447             width = 2312;
2448             raw_width = 2336;
2449             goto konica_400z;
2450         }
2451         else if (!strcmp(model, "KD-510Z")) {
2452             goto konica_510z;
2453         }
2455     }
2456     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Minolta)) {
2457         if (fsize == 5869568) { // hack "DiMAGE Z2"
2458             load_flags = 30;
2459         }
2461         if (imSony.prd_StorageMethod == LIBRAW_MINOLTA_UNPACKED) {
2462             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
2463         } else if (imSony.prd_StorageMethod == LIBRAW_MINOLTA_PACKED) {
2464             load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
2465       } else if (!load_raw && (maximum = 0xfff)) {
2466             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
2467         }
2469       if (imSony.prd_BayerPattern == LIBRAW_MINOLTA_G2BRG1) {
2470             filters = 0x49494949;
2471       } else if (imSony.prd_BayerPattern == LIBRAW_MINOLTA_RGGB) {
2472             filters = 0x94949494;
2473       }
2475       if (imSony.prd_Active_bps && imSony.prd_Total_bps) {
2476             tiff_bps = imSony.prd_Active_bps;
2477       }
2479         if (!strncmp(model, "DiMAGE G", 8)) // hack "DiMAGE G400", "DiMAGE G500",
2480                                                // "DiMAGE G530", "DiMAGE G600"
2481         {
2482             if (model[8] == '4') // DiMAGE G400
2483             {
2484                 height = 1716;
2485                 width = 2304;
2486             }
2487             else if (model[8] == '5') // DiMAGE G500 / G530
2488             {
2489             konica_510z:
2490                 height = 1956;
2491                 width = 2607;
2492                 raw_width = 2624;
2493             }
2494             else if (model[8] == '6') // DiMAGE G600
2495             {
2496                 height = 2136;
2497                 width = 2848;
2498             }
2499             data_offset += 14;
2500             filters = 0x61616161;
2501         konica_400z:
2502             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
2503             maximum = 0x3df;
2504             order = 0x4d4d;
2505         }
2507     }
2508     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Samsung)) {
2509         if (raw_width == 4704) // Samsung NX100, NX10, NX11,
2510         {
2511             height -= top_margin = 8;
2512             width -= 2 * (left_margin = 8);
2513             load_flags = 32;
2514         }
2515         else if (!strcmp(model, "NX3000")) // Samsung NX3000; raw_width: 5600
2516         {
2517             top_margin = 38;
2518             left_margin = 92;
2519             width = 5456;
2520             height = 3634;
2521             filters = 0x61616161;
2522             colors = 3;
2523         }
2524         else if (raw_height == 3714) // Samsung NX2000, NX300M, NX300, NX30,
2525                                      // "NX U" (aka:
2526                                      //         "EK-GN100", "EK-GN110", "EK-GN120",
2527                                      //         "EK-KN120", "Galaxy NX")
2528         {
2529             height -= top_margin = 18;
2530             left_margin = raw_width - (width = 5536);
2531             if (raw_width != 5600)
2532                 left_margin = top_margin = 0;
2533             filters = 0x61616161;
2534             colors = 3;
2535         }
2536         else if (raw_width == 5632) // Samsung NX1000, NX200, NX20, NX210
2537         {
2538             order = 0x4949;
2539             height = 3694;
2540             top_margin = 2;
2541             width = 5574 - (left_margin = 32 + tiff_bps);
2542             if (tiff_bps == 12)
2543                 load_flags = 80;
2544         }
2545         else if (raw_width == 5664) // Samsung "NX mini"
2546         {
2547             height -= top_margin = 17;
2548             left_margin = 96;
2549             width = 5544;
2550             filters = 0x49494949;
2551         }
2552         else if (raw_width == 6496) // Samsung NX1, NX500
2553         {
2554             filters = 0x61616161;
2555             if (!black && !cblack[0] && !cblack[1] && !cblack[2] && !cblack[3])
2556                 black = 1 << (tiff_bps - 7);
2557         }
2558         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "EX1")) // Samsung EX1; raw_width: 3688
