File indexing completed on 2025-01-05 03:56:58

0001 /* -*- C++ -*-
0002  * Copyright 2019-2021 LibRaw LLC (
0003  *
0005  LibRaw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0006  it under the terms of the one of two licenses as you choose:
0009    (See file LICENSE.LGPL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details).
0012    (See file LICENSE.CDDL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details).
0014  */
0016 #include "../../internal/dcraw_defs.h"
0019 static libraw_area_t sget_CanonArea(uchar *s) {
0020   libraw_area_t la = {};
0021   la.l = s[0] << 8 | s[1];
0022   la.t = s[2] << 8 | s[3];
0023   la.r = s[4] << 8 | s[5];
0024   la.b = s[6] << 8 | s[7];
0025   return la;
0026 }
0028 int LibRaw::selectCRXFrame(short trackNum, unsigned frameIndex)
0029 {
0030   uint32_t sample_size;
0031   uint32_t stsc_index = 0;
0032   uint32_t current_sample = 0;
0033   crx_data_header_t *hdr = &libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[trackNum];
0035   if (frameIndex >= hdr->sample_count)
0036     return -1;
0038   for (int i = 0; i < hdr->chunk_count; i++)
0039   {
0040     int64_t current_offset = hdr->chunk_offsets[i];
0042     while((stsc_index < hdr->stsc_count) && (i+1 == hdr->stsc_data[stsc_index+1].first))
0043       stsc_index++;
0045     for (int j = 0; j < hdr->stsc_data[stsc_index].count; j++)
0046     {
0047       if (current_sample > hdr->sample_count)
0048         return -1;
0050       sample_size = hdr->sample_size > 0 ? hdr->sample_size : hdr->sample_sizes[current_sample];
0051       if(current_sample == frameIndex)
0052       {
0053         hdr->MediaOffset = current_offset;
0054         hdr->MediaSize = sample_size;
0055         return 0;
0056       }
0057       current_offset += sample_size;
0058       current_sample++;
0059     }
0060   }
0061   return -1;
0062 }
0064 void LibRaw::selectCRXTrack()
0065 {
0066   short maxTrack = libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_count;
0067   if (maxTrack < 0)
0068     return;
0070   INT64 bitcounts[LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT], maxbitcount = 0;
0071   int framecounts[LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT], maxframecount = 0;
0072   uint32_t maxjpegbytes = 0;
0073   int framecnt = 0;
0074   int media_tracks = 0;
0075   int track_select = 0;
0076   int frame_select = 0;
0077   int err;
0078   memset(bitcounts, 0, sizeof(bitcounts));
0079   memset(framecounts, 0, sizeof(framecounts));
0081   // Calc max frame bitcount for max-sized RAW track(s) selection
0082   for (int i = 0; i <= maxTrack && i < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0083   {
0084     crx_data_header_t *d = &libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[i];
0085     if (d->MediaType == 1) // RAW
0086     {
0087       bitcounts[i] = INT64(d->nBits) * INT64(d->f_width) * INT64(d->f_height);
0088       maxbitcount = MAX(bitcounts[i], maxbitcount);
0089       if (d->sample_count > 1)
0090           framecounts[i] = d->sample_count;
0091     }
0092   }
0094   if (maxbitcount < 8) // no raw tracks
0095       return;
0097   // Calc  RAW tracks and frames
0098   for (int i = 0; i <= maxTrack && i < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0099   {
0100       if (bitcounts[i] == maxbitcount)
0101       {
0102           media_tracks++;
0103           if (framecounts[i] > 1)
0104               framecnt = MAX(framecnt, framecounts[i]);
0105       }
0106   }
0108   // If the file has only 1 media track shot_select represents frames select.
0109   // If the file has multiple media tracks shot_select represents track select.
0110   // If the file has multiple media tracks and multiple frames it is currently unsupported.
