File indexing completed on 2025-01-05 03:56:43

0001 /* ============================================================
0002  *
0003  * This file is a part of digiKam project
0004  *
0005  *
0006  * Date        : 2006-02-08
0007  * Description : A tab to display import item information
0008  *
0009  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2024 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
0010  *
0011  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0012  *
0013  * ============================================================ */
0015 #include "importitempropertiestab.h"
0017 // Qt includes
0019 #include <QStyle>
0020 #include <QFile>
0021 #include <QGridLayout>
0022 #include <QApplication>
0023 #include <QIcon>
0024 #include <QMimeType>
0025 #include <QMimeDatabase>
0026 #include <QLocale>
0028 // KDE includes
0030 #include <klocalizedstring.h>
0032 // Local includes
0034 #include "itempropertiestxtlabel.h"
0035 #include "dlayoutbox.h"
0036 #include "itempropertiestab.h"
0038 namespace Digikam
0039 {
0041 class Q_DECL_HIDDEN ImportItemPropertiesTab::Private
0042 {
0043 public:
0045     explicit Private()
0046       : file                        (nullptr),
0047         folder                      (nullptr),
0048         date                        (nullptr),
0049         size                        (nullptr),
0050         isReadable                  (nullptr),
0051         isWritable                  (nullptr),
0052         mime                        (nullptr),
0053         dimensions                  (nullptr),
0054         ratio                       (nullptr),
0055         newFileName                 (nullptr),
0056         downloaded                  (nullptr),
0057         make                        (nullptr),
0058         model                       (nullptr),
0059         photoDate                   (nullptr),
0060         lens                        (nullptr),
0061         aperture                    (nullptr),
0062         focalLength                 (nullptr),
0063         exposureTime                (nullptr),
0064         sensitivity                 (nullptr),
0065         exposureMode                (nullptr),
0066         flash                       (nullptr),
0067         whiteBalance                (nullptr),
0068         labelFile                   (nullptr),
0069         labelFolder                 (nullptr),
0070         labelFileIsReadable         (nullptr),
0071         labelFileIsWritable         (nullptr),
0072         labelFileDate               (nullptr),
0073         labelFileSize               (nullptr),
0074         labelImageMime              (nullptr),
0075         labelImageDimensions        (nullptr),
0076         labelImageRatio             (nullptr),
0077         labelNewFileName            (nullptr),
0078         labelAlreadyDownloaded      (nullptr),
0079         labelPhotoMake              (nullptr),
0080         labelPhotoModel             (nullptr),
0081         labelPhotoDateTime          (nullptr),
0082         labelPhotoLens              (nullptr),
0083         labelPhotoAperture          (nullptr),
0084         labelPhotoFocalLength       (nullptr),
0085         labelPhotoExposureTime      (nullptr),
0086         labelPhotoSensitivity       (nullptr),
0087         labelPhotoExposureMode      (nullptr),
0088         labelPhotoFlash             (nullptr),
0089         labelPhotoWhiteBalance      (nullptr),
0090         aspectRatio                 (nullptr),
0091         duration                    (nullptr),
0092         frameRate                   (nullptr),
0093         videoCodec                  (nullptr),
0094         audioBitRate                (nullptr),
0095         audioChannelType            (nullptr),
0096         audioCodec                  (nullptr),
0097         labelVideoAspectRatio       (nullptr),
0098         labelVideoDuration          (nullptr),
0099         labelVideoFrameRate         (nullptr),
0100         labelVideoVideoCodec        (nullptr),
0101         labelVideoAudioBitRate      (nullptr),
0102         labelVideoAudioChannelType  (nullptr),
0103         labelVideoAudioCodec        (nullptr)
0104     {
0105     }
0107     DTextLabelName*  file;
0108     DTextLabelName*  folder;
0109     DTextLabelName*  date;
0110     DTextLabelName*  size;
0111     DTextLabelName*  isReadable;
0112     DTextLabelName*  isWritable;
0113     DTextLabelName*  mime;
0114     DTextLabelName*  dimensions;
0115     DTextLabelName*  ratio;
0116     DTextLabelName*  newFileName;
0117     DTextLabelName*  downloaded;
0119     DTextLabelName*  make;
0120     DTextLabelName*  model;
0121     DTextLabelName*  photoDate;
0122     DTextLabelName*  lens;
0123     DTextLabelName*  aperture;
0124     DTextLabelName*  focalLength;
0125     DTextLabelName*  exposureTime;
0126     DTextLabelName*  sensitivity;
0127     DTextLabelName*  exposureMode;
0128     DTextLabelName*  flash;
0129     DTextLabelName*  whiteBalance;
0131     DTextLabelValue* labelFile;
0132     DTextLabelValue* labelFolder;
0133     DTextLabelValue* labelFileIsReadable;
0134     DTextLabelValue* labelFileIsWritable;
0135     DTextLabelValue* labelFileDate;