2559         {
2560             order = 0x4949;
2561             height -= 20;
2562             top_margin = 2;
2563             if ((width -= 6) > 3682)
2564             {
2565                 height -= 10;
2566                 width -= 46;
2567                 top_margin = 8;
2568             }
2569         }
2570         else if (!strcmp(normalized_model, "WB2000")) // Samsung WB2000; raw_width: 3728
2571         {
2572             order = 0x4949;
2573             height -= 3;
2574             top_margin = 2;
2575             if ((width -= 10) > 3718)
2576             {
2577                 height -= 28;
2578                 width -= 56;
2579                 top_margin = 8;
2580             }
2581         }
2582         else if (!strcmp(model, "WB550")) // Samsung WB550; raw_width: 4000
2583         {
2584             order = 0x4949;
2585         }
2586         else if (!strcmp(model, "EX2F")) // Samsung EX2F; raw_width: 4176
2587         {
2588             height = 3030;
2589             width = 4040;
2590             top_margin = 15;
2591             left_margin = 24;
2592             order = 0x4949;
2593             filters = 0x49494949;
2594             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
2595         }
2596     }
2598     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_ST_Micro) && !strcmp(model, "STV680 VGA"))
2599     {
2600         black = 16;
2601     }
2602     else if (!strcmp(model, "N95"))
2603     {
2604         height = raw_height - (top_margin = 2);
2605     }
2606     else if (!strcmp(model, "640x480"))
2607     {
2608         gamma_curve(0.45, 4.5, 1, 255);
2609     }
2610     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Hasselblad))
2611     {
2612         if (load_raw == &LibRaw::lossless_jpeg_load_raw)
2613             load_raw = &LibRaw::hasselblad_load_raw;
2615         if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 4) && !strncmp(model, "V96C", 4)) { // Hasselblad V96C
2616             strcpy(model, "V96C");
2617             strcpy(normalized_model, model);
2618             height -= (top_margin = 6);
2619             width -= (left_margin = 3) + 7;
2620             filters = 0x61616161;
2622         }
2623         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 9) && imHassy.uncropped) { // various Hasselblad '-39'
2624             height = 5444;
2625             width = 7248;
2626             top_margin = 4;
2627             left_margin = 7;
2628             filters = 0x61616161;
2630         }
2631         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 13) && imHassy.uncropped) { // Hasselblad H4D-40, H5D-40
2632             height -= 84;
2633             width -= 82;
2634             top_margin = 4;
2635             left_margin = 41;
2636             filters = 0x61616161;
2638         }
2639         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 11) && imHassy.uncropped) { // Hasselblad H5D-50
2640             height -= 84;
2641             width -= 82;
2642             top_margin = 4;
2643             left_margin = 41;
2644             filters = 0x61616161;
2646         }
2647         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 15) &&
2648             !imHassy.SensorSubCode && // Hasselblad H5D-50c
2649             imHassy.uncropped) {
2650             left_margin = 52;
2651             top_margin = 100;
2652             width = 8272;
2653             height = 6200;
2654             black = 256;
2656         }
2657         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 15) &&
2658             (imHassy.SensorSubCode == 2) && // various Hasselblad X1D cameras
2659             imHassy.uncropped) {
2660             top_margin = 96;
2661             height -= 96;
2662             left_margin = 48;
2663             width -= 106;
2664             maximum = 0xffff;
2665             tiff_bps = 16;
2667         }
2668         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 12) && imHassy.uncropped) { // Hasselblad H4D-60
2669             if (black > 500) { // (imHassy.format == LIBRAW_HF_FFF)
2670                 top_margin = 12;
2671                 left_margin = 44;
2672                 width = 8956;
2673                 height = 6708;
2674                 memset(cblack, 0, sizeof(cblack));
2675                 black = 512;
2676             }