0112   if (framecnt && media_tracks > 1)
0113     return;
0114   else if (framecnt)
0115     frame_select = shot_select;
0116   else
0117     track_select = shot_select;
0119   int tracki = -1;
0120   for (int i = 0, trackcnt = 0; i <= maxTrack && i < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0121   {
0122     if (bitcounts[i] == maxbitcount)
0123     {
0124       if (trackcnt <= (int)track_select)
0125         tracki = i;
0126       trackcnt++;
0127     }
0128   }
0130   if (tracki >= 0 && tracki < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT /* && frame_select > 0 */)
0131   {
0132       framecnt = framecounts[tracki]; // Update to selected track
0133       frame_select = LIM(frame_select, 0, framecnt);
0134       if(frame_select > 0)
0135         if (selectCRXFrame(tracki, frame_select))
0136               return;
0137   }
0138   else
0139       return; // No RAW track index
0141   // Frame selected: parse CTMD metadata
0142   for (int i = 0, trackcnt = 0; i <= maxTrack && i < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0143   {
0144       crx_data_header_t *d = &libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[i];
0145       int fsel = LIM(frame_select, 0, d->sample_count);
0146       if (d->MediaType == 3) // CTMD metadata
0147       {
0148           /* ignore errors !*/
0149           if (fsel)
0150               selectCRXFrame(i, fsel);
0151           parseCR3_CTMD(i);
0152       }
0153       else if (d->MediaType == 2) // JPEG
0154       {
0155           if (fsel)
0156               selectCRXFrame(i, fsel);
0157           if (d->MediaSize > maxjpegbytes)
0158           {
0159               maxjpegbytes = d->MediaSize;
0160               thumb_offset = d->MediaOffset;
0161               thumb_length = d->MediaSize;
0162               if (imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount < LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_MAXCOUNT)
0163               {
0164                 bool do_add = true;
0165                 for (int idx = 0; idx < imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount; idx++)
0166                   if (imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].toffset == thumb_offset)
0167                   {
0168                     do_add = false;
0169                     break;
0170                   }
0171                 if (do_add)
0172                 {
0173                   int idx = imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount;
0174                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tformat = LIBRAW_INTERNAL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG;
0175                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].toffset = thumb_offset;
0176                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tlength = thumb_length;
0177                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tflip = 0xffff;
0178                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tmisc = (3 << 5) | 8; // 3 samples/8 bps
0179                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].twidth = 0;
0180                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].theight = 0;
0181                   imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount++;
0182                 }
0183               }
0184           }
0185       }
0186   }
0188   if (framecnt)
0189     is_raw = framecnt;
0190   else
0191     is_raw = media_tracks;
0193   if (tracki >= 0 && tracki < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT)
0194   {
0195     crx_data_header_t *d =
0196         &libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[tracki];
0197     data_offset = d->MediaOffset;
0198     data_size = d->MediaSize;
0199     raw_width = d->f_width;
0200     raw_height = d->f_height;
0201     load_raw = &LibRaw::crxLoadRaw;
0202     tiff_bps = d->encType == 3? d->medianBits : d->nBits;
0203     switch (d->cfaLayout)
0204     {
0205     case 0:
0206       filters = 0x94949494;
0207       break;
0208     case 1:
0209       filters = 0x61616161;
0210       break;
0211     case 2:
0212       filters = 0x49494949;
0213       break;
0214     case 3:
0215       filters = 0x16161616;
0216       break;
0217     }
0219     libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_selected = tracki;