0136     DTextLabelValue* labelFileSize;
0137     DTextLabelValue* labelImageMime;
0138     DTextLabelValue* labelImageDimensions;
0139     DTextLabelValue* labelImageRatio;
0140     DTextLabelValue* labelNewFileName;
0141     DTextLabelValue* labelAlreadyDownloaded;
0143     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoMake;
0144     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoModel;
0145     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoDateTime;
0146     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoLens;
0147     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoAperture;
0148     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoFocalLength;
0149     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoExposureTime;
0150     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoSensitivity;
0151     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoExposureMode;
0152     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoFlash;
0153     DTextLabelValue* labelPhotoWhiteBalance;
0155     DTextLabelName*  aspectRatio;
0156     DTextLabelName*  duration;
0157     DTextLabelName*  frameRate;
0158     DTextLabelName*  videoCodec;
0159     DTextLabelName*  audioBitRate;
0160     DTextLabelName*  audioChannelType;
0161     DTextLabelName*  audioCodec;
0163     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoAspectRatio;
0164     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoDuration;
0165     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoFrameRate;
0166     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoVideoCodec;
0167     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoAudioBitRate;
0168     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoAudioChannelType;
0169     DTextLabelValue* labelVideoAudioCodec;
0170 };
0172 ImportItemPropertiesTab::ImportItemPropertiesTab(QWidget* const parent)
0173     : DExpanderBox(parent),
0174       d           (new Private)
0175 {
0176     setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken);
0177     setLineWidth(style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth));
0179     // --------------------------------------------------
0181     const int spacing         = qMin(QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing),
0182                              QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing));
0184     QWidget* w1               = new QWidget(this);
0185     QGridLayout* glay1        = new QGridLayout(w1);
0187     d->file                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "File: "),         w1);
0188     d->folder                 = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Folder: "),       w1);
0189     d->date                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Date: "),         w1);
0190     d->size                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Size: "),         w1);
0191     d->isReadable             = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Readable: "),     w1);
0192     d->isWritable             = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Writable: "),     w1);
0193     d->mime                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Type: "),         w1);
0194     d->dimensions             = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Dimensions: "),   w1);
0195     d->ratio                  = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Aspect Ratio: "), w1);
0196     d->newFileName            = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "New Name: "),     w1);
0197     d->downloaded             = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Downloaded: "),   w1);
0199     d->labelFile              = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0200     d->labelFolder            = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0201     d->labelFileDate          = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0202     d->labelFileSize          = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0203     d->labelFileIsReadable    = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0204     d->labelFileIsWritable    = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0205     d->labelImageMime         = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0206     d->labelImageDimensions   = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0207     d->labelImageRatio        = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0208     d->labelNewFileName       = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0209     d->labelAlreadyDownloaded = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w1);
0211     glay1->addWidget(d->file,                   0,  0, 1, 1);
0212     glay1->addWidget(d->labelFile,              0,  1, 1, 1);
0213     glay1->addWidget(d->folder,                 1,  0, 1, 1);
0214     glay1->addWidget(d->labelFolder,            1,  1, 1, 1);
0215     glay1->addWidget(d->date,                   2,  0, 1, 1);
0216     glay1->addWidget(d->labelFileDate,          2,  1, 1, 1);
0217     glay1->addWidget(d->size,                   3,  0, 1, 1);