2677             else { // (imHassy.format == LIBRAW_HF_3FR)
2678                 top_margin = 8;
2679                 left_margin = 40;
2680                 width = 8964;
2681                 height = 6716;
2682                 black += load_flags = 256;
2683                 maximum = 0x8101;
2684             }
2686         }
2687         else if ((imHassy.SensorCode == 17) && imHassy.uncropped) { // Hasselblad H6D-100c, A6D-100c
2688             left_margin = 64;
2689             width = 11608;
2690             top_margin = 108;
2691             height = raw_height - top_margin;
2692         }
2694         if (tiff_samples > 1)
2695         {
2696             is_raw = tiff_samples + 1;
2697             if (!shot_select && !half_size)
2698                 filters = 0;
2699         }
2700     }
2701     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Sinar))
2702     {
2703         if (!load_raw)
2704             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
2705         if (is_raw > 1 && !shot_select)
2706             filters = 0;
2707         maximum = 0x3fff;
2708     }
2710     if (load_raw == &LibRaw::sinar_4shot_load_raw)
2711     {
2712         if (is_raw > 1 && !shot_select)
2713             filters = 0;
2714     }
2715     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Leaf))
2716     {
2717         maximum = 0x3fff;
2718         fseek(ifp, data_offset, SEEK_SET);
2719         if (ljpeg_start(&jh, 1) && jh.bits == 15)
2720             maximum = 0x1fff;
2721         if (tiff_samples > 1)
2722             filters = 0;
2723         if (tiff_samples > 1 || tile_length < raw_height)
2724         {
2725             load_raw = &LibRaw::leaf_hdr_load_raw;
2726             raw_width = tile_width;
2727         }
2728         if ((width | height) == 2048)
2729         {
2730             if (tiff_samples == 1)
2731             {
2732                 filters = 1;
2733                 strcpy(cdesc, "RBTG");
2734                 strcpy(model, "CatchLight");
2735                 strcpy(normalized_model, model);
2736                 top_margin = 8;
2737                 left_margin = 18;
2738                 height = 2032;
2739                 width = 2016;
2740             }
2741             else
2742             {
2743                 strcpy(model, "DCB2");
2744                 strcpy(normalized_model, model);
2745                 top_margin = 10;
2746                 left_margin = 16;
2747                 height = 2028;
2748                 width = 2022;
2749             }
2750         }
2751         else if (width + height == 3144 + 2060)
2752         {
2753             if (!model[0])
2754             {
2755                 strcpy(model, "Cantare");
2756                 strcpy(normalized_model, model);
2757             }
2758             if (width > height)
2759             {
2760                 top_margin = 6;
2761                 left_margin = 32;
2762                 height = 2048;
2763                 width = 3072;
2764                 filters = 0x61616161;
2765             }
2766             else
2767             {
2768                 left_margin = 6;
2769                 top_margin = 32;
2770                 width = 2048;
2771                 height = 3072;
2772                 filters = 0x16161616;
2773             }
2774             if (!cam_mul[0] || model[0] == 'V')
2775                 filters = 0;
2776             else
2777                 is_raw = tiff_samples;
2778         }
2779         else if (width == 2116) // Leaf "Valeo 6"
2780         {
2781             strcpy(model, "Valeo 6");
2782             strcpy(normalized_model, model);
2783             height -= 2 * (top_margin = 30);
2784             width -= 2 * (left_margin = 55);
2785             filters = 0x49494949;
2786         }
2787         else if (width == 3171) // Leaf "Valeo 6"
2788         {
2789             strcpy(model, "Valeo 6");
2790             strcpy(normalized_model, model);
2791             height -= 2 * (top_margin = 24);
2792             width -= 2 * (left_margin = 24);
2793             filters = 0x16161616;
2794         }
2795     }
2796     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Panasonic))
2797     {
2798         if (raw_width > 0 &&
2799             ((flen - data_offset) / (raw_width * 8 / 7) == raw_height))
2800             load_raw = &LibRaw::panasonic_load_raw;