0221     int tiff_idx = -1;
0222     INT64 tpixels = 0;
0223     for (unsigned i = 0; i < tiff_nifds && i < LIBRAW_IFD_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0224       if (INT64(tiff_ifd[i].t_height) * INT64(tiff_ifd[i].t_height) > tpixels)
0225       {
0226         tpixels = INT64(tiff_ifd[i].t_height) * INT64(tiff_ifd[i].t_height);
0227         tiff_idx = i;
0228       }
0229     if (tiff_idx >= 0)
0230       flip = tiff_ifd[tiff_idx].t_flip;
0231   }
0232 }
0234 #define bad_hdr()                                                              \
0235   (((order != 0x4d4d) && (order != 0x4949)) || (get2() != 0x002a) ||           \
0236    (get4() != 0x00000008))
0238 int LibRaw::parseCR3_CTMD(short trackNum)
0239 {
0240   int err = 0;
0241   short s_order = order;
0242   order = 0x4949;
0243   uint32_t relpos_inDir = 0;
0244   uint32_t relpos_inBox = 0;
0245   unsigned szItem, Tag, lTag;
0246   ushort tItem;
0248 #define track libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[trackNum]
0250   if (track.MediaType != 3)
0251   {
0252     err = -10;
0253     goto ctmd_fin;
0254   }
0256   while (relpos_inDir + 6 < track.MediaSize)
0257   {
0258     if (track.MediaOffset + relpos_inDir > ifp->size() - 6) // need at least 6 bytes
0259     {
0260         err = -11;
0261         goto ctmd_fin;
0262     }
0263     fseek(ifp, track.MediaOffset + relpos_inDir, SEEK_SET);
0264     szItem = get4();
0265     tItem = get2();
0266     if (szItem < 1 || (  (relpos_inDir + szItem) > track.MediaSize))
0267     {
0268       err = -11;
0269       goto ctmd_fin;
0270     }
0271     if ((tItem == 7) || (tItem == 8) || (tItem == 9))
0272     {
0273       relpos_inBox = relpos_inDir + 12L;
0274       while (relpos_inBox + 8 < relpos_inDir + szItem)
0275       {
0276         if (track.MediaOffset + relpos_inBox > ifp->size() - 8) // need at least 8 bytes
0277         {
0278             err = -11;
0279             goto ctmd_fin;
0280         }
0281         fseek(ifp, track.MediaOffset + relpos_inBox, SEEK_SET);
0282         lTag = get4();
0283         Tag = get4();
0284         if (lTag < 8)
0285         {
0286           err = -12;
0287           goto ctmd_fin;
0288         }
0289         else if ((relpos_inBox + lTag) > (relpos_inDir + szItem))
0290         {
0291           err = -11;
0292           goto ctmd_fin;
0293         }
0294         if ((Tag == 0x927c) && ((tItem == 7) || (tItem == 8)))
0295         {
0296           fseek(ifp, track.MediaOffset + relpos_inBox + 8L,
0297                 SEEK_SET);
0298           short q_order = order;
0299           order = get2();
0300           if (bad_hdr())
0301           {
0302             err = -13;
0303             goto ctmd_fin;
0304           }
0305           fseek(ifp, -8L, SEEK_CUR);
0306           libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.CR3_CTMDtag = 1;
0307           parse_makernote(track.MediaOffset + relpos_inBox + 8,
0308                           0);
0309           libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.CR3_CTMDtag = 0;
0310           order = q_order;
0311         }
0312         relpos_inBox += lTag;
0313       }
0314     }
0315     relpos_inDir += szItem;
0316   }
0318 ctmd_fin:
0319   order = s_order;
0320   return err;
0321 }
0322 #undef track
0324 int LibRaw::parseCR3(INT64 oAtomList,
0325                      INT64 szAtomList, short &nesting,
0326                      char *AtomNameStack, short &nTrack, short &TrackType)
0327 {
0328   /*
0329   Atom starts with 4 bytes for Atom size and 4 bytes containing Atom name
0330   Atom size includes the length of the header and the size of all "contained"
0331   Atoms if Atom size == 1, Atom has the extended size stored in 8 bytes located
0332   after the Atom name if Atom size == 0, it is the last top-level Atom extending
0333   to the end of the file Atom name is often a 4 symbol mnemonic, but can be a
0334   4-byte integer
0335   */
0336   const char UIID_Canon[17] =
0337       "\x85\xc0\xb6\x87\x82\x0f\x11\xe0\x81\x11\xf4\xce\x46\x2b\x6a\x48";
0338   const unsigned char UIID_CanonPreview[17] = "\xea\xf4\x2b\x5e\x1c\x98\x4b\x88\xb9\xfb\xb7\xdc\x40\x6e\x4d\x16";
0339   const unsigned char UUID_XMP[17] = "\xbe\x7a\xcf\xcb\x97\xa9\x42\xe8\x9c\x71\x99\x94\x91\xe3\xaf\xac";