0218     glay1->addWidget(d->labelFileSize,          3,  1, 1, 1);
0219     glay1->addWidget(d->isReadable,             4,  0, 1, 1);
0220     glay1->addWidget(d->labelFileIsReadable,    4,  1, 1, 1);
0221     glay1->addWidget(d->isWritable,             5,  0, 1, 1);
0222     glay1->addWidget(d->labelFileIsWritable,    5,  1, 1, 1);
0223     glay1->addWidget(d->mime,                   6,  0, 1, 1);
0224     glay1->addWidget(d->labelImageMime,         6,  1, 1, 1);
0225     glay1->addWidget(d->dimensions,             7,  0, 1, 1);
0226     glay1->addWidget(d->labelImageDimensions,   7,  1, 1, 1);
0227     glay1->addWidget(d->ratio,                  8,  0, 1, 1);
0228     glay1->addWidget(d->labelImageRatio,        8,  1, 1, 1);
0229     glay1->addWidget(d->newFileName,            9,  0, 1, 1);
0230     glay1->addWidget(d->labelNewFileName,       9,  1, 1, 1);
0231     glay1->addWidget(d->downloaded,             10, 0, 1, 1);
0232     glay1->addWidget(d->labelAlreadyDownloaded, 10, 1, 1, 1);
0233     glay1->setColumnStretch(1, 10);
0234     glay1->setContentsMargins(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing);
0235     glay1->setSpacing(0);
0237     addItem(w1, QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("dialog-information")),
0238             i18nc("@title", "Camera File Properties"), QLatin1String("FileProperties"), true);
0240     // --------------------------------------------------
0242     QWidget* w2               = new QWidget(this);
0243     QGridLayout* glay2        = new QGridLayout(w2);
0245     d->make                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Make: "),          w2);
0246     d->model                  = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Model: "),         w2);
0247     d->photoDate              = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Created: "),       w2);
0248     d->lens                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Lens: "),          w2);
0249     d->aperture               = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Aperture: "),      w2);
0250     d->focalLength            = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Focal: "),         w2);
0251     d->exposureTime           = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Exposure: "),      w2);
0252     d->sensitivity            = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Sensitivity: "),   w2);
0253     d->exposureMode           = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Mode/Program: "),  w2);
0254     d->flash                  = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Flash: "),         w2);
0255     d->whiteBalance           = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "White balance: "), w2);
0257     d->labelPhotoMake         = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0258     d->labelPhotoModel        = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0259     d->labelPhotoDateTime     = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0260     d->labelPhotoLens         = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0261     d->labelPhotoAperture     = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0262     d->labelPhotoFocalLength  = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0263     d->labelPhotoExposureTime = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0264     d->labelPhotoSensitivity  = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0265     d->labelPhotoExposureMode = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0266     d->labelPhotoFlash        = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0267     d->labelPhotoWhiteBalance = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w2);
0269     glay2->addWidget(d->make,                    0, 0, 1, 1);
0270     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoMake,          0, 1, 1, 1);
0271     glay2->addWidget(d->model,                   1, 0, 1, 1);
0272     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoModel,         1, 1, 1, 1);
0273     glay2->addWidget(d->photoDate,               2, 0, 1, 1);
0274     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoDateTime,      2, 1, 1, 1);
0275     glay2->addWidget(d->lens,                    3, 0, 1, 1);
0276     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoLens,          3, 1, 1, 1);
0277     glay2->addWidget(d->aperture,                4, 0, 1, 1);
0278     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoAperture,      4, 1, 1, 1);
0279     glay2->addWidget(d->focalLength,             5, 0, 1, 1);
0280     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoFocalLength,   5, 1, 1, 1);
0281     glay2->addWidget(d->exposureTime,            6, 0, 1, 1);
0282     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoExposureTime,  6, 1, 1, 1);
0283     glay2->addWidget(d->sensitivity,             7, 0, 1, 1);
0284     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoSensitivity,   7, 1, 1, 1);
0285     glay2->addWidget(d->exposureMode,            8, 0, 1, 1);
0286     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoExposureMode,  8, 1, 1, 1);