2801         if (!load_raw)
2802         {
2803             load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
2804             load_flags = 4;
2805         }
2806         zero_is_bad = 1;
2807         if ((height += 12) > raw_height)
2808             height = raw_height;
2809         for (i = 0; i < int(sizeof pana / sizeof *pana); i++)
2810             if (raw_width == pana[i][0] && raw_height == pana[i][1])
2811             {
2812                 left_margin = pana[i][2];
2813                 top_margin = pana[i][3];
2814                 width += pana[i][4];
2815                 height += pana[i][5];
2816             }
2817         if (!tiff_bps && pana_bpp >= 12 && pana_bpp <= 14)
2818             tiff_bps = pana_bpp;
2820         if (!strcmp(model, "DC-LX100M2") && raw_height == 3568 && raw_width == 4816 && filters == 3)
2821             filters = 4;
2823         filters = 0x01010101U *
2824             (uchar) "\x94\x61\x49\x16"[((filters - 1) ^ (left_margin & 1) ^
2825             (top_margin << 1)) &
2826             3];
2828     }
2829     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Contax) &&
2830         !strcmp(model, "N Digital")) {
2831         height = 2047;
2832         width = 3072;
2833         filters = 0x61616161;
2834         data_offset = 0x1a00;
2835         load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
2837     }
2838     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Sony)) {
2839         if (!strcmp(model, "DSC-F828")) { // Sony DSC-F828
2840             width = 3288;
2841             left_margin = 5;
2842             mask[1][3] = -17;
2843             data_offset = 862144;
2844             load_raw = &LibRaw::sony_load_raw;
2845             filters = 0x9c9c9c9c;
2846             colors = 4;
2847             strcpy(cdesc, "RGBE");
2849         }
2850         else if (!strcmp(model, "DSC-V3")) { // Sony DSC-V3
2851             width = 3109;
2852             left_margin = 59;
2853             mask[0][1] = 9;
2854             data_offset = 787392;
2855             load_raw = &LibRaw::sony_load_raw;
2857         }
2858         else if (raw_width == 3984) { // Sony DSC-R1;
2859             width = 3925;
2860             order = 0x4d4d;
2862         }
2863         else if (raw_width == 4288) { // Sony ILCE-7S, ILCE-7SM2, ILCE-7SM3, DSLR-A700, DSLR-A500;
2864             width -= 32;
2865         }
2866         else if (raw_width == 4600) { // Sony DSLR-A290, DSLR-A350, DSLR-A380;
2867             if (!strcmp(model, "DSLR-A350"))
2868                 height -= 4;
2869             black = 0;
2871         }
2872         else if (raw_width == 4928) {
2873             // Sony DSLR-A580, NEX-C3, SLT-A35, DSC-HX99, SLT-A55,
2874             // NEX-5N, SLT-A37, SLT-A57, NEX-F3, NEX-6, NEX-5R, NEX-3N, NEX-5T;
2875             if (height < 3280)
2876                 width -= 8;
2878         }
2879         else if (raw_width == 5504) {
2880             // Sony ILCE-3000, SLT-A58, DSC-RX100M3, ILCE-QX1,
2881             // DSC-RX10M4, DSC-RX100M6, DSC-RX100, DSC-RX100M2, DSC-RX10,
2882             // ILCE-5000, DSC-RX100M4, DSC-RX10M2, DSC-RX10M3,
2883             // DSC-RX100M5, DSC-RX100M5A;
2884             width -= height > 3664 ? 8 : 32;
2886         }
2887         else if (raw_width == 6048) {
2888             // Sony SLT-A65, DSC-RX1, SLT-A77, DSC-RX1, ILCA-77M2,
2889             // ILCE-7M3, NEX-7, SLT-A99, ILCE-7, DSC-RX1R, ILCE-6000,
2890             // ILCE-5100, ILCE-7M2, ILCA-68, ILCE-6300, ILCE-9,
2891             // ILCE-6500, ILCE-6400;
2892             width -= 24;
2893             if (strstr(normalized_model, "RX1") ||
2894                 strstr(normalized_model, "A99"))
2895                 width -= 6;
2897         }
2898         else if (raw_width == 7392) { // Sony ILCE-7R;
2899             width -= 30;
2901         }
2902         else if (raw_width == 8000) {
2903             // Sony ILCE-7RM2, ILCE-7RM2, ILCE-7RM3, DSC-RX1RM2, ILCA-99M2;
2904             width -= 32;
2906         }
2907         else if (raw_width == 9600) { // Sony ILCE-7RM4
2908             width -= 32;
2910         }
2911         else if(unique_id == SonyID_ILCE_1)
2912         {
2913           if (raw_width == 8704 && raw_height == 6144) // ILCE-1 FF@Compressed
2914           {
2915             width = 8660;
2916             height = 5784;