0341   /*
0342   AtomType = 0 - unknown: "unk."
0343   AtomType = 1 - container atom: "cont"
0344   AtomType = 2 - leaf atom: "leaf"
0345   AtomType = 3 - can be container, can be leaf: "both"
0346   */
0347   short AtomType;
0348   static const struct
0349   {
0350     char AtomName[5];
0351     short AtomType;
0352   } AtomNamesList[] = {
0353       {"dinf", 1},
0354       {"edts", 1},
0355       {"fiin", 1},
0356       {"ipro", 1},
0357       {"iprp", 1},
0358       {"mdia", 1},
0359       {"meco", 1},
0360       {"mere", 1},
0361       {"mfra", 1},
0362       {"minf", 1},
0363       {"moof", 1},
0364       {"moov", 1},
0365       {"mvex", 1},
0366       {"paen", 1},
0367       {"schi", 1},
0368       {"sinf", 1},
0369       {"skip", 1},
0370       {"stbl", 1},
0371       {"stsd", 1},
0372       {"strk", 1},
0373       {"tapt", 1},
0374       {"traf", 1},
0375       {"trak", 1},
0377       {"cdsc", 2},
0378       {"colr", 2},
0379       {"dimg", 2},
0380       // {"dref", 2},
0381       {"free", 2},
0382       {"frma", 2},
0383       {"ftyp", 2},
0384       {"hdlr", 2},
0385       {"hvcC", 2},
0386       {"iinf", 2},
0387       {"iloc", 2},
0388       {"infe", 2},
0389       {"ipco", 2},
0390       {"ipma", 2},
0391       {"iref", 2},
0392       {"irot", 2},
0393       {"ispe", 2},
0394       {"meta", 2},
0395       {"mvhd", 2},
0396       {"pitm", 2},
0397       {"pixi", 2},
0398       {"schm", 2},
0399       {"thmb", 2},
0400       {"tkhd", 2},
0401       {"url ", 2},
0402       {"urn ", 2},
0404       {"CCTP", 1},
0405       {"CRAW", 1},
0407       {"JPEG", 2},
0408       {"CDI1", 2},
0409       {"CMP1", 2},
0411       {"CNCV", 2},
0412       {"CCDT", 2},
0413       {"CTBO", 2},
0414       {"CMT1", 2},
0415       {"CMT2", 2},
0416       {"CMT3", 2},
0417       {"CMT4", 2},
0418       {"CNOP", 2},
0419       {"THMB", 2},
0420       {"co64", 2},
0421       {"mdat", 2},
0422       {"mdhd", 2},
0423       {"nmhd", 2},
0424       {"stsc", 2},
0425       {"stsz", 2},
0426       {"stts", 2},
0427       {"vmhd", 2},
0429       {"dref", 3},
0430       {"uuid", 3},
0431   };
0433   const char sHandlerType[5][5] = {"unk.", "soun", "vide", "hint", "meta"};
0435   int c, err=0;
0437   ushort tL;                        // Atom length represented in 4 or 8 bytes
0438   char nmAtom[5];                   // Atom name
0439   INT64 oAtom, szAtom; // Atom offset and Atom size
0440   INT64 oAtomContent,
0441       szAtomContent; // offset and size of Atom content
0442   INT64 lHdr;
0444   char UIID[16];
0445   uchar CMP1[85];
0446   uchar CDI1[60];
0447   char HandlerType[5], MediaFormatID[5];
0448   uint32_t relpos_inDir, relpos_inBox;
0449   unsigned szItem, Tag, lTag;
0450   ushort tItem;
0452   nmAtom[0] = MediaFormatID[0] = nmAtom[4] = MediaFormatID[4] = '\0';
0453   strcpy(HandlerType, sHandlerType[0]);
0454   oAtom = oAtomList;
0455   nesting++;
0456   if (nesting > 31)
0457     return -14; // too deep nesting
0458   short s_order = order;
0460   while ((oAtom + 8LL) <= (oAtomList + szAtomList))
0461   {
0462     lHdr = 0ULL;
0463     err = 0;
0464     order = 0x4d4d;
0465     fseek(ifp, oAtom, SEEK_SET);
0466     szAtom = get4();
0467     FORC4 nmAtom[c] = AtomNameStack[nesting * 4 + c] = fgetc(ifp);
0468     AtomNameStack[(nesting + 1) * 4] = '\0';
0469     tL = 4;
0470     AtomType = 0;
0472     for (c = 0; c < int(sizeof AtomNamesList / sizeof *AtomNamesList); c++)
0473       if (!strcmp(nmAtom, AtomNamesList[c].AtomName))
0474       {
0475         AtomType = AtomNamesList[c].AtomType;
0476         break;
0477       }
0479     if (!AtomType)
0480     {
0481       err = 1;
0482     }
0484     if (szAtom == 0ULL)
0485     {
0486       if (nesting != 0)
0487       {
0488         err = -2;
0489         goto fin;
0490       }