0287     glay2->addWidget(d->flash,                   9, 0, 1, 1);
0288     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoFlash,         9, 1, 1, 1);
0289     glay2->addWidget(d->whiteBalance,           10, 0, 1, 1);
0290     glay2->addWidget(d->labelPhotoWhiteBalance, 10, 1, 1, 1);
0291     glay2->setColumnStretch(1, 10);
0292     glay2->setContentsMargins(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing);
0293     glay2->setSpacing(0);
0295     addItem(w2, QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("camera-photo")),
0296             i18nc("@title", "Photograph Properties"), QLatin1String("PhotographProperties"), true);
0298     // --------------------------------------------------
0300     QWidget* const w3             = new QWidget(this);
0301     QGridLayout* const glay3      = new QGridLayout(w3);
0303     d->aspectRatio                = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Aspect Ratio: "),       w3);
0304     d->audioBitRate               = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Audio Bit Rate: "),     w3);
0305     d->audioChannelType           = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Audio Channel Type: "), w3);
0306     d->audioCodec                 = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Audio Codec: "),        w3);
0307     d->duration                   = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Duration: "),           w3);
0308     d->frameRate                  = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Frame Rate: "),         w3);
0309     d->videoCodec                 = new DTextLabelName(i18nc("@label: item properties", "Video Codec: "),        w3);
0311     d->labelVideoAspectRatio      = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0312     d->labelVideoAudioBitRate     = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0313     d->labelVideoAudioChannelType = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0314     d->labelVideoAudioCodec       = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0315     d->labelVideoDuration         = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0316     d->labelVideoFrameRate        = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0317     d->labelVideoVideoCodec       = new DTextLabelValue(QString(), w3);
0319     glay3->addWidget(d->aspectRatio,                0, 0, 1, 1);
0320     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoAspectRatio,      0, 1, 1, 1);
0321     glay3->addWidget(d->audioBitRate,               1, 0, 1, 1);
0322     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoAudioBitRate,     1, 1, 1, 1);
0323     glay3->addWidget(d->audioChannelType,           2, 0, 1, 1);
0324     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoAudioChannelType, 2, 1, 1, 1);
0325     glay3->addWidget(d->audioCodec,                 3, 0, 1, 1);
0326     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoAudioCodec,       3, 1, 1, 1);
0327     glay3->addWidget(d->duration,                   4, 0, 1, 1);
0328     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoDuration,         4, 1, 1, 1);
0329     glay3->addWidget(d->frameRate,                  5, 0, 1, 1);
0330     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoFrameRate,        5, 1, 1, 1);
0331     glay3->addWidget(d->videoCodec,                 6, 0, 1, 1);
0332     glay3->addWidget(d->labelVideoVideoCodec,       6, 1, 1, 1);
0333     glay3->setContentsMargins(spacing, spacing, spacing, spacing);
0334     glay3->setSpacing(0);
0335     glay3->setColumnStretch(1, 10);
0337     addItem(w3, QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("video-x-generic")),
0338             i18nc("@title", "Audio/Video Properties"), QLatin1String("VideoProperties"), true);
0340     // --------------------------------------------------
0342     addStretch();
0343 }
0345 ImportItemPropertiesTab::~ImportItemPropertiesTab()
0346 {
0347     delete d;
0348 }
0350 void ImportItemPropertiesTab::setCurrentItem(const CamItemInfo& itemInfo, DMetadata* const meta)
0351 {
0352     if (itemInfo.isNull())
0353     {
0354         d->labelFile->setAdjustedText(QString());
0355         d->labelFolder->setAdjustedText(QString());
0356         d->labelFileIsReadable->setAdjustedText(QString());
0357         d->labelFileIsWritable->setAdjustedText(QString());
0358         d->labelFileDate->setAdjustedText(QString());
0359         d->labelFileSize->setAdjustedText(QString());
0360         d->labelImageMime->setAdjustedText(QString());
0361         d->labelImageDimensions->setAdjustedText(QString());
0362         d->labelImageRatio->setAdjustedText(QString());
0363         d->labelNewFileName->setAdjustedText(QString());
0364         d->labelAlreadyDownloaded->setAdjustedText(QString());
0366         d->labelPhotoMake->setAdjustedText(QString());
0367         d->labelPhotoModel->setAdjustedText(QString());
0368         d->labelPhotoDateTime->setAdjustedText(QString());
0369         d->labelPhotoLens->setAdjustedText(QString());
0370         d->labelPhotoAperture->setAdjustedText(QString());
0371         d->labelPhotoFocalLength->setAdjustedText(QString());