2917           }
2918           else if (raw_width == 8672) // FF uncompressed/lossy
2919           {
2920             width -= 12;
2921           }
2922           else if (raw_width == 6144 && raw_height == 4096) // APSC/Lossless
2923           {
2924             width = 5636;
2925             height = 3768;
2926           }
2927           else if (raw_width == 5664) // APS-C/Uncompressed or lossy
2928           {
2929               width -= 28;
2930           }
2931         }
2932         else if (unique_id == SonyID_ILCE_7M4)
2933         {
2934           if (raw_width == 7168 && raw_height == 5120) // ILCE-1 FF@Compressed
2935           {
2936             width = 7028;
2937             height = 4688;
2938           }
2939           else if (raw_width == 7040) // FF uncompressed/lossy
2940           {
2941             width -= 12;
2942           }
2943           /* FIXME: need APS-C samples, both losslesscompressed and uncompressed or lossy */
2944         }
2946         else if (!strcmp(model, "DSLR-A100")) {
2947             if (width == 3880) {
2948                 height--;
2949                 width = ++raw_width;
2950             }
2951             else {
2952                 height -= 4;
2953                 width -= 4;
2954                 order = 0x4d4d;
2955                 load_flags = 2;
2956             }
2957             filters = 0x61616161;
2958         }
2959     }
2961     else if (!strcmp(model, "PIXL")) {
2962         height -= top_margin = 4;
2963         width -= left_margin = 32;
2964         gamma_curve(0, 7, 1, 255);
2966     }
2967     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Kodak)) {
2969         if (!strncasecmp(model, "EasyShare", 9)) {
2970             data_offset = data_offset < 0x15000 ? 0x15000 : 0x17000;
2971             load_raw = &LibRaw::packed_load_raw;
2973         }
2974         else if (!strcmp(model, "C603") ||
2975             !strcmp(model, "C330") ||
2976             !strcmp(model, "12MP")) {
2977             order = 0x4949;
2978             if (filters && data_offset) {
2979                 fseek(ifp, data_offset < 4096 ? 168 : 5252, SEEK_SET);
2980                 read_shorts(curve, 256);
2981             }
2982             else
2983                 gamma_curve(0, 3.875, 1, 255);
2985             load_raw = filters ? &LibRaw::eight_bit_load_raw
2986                 : strcmp(model, "C330") ? &LibRaw::kodak_c603_load_raw
2987                 : &LibRaw::kodak_c330_load_raw;
2988             load_flags = tiff_bps > 16;
2989             tiff_bps = 8;
2991         }
2992         else {
2993             if (!strncmp(model, "NC2000", 6) ||
2994                 !strncmp(model, "EOSDCS", 6) ||
2995                 !strncmp(model, "DCS4", 4)) {
2996                 width -= 4;
2997                 left_margin = 2;
2999             }
3000             else if (!strcmp(model, "DCS660M")) {
3001                 black = 214;
3003             }
3004             else if (!strcmp(model, "EOS D2000C")) {
3005                 filters = 0x61616161;
3006                 if (!black) black = curve[200];
3007             }
3009             if (filters == UINT_MAX) filters = 0x61616161;
3011             if (!strcmp(model + 4, "20X"))
3012                 strcpy(cdesc, "MYCY");
3013             if (!strcmp(model, "DC25")) {
3014                 data_offset = 15424;
3015             }
3017             if (!strncmp(model, "DC2", 3)) {
3018                 raw_height = 2 + (height = 242);
3019                 if (!strncmp(model, "DC290", 5))
3020                     iso_speed = 100;
3021                 if (!strncmp(model, "DC280", 5))
3022                     iso_speed = 70;
3023                 if (flen < 100000) {
3024                     raw_width = 256;
3025                     width = 249;
3026                     pixel_aspect = (4.0 * height) / (3.0 * width);
3027                 }
3028                 else {
3029                     raw_width = 512;
3030                     width = 501;
3031                     pixel_aspect = (493.0 * height) / (373.0 * width);
3032                 }
3033                 top_margin = left_margin = 1;
3034                 colors = 4;
3035                 filters = 0x8d8d8d8d;
3036                 simple_coeff(1);
3037                 pre_mul[1] = 1.179f;
3038                 pre_mul[2] = 1.209f;