0491       szAtom = szAtomList - oAtom;
0492       oAtomContent = oAtom + 8ULL;
0493       szAtomContent = szAtom - 8ULL;
0494     }
0495     else if (szAtom == 1LL)
0496     {
0497       if ((oAtom + 16LL) > (oAtomList + szAtomList))
0498       {
0499         err = -3;
0500         goto fin;
0501       }
0502       tL = 8;
0503       szAtom = (((unsigned long long)get4()) << 32) | get4();
0504       oAtomContent = oAtom + 16ULL;
0505       szAtomContent = szAtom - 16ULL;
0506     }
0507     else
0508     {
0509       oAtomContent = oAtom + 8ULL;
0510       szAtomContent = szAtom - 8ULL;
0511     }
0513     if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "uuid")) // Top level uuid
0514     {
0515         INT64 tt = ftell(ifp);
0516         lHdr = 16ULL;
0517         fread(UIID, 1, lHdr, ifp);
0518         if (!memcmp(UIID, UUID_XMP, 16) && szAtom > 24LL && szAtom < 1024000LL)
0519         {
0520             xmpdata = (char *)malloc(xmplen = unsigned(szAtom - 23));
0521             fread(xmpdata, szAtom - 24, 1, ifp);
0522             xmpdata[szAtom - 24] = 0;
0523         }
0524         else if (!memcmp(UIID, UIID_CanonPreview, 16) && szAtom > 48LL && szAtom < 100LL * 1024000LL)
0525         {
0526             // read next 48 bytes, check for 'PRVW'
0527             unsigned char xdata[32];
0528             fread(xdata, 32, 1, ifp);   
0529             if (!memcmp(xdata + 12, "PRVW", 4))
0530             {
0531                 thumb_length = unsigned(szAtom - 56);
0532                 thumb_offset = ftell(ifp);
0533                 if (imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount < LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_MAXCOUNT)
0534                 {
0535                     bool do_add = true;
0536                     for(int idx = 0; idx < imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount; idx++)
0537                         if (imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].toffset == thumb_offset)
0538                         {
0539                             do_add = false;
0540                             break;
0541                         }
0542                     if (do_add)
0543                     {
0544                         int idx = imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount;
0545                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tformat = LIBRAW_INTERNAL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG;
0546                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].toffset = thumb_offset;
0547                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tlength = thumb_length;
0548                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tflip = 0xffff;
0549                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tmisc = (3 << 5) | 8; // 3 samples/8 bps
0550                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].twidth = (xdata[22] << 8) + xdata[23];
0551                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].theight = (xdata[24] << 8) + xdata[25];
0552                         imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount++;
0553                     }
0554                 }
0556             }
0557         }
0558         fseek(ifp, tt, SEEK_SET);
0559     }
0561     if (!strcmp(nmAtom, "trak"))
0562     {
0563       nTrack++;
0564       TrackType = 0;
0565       if (nTrack >= LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT)
0566         break;
0567     }
0568     if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuid"))
0569     {
0570       lHdr = 16ULL;
0571       fread(UIID, 1, lHdr, ifp);
0572       if (!strncmp(UIID, UIID_Canon, lHdr))
0573       {
0574         AtomType = 1;
0575       }
0576       else