0372         d->labelPhotoExposureTime->setAdjustedText(QString());
0373         d->labelPhotoSensitivity->setAdjustedText(QString());
0374         d->labelPhotoExposureMode->setAdjustedText(QString());
0375         d->labelPhotoFlash->setAdjustedText(QString());
0376         d->labelPhotoWhiteBalance->setAdjustedText(QString());
0378         d->labelVideoAspectRatio->setAdjustedText(QString());
0379         d->labelVideoAudioBitRate->setAdjustedText(QString());
0380         d->labelVideoAudioChannelType->setAdjustedText(QString());
0381         d->labelVideoAudioCodec->setAdjustedText(QString());
0382         d->labelVideoDuration->setAdjustedText(QString());
0383         d->labelVideoFrameRate->setAdjustedText(QString());
0384         d->labelVideoVideoCodec->setAdjustedText(QString());
0386         setEnabled(false);
0387         return;
0388     }
0390     setEnabled(true);
0392     QString str;
0393     QString unknown(QString::fromUtf8("<i>%1</i>").arg(i18nc("@info: item properties", "unknown")));
0394     QString unchanged(QString::fromUtf8("<i>%1</i>").arg(i18nc("@info: item properties", "unchanged")));
0395     QString unavailable(QString::fromUtf8("<i>%1</i>").arg(i18nc("@info: item properties", "unavailable")));
0397     // -- Camera file system information ------------------------------------------
0399     d->labelFile->setAdjustedText(;
0400     d->labelFolder->setAdjustedText(itemInfo.folder);
0402     if      (itemInfo.readPermissions < 0)
0403     {
0404         str = unknown;
0405     }
0406     else if (itemInfo.readPermissions == 0)
0407     {
0408         str = i18nc("@info: item properties", "No");
0409     }
0410     else
0411     {
0412         str = i18nc("@info: item properties", "Yes");
0413     }
0415     d->labelFileIsReadable->setAdjustedText(str);
0417     if      (itemInfo.writePermissions < 0)
0418     {
0419         str = unknown;
0420     }
0421     else if (itemInfo.writePermissions == 0)
0422     {
0423         str = i18nc("@info: item properties", "No");
0424     }
0425     else
0426     {
0427         str = i18nc("@info: item properties", "Yes");
0428     }
0430     d->labelFileIsWritable->setAdjustedText(str);
0432     if (itemInfo.ctime.isValid())
0433     {
0434         d->labelFileDate->setAdjustedText(QLocale().toString(itemInfo.ctime, QLocale::ShortFormat));
0435     }
0436     else
0437     {
0438         d->labelFileDate->setAdjustedText(unknown);
0439     }
0441     str = i18nc("@info: item size", "%1 (%2)", ItemPropertiesTab::humanReadableBytesCount(itemInfo.size), QLocale().toString(itemInfo.size));
0442     d->labelFileSize->setAdjustedText(str);
0444     // -- Image Properties --------------------------------------------------
0446     if (itemInfo.mime == QLatin1String("image/x-raw"))
0447     {
0448         d->labelImageMime->setAdjustedText(i18nc("@label", "RAW Image"));
0449     }
0450     else
0451     {
0452         QMimeType mimeType = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(itemInfo.mime);
0454         if (mimeType.isValid())
0455         {
0456             d->labelImageMime->setAdjustedText(mimeType.comment());
0457         }
0458         else
0459         {
0460             d->labelImageMime->setAdjustedText(itemInfo.mime);    // last fallback
0461         }
0462     }
0464     QString mpixels;
0465     QSize dims;
0467     if ((itemInfo.width == -1) && (itemInfo.height == -1))
0468     {
0469         // delayed loading to list faster from UMSCamera
0471         if (itemInfo.mime == QLatin1String("image/x-raw"))
0472         {
0473             dims = meta->getItemDimensions();
0474         }
0475         else
0476         {
0477             dims = meta->getPixelSize();
0478         }
0479     }
0480     else
0481     {
0482         // if available (GPCamera), take dimensions directly from itemInfo
0484         dims = QSize(itemInfo.width, itemInfo.height);
0485     }
0487     mpixels = QLocale().toString(dims.width()*dims.height()/1000000.0, 'f', 1);
0488     str = (!dims.isValid()) ? unknown : i18nc("@info: item resolution", "%1x%2 (%3Mpx)",
0489             dims.width(), dims.height(), mpixels);
0490     d->labelImageDimensions->setAdjustedText(str);
0492     if (!dims.isValid()) str = unknown;
0493     else ItemPropertiesTab::aspectRatioToString(dims.width(), dims.height(), str);
0495     d->labelImageRatio->setAdjustedText(str);
0497     // -- Download information ------------------------------------------
0499     d->labelNewFileName->setAdjustedText(itemInfo.downloadName.isEmpty() ? unchanged : itemInfo.downloadName);
0501     if (itemInfo.downloaded == CamItemInfo::DownloadUnknown)
0502     {
0503         str = unknown;
0504     }
0505     else if (itemInfo.downloaded == CamItemInfo::DownloadedYes)
0506     {
0507         str = i18nc("@info: item properties", "Yes");
0508     }
0509     else
0510     {
0511         str = i18nc("@info: item properties", "No");
0512     }
0514     d->labelAlreadyDownloaded->setAdjustedText(str);
0516     // -- Photograph information ------------------------------------------
0517     // Note: If something is changed here, please updated albumfiletip section too.
