Warning, /graphics/digikam/core/libs/dplugins/webservices/o2/examples/sialis/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Sialis
0003 GUI demo for O2, demonstrating using O2 from QML, authenticating with Twitter and sending signed requests in order to show some tweets.
0005 To try out Sialis:
0007 1. Login to developer.twitter.com with your Twitter credentials
0008 1. Create a new application "Sialis", record its API Key and API Secret
0009    * Enable OAuth 1.0a authentication
0010    * Set the callback URI to _http://
0011 1. In _main.qml_, change the O1Twitter object's _clientId_ property to the application's API Key
0012 1. Change the _clientSecret_ property to the application's API secret
0013 1. Build and run, press the _Login_ button to log in to Twitter and show the latest tweets