0577         fseek(ifp, -lHdr, SEEK_CUR);
0578     }
0579     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuidCCTP"))
0580     {
0581       lHdr = 12ULL;
0582     }
0583     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuidCMT1"))
0584     {
0585       short q_order = order;
0586       order = get2();
0587       if ((tL != 4) || bad_hdr())
0588       {
0589         err = -4;
0590         goto fin;
0591       }
0592       if (!libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.cr3_ifd0_length)
0593         libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.cr3_ifd0_length = unsigned(szAtomContent);
0594       parse_tiff_ifd(oAtomContent);
0595       order = q_order;
0596     }
0597     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuidTHMB") && szAtom > 24)
0598     {
0599         unsigned char xdata[16];
0600         fread(xdata, 16, 1, ifp);
0601         INT64 xoffset = ftell(ifp);
0602         if (imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount < LIBRAW_THUMBNAIL_MAXCOUNT)
0603         {
0604             bool do_add = true;
0605             for (int idx = 0; idx < imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount; idx++)
0606                 if (imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].toffset == xoffset)
0607                 {
0608                     do_add = false;
0609                     break;
0610                 }
0611             if (do_add)
0612             {
0613               int idx = imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount;
0614               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tformat = LIBRAW_INTERNAL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG;
0615               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].toffset = xoffset;
0616               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tlength = szAtom-24;
0617               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tflip = 0xffff;
0618               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].tmisc = (3 << 5) | 8; // 3 samples/8 bps
0619               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].twidth = (xdata[4] << 8) + xdata[5];
0620               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumblist[idx].theight = (xdata[6] << 8) + xdata[7];
0621               imgdata.thumbs_list.thumbcount++;
0622             }
0623         }
0624     }
0625     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuidCMT2"))
0626     {
0627         short q_order = order;
0628         order = get2();
0629         if ((tL != 4) || bad_hdr())
0630         {
0631             err = -5;
0632             goto fin;
0633         }
0634         if (!libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.cr3_exif_length)
0635             libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.cr3_exif_length = unsigned(szAtomContent); 
0636       parse_exif(oAtomContent);
0637       order = q_order;
0638     }
0639     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuidCMT3"))
0640     {
0641       short q_order = order;
0642       order = get2();
0643       if ((tL != 4) || bad_hdr())
0644       {
0645         err = -6;
0646         goto fin;
0647       }
0648       fseek(ifp, -12L, SEEK_CUR);
0649       parse_makernote(oAtomContent, 0);
0650       order = q_order;
0651     }
0652     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovuuidCMT4"))
0653     {
0654       short q_order = order;
0655       order = get2();
0656       if ((tL != 4) || bad_hdr())
0657       {
0658         err = -6;
0659         goto fin;
0660       }
0661       INT64 off = ftell(ifp);
0662       parse_gps(oAtomContent);
0663       fseek(ifp, off, SEEK_SET);
0664       parse_gps_libraw(oAtomContent);