0519     PhotoInfoContainer photoInfo = meta->getPhotographInformation();
0521     if (photoInfo.isEmpty())
0522     {
0523         widget(1)->hide();
0524     }
0525     else
0526     {
0527         widget(1)->show();
0528     }
0530     ItemPropertiesTab::shortenedMakeInfo(photoInfo.make);
0531     ItemPropertiesTab::shortenedModelInfo(photoInfo.model);
0532     d->labelPhotoMake->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.make.isEmpty()   ? unavailable : photoInfo.make);
0533     d->labelPhotoModel->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.model.isEmpty() ? unavailable : photoInfo.model);
0535     if (photoInfo.dateTime.isValid())
0536     {
0537         str = QLocale().toString(photoInfo.dateTime, QLocale::ShortFormat);
0538         d->labelPhotoDateTime->setAdjustedText(str);
0539     }
0540     else
0541     {
0542         d->labelPhotoDateTime->setAdjustedText(unavailable);
0543     }
0545     d->labelPhotoLens->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.lens.isEmpty()         ? unavailable : photoInfo.lens);
0546     d->labelPhotoAperture->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.aperture.isEmpty() ? unavailable : photoInfo.aperture);
0548     if (photoInfo.focalLength35mm.isEmpty())
0549     {
0550         d->labelPhotoFocalLength->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.focalLength.isEmpty() ? unavailable : photoInfo.focalLength);
0551     }
0552     else
0553     {
0554         str = i18nc("@info: focal length", "%1 (%2)", photoInfo.focalLength, photoInfo.focalLength35mm);
0555         d->labelPhotoFocalLength->setAdjustedText(str);
0556     }
0558     d->labelPhotoExposureTime->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.exposureTime.isEmpty() ? unavailable : photoInfo.exposureTime);
0559     d->labelPhotoSensitivity->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.sensitivity.isEmpty()   ? unavailable : i18nc("@label", "%1 ISO", photoInfo.sensitivity));
0561     if (photoInfo.exposureMode.isEmpty() && photoInfo.exposureProgram.isEmpty())
0562     {
0563         d->labelPhotoExposureMode->setAdjustedText(unavailable);
0564     }
0565     else if (!photoInfo.exposureMode.isEmpty() && photoInfo.exposureProgram.isEmpty())
0566     {
0567         d->labelPhotoExposureMode->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.exposureMode);
0568     }
0569     else if (photoInfo.exposureMode.isEmpty() && !photoInfo.exposureProgram.isEmpty())
0570     {
0571         d->labelPhotoExposureMode->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.exposureProgram);
0572     }
0573     else
0574     {
0575         str = QString::fromUtf8("%1 / %2").arg(photoInfo.exposureMode).arg(photoInfo.exposureProgram);
0576         d->labelPhotoExposureMode->setAdjustedText(str);
0577     }
0579     d->labelPhotoFlash->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.flash.isEmpty()               ? unavailable : photoInfo.flash);
0580     d->labelPhotoWhiteBalance->setAdjustedText(photoInfo.whiteBalance.isEmpty() ? unavailable : photoInfo.whiteBalance);
0582     // -- Audio/Video information ------------------------------------------
0584     VideoInfoContainer videoInfo = meta->getVideoInformation();
0586     if (videoInfo.isEmpty())
0587     {
0588         widget(2)->hide();
0589     }
0590     else
0591     {
0592         widget(2)->show();
0593     }
0595     d->labelVideoAspectRatio->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.aspectRatio.isEmpty()           ? unavailable : videoInfo.aspectRatio);
0596     d->labelVideoAudioBitRate->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.audioBitRate.isEmpty()         ? unavailable : videoInfo.audioBitRate);
0597     d->labelVideoAudioChannelType->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.audioChannelType.isEmpty() ? unavailable : videoInfo.audioChannelType);
0598     d->labelVideoAudioCodec->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.audioCodec.isEmpty()             ? unavailable : videoInfo.audioCodec);
0599     d->labelVideoDuration->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.duration.isEmpty()                 ? unavailable : videoInfo.duration);
0600     d->labelVideoFrameRate->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.frameRate.isEmpty()               ? unavailable : videoInfo.frameRate);
0601     d->labelVideoVideoCodec->setAdjustedText(videoInfo.videoCodec.isEmpty()             ? unavailable : videoInfo.videoCodec);
0602 }
0604 } // namespace Digikam
0606 #include "moc_importitempropertiestab.cpp"