3039                 pre_mul[3] = 1.036f;
3040                 load_raw = &LibRaw::eight_bit_load_raw;
3041             }
3042             else if (!strcmp(model, "DC40")) {
3043                 height = 512;
3044                 width = 768;
3045                 data_offset = 1152;
3046                 load_raw = &LibRaw::kodak_radc_load_raw;
3047                 tiff_bps = 12;
3048                 FORC4 cam_mul[c] = 1.0f;
3050             }
3051             else if (!strcmp(model, "DC50")) {
3052                 height = 512;
3053                 width = 768;
3054                 iso_speed = 84;
3055                 data_offset = 19712;
3056                 load_raw = &LibRaw::kodak_radc_load_raw;
3057                 FORC4 cam_mul[c] = 1.0f;
3059             }
3060             else if (!strcmp(model, "DC120")) {
3061                 raw_height = height = 976;
3062                 raw_width = width = 848;
3063                 iso_speed = 160;
3064                 pixel_aspect = height / 0.75 / width;
3065                 load_raw = tiff_compress == 7 ? &LibRaw::kodak_jpeg_load_raw
3066                     : &LibRaw::kodak_dc120_load_raw;
3068             }
3069             else if (!strcmp(model, "DCS200")) {
3070                 thumb_height = 128;
3071                 thumb_width = 192;
3072                 thumb_offset = 6144;
3073                 thumb_misc = 360;
3074                 iso_speed = 140;
3075                 thumb_format = LIBRAW_INTERNAL_THUMBNAIL_LAYER;
3076                 black = 17;
3077             }
3078         }
3080     }
3081     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Logitech) &&
3082         !strcmp(model, "Fotoman Pixtura")) {
3083         height = 512;
3084         width = 768;
3085         data_offset = 3632;
3086         load_raw = &LibRaw::kodak_radc_load_raw;
3087         filters = 0x61616161;
3088         simple_coeff(2);
3090     }
3091     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Apple) &&
3092         !strncmp(model, "QuickTake", 9)) {
3093         if (head[5]) {
3094             strcpy(model + 10, "200");
3095             strcpy(normalized_model, model);
3096         }
3097         fseek(ifp, 544, SEEK_SET);
3098         height = get2();
3099         width = get2();
3100         data_offset = (get4(), get2()) == 30 ? 738 : 736;
3101         if (height > width) {
3102             SWAP(height, width);
3103             fseek(ifp, data_offset - 6, SEEK_SET);
3104             flip = ~get2() & 3 ? 5 : 6;
3105         }
3106         filters = 0x61616161;
3108     }
3109     else if (makeIs(LIBRAW_CAMERAMAKER_Rollei) &&
3110         !load_raw) {
3111         switch (raw_width) {
3112         case 1316: // Rollei d530flex
3113             height = 1030;
3114             width = 1300;
3115             top_margin = 1;
3116             left_margin = 6;
3117             break;
3118         case 2568:
3119             height = 1960;
3120             width = 2560;
3121             top_margin = 2;
3122             left_margin = 8;
3123         }
3124         filters = 0x16161616;
3125         load_raw = &LibRaw::rollei_load_raw;
3127     }
3128     else if (!strcmp(model, "GRAS-50S5C")) {
3129         height = 2048;
3130         width = 2440;
3131         load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
3132         data_offset = 0;
3133         filters = 0x49494949;
3134         order = 0x4949;
3135         maximum = 0xfffC;
3137     }
3138     else if (!strcmp(model, "BB-500CL")) {
3139         height = 2058;
3140         width = 2448;
3141         load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
3142         data_offset = 0;
3143         filters = 0x94949494;
3144         order = 0x4949;
3145         maximum = 0x3fff;
3147     }
3148     else if (!strcmp(model, "BB-500GE")) {
3149         height = 2058;
3150         width = 2456;
3151         load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
3152         data_offset = 0;
3153         filters = 0x94949494;
3154         order = 0x4949;
3155         maximum = 0x3fff;
3157     }
3158     else if (!strcmp(model, "SVS625CL")) {
3159         height = 2050;
3160         width = 2448;
3161         load_raw = &LibRaw::unpacked_load_raw;
3162         data_offset = 0;
3163         filters = 0x94949494;
3164         order = 0x4949;
3165         maximum = 0x0fff;
3166     }
3167 }