0665       order = q_order;
0666     }
0667     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiahdlr"))
0668     {
0669       fseek(ifp, 8L, SEEK_CUR);
0670       FORC4 HandlerType[c] = fgetc(ifp);
0671       for (c = 1; c < int(sizeof sHandlerType / sizeof *sHandlerType); c++)
0672         if (!strcmp(HandlerType, sHandlerType[c]))
0673         {
0674           TrackType = c;
0675           break;
0676         }
0677     }
0678     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsd"))
0679     {
0680       if (szAtomContent >= 16)
0681       {
0682         fseek(ifp, 12L, SEEK_CUR);
0683         lHdr = 8;
0684       }
0685       else
0686       {
0687         err = -7;
0688         goto fin;
0689       }
0690       FORC4 MediaFormatID[c] = fgetc(ifp);
0691       if ((TrackType == 2) && (!strcmp(MediaFormatID, "CRAW")))
0692       {
0693         if (szAtomContent >= 44)
0694           fseek(ifp, 24L, SEEK_CUR);
0695         else
0696         {
0697           err = -8;
0698           goto fin;
0699         }
0700       }
0701       else
0702       {
0703         AtomType = 2; // only continue for CRAW
0704         lHdr = 0;
0705       }
0706 #define current_track libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[nTrack]
0708       /*ImageWidth =*/ get2();
0709       /*ImageHeight =*/ get2();
0710     }
0711     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsdCRAW"))
0712     {
0713       lHdr = 82;
0714     }
0715     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsdCRAWCMP1"))
0716     {
0717       int read_size = szAtomContent > 85 ? 85 : szAtomContent;
0718       if (szAtomContent >= 40)
0719         fread(CMP1, 1, read_size, ifp);
0720       else
0721       {
0722         err = -7;
0723         goto fin;
0724       }
0725       if (!crxParseImageHeader(CMP1, nTrack, read_size))
0726         current_track.MediaType = 1;
0727     }
0729     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsdCRAWCDI1")) {
0730       if (szAtomContent >= 60) {
0731         fread(CDI1, 1, 60, ifp);
0732         if (!strncmp((char *)CDI1+8, "IAD1", 4) && (sgetn(8, CDI1) == 0x38)) {
0733           // sensor area at CDI1+12, 4 16-bit values
0734           // Bayer pattern? - next 4 16-bit values
0735           imCanon.RecommendedImageArea = sget_CanonArea(CDI1+12 + 2*4*2);
0736           imCanon.LeftOpticalBlack     = sget_CanonArea(CDI1+12 + 3*4*2);
0737           imCanon.UpperOpticalBlack    = sget_CanonArea(CDI1+12 + 4*4*2);
0738           imCanon.ActiveArea           = sget_CanonArea(CDI1+12 + 5*4*2);
0739         }
0740       }
0741     }
0743     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsdCRAWJPEG"))
0744     {
0745       current_track.MediaType = 2;
0746     }
0747     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsc"))
0748     {
0749       if (szAtomContent >= 12) {
0750         fseek(ifp, 4L, SEEK_CUR);
0751         int entries = get4();
0752         if (entries < 1 || entries > 1000000)
0753         {
0754           err =  -9;
0755           goto fin;
0756         }
0758         current_track.stsc_data = (crx_sample_to_chunk_t*) malloc(entries * sizeof(crx_sample_to_chunk_t));
0759         if(!current_track.stsc_data)
0760         {
0761           err =  -9;
0762           goto fin;
0763         }
0764         current_track.stsc_count = entries;
0765         for(int i = 0; i < entries; i++)
0766         {
0767           current_track.stsc_data[i].first = get4();
0768           current_track.stsc_data[i].count = get4();
0769           current_track.stsc_data[i].id = get4();
0770         }
0771       }
0772     }
0773     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblstsz"))
0774     {
0775       if (szAtomContent >= 12)
0776       {
0777         fseek(ifp, 4L, SEEK_CUR);
0778         int sample_size = get4();
0779         int entries = get4();
0780         current_track.sample_count = entries;
0782         // if sample size is zero sample size is fixed
0783         if (sample_size)
0784         {
0785            current_track.MediaSize = sample_size;
0786            current_track.sample_size = sample_size;
0787         }
0788         else
0789         {
0790           current_track.sample_size = 0;
0791           if (entries < 1 || entries > 1000000) {
0792             err = -10;
0793             goto fin;
0794           }
0795           current_track.sample_sizes = (int32_t*)malloc(entries * sizeof(int32_t));
0796           if (!current_track.sample_sizes)
0797           {
0798             err = -10;
0799             goto fin;
0800           }
0801           for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++)
0802             current_track.sample_sizes[i] = get4();
0804           current_track.MediaSize = current_track.sample_sizes[0];
0805         }
0806       }
0807     }
0808     else if (!strcmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstblco64"))
0809     {
0810       if (szAtomContent >= 16) {
0811         fseek(ifp, 4L, SEEK_CUR);
0812         uint32_t entries = get4();
0813         int i;
0814         if (entries < 1 || entries > 1000000)
0815         {
0816           err = -11;
0817           goto fin;
0818         }
0819         current_track.chunk_offsets = (INT64*)malloc(entries * sizeof(int64_t));
0820         if(!current_track.chunk_offsets)
0821         {
0822           err = -11;
0823           goto fin;
0824         }
0826         current_track.chunk_count = entries;
0827         for (i = 0; i < entries; i++)
0828           current_track.chunk_offsets[i] = (((int64_t)get4()) << 32) | get4();
0830         current_track.chunk_count = i;
0831         current_track.MediaOffset =  current_track.chunk_offsets[0];
0832       }
0833     }
0835     if (nTrack >= 0 && nTrack < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT &&
0836         current_track.MediaSize && current_track.MediaOffset &&
0837         ((oAtom + szAtom) >= (oAtomList + szAtomList)) &&
0838         !strncmp(AtomNameStack, "moovtrakmdiaminfstbl", 20))
0839     {
0840       if ((TrackType == 4) && (!strcmp(MediaFormatID, "CTMD")))
0841       {
0842         current_track.MediaType = 3;
0843       }
0844     }
0845 #undef current_track
0846     if (AtomType == 1)
0847     {
0848       err = parseCR3(oAtomContent + lHdr, szAtomContent - lHdr, nesting,
0849                      AtomNameStack, nTrack, TrackType);
0850       if (err)
0851         goto fin;
0852     }
0853     oAtom += szAtom;
0854   }
0856 fin:
0857   nesting--;
0858   if (nesting >= 0)
0859     AtomNameStack[nesting * 4] = '\0';
0860   order = s_order;
0861   return err;
0862 }
0863 #undef bad_hdr
0865 void LibRaw::parseCR3_Free()
0866 {
0867   short maxTrack = libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_count;
0868   if (maxTrack < 0)
0869     return;
0871   for (int i = 0; i <= maxTrack && i < LIBRAW_CRXTRACKS_MAXCOUNT; i++)
0872   {
0873     crx_data_header_t *d = &libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_header[i];
0874     if (d->stsc_data)
0875     {
0876       free(d->stsc_data);
0877       d->stsc_data = NULL;
0878     }
0879     if (d->chunk_offsets)
0880     {
0881       free(d->chunk_offsets);
0882       d->chunk_offsets = NULL;
0883     }
0885     if (d->sample_sizes)
0886     {
0887       free(d->sample_sizes);
0888       d->sample_sizes = NULL;
0889     }
0890     d->stsc_count   = 0;
0891     d->sample_count = 0;
0892     d->sample_size  = 0;
0893     d->chunk_count  = 0;
0894   }
0895   libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.crx_track_count = -1;
0896 }